From 4ce44527c4f49781c5b310bf33a594d6e7c4dfc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 13:42:06 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 01/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A2=9E=E5=8A=A0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 294 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index 896a9633d..f089d33f2 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -290,5 +290,298 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到Nginx代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler.", + "translate": "中文翻译来自 xiaoxinrpo." + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{Why don't you create one?} other{And you don't have permission to create one.}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义Nginx配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义Nginx配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "自定义", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "反向代理", + "empty": "无反向代理", + "add": "添加反向代理", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 反向代理", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除反向代理", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除反向代理 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是反向代理?", + "help-content": "反向代理是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n反向代理可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n反向代理是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "无重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "Stream模块", + "empty": "没有Stream模块", + "add": "添加Stream", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} Stream", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除Stream", + "delete-confirm": "你确定你要删除这个Stream吗?", + "help-title": "什么是Stream?", + "help-content": "Stream作为Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{Custom}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的反向代理后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用Site24x7测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与site24x7.com的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let'sEncrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对反向代理的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于反向代理。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{User} other{Users}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{Rule} other{Rules}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{Proxy Host} other{Proxy Hosts}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}反向代理有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以用户身份登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ for {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "反向代理", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "Stream", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认站点", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } -} +} \ No newline at end of file From 2195b853b361eef3fe1c5aa3199073c61556b05a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 13:42:23 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 02/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BD=BF=E8=83=BD=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +++--- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +++--- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 1 + 4 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index b8d883311..b354dbc63 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 562e71c22..96e7ee2e8 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %> From a72b17eff5f19158f3e581f2268ec8568b079a35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 16:22:39 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 03/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BC=98=E5=8C=96=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 70 +++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index f089d33f2..aa96b8c91 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ "title": "你好 {name}" }, "all-hosts": { - "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{Why don't you create one?} other{And you don't have permission to create one.}}", + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", "details": "详细内容", "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", "force-ssl": "强制SSL", @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ }, "ssl": { "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", - "other": "自定义", + "other": "上传证书", "none": "仅HTTP", "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", @@ -411,17 +411,17 @@ "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" }, "proxy-hosts": { - "title": "反向代理", - "empty": "无反向代理", - "add": "添加反向代理", - "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 反向代理", + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", "forward-scheme": "协议", "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", "forward-port": "转发端口", - "delete": "删除反向代理", - "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除反向代理 {domains} 吗?", - "help-title": "什么是反向代理?", - "help-content": "反向代理是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n反向代理可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n反向代理是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", "access-list": "通信规则", "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", @@ -430,9 +430,9 @@ }, "redirection-hosts": { "title": "重定向", - "empty": "无重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", "add": "添加重定向", - "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", "forward-scheme": "协议", "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", "forward-domain": "转发域名", @@ -445,9 +445,9 @@ }, "dead-hosts": { "title": "错误页面", - "empty": "没有错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", "add": "添加错误页面", - "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", "delete": "删除错误页面", "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", @@ -455,10 +455,10 @@ "search": "搜索主机…" }, "streams": { - "title": "Stream模块", - "empty": "没有Stream模块", + "title": "Stream", + "empty": "目前还没有Stream", "add": "添加Stream", - "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} Stream", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} Stream", "incoming-port": "入站端口", "forwarding-host": "转发主机", "forwarding-port": "转发端口", @@ -476,22 +476,22 @@ }, "certificates": { "title": "SSL证书", - "empty": "没有SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", "add": "添加SSL证书", - "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{Custom}} 证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", "delete": "删除SSL证书", "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", "help-title": "SSL证书", - "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的反向代理后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", "other-certificate": "证书", "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", "force-renew": "现在更新", "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", - "reachability-info": "使用Site24x7测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", - "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与site24x7.com的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", @@ -503,21 +503,21 @@ }, "access-lists": { "title": "通信规则", - "empty": "没有通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", "add": "添加通信规则", - "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", "delete": "删除通信规则", "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", "public": "公开规则", "public-sub": "没有规则限制", "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", - "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对反向代理的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于反向代理。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", - "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{User} other{Users}}", - "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{Rule} other{Rules}}", - "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{Proxy Host} other{Proxy Hosts}}", - "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}反向代理有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", "details": "详情", - "authorization": "授权", + "authorization": "授权用户", "access": "规则", "satisfy": "满足", "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", @@ -535,11 +535,11 @@ "edit-details": "编辑详情", "change-password": "修改密码", "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", - "sign-in-as": "以用户身份登录", - "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 用户", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", - "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ for {name}} other{}}", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", "current-password": "修改密码", "new-password": "新密码", "confirm-password": "确认密码", @@ -555,9 +555,9 @@ }, "audit-log": { "title": "检查日志", - "empty": "没有日志。", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", - "proxy-host": "反向代理", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", "redirection-host": "重定向", "dead-host": "错误页面", "stream": "Stream", From 126c63d076ca7d026a8a60e5393300dfea5104c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 16:23:01 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 04/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A2=9E=E5=8A=A0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91Dockerfile?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da0a08e45 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.9.18 + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" From 25751f8b776c32fa2aa1c55a6532aad6fb5ab126 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 16:23:38 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 05/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A2=9E=E5=8A=A0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91=E7=BC=96=E8=AF=91=E8=84=9A=E6=9C=AC?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- scripts/bulid-zh | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) create mode 100644 scripts/bulid-zh diff --git a/scripts/bulid-zh b/scripts/bulid-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce5e74109 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/bulid-zh @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.18 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . + From ed2056ee648722b3a7c6d59c7801004e3fe70876 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 16:30:50 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 06/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E6=94=B9=E6=96=87=E4=BB=B6?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=90=8D?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- scripts/{bulid-zh => build-zh} | 0 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) rename scripts/{bulid-zh => build-zh} (100%) diff --git a/scripts/bulid-zh b/scripts/build-zh similarity index 100% rename from scripts/bulid-zh rename to scripts/build-zh From f55715fc47a527d89bde52ddc505674a5dd08e2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 17:05:07 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 07/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BC=98=E5=8C=96=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 2 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 24 ++++++++++++------------ 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..68a761d1e 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = i18n('main', 'app') %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..e5a3cc4e0 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = i18n('str', 'sign-in') + ' – ' + i18n('main', 'app') %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 96e7ee2e8..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index aa96b8c91..097817973 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -352,9 +352,9 @@ }, "footer": { "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", - "copy": "© 2022", - "theme": "Theme by Tabler.", - "translate": "中文翻译来自 xiaoxinrpo." + "copy": "© 2022, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " }, "dashboard": { "title": "你好 {name}" @@ -455,10 +455,10 @@ "search": "搜索主机…" }, "streams": { - "title": "Stream", - "empty": "目前还没有Stream", - "add": "添加Stream", - "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} Stream", + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", "incoming-port": "入站端口", "forwarding-host": "转发主机", "forwarding-port": "转发端口", @@ -468,10 +468,10 @@ "protocol": "协议", "tcp": "TCP", "udp": "UDP", - "delete": "删除Stream", - "delete-confirm": "你确定你要删除这个Stream吗?", - "help-title": "什么是Stream?", - "help-content": "Stream作为Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", "search": "搜索入站端口…" }, "certificates": { @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "proxy-host": "代理服务", "redirection-host": "重定向", "dead-host": "错误页面", - "stream": "Stream", + "stream": "端口转发", "user": "用户", "certificate": "证书", "access-list": "通信规则", From 6e83f0ddb914ad562e65079595f82791e7088d5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 17:11:43 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 08/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E5=A4=8D=E6=BA=90=E6=96=87?= =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BB=B6=E4=B8=AD=E7=9A=84i18n=E9=97=AE=E9=A2=98?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 8 ++++---- 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index 68a761d1e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = i18n('main', 'app') %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index e5a3cc4e0..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = i18n('str', 'sign-in') + ' – ' + i18n('main', 'app') %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index 097817973..a2f52a697 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ "title": "登录到您的账户" }, "main": { - "app": "Nginx代理管理器", + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", "version": "v{version}", - "welcome": "欢迎来到Nginx代理管理器", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", "unknown-user": "未知用户", @@ -375,8 +375,8 @@ "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", "advanced": "高级", - "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义Nginx配置,风险自负!", - "advanced-config": "自定义Nginx配置", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", From 0eedf07ad5095bdd48bfbc1f43c7a23fe8972bc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 18:55:56 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 09/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A2=9E=E5=8A=A0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87Readm?= =?UTF-8?q?e?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- | 532 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 538 +++++---------------------------------------------- 2 files changed, 579 insertions(+), 491 deletions(-) create mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a97d3ba87 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,532 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + + + Gitter + + + Reddit + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to the following contributors: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
chaptergy +
+ + +
Kyle Klaus +
+ + +
+ + +
Spencer +
+ + +
Xantios Krugor +
+ + +
David Panesso +
+ + +
IronTooch +
+ + +
Damiano +
+ + +
Russ +
+ + +
Marcelo Castagna +
+ + +
Steven Harris +
+ + +
Jocelyn Le Sage +
+ + +
Carl Mercier +
+ + +
Paul Mansfield +
+ + +
OhHeyAlan +
+ + +
Carl Sutton +
+ + +
Gergő Törcsvári +
+ + +
vrenjith +
+ + +
David Rivera +
+ + +
Jaap-Jan de Wit +
+ + +
James Morgan +
+ + +
Sebastian Valle +
+ + +
Philip Mooney +
+ + +
WaterCalm +
+ + +
lebrou34 +
+ + +
Mário Franco +
+ + +
Kyle Harding +
+ + +
Alex Graber +
+ + +
MooBaloo +
+ + +
Shuro +
+ + +
Loris Bergeron +
+ + +
hepelayo +
+ + +
Jonas Leder +
+ + +
Bastian Stegmann +
+ + +
Stealthii +
+ + +
THEGamingninja +
+ + +
Italo Borssatto +
+ + +
Gurjinder Singh +
+ + +
David Dosoudil +
+ + +
ijaron +
+ + +
Niels Bouma +
+ + +
Orko Garai +
+ + +
Filippo Baruffaldi +
+ + +
Bikramjeet Singh +
+ + +
Razvan Stoica +
+ + +
+ + +
demize +
+ + +
PUP-Loki +
+ + +
Daniel Sörlöv +
+ + +
Theyooo +
+ + +
Justin Peacock +
+ + +
Chris Tracy +
+ + +
Fuechslein +
+ + +
Amir Zarrinkafsh +
+ + +
gabbe +
+ + +
bmbvenom +
+ + +
Florian Meinicke +
+ + +
Rahul Somasundaram +
+ + +
Björn Heinrichs +
+ + +
Josh Byrnes +
+ + +
bergi9 +
+ + +
luoweihua7 +
+ + +
Tobias Kneidl +
+ + +
Pius Walter +
+ + +
Troy Kelly +
+ + +
Ivan Kristianto +
+ + +
Omer Cohen +
+ + diff --git a/ b/ index a97d3ba87..682e1302c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,72 +1,31 @@ +

