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This document covers how to install PaddleDetection, its dependencies (including PaddlePaddle), together with COCO and Pascal VOC dataset.
For general information about PaddleDetection, please see README.md.
Running PaddleDetection requires PaddlePaddle Fluid v.1.6 and later. please follow the instructions in installation document.
Please make sure your PaddlePaddle installation was successful and the version of your PaddlePaddle is not lower than required. Verify with the following commands.
# To check PaddlePaddle installation in your Python interpreter
>>> import paddle.fluid as fluid
>>> fluid.install_check.run_check()
# To check PaddlePaddle version
python -c "import paddle; print(paddle.__version__)"
- Python2 or Python3 (Only support Python3 for windows)
- CUDA >= 8.0
- cuDNN >= 5.0
- nccl >= 2.1.2
COCO-API is needed for running. Installation is as follows:
git clone https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi.git
cd cocoapi/PythonAPI
# if cython is not installed
pip install Cython
# Install into global site-packages
make install
# Alternatively, if you do not have permissions or prefer
# not to install the COCO API into global site-packages
python setup.py install --user
Installation of COCO-API in windows:
# if cython is not installed
pip install Cython
# Because the origin version of cocoapi does not support windows, another version is used which only supports Python3
pip install git+https://github.com/philferriere/cocoapi.git#subdirectory=PythonAPI
Clone Paddle models repository:
You can clone PaddleDetection with the following commands:
cd <path/to/clone/PaddleDetection>
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection.git
Install Python dependencies:
Required python packages are specified in requirements.txt, and can be installed with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Specify the current Python path:
# In Linux/Mac
# In windows
Make sure the tests pass:
python ppdet/modeling/tests/test_architectures.py
PaddleDetection includes support for COCO and Pascal VOC by default, please follow these instructions to set up the dataset.
Create symlinks for local datasets:
Default dataset path in config files is dataset/coco
and dataset/voc
, if the
datasets are already available on disk, you can simply create symlinks to
their directories:
ln -sf <path/to/coco> <path/to/paddle_detection>/dataset/coco
ln -sf <path/to/voc> <path/to/paddle_detection>/dataset/voc
For Pascal VOC dataset, you should create file list by:
python dataset/voc/create_list.py
Download datasets manually:
On the other hand, to download the datasets, run the following commands:
python dataset/coco/download_coco.py
dataset with directory structures like this:
├── annotations
│ ├── instances_train2014.json
│ ├── instances_train2017.json
│ ├── instances_val2014.json
│ ├── instances_val2017.json
│ | ...
├── train2017
│ ├── 000000000009.jpg
│ ├── 000000580008.jpg
│ | ...
├── val2017
│ ├── 000000000139.jpg
│ ├── 000000000285.jpg
│ | ...
| ...
- Pascal VOC
python dataset/voc/download_voc.py
python dataset/voc/create_list.py
Pascal VOC
dataset with directory structure like this:
├── train.txt
├── val.txt
├── test.txt
├── label_list.txt (optional)
├── VOCdevkit/VOC2007
│ ├── Annotations
│ ├── 001789.xml
│ | ...
│ ├── JPEGImages
│ ├── 001789.jpg
│ | ...
│ ├── ImageSets
│ | ...
├── VOCdevkit/VOC2012
│ ├── Annotations
│ ├── 2011_003876.xml
│ | ...
│ ├── JPEGImages
│ ├── 2011_003876.jpg
│ | ...
│ ├── ImageSets
│ | ...
| ...
NOTE: If you set use_default_label=False
in yaml configs, the label_list.txt
of Pascal VOC dataset will be read, otherwise, label_list.txt
is unnecessary and
the default Pascal VOC label list which defined in
voc_loader.py will be used.
Download datasets automatically:
If a training session is started but the dataset is not setup properly (e.g,
not found in dataset/coco
or dataset/voc
), PaddleDetection can automatically
download them from COCO-2017 and
VOC2012, the decompressed datasets
will be cached in ~/.cache/paddle/dataset/
and can be discovered automatically
NOTE: For further informations on the datasets, please see READER.md