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This page shows operators with which you can transform items that are emitted by reactive sources, such as Observables.



Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Collects the items emitted by a reactive source into buffers, and emits these buffers.

buffer example

Observable.range(0, 10)
    .subscribe((List<Integer> buffer) -> System.out.println(buffer));

// prints:
// [0, 1, 2, 3]
// [4, 5, 6, 7]
// [8, 9]


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Converts each item emitted by a reactive source to the specified type, and emits these items.

cast example

Observable<Number> numbers = Observable.just(1, 4.0, 3f, 7, 12, 4.6, 5);

numbers.filter((Number x) -> Integer.class.isInstance(x))
    .subscribe((Integer x) -> System.out.println(x));

// prints:
// 1
// 7
// 12
// 5


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a reactive source, and emits the items that result from concatenating the results of these function applications.

concatMap example

Observable.range(0, 5)
    .concatMap(i -> {
        long delay = Math.round(Math.random() * 2);

        return Observable.timer(delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS).map(n -> i);

// prints 01234


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a io.reactivex.CompletableSource, subscribes to them one at a time and returns a Completable that completes when all sources completed.

concatMapCompletable example

Observable<Integer> source = Observable.just(2, 1, 3);
Completable completable = source.concatMapCompletable(x -> {
    return Completable.timer(x, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("Info: Processing of item \"" + x + "\" completed"));

completable.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("Info: Processing of all items completed"))

// prints:
// Info: Processing of item "2" completed
// Info: Processing of item "1" completed
// Info: Processing of item "3" completed
// Info: Processing of all items completed


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a io.reactivex.CompletableSource, subscribes to them one at a time and returns a Completable that completes when all sources completed. Any errors from the sources will be delayed until all of them terminate.

concatMapCompletableDelayError example

Observable<Integer> source = Observable.just(2, 1, 3);
Completable completable = source.concatMapCompletableDelayError(x -> {
    if (x.equals(2)) {
        return Completable.error(new IOException("Processing of item \"" + x + "\" failed!"));
    } else {
        return Completable.timer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            .doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("Info: Processing of item \"" + x + "\" completed"));

completable.doOnError(error -> System.out.println("Error: " + error.getMessage()))

// prints:
// Info: Processing of item "1" completed
// Info: Processing of item "3" completed
// Error: Processing of item "2" failed!


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a reactive source, and emits the items that result from concatenating the results of these function applications. Any errors from the sources will be delayed until all of them terminate.

concatMapDelayError example

Observable.intervalRange(1, 3, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    .concatMapDelayError(x -> {
        if (x.equals(1L)) return Observable.error(new IOException("Something went wrong!"));
        else return Observable.just(x, x * x);
        x -> System.out.println("onNext: " + x),
        error -> System.out.println("onError: " + error.getMessage()));

// prints:
// onNext: 2
// onNext: 4
// onNext: 3
// onNext: 9
// onError: Something went wrong!


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a reactive source, and emits the items that result from concatenating the results of these function applications. Unlike concatMap, this operator eagerly subscribes to all sources.

concatMapEager example

Observable.range(0, 5)
    .concatMapEager(i -> {
        long delay = Math.round(Math.random() * 3);

        return Observable.timer(delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            .map(n -> i)
            .doOnNext(x -> System.out.println("Info: Finished processing item " + x));
        .blockingSubscribe(i -> System.out.println("onNext: " + i));

// prints (lines beginning with "Info..." can be displayed in a different order):
// Info: Finished processing item 2
// Info: Finished processing item 0
// onNext: 0
// Info: Finished processing item 1
// onNext: 1
// onNext: 2
// Info: Finished processing item 3
// Info: Finished processing item 4
// onNext: 3
// onNext: 4


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a reactive source, and emits the items that result from concatenating the results of these function applications. A boolean value must be specified, which if true indicates that all errors from all sources will be delayed until the end, otherwise if false, an error from the main source will be signalled when the current source terminates. Unlike concatMapDelayError, this operator eagerly subscribes to all sources.

concatMapEagerDelayError example

Observable<Integer> source = Observable.create(emitter -> {
    emitter.onError(new Error("Fatal error!"));

source.doOnError(error -> System.out.println("Info: Error from main source " + error.getMessage()))
    .concatMapEagerDelayError(x -> {
        return Observable.timer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).map(n -> x)
            .doOnSubscribe(it -> System.out.println("Info: Processing of item \"" + x + "\" started"));
    }, true)
        x -> System.out.println("onNext: " + x),
        error -> System.out.println("onError: " + error.getMessage()));

// prints:
// Info: Processing of item "1" started
// Info: Processing of item "2" started
// Info: Error from main source Fatal error!
// onNext: 1
// onNext: 2
// onError: Fatal error!