- -

- - - - - - - - - Gitter - - - Reddit - + +

-This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal - -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. - -Buy Me A Coffee - +[Original English README]( -## Features +本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +![]( +## 快速部署 -## Hosting your home network +1. 安装Docker和Docker-compose -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services - -## Quick Setup - -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose - -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( - -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +2. 创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml version: '3' services: app: - image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -76,457 +35,54 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -3. Bring up your stack by running +3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 + +## 更多 + +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: + +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [官方问答]( + +## 捐赠 + +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 -## Contributors +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -Special thanks to the following contributors: +### 微信扫描捐赠 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
chaptergy -
- - -
Kyle Klaus -
- - -
- - -
Spencer -
- - -
Xantios Krugor -
- - -
David Panesso -
- - -
IronTooch -
- - -
Damiano -
- - -
Russ -
- - -
Marcelo Castagna -
- - -
Steven Harris -
- - -
Jocelyn Le Sage -
- - -
Carl Mercier -
- - -
Paul Mansfield -
- - -
OhHeyAlan -
- - -
Carl Sutton -
- - -
Gergő Törcsvári -
- - -
vrenjith -
- - -
David Rivera -
- - -
Jaap-Jan de Wit -
- - -
James Morgan -
- - -
Sebastian Valle -
- - -
Philip Mooney -
- - -
WaterCalm -
- - -
lebrou34 -
- - -
Mário Franco -
- - -
Kyle Harding -
- - -
Alex Graber -
- - -
MooBaloo -
- - -
Shuro -
- - -
Loris Bergeron -
- - -
hepelayo -
- - -
Jonas Leder -
- - -
Bastian Stegmann -
- - -
Stealthii -
- - -
THEGamingninja -
- - -
Italo Borssatto -
- - -
Gurjinder Singh -
- - -
David Dosoudil -
- - -
ijaron -
- - -
Niels Bouma -
- - -
Orko Garai -
- - -
Filippo Baruffaldi -
- - -
Bikramjeet Singh -
- - -
Razvan Stoica -
- - -
- - -
demize -
- - -
PUP-Loki -
- - -
Daniel Sörlöv -
- - -
Theyooo -
- - -
Justin Peacock -
- - -
Chris Tracy -
- - -
Fuechslein -
- - -
Amir Zarrinkafsh -
- - -
gabbe -
- - -
bmbvenom -
- - -
Florian Meinicke -
- - -
Rahul Somasundaram -
- - -
Björn Heinrichs -
- - -
Josh Byrnes -
- - -
bergi9 -
- - -
luoweihua7 -
- - -
Tobias Kneidl -
- - -
Pius Walter -
- - -
Troy Kelly -
- - -
Ivan Kristianto -
- - -
Omer Cohen -
- - +![微信扫描捐赠]( From 6f1ebfc93a6f571703c71a75b806e678f4c388d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 19:03:16 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 10/59] Update --- | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 682e1302c..c940a3218 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ +[Original English README]( +

-[Original English README]( - 本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 ![]( @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ docker-compose up -d - [项目官网]( - [安装手册]( - [高级配置]( -- [官方问答]( +- [常见问题]( ## 捐赠 From fd54e46f3640b8f43223d566f98f8338ca3b1ea8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 19:04:23 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 11/59] Update --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index c940a3218..db4a7d535 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -[Original English README]( +[Original English README](

From b6f9c29e81ff1e169000e75864bcc4b48a40b5ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 19:25:52 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 12/59] Add Multiarch build Complete --- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 2 ++ scripts/buildx-zh | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+) create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh index da0a08e45..cffcc0a98 100644 --- a/docker/Dockerfile-zh +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.9.18 +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + EXPOSE 80 81 443 RUN rm -rf /app/frontend diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c7a8f4b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +docker buildx build \ + -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.18 \ + -f docker/Dockerfile-zh \ + --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 \ + --progress plain \ + . --push + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" From 50e1c9ab473ed138a0b52bf38fe59dfd6aa40305 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 20:37:55 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 13/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BC=98=E5=8C=96docker=20buildx=20build?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- | 4 ++-- scripts/buildx-zh | 7 +------ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index db4a7d535..d1b0caeb5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ docker-compose up -d ### 支付宝扫码捐赠 -![支付宝扫码捐赠]( +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( ### 微信扫描捐赠 -![微信扫描捐赠]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh index 7c7a8f4b4..8eb48416f 100644 --- a/scripts/buildx-zh +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -9,12 +9,7 @@ cd "${DIR}/.." docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" -docker buildx build \ - -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.18 \ - -f docker/Dockerfile-zh \ - --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 \ - --progress plain \ - . --push +docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.18" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" From 865dd4f28d3725afeeae1b597d38a3c8ce7ad809 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 19:42:39 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 14/59] Update --- | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index d1b0caeb5..a1fb27a8a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -12,13 +12,17 @@ ## 快速部署 -1. 安装Docker和Docker-compose +### 1. 环境部署 + +安装Docker和Docker-compose - [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( - [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( - **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -2. 创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: +### 2. 创建YAML文件 + +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml version: '3' @@ -35,13 +39,13 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -3. 部署运行 +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d ``` -4. 登录管理页面 +### 4. 登录管理页面 当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 @@ -56,9 +60,10 @@ Password: changeme 使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 -5. 快速升级 +### 5. 快速升级 ```bash +docker-compose down docker-compose pull docker-compose up -d ``` @@ -67,6 +72,8 @@ docker-compose up -d ## 更多 +### 1. 官方文档(英文) + 关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: - [项目源码]( @@ -75,6 +82,14 @@ docker-compose up -d - [高级配置]( - [常见问题]( +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + ## 捐赠 如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 From 278245aff0958fdbaee92319b1624a36abd68f5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 15:03:41 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 15/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.9.19=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- | 109 +++++++++++ | 124 ++++++------ docker/Dockerfile-zh | 21 +++ frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 293 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 9 + scripts/buildx-zh | 16 ++ 13 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..80393647a --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 80393647a..a1fb27a8a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal - -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. - -Buy Me A Coffee +[Original English README]( -## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +

+ +

+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml version: '3' services: app: - image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -70,40 +39,65 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 + +## 更多 + +### 1. 官方文档(英文) + +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: + +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 +## 捐赠 -## Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Development Gitter]( -4. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..488e37592 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.9.19 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index b8d883311..f392e6be4 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..96e7ee2e8 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index aa544c7e0..b34efab60 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -290,5 +290,298 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认站点", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 4965d0dfb..47f517016 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.9.19", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..714049478 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#!/bin/bash +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.19 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cddfac977 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.19" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From 3d272ff3124135b23d1e7bcf37575d7e8d8365d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 20:32:44 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 16/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.9.22=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- | 109 +++++++++++ | 124 ++++++------ docker/Dockerfile-zh | 21 +++ frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 293 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 9 + scripts/buildx-zh | 16 ++ 13 files changed, 519 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-) create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d80be33a --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 0d80be33a..a1fb27a8a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal - -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. - -Buy Me A Coffee +[Original English README]( -## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +

+ +

+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml version: '3' services: app: - image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -70,40 +39,65 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 + +## 更多 + +### 1. 官方文档(英文) + +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: + +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 +## 捐赠 -## Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Development Gitter]( -4. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b723540f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.9.22 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index b8d883311..616249339 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index aa544c7e0..b34efab60 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -290,5 +290,298 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认站点", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 4965d0dfb..54aa81d15 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.9.22", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..472757135 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#!/bin/bash +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.22 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..63c49da8d --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.22" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From 59768813766929fcbbe817b65fe7cc01dd1698d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chishin Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 21:29:56 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 17/59] Create docker.yml --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..026c93439 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - develop-zh + - develop-zh_* + pull_request: + branches: [ develop-zh ] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: Login docker hub + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: Build Dockerfile + run: | + ls -l &&\ + cd scripts &&\ + ls -l &&\ + ./buildx-zh + From 86797ff8f8235f99a4f926222276932ab8ce6af5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chishin Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 21:34:46 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 18/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A2=9E=E5=8A=A0=E6=96=87=E4=BB=B6?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=89=A7=E8=A1=8C=E6=9D=83=E9=99=90?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 3 +-- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml index 026c93439..4aa485261 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ on: branches: - develop-zh - develop-zh_* - pull_request: - branches: [ develop-zh ] jobs: Docker-Buildx: runs-on: ubuntu-latest @@ -25,5 +23,6 @@ jobs: ls -l &&\ cd scripts &&\ ls -l &&\ + git update-index --chmod=+x buildx-zh &&\ ./buildx-zh From c0258410048a0d1086ca13961f13d55cee599859 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chishin Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 21:37:03 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 19/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E5=A4=8D=E6=89=A7=E8=A1=8C?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=87=E4=BB=B6=E6=9D=83=E9=99=90=E4=B8=8D=E8=B6=B3?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml index 4aa485261..6a107e5c9 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ jobs: run: | ls -l &&\ cd scripts &&\ + chmod +x buildx-zh &&\ ls -l &&\ - git update-index --chmod=+x buildx-zh &&\ ./buildx-zh From 0fa61840264f8d5def21ff45dc8d323d556748e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chishin Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 21:55:03 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 20/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=8E=88=E4=BA=88scripts=E6=96=87?= =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BB=B6=E5=A4=B9=E6=89=A7=E8=A1=8C=E6=9D=83=E9=99=90?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 6 ++---- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml index 6a107e5c9..fe6bb1e8c 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ jobs: uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 - name: Build Dockerfile run: | - ls -l &&\ - cd scripts &&\ - chmod +x buildx-zh &&\ - ls -l &&\ + chmod -R 755 scripts && ls -l &&\ + cd scripts && ls -l &&\ ./buildx-zh From fdcd1f2e0f846e6f4e298072c994a7d6fc30866a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 22:06:39 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 21/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E6=94=B9=E5=89=8D=E7=AB=AF?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=BC=96=E8=AF=91=E8=B7=AF=E5=BE=84?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- scripts/buildx-zh | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh index 63c49da8d..871cd3ff1 100644 --- a/scripts/buildx-zh +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #!/bin/bash DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" -. "$DIR/frontend-build" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" cd "${DIR}/.." From ad6655c8c8fa3ac28684cbe07c54ae0b520068f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 22:29:38 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 22/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E8=B0=83=E6=95=B4=E6=89=A7=E8=A1=8C?= =?UTF-8?q?=E8=84=9A=E6=9C=AC=E7=9B=AE=E5=BD=95?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 3 +-- scripts/buildx-zh | 2 ++ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml index fe6bb1e8c..3b46029e0 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -21,6 +21,5 @@ jobs: - name: Build Dockerfile run: | chmod -R 755 scripts && ls -l &&\ - cd scripts && ls -l &&\ - ./buildx-zh + ./scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh index 871cd3ff1..ae19b5bcd 100644 --- a/scripts/buildx-zh +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" cd "${DIR}/.." +echo `pwd && ls` + # Buildx Builder docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" From 098ed2dd47a2a34541c2b92cf01081cf68cc378f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 22:33:16 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 23/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=9B=B4=E6=96=B0buildx=E6=89=A7?= =?UTF-8?q?=E8=A1=8C=E7=9B=AE=E5=BD=95?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- scripts/buildx-zh | 4 +--- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh index ae19b5bcd..dd5b4938f 100644 --- a/scripts/buildx-zh +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" . "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" -cd "${DIR}/.." - -echo `pwd && ls` +cd "${DIR}/../.." # Buildx Builder docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo From 013164d43f12e14570dc0ac12c4c350a5aa0640e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 08:40:10 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 24/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E8=B0=83=E6=95=B4=E6=89=A7=E8=A1=8C?= =?UTF-8?q?=E8=84=9A=E6=9C=AC=E7=9B=AE=E5=BD=95?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- scripts/build-zh | 5 ++--- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh index 472757135..f046a58f3 100644 --- a/scripts/build-zh +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ #!/bin/bash -#!/bin/bash DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" -. "$DIR/frontend-build" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" -cd "${DIR}/.." +cd "${DIR}/../.." docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.22 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . From efb3505ab08354eb8d2e5b5404f012bd67c4d90b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 11:36:27 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 25/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A2=9E=E5=8A=A0=E7=8E=AF=E5=A2=83?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=8F=98=E9=87=8F=E6=9E=84=E5=BB=BABuildx?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- scripts/buildx-zh | 6 +++++- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh index dd5b4938f..506ca304a 100644 --- a/scripts/buildx-zh +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -9,7 +9,11 @@ cd "${DIR}/../.." docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" -docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.22" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +if [ $BUILD_TAG ];then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" From 6e0e27a93bb7b569478998180c9d6d2139b7934f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 11:50:59 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 26/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A2=9E=E5=8A=A0=E8=87=AA=E5=8A=A8?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=8C=96push=E5=92=8Crelease=E7=8E=AF=E5=A2=83=E5=8F=98?= =?UTF-8?q?=E9=87=8F?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml index 3b46029e0..5206cae9f 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -3,23 +3,43 @@ on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - - develop-zh - - develop-zh_* + - 'develop-zh' + release: + types: [published] jobs: Docker-Buildx: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - - name: Login docker hub + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 env: DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin - name: Docker Setup Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 - - name: Build Dockerfile + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile run: | - chmod -R 755 scripts && ls -l &&\ + chmod -R 755 scripts ./scripts/buildx-zh From fe0352b69cbd36552264ca59b062d2af58c3bcb6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 12:39:58 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 27/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E5=A4=8D=E7=8E=AF=E5=A2=83?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=8F=98=E9=87=8F=E6=A3=80=E6=B5=8BBUG?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- scripts/buildx-zh | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh index 506ca304a..6a1446723 100644 --- a/scripts/buildx-zh +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ cd "${DIR}/../.." docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" -if [ $BUILD_TAG ];then +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push else docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push From e1a4cfdd2185e706c1ef421d9f176fad5b65c3f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 13:27:13 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 28/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E5=A4=8Ddnspod=E5=88=9B?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=BB=BA=E8=AF=81=E4=B9=A6=E5=A4=B1=E8=B4=A5?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh index b723540f8..24b074952 100644 --- a/docker/Dockerfile-zh +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ EXPOSE 80 81 443 RUN rm -rf /app/frontend COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +RUN python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip && pip install certbot-dns-dnspod && pip install zope + WORKDIR /app VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] From ad02c2a0df1e080da378895b8baee08a39a87700 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 13:48:07 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 29/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E7=A7=BB=E9=99=A4=E5=86=97=E4=BD=99?= =?UTF-8?q?=E9=85=8D=E7=BD=AE?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh index 24b074952..3455ef9ac 100644 --- a/docker/Dockerfile-zh +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ EXPOSE 80 81 443 RUN rm -rf /app/frontend COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend -RUN python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip && pip install certbot-dns-dnspod && pip install zope +RUN pip install zope WORKDIR /app From 6046bfcdb2c05f02dbaa44d02b812664c98cff5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 13:59:03 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 30/59] =?UTF-8?q?zope=E6=8C=87=E5=AE=9Asetuptools=E7=89=88?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=9C=AC?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh index 3455ef9ac..063011ed7 100644 --- a/docker/Dockerfile-zh +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ EXPOSE 80 81 443 RUN rm -rf /app/frontend COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend -RUN pip install zope +RUN pip install --no-cache-dir "setuptools==58.0.0" zope WORKDIR /app From afc27af6cc5e6bf1d7ae7109f3d25b94168cad8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 14:03:02 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 31/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E7=A7=BB=E9=99=A4zope=E6=9B=B4=E6=96=B0?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 2 -- 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh index 063011ed7..b723540f8 100644 --- a/docker/Dockerfile-zh +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ EXPOSE 80 81 443 RUN rm -rf /app/frontend COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend -RUN pip install --no-cache-dir "setuptools==58.0.0" zope - WORKDIR /app VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] From f53cac204fd5a1584da0c31dd83ea71f8695f387 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 14:17:56 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 32/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=B7=BB=E5=8A=A0=E5=85=B3=E4=BA=8EDNSPo?= =?UTF-8?q?d=E5=88=9B=E5=BB=BA=E8=AF=81=E4=B9=A6=E5=A4=B1=E8=B4=A5?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=9A=84=E8=AF=B4=E6=98=8E?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index a1fb27a8a..cec8d0ac2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -90,6 +90,34 @@ docker-compose up -d 中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` + +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 + ## 捐赠 如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 From 62bb39cae34ea3558fd9a37e049fe9b82eabedab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 14:57:36 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 33/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=B1=89=E5=8C=96=E5=89=8D=E7=AB=AF?= =?UTF-8?q?=E9=BB=98=E8=AE=A4=E4=B8=BB=E9=A1=B5?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 ++++++------ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 8478b47f1..88289da1d 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



