###09 循环操作 ###09 Loop operation
avalon2的循环指令的用法完全改变了。avalon最早期从knockout那样抄来ms-each,ms-with,分别用于数组循环与对象循环。它们都是针对元素内容进行循环。后来又从angular那里抄来了ms-repeat, 这是循环元素内部的。
The use of the loop directive for avalon2 has changed completely. Avalon earliest from the knockout copied to ms-each, ms-with
, respectively, for the array loop and object loop. They are for the elements of the content cycle. Later, from the angular copied to the ms-repeat
, which is the internal elements of the cycle.
到avalon2,这三个指令合并成一个ms-for指令 ,用法与angular更相似,但没有$index, $last, $first, $middle.
To avalon2, these three instructions are merged into an ms-for command that is more similar to angular, but not $index
, $last
, $first
, $middle
If you want to get an array element or object key value, specify a new variable before the in
<div ms-for="el in @arrayOrObject">{{el}}</div>
If you want to specify the array index value or the key name of the object, you need to add a parenthesis
<div ms-for="(index,el) in @arrayOrObject">{{el}}</div>
我们可以用limitBy, filterBy, orderBy, selectBy过滤器生成新的循环体
We can use the limitBy
, filterBy
, orderBy
, selectBy
filter to generate a new loop body
<div ms-for="(index,el) in @arrayOrObject | filterBy('name')">{{el}}</div>
If we use the limitBy
filter, then the length of the array or the size of the object will become smaller, then we now do not know the length, so we need another variable reference new object array
<div ms-for="(index,el) in @arrayOrObject as newArray| filterBy('name')">{{el}}::{{newArray.length}}</div>
如果想实现之前的$fist, $last效果,那就需要用到js指令
If you want to achieve before the $fist
, $last
effect, it needs to use js instructions
<div ms-for="(index,el) in @arrayOrObject as newArray| filterBy('name')">
<!--ms-js:var $first = $index === 0 -->
<!--ms-js:var $last = $index === new Array -2 -->
而avalon2是没有像angular那样的ng-repeat-start, ng-repeat-end这样圈 定某个范围的辅助指令。换言之,不能像ms-repeat那样循环多个元素。
This is the first time we have seen the existence of instructions to note the node. In essence, the value of ms-if
is false, and the comment node created is a commented instruction.
And avalon2 is not as angular as the ng-repeat-start
, ng-repeat-end
this delineation of a range of auxiliary instructions. In other words, you can not loop multiple elements like ms-repeat
At this point we need to understand its internal mechanisms. This ms-for directive, which exists as an element attribute, is translated into an ms-for
instruction that exists as an annotation node.
<div class='panel' ms-for="($index, el) in @array">{{el}}::{{$index}}</div>
Equivalent to
<!--ms-for:($index,el) in @array-->
<div class='panel'>{{el}}::{{$index}}</div>
This is a little complicated, but it can solve the problem of looping multiple elements
<!--ms-for:($index,el) in @array-->
Note that the avalon2 monitor array has removed the
method, and because of the internal use of the virtual DOM, you can use@array.length
to know the current length.
avalon2也没有angular的track by机制,或像React那样强制使用key.这种为优化排序性能的方法,avalon内部帮你搞定,就不需要你多写什么了。
Avalon2 no angular track by mechanism, or as React as mandatory use key. This sort of performance optimization methods, avalon internal help you get, you do not need to write anything.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script src="./dist/avalon.js" ></script>
var vm = avalon.define({
$id: "test",
array: ["aaa","bbb","ccc"]
vm.array = ['ccc','dd1','dd2','dd3']
<body ms-controller="test">
<li ms-for="($index, el) in @array">{{el}} --- {{$index}}</li>
Let us look at how to cycle two-dimensional array
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script src="./dist/avalon.js" ></script>
var vm = avalon.define({
$id: "test",
array: [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]
vm.array.set(0, [13,14,15,16])
<body ms-controller="test">
<table border="1">
<tr ms-for="($index, el) in @array">
<td ms-for="elem in el">{{elem}} 它位于第<b style="color:orchid">{{$index}}</b>行</td>
Release node, you will also find similar things used angular, which is convenient for these elements of the framework of the order of additions and deletions designed. Do not manually remove them.
Let us look at a classic example of how to manipulate the array for the list to add or remove an item! In addition, we can also control here to see how avalon1 is achieved, you will understand avalon2 great advantage in this area and convenience.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script src="./dist/avalon.js" ></script>
var definition = {
$id: 'test',
array: ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
removeAt: function (e) {
var elem = e.target
if (isFinite(elem.value)) {//this为input元素
var a = ~~elem.value
elem.value = ''
'push,unshift,remove,ensure'.replace(avalon.rword, function (method) {
definition[method] = function (e) {
//avalon2中,所有通过ms-on-* 及其变体绑定的事件,其this都是指向vm,
var elem = e.target
if (elem.value) {
elem.value = ''
'pop,shift,sort,reverse'.replace(avalon.rword, function (method) {
definition[method] = function (e) {
<body ms-controller="test">
push, shift, unshift, pop, slice, splice, remove, removeAt, removeAll, clear,
ensure, pushArray, sort, reverse, set
<li ms-for="($index,el) in @array">数组的第{{$index+1}}个元素为{{el}}</li>
<p>对数组进行push操作,并回车<input ms-keypress="@push | enter"></p>
<p>对数组进行unshift操作,并回车<input ms-keypress="@unshift | enter"></p>
<p>对数组进行ensure操作,并回车<input ms-keypress="@ensure | enter"><br/>
<p>对数组进行remove操作,并回车<input ms-keypress="@remove | enter"></p>
<p>对数组进行removeAt操作,并回车<input ms-keypress="@removeAt | enter"></p>
<p><button type='button' ms-click="@sort">对数组进行sort操作</button></p>
<p><button type='button' ms-click="@reverse">对数组进行reverse操作</button></p>
<p><button type='button' ms-click="@shift">对数组进行shift操作</button></p>
<p><button type='button' ms-click="@pop">对数组进行pop操作</button></p>
<p>当前数组的长度为<span style="color:red">{{@array.length}}</span>。</p>
Finally, we come to a practical example of the form. Before avalon large table rendering performance problems, and now greatly improved.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>TODO supply a title</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src="./dist/avalon.js"></script>
var vm = avalon.define({
$id: 'for3',
header: ['name','age','sex'],
list: []
var sexMap = {
true: "男",
false: "女"
function genData(n){
var ret = []
for(var i =0 ; i< n; i++){
name: Math.random(),
age: 3+ Math.ceil((Math.random() *30)),
sex: sexMap[1-Math.random() > 0.5],
desc: Math.random()
return ret
var t1 = Date.now();
vm.list = genData(100)
console.log('total ' + (Date.now() - t1) + ' ms');
}, 70);
<div ms-controller='for3' >
<table border="1">
<tr><th ms-for='el in @header'>{{el}}</th></tr>
<tr ms-for='tr in @list'>
<td ms-for='td in tr | selectBy(["name","age","sex"])' ms-attr="{align:td === 'age' ?'left':'right'}">{{td}}</td>