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Import data workflow

This document describes import data workflow, with hooks that enable customization of import process.

import_data method arguments

import_data method of :class:`import_export.resources.Resource` class is responsible for import data from given dataset.

import_data expect following arguments:

REQUIRED. should be Tablib Dataset object with header row.
If True, import should not change database. Default is False.
If True, import should raise errors. Default is False, which means that eventual errors and traceback will be saved in Result instance.

import_data method workflow

  1. import_data intialize new :class:`import_export.results.Result` instance. Result instance holds errors and other information gathered during import.

  2. InstanceLoader responsible for loading existing instances is intitalized.

    Different InstanceLoader class can be specified with instance_loader_class option of :class:`import_export.resources.ResourceOptions`.

    :class:`import_export.instance_loaders.CachedInstanceLoader` can be used to reduce number of database queries.

    See :mod:`import_export.instance_loaders` for available implementations.

  3. import_data calls the before_import hook method which by default does not do anything but can be overriden to customize the import process. The method receives the dataset and dry_run arguments.

  4. Process each row in dataset

    1. get_or_init_instance method is called with current InstanceLoader and current row returning object instance and Boolean variable that indicates if object instance is new.

      get_or_init_instance tries to load instance for current row or calls init_instance to init object if object does not exists yet.

      Default ModelResource.init_instance initialize Django Model without arguments. You can override init_instance method to manipulate how new objects are initialized (ie: to set default values).

    2. for_delete method is called to determine if current instance should be deleted:

      1. current instance is deleted


      1. import_obj method is called with the current object instance and current row and dry run arguments.

        import_obj loop through all Resource fields, skipping many to many fields and calls import_field for each. (Many to many fields require that instance have a primary key, this is why assigning them is postponed, after object is saved).

        import_field calls method, if field has both attribute and field column_name exists in given row.

      2. skip_row method is called with current object instance and original object original to determine if the row should be skipped

        1. row_result.import_type is set to IMPORT_TYPE_SKIP


        1. save_instance method is called.

          save_instance receives dry_run argument and actually saves

          instance only when dry_run is False.

          save_instance calls two hooks methods that by default does not do anything but can be overriden to customize import process:

          • before_save_instance
          • after_save_instance

          Both methods receive instance and dry_run arguments.

        1. save_m2m method is called to save many to many fields.
    3. RowResult is assigned with diff between original and imported

      object fields as well as import type(new, updated, skipped).

      If exception is raised inside row processing, and raise_errors is False (default), traceback is appended to RowResult.

      If the row was not skipped or the Resource is configured to report skipped rows the RowResult is appended to the result

  5. result is returned.

Transaction support

If transaction support is enabled, whole import process is wrapped inside transaction and rollbacked or committed respectively. All methods called from inside of import_data (create / delete / update) receive False for dry_run argument.