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From 4390e8f726a37940a560d741710969a1c95f5327 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 14:58:35 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 34/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E8=BF=9B=E4=B8=80=E6=AD=A5=E6=B1=89?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=8C=96=E9=80=9A=E4=BF=A1=E8=A7=84=E5=88=99=E9=A1=B5=E9=9D=A2?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +++++--- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form/client.ejs | 6 +++--- 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..671633689 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: 允许禁止 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form/client.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form/client.ejs index 6b767b83f..3cfbacdba 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form/client.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form/client.ejs @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- +
From 78f06235b635edf7e559df0f68e2ca87be8527bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 15:19:25 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 35/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E5=A4=8D=E9=83=A8=E5=88=86?= =?UTF-8?q?=E9=A1=B5=E9=9D=A2=E9=94=99=E8=AF=AF?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 2 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form/client.ejs | 6 +++--- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 2 +- 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 671633689..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
注意: 允许禁止 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form/client.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form/client.ejs index 3cfbacdba..6b767b83f 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form/client.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form/client.ejs @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- +
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index b34efab60..a42596664 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ }, "footer": { "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", - "copy": "© 2022, ", + "copy": "© 2022-2023, ", "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " }, From 250e464b86d4f887179b8da4a53fc19f5879cf00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 15:29:31 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 36/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E5=A4=8D=E4=B8=BB=E9=A1=B5?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=B1=89=E5=8C=96=E6=B2=A1=E6=9C=89=E6=88=90=E5=8A=9F?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh index b723540f8..559305f97 100644 --- a/docker/Dockerfile-zh +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" EXPOSE 80 81 443 -RUN rm -rf /app/frontend +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html WORKDIR /app From 40a5c605bf1426c9f8b132b4c05e5750bd25e5be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chishin Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 09:50:52 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 37/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E5=A4=8Drelease=E6=B2=A1?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=9C=89=E8=A7=A6=E5=8F=91Actions?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml index 5206cae9f..cc5da1d28 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ on: push: branches: - 'develop-zh' - release: - types: [published] + release: + types: [published] jobs: Docker-Buildx: runs-on: ubuntu-latest From 5edc15d682b41b0088b729b20189e1f04c0d5f34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2023 20:01:55 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 38/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.10.0=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ | 111 ++++++++++ | 156 ++++++++------ docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 293 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 16 files changed, 610 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc5da1d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e74e6cc29 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index e74e6cc29..6b875d536 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal - -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. -Buy Me A Coffee +[Original English README]( +

+ +

-## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log - +本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml -version: '3.8' +version: '3' services: app: - image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -70,42 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 + +## 更多 + +### 1. 官方文档(英文) + +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: + +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` + +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -## Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Development Gitter]( -4. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..559305f97 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.9.22 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 8478b47f1..88289da1d 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index b8d883311..616249339 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index aa544c7e0..a42596664 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -290,5 +290,298 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2023, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认站点", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 4965d0dfb..a0a220889 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.10.0", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f046a58f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.22 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From 8ad1cad1ebdf1c7dfd7875f238f0c35fe2ffc88f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2023 10:05:06 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 39/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.10.1=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ | 111 ++++++++++ | 156 ++++++++------ docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 293 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 16 files changed, 610 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc5da1d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e74e6cc29 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index d5a7473f9..2222ea34c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal - -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. -Buy Me A Coffee +[Original English README]( +

+ +

-## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log - +Ŀǻ [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( İ汾ĿһԤdockerӳɵزվУѵSSLҪ֪̫ Nginx Let's Encrypt Ϣ -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## ٲ -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. -## Quick Setup +װDockerDocker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [DockerٷװĵӢģ]( +- [Docker-ComposeٷװĵӢģ]( +- **[DockerDocker-composeװĵģ](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. YAMLļ -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +һ `docker-compose.yml` ļ: ```yml -version: '3.8' +version: '3' services: app: - image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -70,42 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. ¼ҳ -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +dockerɹУʹ`81`˿ڡ +ЩʱҪԵһʱ䡣 []( -Default Admin User: +ĬϹԱϢ: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +ʹĬû¼ϵͳҪ޸ϸϢ롣 + +### 5. + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +ĿԶκݿҪ㲻ѭκηָʾЩ轫ȡµĸ²´docker + +## + +### 1. ٷĵӢģ + +ڱӦõĸ÷ʹٷĵ + +- [ĿԴ]( +- [Ŀ]( +- [װֲ]( +- [߼]( +- []( + +### 2. 滻ľ + +ʹùٷʾ`docker-compose`ʱҪע⣬image`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`滻Ϊ`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`ʵIJ + +### 3. ľ + +ľû¹˴룬[Dockerfile-zh](ļԵ֪ľڹٷ滻ǰ˴ʵֵģİ汾ȫٷ汾ȫֻͬʾֲͬ + +### 4. DNSPod֤ʧ + +2.9.19汾ʼѾڣԭ`zope`ģARMܹһֱװʧ޷Уʹ·޸⣺ + +ȷnginx-proxy-manager-zhDockerѾУʹ`docker-compose ps`鿴Ϊ`npm-zh` + +ע滻е + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +ִаװ`zope` + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +ȴװɣ˳ + +``` +exit +``` + +ˢٴʹDNSPod֤鼴ɡ +## -## Contributors +ñĿаӭһľĿijڷչ -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### ֧ɨ +![֧ɨ]( -## Getting Support +### ΢ɨ -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Development Gitter]( -4. [Reddit]( +![΢ɨ]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..559305f97 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.9.22 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 8478b47f1..88289da1d 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index b8d883311..616249339 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index aa544c7e0..a42596664 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -290,5 +290,298 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2023, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认站点", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 4965d0dfb..69cb9d77d 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.10.1", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f046a58f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.9.22 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From 5a76dbc275a7dc66790cda9edc0ff4fb3120b1a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2023 10:22:16 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 40/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=9B=B4=E6=96=B0=E7=89=88=E6=9C=AC?= =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=A1=E6=81=AF?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh index 559305f97..e3bf4f654 100644 --- a/docker/Dockerfile-zh +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.9.22 +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.10.1 ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" From e0c49585c6657224e464e73f4c4e888318e28ad3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 20:21:47 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 41/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.10.2=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ | 111 ++++++++++ | 156 ++++++++------ docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 293 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 16 files changed, 610 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc5da1d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eefa11eb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index eefa11eb9..6b875d536 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal - -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. -Buy Me A Coffee +[Original English README]( +

+ +

-## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log - +本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml -version: '3.8' +version: '3' services: app: - image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -70,42 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 + +## 更多 + +### 1. 官方文档(英文) + +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: + +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` + +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -## Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Development Gitter]( -4. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..045de5670 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.10.2 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 8478b47f1..88289da1d 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index b8d883311..616249339 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index aa544c7e0..a42596664 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -290,5 +290,298 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2023, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认站点", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 4965d0dfb..007ad6f5e 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.10.2", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b4600284 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.10.2 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From cd3ca9b3ad96961c9e81a54c8776999b217b4bc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 11:27:27 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 42/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.10.3=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ | 111 ++++++++++ | 156 ++++++++------ docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 293 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 16 files changed, 610 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc5da1d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95d6551a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 95d6551a9..6b875d536 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal - -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. -Buy Me A Coffee +[Original English README]( +