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a java.lang.Iterable, and emits the items that result from concatenating the results of these function applications.

concatMapIterable example

Observable.just("A", "B", "C")
    .concatMapIterable(item -> List.of(item, item, item))

// prints AAABBBCCC


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a io.reactivex.MaybeSource, and emits the items that result from concatenating these MaybeSources.

concatMapMaybe example

Observable.just("5", "3,14", "2.71", "FF")
    .concatMapMaybe(v -> {
        return Maybe.fromCallable(() -> Double.parseDouble(v))
            .doOnError(e -> System.out.println("Info: The value \"" + v + "\" could not be parsed."))

            // Ignore values that can not be parsed.
    .subscribe(x -> System.out.println("onNext: " + x));

// prints:
// onNext: 5.0
// Info: The value "3,14" could not be parsed.
// onNext: 2.71
// Info: The value "FF" could not be parsed.


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a io.reactivex.MaybeSource, and emits the items that result from concatenating these MaybeSources. Any errors from the sources will be delayed until all of them terminate.

concatMapMaybeDelayError example

DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.uuuu");
Observable.just("04.03.2018", "12-08-2018", "06.10.2018", "01.12.2018")
    .concatMapMaybeDelayError(date -> {
        return Maybe.fromCallable(() -> LocalDate.parse(date, dateFormatter));
        localDate -> System.out.println("onNext: " + localDate),
        error -> System.out.println("onError: " + error.getMessage()));

// prints:
// onNext: 2018-03-04
// onNext: 2018-10-06
// onNext: 2018-12-01
// onError: Text '12-08-2018' could not be parsed at index 2


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a io.reactivex.SingleSource, and emits the items that result from concatenating these ``SingleSource`s.

concatMapSingle example

Observable.just("5", "3,14", "2.71", "FF")
    .concatMapSingle(v -> {
        return Single.fromCallable(() -> Double.parseDouble(v))
            .doOnError(e -> System.out.println("Info: The value \"" + v + "\" could not be parsed."))

            // Return a default value if the given value can not be parsed.
    .subscribe(x -> System.out.println("onNext: " + x));

// prints:
// onNext: 5.0
// Info: The value "3,14" could not be parsed.
// onNext: 42.0
// onNext: 2.71
// Info: The value "FF" could not be parsed.
// onNext: 42.0


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a io.reactivex.SingleSource, and emits the items that result from concatenating the results of these function applications. Any errors from the sources will be delayed until all of them terminate.

concatMapSingleDelayError example

DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.uuuu");
Observable.just("24.03.2018", "12-08-2018", "06.10.2018", "01.12.2018")
    .concatMapSingleDelayError(date -> {
        return Single.fromCallable(() -> LocalDate.parse(date, dateFormatter));
        localDate -> System.out.println("onNext: " + localDate),
        error -> System.out.println("onError: " + error.getMessage()));

// prints:
// onNext: 2018-03-24
// onNext: 2018-10-06
// onNext: 2018-12-01
// onError: Text '12-08-2018' could not be parsed at index 2


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a reactive source, and emits the items that result from merging the results of these function applications.

flatMap example

Observable.just("A", "B", "C")
    .flatMap(a -> {
        return Observable.intervalRange(1, 3, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .map(b -> '(' + a + ", " + b + ')');

// prints (not necessarily in this order):
// (A, 1)
// (C, 1)
// (B, 1)
// (A, 2)
// (C, 2)
// (B, 2)
// (A, 3)
// (C, 3)
// (B, 3)


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a io.reactivex.CompletableSource, and returns a Completable that completes when all sources completed.

flatMapCompletable example

Observable<Integer> source = Observable.just(2, 1, 3);
Completable completable = source.flatMapCompletable(x -> {
    return Completable.timer(x, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("Info: Processing of item \"" + x + "\" completed"));

completable.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("Info: Processing of all items completed"))

// prints:
// Info: Processing of item "1" completed
// Info: Processing of item "2" completed
// Info: Processing of item "3" completed
// Info: Processing of all items completed


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a java.lang.Iterable, and emits the elements from these Iterables.

flatMapIterable example

Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4)
    .flatMapIterable(x -> {
        switch (x % 4) {
            case 1:
                return List.of("A");
            case 2:
                return List.of("B", "B");
            case 3:
                return List.of("C", "C", "C");
                return List.of();

// prints:
// A
// B
// B
// C
// C
// C


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a io.reactivex.MaybeSource, and emits the items that result from merging these MaybeSources.

flatMapMaybe example

Observable.just(9.0, 16.0, -4.0)
    .flatMapMaybe(x -> {
        if (x.compareTo(0.0) < 0) return Maybe.empty();
        else return Maybe.just(Math.sqrt(x));
        () -> System.out.println("onComplete"));

// prints:
// 3.0
// 4.0
// onComplete


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to the item emitted by a Maybe or Single, where that function returns an io.reactivex.ObservableSource, and returns an Observable that emits the items emitted by this ObservableSource.

