- Introduction
- Atomics, serialization, deferred actions
- Backpressure and cancellation
- Creating operator classes
- Operator fusion
- Example implementations
Writing operators, source-like (fromEmitter
) or intermediate-like (flatMap
) has always been a hard task to do in RxJava. There are many rules to obey, many cases to consider but at the same time, many (legal) shortcuts to take to build a well performing code. Now writing an operator specifically for 2.x is 10 times harder than for 1.x. If you want to exploit all the advanced, 4th generation features, that's even 2-3 times harder on top (so 30 times harder in total).
(If you have been following my blog about RxJava internals, writing operators is maybe only 2 times harder than 1.x; some things have moved around, some tools popped up while others have been dropped but there is a relatively straight mapping from 1.x concepts and approaches to 2.x concepts and approaches.)
In this article, I'll describe the how-to's from the perspective of a developer who skipped the 1.x knowledge base and basically wants to write operators that conforms the Reactive-Streams specification as well as RxJava 2.x's own extensions and additional expectations/requirements.
Since Reactor 3 has the same architecture as RxJava 2 (no accident, I architected and contributed 80% of Reactor 3 as well) the same principles outlined in this page applies to writing operators for Reactor 3. Note however that they chose different naming and locations for their utility and support classes so you may have to search for the equivalent components.
RxJava has several hundred public classes implementing various operators and helper facilities. Since there is no way to hide these in Java 6-8, the general contract is that anything below io.reactivex.internal
is considered private and subject to change without warnings. It is not recommended to reference these in your code (unless you contribute to RxJava itself) and must be prepared that even a patch change may shuffle/rename things around in them. That being said, they usually contain valuable tools for operator builders and as such are quite attractive to use them in your custom code.
As RxJava itself has building blocks for creating reactive dataflows, its components have building blocks as well in the form of concurrency primitives and algorithms. Many refer to the book Concurrency in Practice for learning the fundamentals needed. Unfortunately, other than some explanation of the Java Memory Model, the book lacks the techniques required for developing operators for RxJava 1.x and 2.x.
If you looked at the source code of RxJava and then at Reactor 3, you might have noticed that RxJava doesn't use the
classes. The reason for this is that on certain Android devices, the runtime "messes up" the field
names and the reflection logic behind the field updaters fails to locate those fields in the operators. To avoid this we decided to only use the full AtomicX
classes (as fields or extending them).
If you target the RxJava library with your custom operator (or Android), you are encouraged to do the same. If you plan have operators running on desktop Java, feel free to use the field updaters instead.
When dealing with backpressure in Flowable
operators, one needs a way to account the downstream requests and emissions in response to those requests. For this we use a single AtomicLong
. Accounting must be atomic because requesting more and emitting items to fulfill an earlier request may happen at the same time.
The naive approach for accounting would be to simply call AtomicLong.getAndAdd()
with new requests and AtomicLong.addAndGet()
for decrementing based on how many elements were emitted.
The problem with this is that the Reactive-Streams specification declares Long.MAX_VALUE
as the upper bound for outstanding requests (interprets it as the unbounded mode) but adding two large longs may overflow the long
into a negative value. In addition, if for some reason, there are more values emitted than were requested, the subtraction may yield a negative current request value, causing crashes or hangs.
Therefore, both addition and subtraction have to be capped at Long.MAX_VALUE
and 0
respectively. Since there is no dedicated AtomicLong
method for it, we have to use a Compare-And-Set loop. (Usually, requesting happens relatively rarely compared to emission amounts thus the lack of dedicated machine code instruction is not a performance bottleneck.)
public static long add(AtomicLong requested, long n) {
for (;;) {
long current = requested.get();
if (current == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
long update = current + n;
if (update < 0L) {
update = Long.MAX_VALUE;
if (requested.compareAndSet(current, update)) {
return current;
public static long produced(AtomicLong requested, long n) {
for (;;) {
long current = requested.get();
if (current == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
long update = current - n;
if (update < 0L) {
update = 0;
if (requested.compareAndSet(current, update)) {
return update;
In fact, these are so common in RxJava's operators that these algorithms are available as utility methods on the internal BackpressureHelper
class under the same name.
Sometimes, instead of having a separate AtomicLong
field, your operator can extend AtomicLong
saving on the indirection and class size. The practice in RxJava 2.x operators is that unless there is another atomic counter needed by the operator, (such as work-in-progress counter, see the later subsection) and otherwise doesn't need a base class, they extend AtomicLong
The BackpressureHelper
class features special versions of add
and produced
which treat Long.MIN_VALUE
as a cancellation indication and won't change the AtomicLong
s value if they see it.
RxJava 2 expanded the single-event reactive types to include Maybe
(called as the reactive Optional
by some). The common property of Single
, Completable
and Maybe
is that they can only call one of the 3 kinds of methods on their consumers: (onSuccess | onError | onComplete)
. Since they also participate in concurrent scenarios, an operator needs a way to ensure that only one of them is called even though the input sources may call multiple of them at once.
To ensure this, operators may use the AtomicBoolean.compareAndSet
to atomically chose the event to relay (and thus the other events to drop).
final AtomicBoolean once = new AtomicBoolean();
final MaybeObserver<? super T> child = ...;
void emitSuccess(T value) {
if (once.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
void emitFailure(Throwable e) {
if (once.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
} else {
Note that the same sequential requirement applies to these 0-1 reactive sources as to Flowable
, therefore, if your operator doesn't have to deal with events from multiple sources (and pick one of them), you don't need this construct.
With more complicated sources, it may happen that multiple things happen that may trigger emission towards the downstream, such as upstream becoming available while the downstream requests for more data while the sequence gets cancelled by a timeout.
Instead of working out the often very complicated state transitions via atomics, perhaps the easiest way is to serialize the events, actions or tasks and have one thread perform the necessary steps after that. This is what I call queue-drain approach (or trampolining by some).