+ +

-## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log - +本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml -version: '3.8' +version: '3' services: app: - image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -70,42 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 + +## 更多 + +### 1. 官方文档(英文) + +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: + +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` + +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -## Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Development Gitter]( -4. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be6264320 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.10.3 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 8478b47f1..88289da1d 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index b8d883311..616249339 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index aa544c7e0..a42596664 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -290,5 +290,298 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2023, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认站点", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 4965d0dfb..9e7b2d253 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.10.3", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e859f5bf --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.10.3 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From e97c899587d6bfffe8ea01a88dcef2d553f0aed6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 11:43:48 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 43/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.10.4=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ | 111 ++++++++++ | 156 ++++++++------ docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 293 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 16 files changed, 610 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc5da1d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bad17f66 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 0bad17f66..6b875d536 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal - -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. -Buy Me A Coffee +[Original English README]( +

+ +

-## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log - +本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml -version: '3.8' +version: '3' services: app: - image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -70,42 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 + +## 更多 + +### 1. 官方文档(英文) + +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: + +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` + +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -## Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Development Gitter]( -4. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c176d7c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.10.4 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 8478b47f1..88289da1d 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index b8d883311..616249339 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index d77351d6e..d1f189f71 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -291,5 +291,298 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2023, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认站点", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 4965d0dfb..33fcd4ca9 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.10.4", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f01e3b08 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.10.4 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From 3a3410bf38075866e3f7b4007b73e45f5cb2e3b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2023 09:51:15 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 44/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A2=9E=E5=8A=A0default-site-444?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=AD=97=E6=AE=B5=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index d1f189f71..7d2659b53 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -580,7 +580,8 @@ "title": "设置", "default-site": "默认站点", "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", - "default-site-404": "错误页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面 (404)", + "default-site-444": "无响应 (444)", "default-site-html": "自定义页面", "default-site-redirect": "重定向" } From 5b36d3c6c6706fb3f14da5b05b4ae12e927e9155 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 11:21:27 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 45/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.11.0=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 44 ++++ | 111 ++++++++++ | 67 ++---- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 294 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 16 files changed, 540 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c2695a3c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cf0aabdf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 6fd16aed2..f31f77c2d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. +[Original English README]( -Buy Me A Coffee - - -## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +

+ +

+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml -version: '3.8' +version: '3' services: app: - image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1a91f86a --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.11.0 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 8478b47f1..88289da1d 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index cabb9df28..338dd9cab 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
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" + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认站点", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面 (404)", + "default-site-444": "无响应 (444)", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 769e90360..e6ebae83b 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.11.0", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ad195ae3 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.11.0 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From c3ebd360d9f05cd65cd8d2b4ac1b7ba55ba0d24a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 11:30:49 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 46/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E6=94=B9=E7=89=88=E6=9D=83?= =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=A1=E6=81=AF=E5=B9=B4=E4=BB=BD?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index 136620847..72b33c599 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ }, "footer": { "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", - "copy": "© 2022-2023, ", + "copy": "© 2022-2024, ", "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " }, From fa196d91b37730064fd606aa789f2d1cc6cdce7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 11:42:12 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 47/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A2=9E=E5=8A=A0=E5=BC=80=E5=8F=91?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=88=86=E6=94=AF=E8=87=AA=E5=8A=A8=E5=8C=96=E6=9E=84=E5=BB=BA?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml index c2695a3c6..7cef29735 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ on: push: branches: - 'develop-zh' + - 'zh-v[1-9].[0-9]+.[0-9]+' release: types: [published] jobs: @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ jobs: - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} run: | - echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev-${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} run: | From af56e548b1c1c7a9fa7ce53d014ea52890997636 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:28:57 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 48/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E5=A4=8D=E9=BB=98=E8=AE=A4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E9=A1=B5=E9=9D=A2=E6=98=BE=E7=A4=BA=E7=9A=84=E6=8F=8F=E8=BF=B0?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=86=85=E5=AE=B9?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index 72b33c599..ac8e9fb05 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -579,7 +579,8 @@ }, "settings": { "title": "设置", - "default-site": "默认站点", + "default-site": "默认页面", + "default-site-description": "当 Nginx 遇到未知请求时显示的默认页面", "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", "default-site-404": "错误页面 (404)", "default-site-444": "无响应 (444)", From 5b73b69dbedd37edc67d4ad0a6ca1e54a9adee43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:57:25 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 49/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=9B=B4=E6=96=B0README=E6=96=87?= =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BB=B6?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index f31f77c2d..6b875d536 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@

-本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 +本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 ![]( @@ -39,52 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 + +## 更多 + +### 1. 官方文档(英文) + +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: + +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 -## Contributing +### 3. 关于中文镜像 -All are welcome to create pull requests for this project, against the `develop` branch. Official releases are created from the `master` branch. +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 -CI is used in this project. All PR's must pass before being considered. After passing, -docker builds for PR's are available on dockerhub for manual verifications. +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` -Documentation within the `develop` branch is available for preview at -[]( +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -### Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( From 3b70db361169557e90390ffd73165d2f7377b9fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 19:53:35 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 50/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.11.1=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ | 111 ++++++++++ | 156 +++++++------- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 16 files changed, 607 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7cef29735 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + - 'zh-v[1-9].[0-9]+.[0-9]+' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev-${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f4b946d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index e6880c5f0..6b875d536 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. +[Original English README]( -Buy Me A Coffee - - -## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +

+ +

+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml -version: '3.8' +version: '3' services: app: - image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -70,52 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 +## 更多 -## Contributing +### 1. 官方文档(英文) -All are welcome to create pull requests for this project, against the `develop` branch. Official releases are created from the `master` branch. +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: -CI is used in this project. All PR's must pass before being considered. After passing, -docker builds for PR's are available on dockerhub for manual verifications. +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` -Documentation within the `develop` branch is available for preview at -[]( +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -### Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9183153f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.11.1 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 8478b47f1..88289da1d 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index cabb9df28..338dd9cab 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
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" + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认页面", + "default-site-description": "当 Nginx 遇到未知请求时显示的默认页面", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面 (404)", + "default-site-444": "无响应 (444)", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 769e90360..582c6bf03 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.11.1", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8c6a0cb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.11.1 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From b7938cf21062659cb455d043ce36e633618e445c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 19:55:13 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 51/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=88=A0=E9=99=A4=E6=97=A0=E7=94=A8?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=9A=84=E5=B7=A5=E4=BD=9C=E6=B5=81=E9=85=8D=E7=BD=AE?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/stale.yml | 21 --------------------- 1 file changed, 21 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/stale.yml diff --git a/.github/workflows/stale.yml b/.github/workflows/stale.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f859b1278..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/stale.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -name: 'Close stale issues and PRs' -on: - schedule: - - cron: '30 1 * * *' - workflow_dispatch: - -jobs: - stale: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - uses: actions/stale@v9 - with: - stale-issue-label: 'stale' - stale-pr-label: 'stale' - stale-issue-message: 'Issue is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - stale-pr-message: 'PR is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - close-issue-message: 'Issue was closed due to inactivity.' - close-pr-message: 'PR was closed due to inactivity.' - days-before-stale: 182 - days-before-close: 365 - operations-per-run: 50 From 6736c4f5b077d312868cc4d8110c34e9be4e2ba8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 15:12:14 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 52/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.11.2=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ .github/workflows/stale.yml | 21 -- | 111 ++++++++++ | 156 +++++++------- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 17 files changed, 607 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/stale.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7cef29735 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + - 'zh-v[1-9].[0-9]+.[0-9]+' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev-${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/stale.yml b/.github/workflows/stale.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f859b1278..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/stale.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -name: 'Close stale issues and PRs' -on: - schedule: - - cron: '30 1 * * *' - workflow_dispatch: - -jobs: - stale: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - uses: actions/stale@v9 - with: - stale-issue-label: 'stale' - stale-pr-label: 'stale' - stale-issue-message: 'Issue is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - stale-pr-message: 'PR is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - close-issue-message: 'Issue was closed due to inactivity.' - close-pr-message: 'PR was closed due to inactivity.' - days-before-stale: 182 - days-before-close: 365 - operations-per-run: 50 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..717cb7335 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 740babe31..6b875d536 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with an easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. +[Original English README]( -Buy Me A Coffee - - -## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +

+ +

+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml -version: '3.8' +version: '3' services: app: - image: '' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -70,52 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 +## 更多 -## Contributing +### 1. 官方文档(英文) -All are welcome to create pull requests for this project, against the `develop` branch. Official releases are created from the `master` branch. +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: -CI is used in this project. All PR's must pass before being considered. After passing, -docker builds for PR's are available on dockerhub for manual verifications. +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` -Documentation within the `develop` branch is available for preview at -[]( +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -### Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..351cb03f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.11.2 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 8478b47f1..88289da1d 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index cabb9df28..338dd9cab 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index 0bbde4541..ac8e9fb05 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -292,5 +292,300 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2024, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认页面", + "default-site-description": "当 Nginx 遇到未知请求时显示的默认页面", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面 (404)", + "default-site-444": "无响应 (444)", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 769e90360..a5d7ddb6c 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.11.2", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e1de7aba --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.11.2 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From 3cfa92b8978505a463db9e9bb93f7e3f023418cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 09:34:08 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 53/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.11.3=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ .github/workflows/stale.yml | 21 -- | 111 ++++++++++ | 155 +++++++------- | 86 ++++++++ docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 18 files changed, 693 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/stale.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7cef29735 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + - 'zh-v[1-9].[0-9]+.[0-9]+' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev-${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/stale.yml b/.github/workflows/stale.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f859b1278..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/stale.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -name: 'Close stale issues and PRs' -on: - schedule: - - cron: '30 1 * * *' - workflow_dispatch: - -jobs: - stale: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - uses: actions/stale@v9 - with: - stale-issue-label: 'stale' - stale-pr-label: 'stale' - stale-issue-message: 'Issue is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - stale-pr-message: 'PR is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - close-issue-message: 'Issue was closed due to inactivity.' - close-pr-message: 'PR was closed due to inactivity.' - days-before-stale: 182 - days-before-close: 365 - operations-per-run: 50 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d6baa7cc --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 55a986d18..6b875d536 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,65 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with an easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. +[Original English README]( -Buy Me A Coffee - - -## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +

+ +

+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml +version: '3' services: app: - image: '' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -69,52 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 +## 更多 -## Contributing +### 1. 官方文档(英文) -All are welcome to create pull requests for this project, against the `develop` branch. Official releases are created from the `master` branch. +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: -CI is used in this project. All PR's must pass before being considered. After passing, -docker builds for PR's are available on dockerhub for manual verifications. +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` -Documentation within the `develop` branch is available for preview at -[]( +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -### Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78c71f07d --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +diff a/ b/ (rejected hunks) +@@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ +-

+- +-

+- +- +- +- +- +- +- +-

+- +-This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +-running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. +- +-- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +-- [Full Setup]( +-- [Screenshots]( +- +-## Project Goal + +-I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with an easy way to accomplish reverse +-proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +-While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +-so that the barrier for entry here is low. ++[Original English README]( + +-Buy Me A Coffee +- +- +-## Features +- +-- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +-- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +-- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +-- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +-- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +-- User management, permissions and audit log ++

++ ++

+ ++本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 + +-## Hosting your home network ++![]( + +-I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. ++## 快速部署 + +-1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +-2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +-3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +-4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services ++### 1. 环境部署 + +-## Quick Setup ++安装Docker和Docker-compose + +-1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose ++- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( ++- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( ++- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** + +-- [Docker Install documentation]( +-- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( ++### 2. 创建YAML文件 + +-2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: ++创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: + + ```yml +-version: '3.8' ++version: '3' + services: + app: +- image: '' +- restart: unless-stopped ++ image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' ++ restart: always + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..12d026eb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.11.3 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 8478b47f1..88289da1d 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index cabb9df28..338dd9cab 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index 0bbde4541..ac8e9fb05 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -292,5 +292,300 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2024, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认页面", + "default-site-description": "当 Nginx 遇到未知请求时显示的默认页面", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面 (404)", + "default-site-444": "无响应 (444)", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 769e90360..3a29251ce 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.11.3", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb5277b67 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.11.3 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From d18da2d079da114f5fbd6c68178ed2047a299e96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 10:30:05 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 54/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.12.0=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ .github/workflows/stale.yml | 21 -- | 111 ++++++++++ | 155 +++++++------- | 86 ++++++++ docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 18 files changed, 693 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/stale.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7cef29735 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + - 'zh-v[1-9].[0-9]+.[0-9]+' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev-${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/stale.yml b/.github/workflows/stale.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f859b1278..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/stale.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -name: 'Close stale issues and PRs' -on: - schedule: - - cron: '30 1 * * *' - workflow_dispatch: - -jobs: - stale: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - uses: actions/stale@v9 - with: - stale-issue-label: 'stale' - stale-pr-label: 'stale' - stale-issue-message: 'Issue is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - stale-pr-message: 'PR is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - close-issue-message: 'Issue was closed due to inactivity.' - close-pr-message: 'PR was closed due to inactivity.' - days-before-stale: 182 - days-before-close: 365 - operations-per-run: 50 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78c12e9ff --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 2d1b8da5b..bb4f6ee2a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,65 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with an easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. +[Original English README]( -Buy Me A Coffee - - -## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +

+ +

+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml +version: '3' services: app: - image: '' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -69,52 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 +## 更多 -## Contributing +### 1. 官方文档(英文) -All are welcome to create pull requests for this project, against the `develop` branch. Official releases are created from the `master` branch. +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: -CI is used in this project. All PR's must pass before being considered. After passing, -docker builds for PR's are available on dockerhub for manual verifications. +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` -Documentation within the `develop` branch is available for preview at -[]( +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -### Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..444151120 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +diff a/ b/ (rejected hunks) +@@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ +-

+- +-

+- +- +- +- +- +- +- +-

+- +-This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +-running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. +- +-- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +-- [Full Setup]( +-- [Screenshots]( +- +-## Project Goal + +-I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with an easy way to accomplish reverse +-proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +-While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +-so that the barrier for entry here is low. ++[Original English README]( + +-Buy Me A Coffee +- +- +-## Features +- +-- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +-- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +-- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +-- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +-- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +-- User management, permissions and audit log ++

++ ++

+ ++本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 + +-## Hosting your home network ++![]( + +-I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. ++## 快速部署 + +-1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +-2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +-3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +-4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services ++### 1. 环境部署 + +-## Quick Setup ++安装Docker和Docker-compose + +-1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose ++- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( ++- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( ++- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** + +-- [Docker Install documentation]( +-- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( ++### 2. 创建YAML文件 + +-2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: ++创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: + + ```yml +-version: '3.8' ++version: '3' + services: + app: +- image: '' +- restart: unless-stopped ++ image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' ++ restart: always + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bfd975b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.12.0 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 703db883d..c613b2075 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index cabb9df28..338dd9cab 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index 0bbde4541..ac8e9fb05 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -292,5 +292,300 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2024, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认页面", + "default-site-description": "当 Nginx 遇到未知请求时显示的默认页面", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面 (404)", + "default-site-444": "无响应 (444)", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 769e90360..4d5c97dc2 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.12.0", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d89bd3c8f --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.12.0 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From ce6247593e31cce014690ee5334819518c402f88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 10:37:11 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 55/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A2=9E=E5=8A=A0Docker=E9=95=9C?= =?UTF-8?q?=E5=83=8Flatest=E6=A0=87=E7=AD=BE?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml index 7cef29735..ad64147a2 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/docker.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ jobs: - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} run: | - echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:latest" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: 登录DockerHub账号 env: DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} From db7c2f183e0bbc877a0b1cb243e76e5d53eec573 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 10:51:44 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 56/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.12.1=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ .github/workflows/stale.yml | 21 -- | 111 ++++++++++ | 155 +++++++------- | 86 ++++++++ docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 18 files changed, 693 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/stale.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad64147a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + - 'zh-v[1-9].[0-9]+.[0-9]+' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev-${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:latest" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/stale.yml b/.github/workflows/stale.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f859b1278..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/stale.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -name: 'Close stale issues and PRs' -on: - schedule: - - cron: '30 1 * * *' - workflow_dispatch: - -jobs: - stale: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - uses: actions/stale@v9 - with: - stale-issue-label: 'stale' - stale-pr-label: 'stale' - stale-issue-message: 'Issue is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - stale-pr-message: 'PR is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - close-issue-message: 'Issue was closed due to inactivity.' - close-pr-message: 'PR was closed due to inactivity.' - days-before-stale: 182 - days-before-close: 365 - operations-per-run: 50 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f1975da33 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 9ac6a6c85..bb4f6ee2a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,65 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with an easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. +[Original English README]( -Buy Me A Coffee - - -## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +

+ +

+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml +version: '3' services: app: - image: '' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -69,52 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 +## 更多 -## Contributing +### 1. 官方文档(英文) -All are welcome to create pull requests for this project, against the `develop` branch. Official releases are created from the `master` branch. +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: -CI is used in this project. All PR's must pass before being considered. After passing, -docker builds for PR's are available on dockerhub for manual verifications. +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` -Documentation within the `develop` branch is available for preview at -[]( +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -### Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8295ba94 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +diff a/ b/ (rejected hunks) +@@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ +-

