- Grid
column field is undefined while using stacked headers is fixed. - Angular Grid is failed in production mode when
is set as false is fixed. Checkbox
select all is not selecting all records when batch added record is fixed.rowHeight
is not set properly when grouping column enabled is resolved.- When performing excel filter search with enter key the operators are always
is resolved. - script error throws in
event after moving from one page to another page is fixed.
- Angular Grid printing is not working properly when using ng-template is fixed.
- dialog template is not working properly when grid contains column template is fixed.
- Need to skip expand and select queries when applygroupby
is used is added.- parse error when valid
values are passed intoDataUtil.parse.parseJSON
. - field value is undefined while adding the record in batch editing when we enable checkbox selection is resolved.
- Need to provide whole dataset for the custom aggregate function when use
with no grouping is added. rowSelected
event arguments are not proper when selecting new records in batch mode is fixed.- Custom aggregate function parameters are incorrect when perform grouping with
is resolved. setCellValue
is not working for template column is fixed.- Provided separate title support for command column button.
- Excel Exporting with aggregates throws error is fixed.
- Field value is undefined while adding record in batch editing when enabling checkbox selection is fixed.
- Column chooser is overridden by search textbox due to padding top property issue is fixed.
- Rendering dropdown component in grid editing returns only the first record in the dropdown list is fixed.
- Parent grid column chooser is not opening after expanding child grid in hierarchical is resolved.
- Grid Excel export not supporting the custom date format instead of skeleton format is resolved.
- Provided support for range selection delete with Batch mode.
- Separators are not hidden in context menu is resolved.
- Using angular services to replace display values in checkbox filter is resolved.
- Prevented the grid refresh action when change the
visibility. - Changed the default values while add the empty data.
- Context menu separators are not hidden properly when open in header.
- Script error is thrown while auto fit the hierarchy grid with empty data is fixed.
- Batch changes not passed when the column is edited with spaces.
- Misalignment occurred while doing show or hide grid column with enable frozen columns is fixed.
- Support for column chooser can search with user given operators.
- Provided
as request type foractionComplete
event of bulk save. - Provided optional parameter support for
API. - Cancel icon is not clearing the searched text when externally opening column chooser fixed.
- Now row height is set in batch edit mode to avoid shrinking when not data is added.
- Foreign key column checkbox filter shows blank values resolved.
- Date value is sent to server side as empty sting instead of null value while adding the record fixed.
- Script error thrown when perform editing with command column and detail template.
- Need to retrieve the batch changes from the grid when the column is edited with spaces.
- Changing page size dropdown value destroys another grid page size dropdown resolved.
- Deleted record row objects maintains resolved.
- Resolved issue with dynamic data source change when foreign key is used.
- Added cancel event argument for search
event. ODataV4
- Excel filter now usesgroupby
to get distinct data.- Autofit columns for empty detail Grid issue is fixed.
- Initial multi-sorting icon is added incorrectly fixed.
- Validation for complex property is not added properly resolved.
- Dialog edit template support added.
- Reactive aggregate update support added.
- Date time type column filter support added.
- Windows explorer like check-box selection added.
- Expand and collapse enabled in excel exported document for grouped grid.
- Support to prevent the overriding of autofit columns by Resizing added.
- Show All option added for page size drop-down.
- Initial multi-sorting icon is added incorrectly fixed.
- Validation for complex property is not added properly resolved.
Dialog edit template support added.
Reactive aggregate update support added.
Date time type column filter support added.
Windows explorer like check-box selection added.
Expand and collapse enabled in excel exported document for grouped grid.
Support to prevent the overriding of autofit columns by Resizing added.
Show All option added for page size drop-down.
Filter template support added.
Edit template support added.
- Script error thrown with dynamic column and datasource inside the service subscription.
- Cell selection misbehaves when having both checkbox and template columns in Grid issue is fixed.
- Initial sorting and grid sorting is fixed when
property set for column. - Maximum call stack occurred when traverse through grouped hierarchy grid issue resolved.
- For remote data, while using the checkbox/excel filter, the search operator is changed to
type columns. - Previously
operator was used.
- Cursor element height set as 0 when using hidden property issue resolved.
- Updating
with URL Adaptor not working issue resolved. actionComplete
event is raised for batch save operation.
is not used when using foreign key column resolved.- Primary key column is now included in select query when using
. - Edit form is now rendered with tab key while grid is rendered inside dialog.
- Selection is now maintained while expand or collapse child grid.
- Footer aggregate is not aligned properly when apply column fit resolved.
- Batch editing tab key press prevention when grid placed inside dialog fixed.
- Unable to use
in group caption template is resolved. - Query table name is not used by grid
operations fixed. - Arguments return properly in
event. - Cancel support for
event is provided.
- Selected rows event arguments are wrong with grouping and
is resolved. - Multiple rows selecting while scrolling with grouping and
is resolved. - Provided locale string for pager All option.
- Edit parameter is not properly applied for foreign key column is resolved.
- Batch edit for Template column is fixed.