flatMapObservable example

Single<String> source = Single.just("Kirk, Spock, Chekov, Sulu");
Observable<String> names = source.flatMapObservable(text -> {
    return Observable.fromArray(text.split(","))

names.subscribe(name -> System.out.println("onNext: " + name));

// prints:
// onNext: Kirk
// onNext: Spock
// onNext: Chekov
// onNext: Sulu


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to the item emitted by a Maybe or Single, where that function returns an org.reactivestreams.Publisher, and returns a Flowable that emits the items emitted by this Publisher.

flatMapPublisher example

Single<String> source = Single.just("Kirk, Spock, Chekov, Sulu");
Flowable<String> names = source.flatMapPublisher(text -> {
    return Flowable.fromArray(text.split(","))

names.subscribe(name -> System.out.println("onNext: " + name));

// prints:
// onNext: Kirk
// onNext: Spock
// onNext: Chekov
// onNext: Sulu


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a io.reactivex.SingleSource, and emits the items that result from merging these SingleSources.

flatMapSingle example

Observable.just(4, 2, 1, 3)
    .flatMapSingle(x -> Single.timer(x, TimeUnit.SECONDS).map(i -> x))

// prints 1234

Note: Maybe::flatMapSingle returns a Single that signals an error notification if the Maybe source is empty:

Maybe<Object> emptySource = Maybe.empty();
Single<Object> result = emptySource.flatMapSingle(x -> Single.just(x));
    x -> System.out.println("onSuccess will not be printed!"),
    error -> System.out.println("onError: Source was empty!"));

// prints:
// onError: Source was empty!

Use Maybe::flatMapSingleElement -- which returns a Maybe -- if you don't want this behaviour.


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to the item emitted by a Maybe, where that function returns a io.reactivex.SingleSource, and returns a Maybe that either emits the item emitted by this SingleSource or completes if the source Maybe just completes.

flatMapSingleElement example

Maybe<Integer> source = Maybe.just(-42);
Maybe<Integer> result = source.flatMapSingleElement(x -> {
    return Single.just(Math.abs(x));


// prints 42


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to the item emitted by a Maybe or Single, where that function returns a java.lang.Iterable, and returns a Flowable that emits the elements from this Iterable.

flattenAsFlowable example

Single<Double> source = Single.just(2.0);
Flowable<Double> flowable = source.flattenAsFlowable(x -> {
    return List.of(x, Math.pow(x, 2), Math.pow(x, 3));

flowable.subscribe(x -> System.out.println("onNext: " + x));

// prints:
// onNext: 2.0
// onNext: 4.0
// onNext: 8.0


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to the item emitted by a Maybe or Single, where that function returns a java.lang.Iterable, and returns an Observable that emits the elements from this Iterable.

flattenAsObservable example

Single<Double> source = Single.just(2.0);
Observable<Double> observable = source.flattenAsObservable(x -> {
    return List.of(x, Math.pow(x, 2), Math.pow(x, 3));

observable.subscribe(x -> System.out.println("onNext: " + x));

// prints:
// onNext: 2.0
// onNext: 4.0
// onNext: 8.0


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Groups the items emitted by a reactive source according to a specified criterion, and emits these grouped items as a GroupedObservable or GroupedFlowable.

groupBy example

Observable<String> animals = Observable.just(
    "Tiger", "Elephant", "Cat", "Chameleon", "Frog", "Fish", "Turtle", "Flamingo");

animals.groupBy(animal -> animal.charAt(0), String::toUpperCase)

// prints:


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source and emits the results of these function applications.

map example

Observable.just(1, 2, 3)
    .map(x -> x * x)

// prints:
// 1
// 4
// 9


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.BiFunction to a seed value and the first item emitted by a reactive source, then feeds the result of that function application along with the second item emitted by the reactive source into the same function, and so on until all items have been emitted by the reactive source, emitting each intermediate result.

scan example

Observable.just(5, 3, 8, 1, 7)
    .scan(0, (partialSum, x) -> partialSum + x)

// prints:
// 0
// 5
// 8
// 16
// 17
// 24


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Applies the given io.reactivex.functions.Function to each item emitted by a reactive source, where that function returns a reactive source, and emits the items emitted by the most recently projected of these reactive sources.

switchMap example

Observable.interval(0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    .switchMap(x -> {
        return Observable.interval(0, 750, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                .map(y -> x);
    .takeWhile(x -> x < 3)

// prints 001122


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Collects the items emitted by a reactive source into windows, and emits these windows as a Flowable or Observable.

window example

Observable.range(1, 10)

    // Create windows containing at most 2 items, and skip 3 items before starting a new window.
    .window(2, 3)
    .flatMapSingle(window -> {
                .reduce(new StringJoiner(", ", "[", "]"), StringJoiner::add);

// prints:
// [1, 2]
// [4, 5]
// [7, 8]
// [10]