+- +-

+- +- +- +- +- +- +- +-

+- +-This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +-running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. +- +-- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +-- [Full Setup]( +-- [Screenshots]( +- +-## Project Goal + +-I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with an easy way to accomplish reverse +-proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +-While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +-so that the barrier for entry here is low. ++[Original English README]( + +-Buy Me A Coffee +- +- +-## Features +- +-- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +-- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +-- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +-- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +-- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +-- User management, permissions and audit log ++

++ ++

+ ++本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 + +-## Hosting your home network ++![]( + +-I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. ++## 快速部署 + +-1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +-2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +-3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +-4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services ++### 1. 环境部署 + +-## Quick Setup ++安装Docker和Docker-compose + +-1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose ++- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( ++- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( ++- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** + +-- [Docker Install documentation]( +-- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( ++### 2. 创建YAML文件 + +-2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: ++创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: + + ```yml +-version: '3.8' ++version: '3' + services: + app: +- image: '' +- restart: unless-stopped ++ image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' ++ restart: always + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18b5ef02a --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.12.1 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 703db883d..c613b2075 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index cabb9df28..338dd9cab 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index 0bbde4541..ac8e9fb05 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -292,5 +292,300 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2024, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认页面", + "default-site-description": "当 Nginx 遇到未知请求时显示的默认页面", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面 (404)", + "default-site-444": "无响应 (444)", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 769e90360..809d9d4db 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.12.1", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52f682d09 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.12.1 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From 16d44f261af83023a3ebbe8ac8690c9c03da5700 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 16:00:37 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 57/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.12.2=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ .github/workflows/stale.yml | 21 -- | 111 ++++++++++ | 155 +++++++------- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 17 files changed, 607 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/stale.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad64147a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + - 'zh-v[1-9].[0-9]+.[0-9]+' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev-${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:latest" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/stale.yml b/.github/workflows/stale.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f859b1278..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/stale.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -name: 'Close stale issues and PRs' -on: - schedule: - - cron: '30 1 * * *' - workflow_dispatch: - -jobs: - stale: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - uses: actions/stale@v9 - with: - stale-issue-label: 'stale' - stale-pr-label: 'stale' - stale-issue-message: 'Issue is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - stale-pr-message: 'PR is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - close-issue-message: 'Issue was closed due to inactivity.' - close-pr-message: 'PR was closed due to inactivity.' - days-before-stale: 182 - days-before-close: 365 - operations-per-run: 50 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10b9238af --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 0e46f00f1..bb4f6ee2a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,65 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with an easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. +[Original English README]( -Buy Me A Coffee - - -## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +

+ +

+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml +version: '3' services: app: - image: '' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -69,52 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 +## 更多 -## Contributing +### 1. 官方文档(英文) -All are welcome to create pull requests for this project, against the `develop` branch. Official releases are created from the `master` branch. +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: -CI is used in this project. All PR's must pass before being considered. After passing, -docker builds for PR's are available on dockerhub for manual verifications. +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` -Documentation within the `develop` branch is available for preview at -[]( +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -### Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..24d591445 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.12.2 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 703db883d..c613b2075 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index cabb9df28..338dd9cab 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index 0bbde4541..ac8e9fb05 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -292,5 +292,300 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2024, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认页面", + "default-site-description": "当 Nginx 遇到未知请求时显示的默认页面", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面 (404)", + "default-site-444": "无响应 (444)", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 769e90360..b8db89719 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.12.2", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d79d104f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.12.2 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file From 62e360188f5f6c21fbc01818c02b201a4a453ac4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 16:06:08 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 58/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E7=A7=BB=E9=99=A4=E5=86=97=E4=BD=99?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=87=E4=BB=B6?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- | 86 --------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 86 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index c8295ba94..000000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -diff a/ b/ (rejected hunks) -@@ -1,66 +1,35 @@ --

-- --

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

-- --This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites --running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. -- --- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) --- [Full Setup]( --- [Screenshots]( -- --## Project Goal - --I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with an easy way to accomplish reverse --proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. --While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible --so that the barrier for entry here is low. -+[Original English README]( - --Buy Me A Coffee -- -- --## Features -- --- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( --- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx --- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates --- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts --- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users --- User management, permissions and audit log -+

-+ -+

- -+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 - --## Hosting your home network -+![]( - --I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. -+## 快速部署 - --1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it --2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project --3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( --4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services -+### 1. 环境部署 - --## Quick Setup -+安装Docker和Docker-compose - --1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose -+- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( -+- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( -+- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** - --- [Docker Install documentation]( --- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( -+### 2. 创建YAML文件 - --2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: -+创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: - - ```yml --version: '3.8' -+version: '3' - services: - app: -- image: '' -- restart: unless-stopped -+ image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' -+ restart: always - ports: - - '80:80' - - '81:81' From 08049e7245f3c7bce2d61c3094b5ac7d7c75ef1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chishin Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2025 10:18:38 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 59/59] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=9F=BA=E4=BA=8Ev2.12.3=E6=9B=B4?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=BF=BB=E8=AF=91?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .github/workflows/docker.yml | 45 ++++ .github/workflows/stale.yml | 21 -- | 111 ++++++++++ | 155 +++++++------- docker/Dockerfile-zh | 22 ++ docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html | 12 +- frontend/html/index.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/login.ejs | 2 +- frontend/html/partials/header.ejs | 6 +- frontend/js/app/cache.js | 2 +- frontend/js/app/i18n.js | 6 +- frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs | 8 +- frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs | 3 +- frontend/js/i18n/messages.json | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ frontend/package.json | 2 +- scripts/build-zh | 8 + scripts/buildx-zh | 20 ++ 17 files changed, 607 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/docker.yml delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/stale.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 docker/Dockerfile-zh create mode 100644 scripts/build-zh create mode 100644 scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker.yml b/.github/workflows/docker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad64147a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/docker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: GitHub Actions Docker Buildx +on: + workflow_dispatch: + push: + branches: + - 'develop-zh' + - 'zh-v[1-9].[0-9]+.[0-9]+' + release: + types: [published] +jobs: + Docker-Buildx: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: 添加Build环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7" >> $GITHUB_ENV + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$(cat .version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(push) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev-${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:dev" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 添加BuildTag环境变量(release) + if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release'}} + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=-t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:${BUILD_VERSION%.*.*} -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:release -t ${BUILD_IMAGE}:latest" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: 登录DockerHub账号 + env: + DOCKER_USERNAME: ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} + DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}} + run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login --username ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin + - name: Docker Setup Buildx + uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2.5.0 + - name: 输出Buildx环境变量 + run: | + echo "BUILD_TAG=$BUILD_TAG" + echo "BUILD_IMAGE=$BUILD_IMAGE" + echo "BUILD_PLATFORM=$BUILD_PLATFORM" + echo "BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION" + - name: Buildx Dockerfile + run: | + chmod -R 755 scripts + ./scripts/buildx-zh diff --git a/.github/workflows/stale.yml b/.github/workflows/stale.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f859b1278..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/stale.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -name: 'Close stale issues and PRs' -on: - schedule: - - cron: '30 1 * * *' - workflow_dispatch: - -jobs: - stale: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - uses: actions/stale@v9 - with: - stale-issue-label: 'stale' - stale-pr-label: 'stale' - stale-issue-message: 'Issue is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - stale-pr-message: 'PR is now considered stale. If you want to keep it open, please comment :+1:' - close-issue-message: 'Issue was closed due to inactivity.' - close-pr-message: 'PR was closed due to inactivity.' - days-before-stale: 182 - days-before-close: 365 - operations-per-run: 50 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe66bb97f --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +

+ +

+ + + + + + + +

+ +This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites +running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. + +- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) +- [Full Setup]( +- [Screenshots]( + +## Project Goal + +I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with a easy way to accomplish reverse +proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. +While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible +so that the barrier for entry here is low. + +Buy Me A Coffee + + +## Features + +- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( +- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx +- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates +- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts +- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users +- User management, permissions and audit log + + +## Hosting your home network + +I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. + +1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it +2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project +3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( +4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services + +## Quick Setup + +1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose + +- [Docker Install documentation]( +- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( + +2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: + +```yml +version: '3.8' +services: + app: + image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' + restart: unless-stopped + ports: + - '80:80' + - '81:81' + - '443:443' + volumes: + - ./data:/data + - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt +``` + +This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. + +3. Bring up your stack by running + +```bash +docker-compose up -d + +# If using docker-compose-plugin +docker compose up -d + +``` + +4. Log in to the Admin UI + +When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. +Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. + +[]( + +Default Admin User: +``` +Email: +Password: changeme +``` + +Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. + + +## Contributors + +Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( + + +## Getting Support + +1. [Found a bug?]( +2. [Discussions]( +3. [Development Gitter]( +4. [Reddit]( diff --git a/ b/ index 925aeb23d..bb4f6ee2a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,65 +1,35 @@ -