- ng-compiler for filter
property is fixed. - Operators are not maintained while filtering multiple columns with filter bar issue resolved.
- Display of raw HTML when dragging column header to group area is resolved.
- Grid displays fine when enable/disable
- Dynamic aggregate columns enabled is not working issue resolved.
- Custom aggregate is not applied in MVC
- Passed row data to checkbox filter item template.
- The locale is not properly applied for aggregates is resolved.
- Export cell object is missing on exporting query cell info event argument is resolved.
not updated the value when we use frozen columns is resolved.- Support to provide show all record option in pager dropdown.
- Format is not applying for group caption while using
- Batch confirmation dialog is not shown when we use Excel/Checkbox filter in Grid is resolved.
- Excel text filter icon does not update with localization is resolved.
- Provide
event support for getting the edited data while using batch Editing. - column size in IE when grouping is not changing like in chrome is resolved.
- Bottom rows do not get selected with Virtualization and Grouping is resolved.
- Script error thrown while refreshing grid in edit state is resolved.
- Complex data with custom excel filter throws script error is resolved.
- Invalid filtered data in
column issue resolved. - Empty Grid showed while editing request failed issue resolved.
- Prevented the script errors while destroying grid.
- Script error while rendering the grid inside a dialog issue resolved.
- Complex data with first row null value issue resolved.
- Success and fail handler triggering issue resolved.
- Additional parameter not available in menu filter issue resolved.
Group footer template shows incorrect value while using
issue fixed. -
Unable to sort when set dynamic sort settings in descending order resolved.
Footer aggregate row is not aligned properly when using child grid resolved.
In batch editing, script error occurs when focusing on grid after clicking add and cancel button fixed.
Filter icon misalignment with text wrap enabled resolved.
Selection retained after unchecking the check all checkbox with remote data source fixed.
event is not triggered for batch cancel resolved. -
Frozen content got hidden while adding new row with auto height is resolved.
Unable to use auto complete inside filter bar template resolved.
Aggregates row get misaligned while horizontal scrolling if vertical scrollbar presents resolved.
Excel filter dialog is not updated when properties updated through
issue resolved. -
Indent column disappeared when resizing the hierarchy column in Grid issue fixed.
Script error thrown when stacked header is initialized using
- edited data is not remove when we click the cancel button with frozen column feature enable.
- Complex data editing is not shown valid selector when we use frozen feature.
- Excel Filter dialog not updated while initial rendering and through
. - Localization not applied in Exporting Grid.
- Complex data binding not working properly with editing add action.
event is now trigged whenpageSize
is changed.- Provided support for optimizing frozen content height with auto wrap.
event is now trigged whenpageSize
is changed.- Group and caption aggregate is now working with
pipe. - Now grid refreshed when group and caption aggregates is emptied.
- In Remote data, the
method returns proper count withpersistSelection
enabled. - Script error thrown when set
is provided at the same time fixed.
- Memory leak issue resolved.
- Duplicate values updating in batch changes for complex property is resolved.
- Creating multiple elements while hovering for tooltip issue is resolved.
- Lint issue occurs in custom toolbar with latest typescript version is resolved.
- Undoing delete operation only restores frozen content in batch edit fixed.
- Script error thrown while deleting all records with aggregates and
is resolved. FilterBar
message is not updated while setting filter settings insetProperties
method is resolved.- Excel Filter dialog not updated while programmatically filter the column is resolved.
- With virtual scrolling grid refreshes constantly issue is resolved.
- Maximum call stack issue while filtering date column with
is resolved. - Provided locale support for custom filter labels and column chooser.
- Between operator provides incorrect result in Excel filter issue fixed.
- Content rendering delayed while using virtual scrolling with grouping when scrolling horizontally is resolved.
- The Locale properties such as
are removed instead useOKButton
- Pager Dropdown values is not updated while dynamically changing the Page size issue is resolved.
- Provide locale column format support for excel-export.
- Setting filter Properties through
method is resolved. - Changing frozen columns from null throws script error is resolved.
- Excel exporting group caption shows field name instead of header text issue is resolved.
- String values not accepted for methods from window in custom filter menu template is resolved.
- Updating column object for dynamically bounded columns.
- Grid refreshes before insert operation completed resolved.
- Grid refresh prevented when column showing or hiding dynamically through
. - Initial multi sorted column icons is ordered correctly.
- Removed filter bar border when using compatibility theme.
- Provide complex data editing support.
- Grouping with search always shown the spinner when data source has no value is resolved.
- Filtering the column while field has underscore value is resolved.
- Aggregate returns the null value when grouped has no aggregate field is resolved.
- Header text shown along with header template is resolved.
- Column properties is not persisted after reordering columns resolved.
has included inrowSelecting
event while select the rows through method and user interaction.
has included inrowSelecting
event.- Dynamically changing filter settings does not update
value and filter status message is resolved. - Batch edit should close on clicking outside grid and on pressing enter or tab key is resolved.
method is provided for Normal editing and Dialog editing.- Duplicate columns added in group drop area issue resolved.
