Collection of interview questions with Unit Tests. Problems includes Data Structures, Logical and few Classical problems.
- Implement Queue Using Stack
- Baseball Game
- Minimum Stack
- Balanced Parenthesis
- Postfix Expression Evaluation
- [Remove Consecutive Repeated Digits](src/DataStructures/Stack/ remove-consecutive-repeated-digits)
- Implement 2 Stacks using Single Array
- Anagrams
- Array Chunk
- Count Vowels
- Find 2 numbers that add upto N
- Find 2nd Maxinum from an Array
- FizzBuzz
- String Permutaions
- Get Subsequence
- Get Maze Path
- Get longest consecutive 1s
- Get Max Char
- Get Smallest Common Number
- Merge 2 Sorted Arrays
- Palindrome
- Product of Elements
- Remove Duplicates
- Reverse String
- Maximum Product of Three Numbers
- Next Greater for Every Element in an Array
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When adding a new problem with solution
- Take care of the filename convention (Very Important)
- Problem statement should be there with examples
- Make sure you add the Run Time complexity of your solution
- Please take care of the segregation of the Problems as per the given Folder Structure
- It's great if you can add the Unit Tests to verify your solutions as well
- Strictly follow ESLINT rules
When adding a Unit Test
- Take care of the file name convention
- Make sure CI (Travis) is passing
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