RxJava is still a work in progress and has a long list of work documented in the Issues.
If you wish to contribute we would ask that you:
- read Rx Design Guidelines
- review existing code and comply with existing patterns and idioms
- include unit tests
- stick to Rx contracts as defined by the Rx.Net implementation when porting operators (each issue attempts to reference the correct documentation from MSDN)
Information about licensing can be found at: CONTRIBUTING.
Two options below:
./gradlew eclipse
In Eclipse
- choose File - Import - General - Existing Projects into Workspace
- Browse to RxJava folder
- click Finish.
- Right click on the project in Package Explorer, select Properties - Java Compiler - Errors/Warnings - click Enable project specific settings.
- Still in Errors/Warnings, go to Deprecated and restricted API and set Forbidden reference (access-rules) to Warning.
You need the Gradle plugin for Eclipse installed.
In Eclipse
- choose File - Import - Gradle - Gradle Project.
- Browse to RxJava folder
- click Build Model
- select the project
- click Finish