# This is global Tgbox loop.
# You should use it if you
# want to add coroutines to
# the event loop.
from tgbox import loop
from tgbox.api import (
from tgbox.keys import Phrase, make_basekey
from getpass import getpass # For hidden input
async def main():
ta = TelegramAccount(
phone_number = input('Phone: ')
await ta.connect()
await ta.send_code_request()
await ta.sign_in(
code = int(input('Code: ')),
password = getpass('Pass: ')
# Generate passphrase.
p = Phrase.generate()
print(p.phrase, '<- your phrase')
# WARNING: This will use 1GB of RAM for a
# couple of seconds. See help(make_basekey).
basekey = make_basekey(p)
# Make EncryptedRemoteBox
erb = await make_remote_box(ta)
# Make DecryptedLocalBox
dlb = await make_local_box(erb, ta, basekey)
from tgbox import loop
from tgbox.api import get_local_box, get_remote_box
from tgbox.keys import Phrase, make_basekey
async def main():
# Better to use getpass.getpass, but
# it's can be hard to input passphrase
# without UI. It's just example, so OK.
p = Phrase(input('@ Phrase: '))
# WARNING: This will use 1GB of RAM for a
# couple of seconds. See help(make_basekey).
basekey = make_basekey(p)
# Opening & decrypting LocalBox.
# You can also specify MainKey.
dlb = await get_local_box(basekey)
# Getting DecryptedRemoteBox
drb = await get_remote_box(dlb)
# Making upload file, returns FutureFile
ff = await dlb.make_file(
file = open('cats.png','rb'),
comment = b'Cats are cool B-)',
foldername = b'Pictures/Kitties'
# Uploading FutureFile to the RemoteBox
# return DecryptedRemoteBoxFile
drbfi = await drb.push_file(ff)
# Retrieving some RemoteBoxFile info
print('Size:', drbfi.size)
print('File name:', drbfi.file_name)
print('Folder:', drbfi.foldername)
print('Comment:', drbfi.comment)
# Download it back.
await drbfi.download()
For the next examples let's assume that we already have DecryptedLocalBox
(as dlb
) & DecryptedRemoteBox
(as drb
) to respect DRY.
# We use gather() here, but
# there is also tgbox.loop.create_task
from asyncio import gather
... # some code omitted
# This will upload three files
# concurrently, wait and return
# list of DecryptedRemoteBoxFile
drbfi_list = await gather(
drb.push_file(await dlb.make_file(open('cats1.png','rb'))),
drb.push_file(await dlb.make_file(open('cats2.png','rb'))),
drb.push_file(await dlb.make_file(open('cats3.png','rb')))
I don't know how it will affect your Telegram account, as official clients allow one or two uploads at the same time. Your account or session may be restricted for file uploading, or even blocked (not sure). Be careful, and not spam servers. It's not well tested as per 1.0 version.
... # some code omitted
# Iterating over files in RemoteBox
async for drbfi in drb.files():
print(drbfi.id, drbfi.file_name)
# Iterating over files in LocalBox
async for dlbfi in dlb.files():
print(dlbfi.id, dlbfi.file_name)
... # some code omitted
# Iterating over folders in LocalBox
async for lbf dlb.folders():
# Iterating over files in Folder
async for dlbfi in lbf.files():
print(dlbfi.id, dlbfi.file_name)
RemoteBox doesn't have abstract Folder class, so only LocalBox.
# You can also call this methods on DecryptedLocalBox.
... # some code omitted
last_drbfi = await drb.get_file(await dlb.get_last_file_id())
with open(f'{last_drbfi.file_name}_preview.jpg', 'wb') as f:
f.write(await last_drbfi.get_preview())
... # some code omitted
from tgbox.tools import SearchFilter
# With this filter, method will search
# all files that have .jpg or .png in
# name, Pictures in foldername and
# 1MB minimum size.
# There is also `re` kwarg, it
# tell search method that every
# bytestring is Regular Expression.
# See help(SearchFilter) for more
# keyword arguments.
sf = SearchFilter(
file_name = [b'.jpg', b'.png'],
folder = b'Pictures',
min_size = 1e+6
# You can also search on RemoteBox
async for dlbfi in dlb.search_file(ff):
print(dlbfi.id, dlbfi.file_name)
from tgbox import loop
from tgbox.api import (
from tgbox.keys import make_basekey
from getpass import getpass
async def main():
ta = TelegramAccount(
phone_number = input('Phone: ')
await ta.connect()
await ta.send_code_request()
await ta.sign_in(
code = int(input('Code: ')),
password = getpass('Pass: ')
# Make decryption key for cloned Box.
# Please, use strength Phrase, we
# encrypt with it your Telegram session.
# See keys.Phrase.generate method.
basekey = make_basekey(b'very_bad_phrase')
# Retreive RemoteBox by username (entity),
# you may also use here invite link.
# In this example we will clone created
# by Non RemoteBox. MainKey of it is
# already disclosed. NEVER DO THIS
# with your private Boxes. If you
# want to share your with someone
# else, use ShareKey. See docs.
# Retreiving MainKey will give
# FULL R/O ACCESS to your files.
erb = await get_remote_box(
ta = ta, entity = 'nontgbox_non'
# Disclosed MainKey of the @nontgbox_non
# RemoteBox. See t.me/nontgbox_non/3
mainkey = Key.decode(
# Decrypt @nontgbox_non
drb = await erb.decrypt(key=mainkey)
# Clone and retreive DecryptedLocalBox
dlb = await drb.clone(basekey)
As Tgbox built on Telethon, you can access full power of this beautiful library.
... # some code omitted
my_account = await drb._ta.TelegramClient.get_me()
print(my_account.first_name, my_account.id)