(The other approach, emitter-loop is no longer recommended with 2.x due to its potential blocking synchronized
constructs that looks performant in single-threaded case but destroys it in true concurrent case.)
The concept is relatively simple: have a concurrent queue and a work-in-progress atomic counter, enqueue the item, increment the counter and if the counter transitioned from 0 to 1, keep draining the queue, work with the element and decrement the counter until it reaches zero again:
final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Runnable> queue = ...;
final AtomicInteger wip = ...;
void execute(Runnable r) {
if (wip.getAndIncrement() == 0) {
do {
} while (wip.decrementAndGet() != 0);
The same pattern applies when one has to emit onNext values to a downstream consumer:
final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<T> queue = ...;
final AtomicInteger wip = ...;
final Subscriber<? super T> child = ...;
void emit(T r) {
if (wip.getAndIncrement() == 0) {
do {
} while (wip.decrementAndGet() != 0);
Using ConcurrentLinkedQueue
is a reliable although mostly an overkill for such situations because it allocates on each call to offer()
and is unbounded. It can be replaced with more optimized queues (see JCTools) and RxJava itself also has some customized queues available (internal!):
used when the queue is known to be fed by a single thread but the serialization has to look at other things (request, cancellation, termination) that can be read from other fields. Example:observeOn
has a fixed request pattern which fits into this type of queue and extra fields for passing an error, completion or downstream requests into the drain logic.SpscLinkedArrayQueue
used when the queue is known to be fed by a single thread but there is no bound on the element count. Example:UnicastProcessor
, almost all bufferingObservable
operator. Some operators use it with multiple event sources by synchronizing on theoffer
side - a tradeoff between allocation and potential blocking:
SpscLinkedArrayQueue<T> q = ...
synchronized(q) {
where there could be many feeders and unknown number of elements. Example:buffer
with reactive boundary.
The RxJava 2.x implementations of these types of queues have different class hierarchy than the JDK/JCTools versions. Our classes don't implement the java.util.Queue
interface but rather a custom, simplified interface:
interface SimpleQueue<T> {
boolean offer(T t);
boolean offer(T t1, T t2);
T poll() throws Exception;
boolean isEmpty();
void clear();
interface SimplePlainQueue<T> extends SimpleQueue<T> {
T poll();
public final class SpscArrayQueue<T> implements SimplePlainQueue<T> {
// ...
This simplified queue API gets rid of the unused parts (iterator, collections API remnants) and adds a bi-offer method (only implemented atomically in SpscLinkedArrayQueue
currently). The second interface, SimplePlainQueue
is defined to suppress the throws Exception
on poll on queue types that won't throw that exception and there is no need for try-catch around them.
The Reactive-Streams has a strict requirement that calling onSubscribe()
must happen before any calls to the rest of the onXXX
methods and by nature, any calls to Subscription.request()
and Subscription.cancel()
. The same logic applies to the design of Observable
, Single
, Completable
and Maybe
with their connection type of Disposable
Often though, such call to onSubscribe
may happen later than the respective cancel()
needs to happen. For example, the user may want to call cancel()
before the respective Subscription
actually becomes available in subscribeOn
. Other operators may need to call onSubscribe
before they connect to other sources but at that time, there is no direct way for relaying a cancel
call to an unavailable upstream Subscription
The solution is deferred cancellation and deferred requesting in general.
This approach affects all 5 reactive types and works the same way for everyone. First, have an AtomicReference
that will hold the respective connection type (or any other type whose method call has to happen later). Two methods are needed handling the AtomicReference
class, one that sets the actual instance and one that calls the cancel
method on it.
static final Disposable DISPOSED;
static {
DISPOSED = Disposables.empty();
static boolean set(AtomicReference<Disposable> target, Disposable value) {
for (;;) {
Disposable current = target.get();
if (current == DISPOSED) {
if (value != null) {
return false;
if (target.compareAndSet(current, value)) {
if (current != null) {
return true;
static boolean dispose(AtomicReference<Disposable> target) {
Disposable current = target.getAndSet(DISPOSED);
if (current != DISPOSED) {
if (current != null) {
return true;
return false;
The approach uses an unique sentinel value DISPOSED
- that should not appear elsewhere in your code - to indicate once a late actual Disposable
arrives, it should be disposed immediately. Both methods return true if the operation succeeded or false if the target was already disposed.
Sometimes, only one call to set
is permitted (i.e., setOnce
) and other times, the previous non-null value needs no call to dispose
because it is known to be disposed already (i.e., replace
As with the request management, there are utility classes and methods for these operations:
- (internal)
that usesupdate
but leaks the API ofAtomicReference
that has safe API withset
among other things- (internal)
that features the methods shown above and the global disposed sentinel used by RxJava. It may come handy when one usesAtomicReference<Disposable>
as a base class.
The same pattern applies to Subscription
with its cancel()
method and with helper (internal) class SubscriptionHelper
(but no SequentialSubscription
or SerialSubscription
, see next subsection).
With Flowable
s (and Reactive-Streams Publisher
s) the request()
calls need to be deferred as well. In one form (the simpler one), the respective late Subscription
will eventually arrive and we need to relay all previous and all subsequent request amount to its request()
In 1.x, this behavior was implicitly provided by rx.Subscriber
but at a high cost that had to be payed by all instances whether or not they needed this feature.
