This repo is my attempt at the Cloud Resume Challenge created by Forrest Brazeal. I have done this challenge in AWS cloud. The steps to the challenge are listed in the link below on Forrest's website. After I am done with the challenge I will also link my blog here in this space.
● Technologies Utilized: AWS S3, Route53, Certificates Manager, CloudFront, API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, Terraform, Terraform Cloud Git, Github, Python (Boto3), HTML, CSS, JavaScript
● Automated the backend and frontend infrastructure creation using Terraform to eliminate having manually configure the AWS resources in the AWS console.
● Styled my HTML resume with CSS using a pre-built Bootstrap template
● Deployed my HTML resume as an Amazon S3 static website.
● Used HTTPS for security and set up Amazon CloudFront.
● Pointed a custom DNS domain name to the CloudFront distribution
● Created a visitor counter using Javascript and used Amazon's DynamoDB as a database to store the visitor counter.
● Create an API using AWS's API Gateway and Lambda services.
● Leveraged Python Boto3 and Lambda to automate & serve changes to/from DynamoDB using API Gateway
● Created a GitHub repository for my back-end and front-end code.
● Cypress test for front-end website.
● Python tests for Lambda code
● Blog
● Diagram of infrastructure
Cloud Resume Challenge Official Website