- Minimum height for edit dialog is provided.
- Identity column is not disabled when adding resolved.
- Script error thrown when destroy the Grid with custom toolbar template issue resolved.
- Batch editing save action shows empty grid issue resolved.
is not changed in remote data editing issue resolved.
- New Excel like column filtering option is added.
- Added Look-up table or foreign key data binding to grid column.
- Row height adjustment feature added.
- Angular and React
issue resolved.
- All grid enum property values are changed from camel casing to pascal casing. Please refer the below link for complete API changes from
. - Migration.
- Exporting is working fine with template column.
- Aggregate with frozen columns scroller is working fine
- Renamed event
- Child Grid editing dialog closes when clicking on edit element.
- Printing window is blocking by browser and column hiding.
method returns selected records properly with checkbox persist selection fixed.- Aggregate with frozen columns scroller is working fine.
- Disable edit, delete button when Grid is empty.
is not showing in Command Column.- Grid Validation message is not shown in EJ2 compatibility theme.
- Checkbox selection fixes with virtual scrolling.
- Provide support to add row with rowindex in AddRecord method.
- Validation error message partially hidden when grid has single record in add and update action.
- Two way binding for headers on grid not working.
- Child grid collapses after save operation fixed.
- Checkbox column binding with data source is not working fixed.
- Misalignment occurs in frozen columns without height property fixed.
argument added in export methods to get blob data export complete events.
- Check Select all not working when refreshing the Grid header in run time.
- Column chooser throws script error in IE 11 while destroying the component.
- Column checkbox filtering shows no records while grid have menu filtering.
- Filter menu clear action throws script error with column menu.
- Add row misaligns with header when grid has hidden columns.
- Support for
event for template column. - Date filtering request pass as string when reloading.
- Script error on add record by hidden column.
- Row deselect event not fires in check box selection.
- Sorting and grouping failed on complex data.
- Last and next page options are enabled when data source is empty.
- Default cursor not displayed after invoke grid refresh method.
- Added typing file for ES5 global scripts (
- Modified the module bundle file name for ES6 bundling.
- Header content is not scrolling while adding a record in empty Grid.
not working for numeric values.- Filtered value not persisting in filter menu with date picker.
- Reordering with filter menu throws script error.
- Exporting Grouped Grid with Header not working.
event added.
- Grid height 100% is not working fixed.
- Now
module must be injected to use column chooser feature.
- Script error when exporting with Custom aggregate fixed.
- State persistence in angular is not working fixed.
- Exporting with stacked header is not working fixed.
- Alignment issue with checkbox column fixed.
- Cancelling edit with edit Template fixed.
- Stacked header alignment issue fixed.
- Disabling Edit confirm dialog is not working issue fixed.
- Script error throws when save the record after edit in IE11 fixed.
- Editing not working after batch save in action begin event fixed.
- Deleting unsaved record throws Script error fixed.
- Column format is not applied when type is specified fixed
- Value search in checkbox filter is not worked for complex binding fixed
- Editing is not worked with stacked header fixed
- Numeric Edit column didn't get modified value when Enter key press fixed
- Null shows as date value in date type column fixed
- Edit Confirm Dialog is not working properly in batch edit mode fixed
- Script error resolved when exporting Grid data.
- Provided filter
support fortemplate
columns. - Localization is not found for
filter menu issue fixed.
support for toolbar items provided.- Edit state not changed when changing
issue fixed. - Duplicate service injection in React fixed.
Grid component is used to display and manipulate tabular data with configuration options to control the way the data is presented and manipulated.
- Data sources - Bind the Grid component with an array of JavaScript objects or DataManager.
- Sorting and grouping - Supports n levels of sorting and grouping.
- Selection - Provides the option to select the grid rows single or multiple.
- Filtering - Offers filter bar or menu , or checkbox at each column to filter data.
- Editing - Provides the options to dynamically insert, delete and update records.
- Virtualization - Provides the options to load large amount of data without performance degradation.
- Aggregates - Provides built in types are sum , average, min, max, count.
- Paging - Provides the option to easily switch between pages using the pager bar.
- Reordering - Allows you to drag any column and drop it at any position in the Grid’s column header row, allowing columns to be repositioned.
- Resize - Allow you to resize the grid column width dynamically.
- Frozen Rows And Columns - Provides the options to freeze certain rows or columns to scroll remaining movable content.
- Clipboard - Provides an option to copy selected rows or cells data into clipboard.
- Column Spanning - Provides an option to allows to span the multiple adjacent cells.
- Stacked Header - It can be stacked or grouped in order to show multiple level of column headers.
- Hierarchy Grid - It is used to display table data in hierarchical structure which can show or hide by clicking on expand or collapse button.
- Print and Exporting - Provides the option to print and exporting grid records.
- RTL - Provides a full-fledged right-to-left mode which aligns content in the Grid component from right to left.
- Localization - Provides inherent support to localize the UI.