The solution works by having the AtomicReference
for the Subscription
and an AtomicLong
to store and accumulate the requests until the actual Subscription
arrives, then atomically request all deferred value once.
static boolean deferredSetOnce(AtomicReference<Subscription> subscription,
AtomicLong requested, Subscription newSubscription) {
if (subscription.compareAndSet(null, newSubscription) {
long r = requested.getAndSet(0L);
if (r != 0) {
return true;
if (subscription.get() != SubscriptionHelper.CANCELLED) {
RxJavaPlugins.onError(new IllegalStateException("Subscription already set!"));
return false;
static void deferredRequest(AtomicReference<Subscription> subscription,
AtomicLong requested, long n) {
Subscription current = subscription.get();
if (current != null) {
} else {
BackpressureHelper.add(requested, n);
current = subscription.get();
if (current != null) {
long r = requested.getAndSet(0L);
if (r != 0L) {
In deferredSetOnce
, if the CAS from null to the newSubscription
succeeds, we atomically exchange the request amount to 0L and if the original value was nonzero, we request from newSubscription
. In deferredRequest
, if there is a Subscription
we simply request from it directly. Otherwise, we accumulate the requests via the helper method then check again if the Subscription
arrived or not. If it arrived in the meantime, we atomically exchange the accumulated request value and if nonzero, request it from the newly retrieved Subscription
. This non-blocking logic makes sure that in case of concurrent invocations of the two methods, no accumulated request is left behind.
This complex logic and methods, along with other safeguards are available in the (internal) SubscriptionHelper
utility class and can be used like this:
final class Operator<T> implements Subscriber<T>, Subscription {
final Subscriber<? super T> child;
final AtomicReference<Subscription> ref = new AtomicReference<>();
final AtomicLong requested = new AtomicLong();
public Operator(Subscriber<? super T> child) {
this.child = child;
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
SubscriptionHelper.deferredSetOnce(ref, requested, s);
public void onNext(T t) { ... }
public void onError(Throwable t) { ... }
public void onComplete() { ... }
public void cancel() {
public void request(long n) {
SubscriptionHelper.deferredRequested(ref, requested, n);
Operator<T> parent = new Operator<T>(child);
The second form is when multiple Subscription
s replace each other and we not only need to hold onto request amounts when there is none of them but make sure a newer Subscription
is requested only that much the previous Subscription
's upstream didn't deliver. This is called Subscription arbitration and the relevant algorithms are quite verbose and will be omitted here. There is, however, an utility class that manages this: (internal) SubscriptionArbiter
You can extend it (to save on object headers) or have it as a field. Its main use is to send it to the downstream via onSubscribe
and update its current Subscription
in the current operator. Note that even though its methods are thread-safe, it is intended for swapping Subscription
s when the current one finished emitting events. This makes sure that any newer Subscription
is requested the right amount and not more due to production/switch race.
final SubscriptionArbiter arbiter = ...
// ...
// ...
long produced;
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
public void onNext(T value) {
public void onComplete() {
long p = produced;
if (p != 0L) {
For better performance, most operators can count the produced element amount and issue a single SubscriptionArbiter.produced()
call just before switching to the next Subscription
In some cases, multiple sources may signal a Throwable
at the same time but the contract forbids calling onError
multiple times. Once can, of course use the once approach with AtomicReference<Throwable>
and throw out but the first one to set the Throwable
on it.
The alternative is to collect these Throwable
s into a CompositeException
as long as possible and at one point lock out the others. This works by doing a copy-on-write scheme or by linking CompositeException
s atomically and having a terminal sentinel to indicate all further errors should be dropped.
static final Throwable TERMINATED = new Throwable();
static boolean addThrowable(AtomicReference<Throwable> ref, Throwable e) {
for (;;) {
Throwable current = ref.get();
if (current == TERMINATED) {
return false;
Throwable next;
if (current == null) {
next = e;
} else {
next = new CompositeException(current, e);
if (ref.compareAndSet(current, next)) {
return true;
static Throwable terminate(AtomicReference<Throwable> ref) {
return ref.getAndSet(TERMINATED);
as with most common logic, this is supported by the (internal) ExceptionHelper
utility class and the (internal) AtomicThrowable
The usage pattern looks as follows:
final AtomicThrowable errors = ...;
public void onError(Throwable e) {
if (errors.addThrowable(e)) {
} else {
void drain() {
// ...
if (errors.get() != null) {
// ...
Sometimes having the queue-drain, SerializedSubscriber
or SerializedObserver
is a bit of an overkill. Such cases include when there is only one thread calling onNext
but other threads may call onError
or onComplete
concurrently. Example operators include takeUntil
where the other source may "interrupt" the main sequence and inject an onComplete
into it before the main source itself would complete some time later. This is what I call half-serialization.
The approach uses the concepts of the deferred actions and atomic error management discussed above and has 3 methods for the onNext
, onError
and onComplete
public static <T> void onNext(Subscriber<? super T> subscriber, T value,
AtomicInteger wip, AtomicThrowable error) {
if (wip.get() == 0 && wip.compareAndSet(0, 1)) {
if (wip.decrementAndGet() != 0) {
Throwable ex = error.terminate();
if (ex != null) {
} else {
public static void onError(Subscriber<?> subscriber, Throwable ex,
AtomicInteger wip, AtomicThrowable error) {
if (error.addThrowable(ex)) {
if (wip.getAndIncrement() == 0) {
} else {
public static void onComplete(Subscriber<?> subscriber,
AtomicInteger wip, AtomicThrowable error) {
if (wip.getAndIncrement() == 0) {
Throwable ex = error.terminate();
if (ex != null) {
} else {
Here, the wip
counter indicates there is an active emission happening and if found non-zero when trying to leave the onNext
, it is taken as indication there was a concurrent onError
or onComplete()
call and the child must be notified. All subsequent calls to any of these methods are ignored. In this case, the wip
is never decremented back to zero.
RxJava 2.x, again, supports these with the (internal) utility class HalfSerializer
and allows targeting Subscriber
s and Observer
s with it.
In some operators, it is unlikely concurrent threads try to enter into the drain loop at the same time and having to play the full enqueue-increment-dequeue adds unnecessary overhead.
