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#属性操作 #attributes manipulating avalon2与avalon1的属性操作虽然都是使用ms-attr,但用法完全不一样。
avalon2 and avalon1 use ms-attr to manipulate attributes,but way of useing is exactly the different.
avalon1 manipulate attributes like this

<div ms-attr-aaa='a' ms-attr-bbb='b' ms-attr-ccc='b'></div>

the grammer is


有多少个属性就写多个ms-attr-。其中不能省略。此外,还存在ms-title, ms-alt,ms-src, ms-href, ms-selected, ms-checked等等缩略写法。但估计很少人知道,到底哪些属性可以缩写,哪些不能。
you have to write ms-attr-s as many as your wanting attributes.Besides,there are ms-title, ms-alt,ms-src, ms-href, ms-selected, ms-checked ETC abbreviated writing,but barely no people can know them all very well.
avalon2 redesign this directive from the angle of easy membering using a single object to contain all of you attributes,and set a rule: only attribute values can reference @mark started VM properties。Besides,there are ms-title liked abbreviated writings no more.

或者 or ```
``` attrObj为vm的一个对象属性,但这个不太常用。或者 attrObj is an object from VM properties.Or do it like this ```
``` ms-attr直接对应一个数组。这个灵感是来自ReactNative的style指令,它们可以通过数组,传入多个样式对象………… ms-attr useing a Array.This is come from ReactNative's style diretive,it can pass multiple parameters using an Array. 不过无论你怎么搞,最后你传的东西能保持avalon内部能将它变回一个对象就行了。 Anyway,just make sure avalon can transform your data to a object and it will work. 有时你的对象很长,需要换行,avalon2也是支持的,即便你写得像以下这么恶心,avalon2还是能认出来。 Sometimes you hava many attributes and you want to wrap it,avalon2 support wraps well even in such a gross example. ``` <title>TODO supply a title</title> <script src="./dist/avalon.js"></script> <script > var vm = avalon.define({ $id: "test", title:111, src: "222", lang: 333 })
<body ms-controller="test" >
      <div  aaa='ddd' bbb=333 
            ms-attr='{title: @title,
                lang:@lang}' >{{
               @src ? 333: 'empty'
      <input ms-duplex="@src"/>

for the sake of performance,please keep ms-attr short in a single line