Build procedure
The CMakeLists.txt at hip-tests/samples folder can be used for building and packaging samples.
CMakeLists.txt can support shared and static libs of hip-rocclr runtime. The same steps can be followed for both.
- To build a specific sample (e.g. 0_Intro/bit_extract) run ..
cd samples/0_Intro/bit_extract
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
make all
- To build all samples together run ..
cd hip-tests
mkdir -p build && cd build
rm -rf * (to clear up)
cmake ../samples
make build_samples
In order to build specific samples (Intro, Utils or Cookbook) run ..
make build_intro make build_utils make build_cookbook
Note that if you want debug version, add "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" in cmake cmd.
- To package samples and generate packages. From hip-tests/build
cmake ../samples
make package_samples