Luckily, such situations can be detected by a simple compare-and-set attempt on the work-in-progress counter, trying to change the amount from 0 to 1. If it fails, there is a concurrent drain in progress and we revert back to the classical queue-drain logic. If succeeds, we don't enqueue anything but emit the value / perform the action right there and we try to leave the serialized section.
public void onNext(T v) {
if (wip.get() == 0 && wip.compareAndSet(0, 1)) {
if (wip.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
} else {
if (wip.getAndIncrement() != 0) {
void drain() {
if (getAndIncrement() == 0) {
void drainLoop() {
// the usual drain loop part after the classical getAndIncrement()
In this pattern, the classical drain
is spit into drain
and drainLoop
. The new drain
does the increment-check and calls drainLoop
and drainLoop
contains the remaining logic with the loop, emission and wip management as usual.
On the fast path, when we try to leave it, it is possible a concurrent call to onNext
or drain
incremented the wip
counter further and the decrement didn't return it to zero. This is an indication for further work and we call drainLoop
to process it.
Version 2.0.7 introduced a new interface, FlowableSubscriber
that extends Subscriber
from Reactive-Streams. It has the same methods with the same parameter types but different textual rules attached to it, a set of relaxations to the Reactive-Streams specification to enable better performing RxJava internals while still honoring the specification to the letter for non-RxJava consumers of Flowable
The rule relaxations are as follows:
- §1.3 relaxation:
may run concurrently with onNext in case theFlowableSubscriber
from insideonSubscribe
and it is the resposibility ofFlowableSubscriber
to ensure thread-safety between the remaining instructions inonSubscribe
. - §2.3 relaxation: calling
is considered a no-operation. - §2.12 relaxation: if the same
instance is subscribed to multiple sources, it must ensure itsonXXX
methods remain thread safe. - §3.9 relaxation: issuing a non-positive
will not stop the current stream but signal an error viaRxJavaPlugins.onError
When a Flowable
gets subscribed by a Subscriber
, an instanceof
check will detect FlowableSubscriber
and not apply the StrictSubscriber
wrapper that makes sure the relaxations don't happen. In practice, ensuring rule §3.9 has the most overhead because a bad request may happen concurrently with an emission of any normal event and thus has to be serialized with one of the methods described in previous sections.
In fact, 2.x was always implemented in this relaxed manner thus looking at existing code and style is the way to go.
Therefore, it is strongly recommended one implements custom intermediate and end operators via FlowableSubscriber
From a source operator's perspective, extending the Flowable
class and implementing subscribeActual
has no need for
dispatching over the type of the Subscriber
; the backing infrastructure already applies wrapping if necessary thus one can be sure in subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super T> s)
the parameter s
is a FlowableSubscriber
. (The signature couldn't be changed for compatibility reasons.) Since the two interfaces on the Java level are the same, no real preferential treating is necessary within sources (i.e., don't cast s
into FlowableSubscriber
The other base reactive consumers, Observer
, SingleObserver
, MaybeObserver
and CompletableObserver
don't need such relaxation, because
- they are only defined and used in RxJava (i.e., no other library implemented with them),
- they were conceptionally always derived from the relaxed
RxJava had, - they don't have backpressure thus no
call that would introduce another concurrency to think about, - there is no way to trigger emission from upstream before
returns in standard operators (again, norequest()
Backpressure (or flow control) in Reactive-Streams is the means to tell the upstream how many elements to produce or to tell it to stop producing elements altogether. Unlike the name suggest, there is no physical pressure preventing the upstream from calling onNext
but the protocol to honor the request amount.
When dealing with basic transformations in a flow, there are often cases when the number of items the upstream sends should be different what the downstream receives. Some operators may want to filter out certain items, others would batch up items before sending one item to the downstream.
However, when an item is not forwarded by an operator, the downstream has no way of knowing its request(1)
triggered an item generation that got dropped/buffered. Therefore, it can't know to (nor should it) repeat request(1)
to "nudge" the source somewhere more upstream to try producing another item which now hopefully will result in an item being received by the downstream. Unlike, say the ACK-NACK based protocols, the requesting specified by the Reactive Streams are to be treated as cumulative. In the previous example, an impatient downstream would have 2 outstanding requests.
Therefore, if an operator is not guaranteed to relay an upstream item to downstream, and thus keeping a 1:1 ratio, it has the duty to keep requesting items from the upstream until said operator ends up in a position to supply an item to the downstream.
This may sound a bit complicated, but perhaps a demonstration of a filter
operator can help:
final class FilterOddSubscriber implements FlowableSubscriber<Integer>, Subscription {
final Subscriber<? super Integer> downstream;
Subscription upstream;
// ...
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
if (upstream != null) {
} else {
upstream = s;
public void onNext(Integer item) {
if (item % 2 != 0) {
} else {
public void request(long n) {
// the rest omitted for brevity
In such operators, thee downstream's request
calls are forwarded to the upstream as is, and for n
times (at most, unless completed) the onNext
will be invoked. In this operator, we look for the odd numbers of the flow. If we find one, the downstream will be notified. If the incoming item is even, we won't forward it to the downstream. However, the downstream is still expecting at least 1 item, but since the upstream and downstream practically talk to each other directly, the upstream considers its duty to generate items fulfilled. This misalignment is then resolved by requesting 1 more item from the upstream for the previous ignored item. If more items arrive that get ignored, more will be requested as replenishment.
Given that backpressure involves some overhead in the form of one or more atomic operations, requesting one by one could add a lot of overhead if the number of items filtered out is significantly more than those that passed through. If necessary, this situation can be either solved by decoupling the upstream and downstream's request management or using an RxJava-specific type and protocol extension in the form of ConditionalSubscribers.
