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This page shows operators that perform mathematical or other operations over an entire sequence of items emitted by an Observable or Flowable. Because these operations must wait for the source Observable/Flowable to complete emitting items before they can construct their own emissions (and must usually buffer these items), these operators are dangerous to use on Observables and Flowables that may have very long or infinite sequences.


Mathematical Operators

The operators in this section are part of the RxJava2Extensions project. You have to add the rxjava2-extensions module as a dependency to your project. It can be found at

Note that unlike the standard RxJava aggregator operators, these mathematical operators return Observable and Flowable instead of the Single or Maybe.

The examples below assume that the MathObservable and MathFlowable classes are imported from the rxjava2-extensions module:

import hu.akarnokd.rxjava2.math.MathObservable;
import hu.akarnokd.rxjava2.math.MathFlowable;


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Calculates the average of Numbers emitted by an Observable and emits this average as a Double.

averageDouble example

Observable<Integer> numbers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3);
MathObservable.averageDouble(numbers).subscribe((Double avg) -> System.out.println(avg));

// prints 2.0


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Calculates the average of Numbers emitted by an Observable and emits this average as a Float.

averageFloat example

Observable<Integer> numbers = Observable.just(1, 2, 3);
MathObservable.averageFloat(numbers).subscribe((Float avg) -> System.out.println(avg));

// prints 2.0


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Emits the maximum value emitted by a source Observable. A Comparator can be specified that will be used to compare the elements emitted by the Observable.

max example

Observable<Integer> numbers = Observable.just(4, 9, 5);

// prints 9

The following example specifies a Comparator to find the longest String in the source Observable:

final Observable<String> names = Observable.just("Kirk", "Spock", "Chekov", "Sulu");
MathObservable.max(names, Comparator.comparingInt(String::length))

// prints Chekov


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Emits the minimum value emitted by a source Observable. A Comparator can be specified that will be used to compare the elements emitted by the Observable.

min example

Observable<Integer> numbers = Observable.just(4, 9, 5);

// prints 4


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Adds the Doubles emitted by an Observable and emits this sum.

sumDouble example

Observable<Double> numbers = Observable.just(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
MathObservable.sumDouble(numbers).subscribe((Double sum) -> System.out.println(sum));

// prints 6.0


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Adds the Floats emitted by an Observable and emits this sum.

sumFloat example

Observable<Float> numbers = Observable.just(1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F);
MathObservable.sumFloat(numbers).subscribe((Float sum) -> System.out.println(sum));

// prints 6.0


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Adds the Integers emitted by an Observable and emits this sum.

sumInt example

Observable<Integer> numbers = Observable.range(1, 100);
MathObservable.sumInt(numbers).subscribe((Integer sum) -> System.out.println(sum));

// prints 5050


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Adds the Longs emitted by an Observable and emits this sum.

sumLong example

Observable<Long> numbers = Observable.rangeLong(1L, 100L);
MathObservable.sumLong(numbers).subscribe((Long sum) -> System.out.println(sum));

// prints 5050

Standard Aggregate Operators

Note that these standard aggregate operators return a Single or Maybe because the number of output items is always know to be at most one.


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Counts the number of items emitted by an Observable and emits this count as a Long.

count example

Observable.just(1, 2, 3).count().subscribe(System.out::println);

// prints 3


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Apply a function to each emitted item, sequentially, and emit only the final accumulated value.

reduce example

Observable.range(1, 5)
    .reduce((product, x) -> product * x)

// prints 120


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Apply a function to each emitted item, sequentially, and emit only the final accumulated value.

reduceWith example

Observable.just(1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5)
        .reduceWith(TreeSet::new, (set, x) -> {
            return set;

// prints [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Collect items emitted by the source Observable into a single mutable data structure and return an Observable that emits this structure.

collect example

Observable.just("Kirk", "Spock", "Chekov", "Sulu")
        .collect(() -> new StringJoiner(" \uD83D\uDD96 "), StringJoiner::add)

// prints Kirk 🖖 Spock 🖖 Chekov 🖖 Sulu


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Collect items emitted by the source Observable into a single mutable data structure and return an Observable that emits this structure.

collectInto example

Note: the mutable value that will collect the items (here the StringBuilder) will be shared between multiple subscribers.

Observable.just('R', 'x', 'J', 'a', 'v', 'a')
        .collectInto(new StringBuilder(), StringBuilder::append)

// prints RxJava


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Collect all items from an Observable and emit them as a single List.

toList example

Observable.just(2, 1, 3)

// prints [2, 1, 3]


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Collect all items from an Observable and emit them as a single, sorted List.

toSortedList example

Observable.just(2, 1, 3)

// prints [3, 2, 1]


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Convert the sequence of items emitted by an Observable into a Map keyed by a specified key function.

toMap example

Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4)
        .toMap((x) -> {
            // defines the key in the Map
            return x;
        }, (x) -> {
            // defines the value that is mapped to the key
            return (x % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd";

// prints {1=odd, 2=even, 3=odd, 4=even}


Available in: image Flowable, image Observable, image Maybe, image Single, image Completable

ReactiveX documentation:

Convert the sequence of items emitted by an Observable into a Collection that is also a Map keyed by a specified key function.

toMultimap example

Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4)
        .toMultimap((x) -> {
            // defines the key in the Map
            return (x % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd";
        }, (x) -> {
            // defines the value that is mapped to the key
            return x;

// prints {even=[2, 4], odd=[1, 3]}