In a previous section, we saw primitives to deal with request accounting and delayed Subscriptions
, but often, operators have to react to request amount changes as well. This comes up when the operator has to decouple the downstream request amount from the amount it requests from upstream, such as observeOn
Such logic can get quite complicated in operators but one of the simplest manifestation can be the rebatchRequest
operator that combines request management with serialization to ensure that upstream is requested with a predictable pattern no matter how the downstream requested (less, more or even unbounded):
final class RebatchRequests<T> extends AtomicInteger
implements FlowableSubscriber<T>, Subscription {
final Subscriber<? super T> child;
final AtomicLong requested;
final SpscArrayQueue<T> queue;
final int batchSize;
final int limit;
Subscription s;
volatile boolean done;
Throwable error;
volatile boolean cancelled;
long emitted;
public RebatchRequests(Subscriber<? super T> child, int batchSize) {
this.child = child;
this.batchSize = batchSize;
this.limit = batchSize - (batchSize >> 2); // 75% of batchSize
this.requested = new AtomicLong();
this.queue = new SpscArrayQueue<T>(batchSize);
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
this.s = s;
public void onNext(T t) {
public void onError(Throwable t) {
error = t;
done = true;
public void onComplete() {
done = true;
public void request(long n) {
BackpressureHelper.add(requested, n);
public void cancel() {
cancelled = true;
void drain() {
// see next code example
Here we extend AtomicInteger
since the work-in-progress counting happens more often and is worth avoiding the extra indirection. The class extends Subscription
and it hands itself to the child
to capture its request()
(and cancel()
) calls and route it to the main drain
logic. Some operators need only this, some other operators (such as observeOn
not only routes the downstream request but also does extra cancellations (cancels the asynchrony providing Worker
as well) in its cancel()
Important: when implementing operators for Flowable
and Observable
in RxJava 2.x, you are not allowed to pass along an upstream Subscription
or Disposable
to the child Subscriber
when the operator logic itself doesn't require hooking the request
calls. The reason for this is how operator-fusion is implemented on top of Subscription
and Disposable
passing through onSubscribe
in RxJava 2.x (and in Reactor 3). See the next section about operator-fusion. There is no fusion in Single
, Completable
or Maybe
(because there is no requesting or unbounded buffering with them) and their operators can pass the upstream Disposable
along as is.
Next comes the drain
method whose pattern appears in many operators (with slight variations on how and what the emission does).
void drain() {
if (getAndIncrement() != 0) {
int missed = 1;
for (;;) {
long r = requested.get();
long e = 0L;
long f = emitted;
while (e != r) {
if (cancelled) {
boolean d = done;
if (d) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
T v = queue.poll();
boolean empty = v == null;
if (d && empty) {
if (empty) {
if (++f == limit) {
f = 0L;
if (e == r) {
if (cancelled) {
if (done) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
if (e != 0L) {
BackpressureHelper.produced(requested, e);
emitted = f;
missed = addAndGet(-missed);
if (missed == 0) {
This particular pattern is called the stable-request queue-drain. Another variation doesn't care about request amount stability towards upstream and simply requests the amount it delivered to the child:
void drain() {
if (getAndIncrement() != 0) {
int missed = 1;
for (;;) {
long r = requested.get();
long e = 0L;
while (e != r) {
if (cancelled) {
boolean d = done;
if (d) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
T v = queue.poll();
boolean empty = v == null;
if (d && empty) {
if (empty) {
if (e == r) {
if (cancelled) {
if (done) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
if (e != 0L) {
BackpressureHelper.produced(requested, e);
missed = addAndGet(-missed);
if (missed == 0) {
The third variation allows delaying a potential error until the upstream has terminated and all normal elements have been delivered to the child:
final boolean delayError;
void drain() {
if (getAndIncrement() != 0) {
int missed = 1;
for (;;) {
long r = requested.get();
long e = 0L;
while (e != r) {
if (cancelled) {
boolean d = done;
if (d && !delayError) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
T v = queue.poll();
boolean empty = v == null;
if (d && empty) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
} else {
if (empty) {
if (e == r) {
if (cancelled) {
if (done) {
if (delayError) {
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
} else {
} else {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
if (e != 0L) {
BackpressureHelper.produced(requested, e);
missed = addAndGet(-missed);
if (missed == 0) {
If the downstream cancels the operator, the queue
may still hold elements which may get referenced longer than expected if the operator chain itself is referenced in some way. On the user level, applying onTerminateDetach
will forget all references going upstream and downstream and can help with this situation. On the operator level, RxJava 2.x usually calls clear()
on the queue
when the sequence is cancelled or ends before the queue is drained naturally. This requires some slight change to the drain loop:
final boolean delayError;
public void cancel() {
cancelled = true;
if (getAndIncrement() == 0) {
queue.clear(); // <----------------------------
void drain() {
if (getAndIncrement() != 0) {
int missed = 1;
for (;;) {
long r = requested.get();
long e = 0L;
while (e != r) {
if (cancelled) {
queue.clear(); // <----------------------------
boolean d = done;
if (d && !delayError) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
queue.clear(); // <----------------------------
T v = queue.poll();
boolean empty = v == null;
if (d && empty) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
} else {
if (empty) {
if (e == r) {
if (cancelled) {
queue.clear(); // <----------------------------
if (done) {
if (delayError) {
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
} else {
} else {
Throwable ex = error;
if (ex != null) {
queue.clear(); // <----------------------------
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
if (e != 0L) {
BackpressureHelper.produced(requested, e);
missed = addAndGet(-missed);
if (missed == 0) {
Since the queue is single-producer-single-consumer, its clear()
must be called from a single thread - which is provided by the serialization loop and is enabled by the getAndIncrement() == 0
"half-loop" inside cancel()
An important note on the order of calls to done
and the queue
's state:
boolean d = done;
T v = queue.poll();
boolean d = done;
boolean empty = queue.isEmpty();
These must happen in the order specified. If they were swapped, it is possible when the drain runs asynchronously to an onNext
, the queue may appear empty at first, then it gets elements followed by done = true
and a late done
check in the drain loop may complete the sequence thinking it delivered all values there was.
Sometimes an operator only emits one single value at some point instead of emitting more or all of its sources. Such operators include fromCallable
, reduce
, any
, all
, first
, etc.
The classical queue-drain works here but is a bit of an overkill to allocate objects to store the work-in-progress counter, request accounting and the queue itself. These elements can be reduced to a single state-machine with one state counter object - often inlinded by extending AtomicInteger - and a plain field for storing the single value to be emitted.
The state machine handing the possible concurrent downstream requests and normal completion path is a bit complicated to show here and is quite easy to get wrong.
RxJava 2.x supports this kind of behavior through the (internal) DeferredScalarSubscription
for operators without an upstream source (fromCallable
) and the (internal) DeferredScalarSubscriber
for reduce-like operators with an upstream source.
Using the DeferredScalarSubscription
is straightforward, one creates it, sends it to the downstream via onSubscribe
and later on calls complete(T)
to signal the end with a single value:
DeferredScalarSubscription<Integer> dss = new DeferredScalarSubscription<>(child);
Using the DeferredScalarSubscriber
requires more coding and extending the class itself:
final class Counter extends DeferredScalarSubscriber<Object, Integer> {
public Counter(Subscriber<? super Integer> child) {
value = 0;
hasValue = true;
public void onNext(Object t) {
By default, the DeferredScalarSubscriber.onSubscribe()
requests Long.MAX_VALUE
from the upstream (but the method can be overridden in subclasses).
Some operators have to modulate a sequence of elements in a 1:1 fashion but when the upstream terminates, they need to produce a final element followed by a terminal event (usually onComplete
final class OnCompleteEndWith implements Subscriber<T>, Subscription {
final Subscriber<? super T> child;
final T finalElement;
Subscription s;
public OnCompleteEndWith(Subscriber<? super T> child, T finalElement) {
this.child = child;
this.finalElement = finalElement;
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
this.s = s;
public void onNext(T t) {
public void onError(Throwable t) {
public void onComplete() {
public void request(long n) {
public void cancel() {
This works if the downstream request more than the upstream produces + 1, otherwise the call to onComplete
may overflow the child Subscriber
Heavyweight solutions such as queue-drain or SubscriptionArbiter
with ScalarSubscriber
can be used here, however, there is a more elegant solution to the problem.
The idea is that request amounts occupy only 63 bits of a 64 bit (atomic) long type. If we'd mask out the lower 63 bits when working with the amount, we can use the most significant bit to indicate the upstream sequence has finished and then on, any 0 to n request amount change can trigger the emission of the finalElement
. Since a downstream request()
can race with an upstream onComplete
, marking the bit atomically via a compare-and-set ensures correct state transition.
For this, the OnCompleteEndWith
has to be changed by adding an AtomicLong
for accounting requests, a long for counting the production, then updating request()
and onComplete()
final class OnCompleteEndWith
extends AtomicLong
implements FlowableSubscriber<T>, Subscription {
final Subscriber<? super T> child;
final T finalElement;
Subscription s;
long produced;
static final class long REQUEST_MASK = Long.MAX_VALUE; // 0b01111...111L
static final class long COMPLETE_MASK = Long.MIN_VALUE; // 0b10000...000L
public OnCompleteEndWith(Subscriber<? super T> child, T finalElement) {
this.child = child;
this.finalElement = finalElement;
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) { ... }
public void onNext(T t) {
produced++; // <------------------------
public void onError(Throwable t) { ... }
public void onComplete() {
long p = produced;
if (p != 0L) {
produced = 0L;
BackpressureHelper.produced(this, p);
for (;;) {
long current = get();
if ((current & COMPLETE_MASK) != 0) {
if ((current & REQUEST_MASK) != 0) {
lazySet(Long.MIN_VALUE + 1);
if (compareAndSet(current, COMPLETE_MASK)) {
public void request(long n) {
for (;;) {
long current = get();
if ((current & COMPLETE_MASK) != 0) {
if (compareAndSet(current, COMPLETE_MASK + 1)) {
long u = BackpressureHelper.addCap(current, n);
if (compareAndSet(current, u)) {
public void cancel() { ... }
RxJava 2 has a couple of operators, materialize
, mapNotification
, onErrorReturn
, that require this type of behavior and for that, the (internal) SinglePostCompleteSubscriber
class captures the algorithms above:
final class OnCompleteEndWith<T> extends SinglePostCompleteSubscriber<T, T> {
final Subscriber<? super T> child;
public OnCompleteEndWith(Subscriber<? super T> child, T finalElement) {
this.child = child;
this.value = finalElement;
public void onNext(T t) {
produced++; // <------------------------
public void onError(Throwable t) { ... }
public void onComplete() {
Certain operators may need to emit multiple elements after the main sequence completes, which may or may not relay elements from the live upstream before its termination. An example operator is buffer(int, int)
when the skip < size yielding overlapping buffers. In this operator, it is possible when the upstream completes, several overlapping buffers are waiting to be emitted to the child but that has to happen only when the child actually requested more buffers.
The state machine for this case is complicated but RxJava has two (internal) utility methods on QueueDrainHelper
for dealing with the situation:
<T> void postComplete(Subscriber<? super T> actual,
Queue<T> queue,
AtomicLong state,
BooleanSupplier isCancelled);
<T> boolean postCompleteRequest(long n,
Subscriber<? super T> actual,
Queue<T> queue,
AtomicLong state,
BooleanSupplier isCancelled);
They take the child Subscriber
, the queue to drain from, the state holding the current request amount and a callback to see if the downstream cancelled the sequence.
Usage of these methods is as follows:
final class EmitTwice<T> extends AtomicLong
implements FlowableSubscriber<T>, Subscription, BooleanSupplier {
final Subscriber<? super T> child;
final ArrayDeque<T> buffer;
volatile boolean cancelled;
Subscription s;
long produced;
public EmitTwice(Subscriber<? super T> child) {
this.child = child;
this.buffer = new ArrayDeque<>();
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
this.s = s;
public void onNext(T t) {
public void onError(Throwable t) {
public void onComplete() {
long p = produced;
if (p != 0L) {
produced = 0L;
BackpressureHelper.produced(this, p);
QueueDrainHelper.postComplete(child, buffer, this, this);
public boolean getAsBoolean() {
return cancelled;
public void cancel() {
cancelled = true;
public void request(long n) {
if (!QueueDrainHelper.postCompleteRequest(n, child, buffer, this, this)) {
Creating operator implementations in 2.x is simpler than in 1.x and incurs less allocation as well. You have the choice to implement your operator as a Subscriber
-transformer to be used via lift
or as a fully-fledged base reactive class.
In 1.x, extending Observable
was possible but convoluted because you had to implement the OnSubscribe
interface separately and pass it to Observable.create()
or to the Observable(OnSubscribe)
protected constructor.
In 2.x, all base reactive classes are abstract and you can extend them directly without any additional indirection:
public final class FlowableMyOperator extends Flowable<Integer> {
final Publisher<Integer> source;
public FlowableMyOperator(Publisher<Integer> source) {
this.source = source;
protected void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super Integer> s) {
source.map(v -> v + 1).subscribe(s);
When taking other reactive types as inputs in these operators, it is recommended one defines the base reactive interfaces instead of the abstract classes, allowing better interoperability between libraries (especially with Flowable
operators and other Reactive-Streams Publisher
s). To recap, these are the class-interface pairs:
RxJava 2.x locks down Flowable.subscribe
(and the same methods in the other types) in order to provide runtime hooks into the various flows, therefore, implementors are given the subscribeActual()
to be overridden. When it is invoked, all relevant hooks and wrappers have been applied. Implementors should avoid throwing unchecked exceptions as the library generally can't deliver it to the respective Subscriber
due to lifecycle restrictions of the Reactive-Streams specification and sends it to the global error consumer via RxJavaPlugins.onError
Unlike in 1.x, In the example above, the incoming Subscriber
is simply used directly for subscribing again (but still at most once) without any kind of wrapping. In 1.x, one needs to call Subscribers.wrap
to avoid double calls to onStart
and cause unexpected double initialization or double-requesting.
Unless one contributes a new operator to RxJava, working with such classes may become tedious, especially if they are intermediate operators:
new FlowableThenSome(
new FlowableOther(
new FlowableMyOperator(Flowable.range(1, 10).map(v -> v * v))
This is an unfortunate effect of Java lacking extension method support. A possible ease on this burden is by using compose
to have fluent inline application of the custom operator:
Flowable.range(1, 10).map(v -> v * v)
.compose(f -> new FlowableOperatorWithParameter(f, 10));
Flowable.range(1, 10).map(v -> v * v)
The alternative to the fluent application problem is to have a Subscription
-transformer implemented instead of extending the whole reactive base class and use the respective type's lift()
operator to get it into the sequence.
First one has to implement the respective XOperator
public final class MyOperator implements FlowableOperator<Integer, Integer> {
public Subscriber<? super Integer> apply(Subscriber<? super Integer> child) {
return new Op(child);
static final class Op implements FlowableSubscriber<Integer>, Subscription {
final Subscriber<? super Integer> child;
Subscription s;
public Op(Subscriber<? super Integer> child) {
this.child = child;
pubic void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
this.s = s;
public void onNext(Integer v) {
child.onNext(v * v);
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onComplete() {
public void cancel() {
public void request(long n) {
You may recognize that implementing operators via extension or lifting looks quite similar. In both cases, one usually implements a FlowableSubscriber
, etc) that takes a downstream Subscriber
, implements the business logic in the onXXX
methods and somehow (manually or as part of lift()
's lifecycle) gets subscribed to an upstream source.
The benefit of applying the Reactive-Streams design to all base reactive types is that each consumer type is now an interface and can be applied to operators that have to extend some class. This was a pain in 1.x because Subscriber
and SingleSubscriber
are classes themselves, plus Subscriber.request()
is a protected-final method and an operator's Subscriber
can't implement the Producer
interface at the same time. In 2.x there is no such problem and one can have both Subscriber
, Subscription
or even Observer
together in the same consumer type.
Operator fusion has the premise that certain operators can be combined into one single operator (macro-fusion) or their internal data structures shared between each other (micro-fusion) that allows fewer allocations, lower overhead and better performance.
This advanced concept was invented, worked out and studied in the Reactive-Streams-Commons research project manned by the leads of RxJava and Project Reactor. Both libraries use the results in their implementation, which look the same but are incompatible due to different classes and packages involved. In addition, RxJava 2.x's approach is a more polished version of the invention due to delays between the two project's development.
Since operator-fusion is optional, you may chose to not bother making your operator fusion-enabled. The DeferredScalarSubscription
is fusion-enabled and needs no additional development in this regard though.
If you chose to ignore operator-fusion, you still have to follow the requirement of never forwarding a Subscription
coming through onSubscribe
of Subscriber
as this may break the fusion protocol and may skip your operator's business logic entirely:
final class SomeOp<T> implements Subscriber<T>, Subscription {
// ...
Subscription s;
public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
this.s = s;
child.onSubscribe(this); // <---------------------------
public void cancel() {
public void request(long n) {
// ...
Yes, this adds one more indirection between operators but it is still cheap (and would be necessary for the operator anyway) but enables huge performance gains with the right chain of operators.
Given this novel approach, a generation number can be assigned to various implementation styles of reactive architectures:
These are the classical libraries that either use java.util.Observable
or are listener based (Java Swing's ActionListener
). Their common property is that they don't support composition (of events and cancellation). See also Google Agera.
This is the level of the Rx.NET library (even up to 3.x) that supports composition, but has no notion for backpressure and doesn't properly support synchronous cancellation. Many JavaScript libraries such as RxJS 5 are still on this level. See also Google gRPC.
This is what RxJava 1.x is categorized, it supports composition, backpressure and synchronous cancellation along with the ability to lift an operator into a sequence.
This is the level of the Reactive-Streams based libraries such as Reactor 2 and Akka-Stream. They are based upon a specification that evolved out of RxJava but left behind its drawbacks (such as the need to return anything from subscribe()
). This is incompatible with RxJava 1.x and thus 2.x had to be rewritten from scratch.
This level expands upon the Reactive-Streams interfaces with operator-fusion (in a compatible fashion, that is, op-fusion is optional between two stages and works without them). Reactor 3 and RxJava 2 are at this level. The material around Akka-Stream mentions operator-fusion as well, however, Akka-Stream is not a native Reactive-Streams implementation (requires a materializer to get a Publisher
out) and as such it is only Gen 3.
There are discussions among the 4th generation library providers to have the elements of operator-fusion standardized in Reactive-Streams 2.0 specification (or in a neighboring extension) and have RxJava 3 and Reactor 4 work together on that aspect as well.
Certain Flowable
sources, similar to Single
or Completable
are known to ever emit zero or one item and that single item is known to be constant or is computed synchronously. Well known examples of this are just()
, empty()
and fromCallable
. Subscribing to these sources, like any other sources, adds the same infrastructure overhead which can often be avoided if the consumer could just pick or have the item calculated on the spot.
For example, just
and empty
appears as the mapping result of a flatMap
source.flatMap(v -> {
if (v % 2 == 0) {
return just(v);
return empty();
Here, if we'd somehow recognize that empty()
won't emit a value but only onComplete
we could simply avoid subscribing to it inside flatMap
, saving on the overhead. Similarly, recognizing that just
emits exactly one item we can route it differently inside flatMap
and again, avoiding creating a lot of objects to get to the same single item.
In other times, knowing the emission property can simplify or chose a different operator instead of the applied one. For example, applying flatMap
to an empty()
source has no use since there won't be any item to be flattened into a sequence; the whole flattened sequence is going to be empty. Knowing that a source is just
to flatMap
, there is no need for the complicated inner mechanisms as there is going to be only one mapped inner source and one can subscribe the downstream's Subscriber
to it directly.
Flowable.just(1).flatMap(v -> Flowable.range(v, 5)).subscribe(...);
// in some specialized operator:
T value; // from just()
public void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super T> s) {
There could be other sources with these properties, therefore, RxJava 2 uses the io.reactivex.internal.fusion.ScalarCallable
and java.util.Callable
interfaces to indicate a source is a constant or sequentially computable. When a source Flowable
or Observable
is marked with one of these interfaces, many fusion enabled operators will perform special actions to avoid the overhead of a normal and general source.
We use Java's own and preexisting java.util.Callable
interface to indicate a synchronously computable source. The ScalarCallable
is an extension to this interface by which it suppresses the throws Exception
of Callable.call()
interface Callable<T> {
T call() throws Exception;
interface ScalarCallable<T> extends Callable<T> {
T call();
The reason for the two separate interfaces is that if a source is constant, like just
, one can perform assembly-time optimizations with it knowing that each regular subscribe
invocation would have resulted in the same single value.
denotes sources, such as fromCallable
that indicates the single value has to be calculated at runtime of the flow. By this logic, you can see that ScalarCallable
is a Callable
on its own right because the constant can be "calculated" as late as the runtime phase of the flow.
Since Reactive-Streams forbids using null
s as emission values, we can use null
in (Scalar)Callable
marked sources to indicate there is no value to be emitted, thus one can't mistake an user's null
with the empty indicator null
. For example, this is how empty()
is implemented:
final class FlowableEmpty extends Flowable<Object> implements ScalarCallable<Object> {
public void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super T> s) {
public Object call() {
return null; // interpreted as no value available
Sources implementing Callable
may throw checked exceptions from call()
which is handled by the consumer operators as an indication to signal onError
in an operator specific manner (such as delayed).
final class FlowableIOException extends Flowable<Object> implements Callable<Object> {
public void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super T> s) {
EmptySubscription.error(new IOException(), s);
public Object call() throws Exception {
throw new IOException();
However, implementors of ScalarCallable
should avoid throwing any exception and limit the code in call()
be constant or simple computation that can be legally executed during assembly time.
As the consumer of sources, one may want to deal with such kind of special Flowable
s or Observable
s. For example, if you create an operator that can leverage the knowledge of a single element source as its main input, you can check the types and extract the value of a ScalarCallable
at assembly time right in the operator:
// Flowable.java
public final Flowable<Integer> plusOne() {
if (this instanceof ScalarCallable) {
Integer value = ((ScalarCallable<Integer>)this).call();
if (value == null) {
return empty();
return just(value + 1);
return cast(Integer.class).map(v -> v + 1);
or as a FlowableTransformer
FlowableTransformer<Integer, Integer> plusOneTransformer = source -> {
if (source instanceof ScalarCallable) {
Integer value = ((ScalarCallable<Integer>)source).call();
if (value == null) {
return empty();
return just(value + 1);
return source.map(v -> v + 1);
However, it is not mandatory to handle ScalarCallable
s and Callable
s separately. Since the former extends the latter, the type check can be deferred till subscription time and handled with the same code path:
final class FlowablePlusOne extends Flowable<Integer> {
final Publisher<Integer> source;
FlowablePlusOne(Publisher<Integer> source) {
this.source = source;
public void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super Integer> s) {
if (source instanceof Callable) {
Integer value;
try {
value = ((Callable<Integer>)source).call();
} catch (Throwable ex) {
EmptySubscription.error(ex, s);
s.onSubscribe(new ScalarSubscription<Integer>(s, value + 1));
} else {
new FlowableMap<>(source, v -> v + 1).subscribe(s);