- -

- - - - - - - -

- -This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites -running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt. - -- [Quick Setup](#quick-setup) -- [Full Setup]( -- [Screenshots]( - -## Project Goal -I created this project to fill a personal need to provide users with an easy way to accomplish reverse -proxying hosts with SSL termination and it had to be so easy that a monkey could do it. This goal hasn't changed. -While there might be advanced options they are optional and the project should be as simple as possible -so that the barrier for entry here is low. +[Original English README]( -Buy Me A Coffee - - -## Features - -- Beautiful and Secure Admin Interface based on [Tabler]( -- Easily create forwarding domains, redirections, streams and 404 hosts without knowing anything about Nginx -- Free SSL using Let's Encrypt or provide your own custom SSL certificates -- Access Lists and basic HTTP Authentication for your hosts -- Advanced Nginx configuration available for super users -- User management, permissions and audit log +

+ +

+本项目是基于 [NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager]( 翻译的中文版本,该项目属于一个预构建的docker映像,它可以让你轻松地部署到你的网站上运行,包括免费的SSL,而不需要知道太多关于 Nginx 或 Let's Encrypt 的信息。 -## Hosting your home network +![]( -I won't go in to too much detail here but here are the basics for someone new to this self-hosted world. +## 快速部署 -1. Your home router will have a Port Forwarding section somewhere. Log in and find it -2. Add port forwarding for port 80 and 443 to the server hosting this project -3. Configure your domain name details to point to your home, either with a static ip or a service like DuckDNS or [Amazon Route53]( -4. Use the Nginx Proxy Manager as your gateway to forward to your other web based services +### 1. 环境部署 -## Quick Setup +安装Docker和Docker-compose -1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose +- [Docker官方安装文档(英文)]( +- [Docker-Compose官方安装文档(英文)]( +- **[Docker和Docker-compose安装文档(中文)](** -- [Docker Install documentation]( -- [Docker-Compose Install documentation]( +### 2. 创建YAML文件 -2. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to this: +创建一个 `docker-compose.yml` 文件: ```yml +version: '3' services: app: - image: '' - restart: unless-stopped + image: 'chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:release' + restart: always ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' @@ -69,52 +39,93 @@ services: - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt ``` -This is the bare minimum configuration required. See the [documentation]( for more. - -3. Bring up your stack by running +### 3. 部署运行 ```bash docker-compose up -d - -# If using docker-compose-plugin -docker compose up -d - ``` -4. Log in to the Admin UI +### 4. 登录管理页面 -When your docker container is running, connect to it on port `81` for the admin interface. -Sometimes this can take a little bit because of the entropy of keys. +当你的docker容器成功运行,使用浏览器访问`81`端口。 +有些时候需要稍等一段时间。 []( -Default Admin User: +默认管理员信息: ``` Email: Password: changeme ``` -Immediately after logging in with this default user you will be asked to modify your details and change your password. +使用这个默认用户登录后,系统会立即要求您修改详细信息和密码。 + +### 5. 快速升级 + +```bash +docker-compose down +docker-compose pull +docker-compose up -d +``` + +这个项目将自动更新任何数据库或其他要求,所以你不必遵循任何疯狂的指示。上面的这些步骤将提取最新的更新并重新创建docker容器。 +## 更多 -## Contributing +### 1. 官方文档(英文) -All are welcome to create pull requests for this project, against the `develop` branch. Official releases are created from the `master` branch. +关于本应用的更多用法请访问官方文档: -CI is used in this project. All PR's must pass before being considered. After passing, -docker builds for PR's are available on dockerhub for manual verifications. +- [项目源码]( +- [项目官网]( +- [安装手册]( +- [高级配置]( +- [常见问题]( + +### 2. 替换中文镜像 + +当你使用官方示例的`docker-compose`时需要注意,将image镜像`jc21/nginx-proxy-manager`替换为`chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh`即可实现中文部署。 + +### 3. 关于中文镜像 + +中文镜像并没有重新构建后端代码,由[Dockerfile-zh](文件可以得知,中文镜像基于官方镜像替换前端代码来实现的,所以中文版本的全部功能与官方版本完全相同,只是显示界面的文字不同的区别。 + +### 4. 关于DNSPod创建证书失败 + +此问题在2.9.19版本开始就已经存在,原因是`zope`引起的,由于ARM架构一直安装失败所以无法打包到镜像中,建议使用如下方法修复此问题: + +首先确保nginx-proxy-manager-zh的Docker容器已经正常运行,使用`docker-compose ps`查看容器名,这里假设容器名为`npm-zh`。 + +进入容器:(注意替换下文中的容器名) + +``` +docker exec -it npm-zh bash +``` + +执行安装`zope`命令: + +``` +python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip +pip install certbot-dns-dnspod +pip install zope +``` + +等待安装完成,退出容器: + +``` +exit +``` -Documentation within the `develop` branch is available for preview at -[]( +最后刷新浏览器,再次使用DNSPod创建证书即可。 +## 捐赠 -### Contributors +如果您觉得本项目对你有帮助,欢迎给予我们一定的捐助来翻译项目的长期发展。 -Special thanks to [all of our contributors]( +### 支付宝扫码捐赠 +![支付宝扫码捐赠]( -## Getting Support +### 微信扫描捐赠 -1. [Found a bug?]( -2. [Discussions]( -3. [Reddit]( +![微信扫描捐赠]( diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile-zh b/docker/Dockerfile-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9c48703e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docker/Dockerfile-zh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +FROM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:2.12.3 + +ENV NPM_LANGUAGE="zh" + +EXPOSE 80 81 443 + +RUN rm -rf /app/frontend /var/www/html/index.html +COPY frontend/dist /app/frontend +COPY docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index.html + +WORKDIR /app + +VOLUME [ "/data", "/etc/letsencrypt" ] +ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] + +LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ + org.label-schema.license="MIT" \ +"nginx-proxy-manager-zh" \ + org.label-schema.description="Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface " \ + org.label-schema.url="" \ + org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \ + org.label-schema.cmd="docker run --rm -ti chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:latest" diff --git a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html index 703db883d..c613b2075 100644 --- a/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html +++ b/docker/rootfs/var/www/html/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@



You've successfully started the Nginx Proxy Manager.


If you're seeing this site then you're trying to access a host that isn't set up yet.


Log in to the Admin panel to get started.




您已成功启动 Nginx 代理管理器。






Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager


Powered by Nginx Proxy Manager

diff --git a/frontend/html/index.ejs b/frontend/html/index.ejs index ae08b012e..838d138d6 100644 --- a/frontend/html/index.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/index.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = 'Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/login.ejs b/frontend/html/login.ejs index bc4b9a27f..a217733f5 100644 --- a/frontend/html/login.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/login.ejs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -<% var title = 'Login – Nginx Proxy Manager' %> +<% var title = '登录 – Nginx 代理管理器' %> <%- include partials/header.ejs %>
diff --git a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs index cabb9df28..338dd9cab 100644 --- a/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs +++ b/frontend/html/partials/header.ejs @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ diff --git a/frontend/js/app/cache.js b/frontend/js/app/cache.js index 6d1fbc4f9..723c721ee 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/cache.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/cache.js @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const UserModel = require('../models/user'); let cache = { User: new UserModel.Model(), - locale: 'en', + locale: 'zh', version: null }; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js index c63cdc079..bf214f9de 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/i18n.js +++ b/frontend/js/app/i18n.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ module.exports = function (namespace, key, data) { let locale = Cache.locale; // check that the locale exists if (typeof messages[locale] === 'undefined') { - locale = 'en'; + locale = 'zh'; } if (typeof messages[locale][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages[locale][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { return messages[locale][namespace][key](data); - } else if (locale !== 'en' && typeof messages['en'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['en'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { - return messages['en'][namespace][key](data); + } else if (locale !== 'zh' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace] !== 'undefined' && typeof messages['zh'][namespace][key] !== 'undefined') { + return messages['zh'][namespace][key](data); } return '(MISSING: ' + namespace + '/' + key + ')'; diff --git a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs index 79220b14b..15f56bc56 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/nginx/access/form.ejs @@ -47,10 +47,11 @@

- Basic Authorization via + 授权用户基于 Nginx HTTP Basic Authentication + 实现

@@ -74,10 +75,11 @@

- IP Address Whitelist/Blacklist via + IP地址黑白名单基于 Nginx HTTP Access + 实现

@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
Note that the allow and deny directives will be applied in the order they are defined.
注意: allow(允许)deny(禁止) 规则将按照它们定义的顺序执行。
diff --git a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs index 99c2630a0..43555bdf7 100644 --- a/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs +++ b/frontend/js/app/ui/footer/main.ejs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ <%- i18n('main', 'version', {version: getVersion()}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'copy', {url: ''}) %> <%= i18n('footer', 'theme', {url: ''}) %> + <%= i18n('footer', 'translate', {url: ''}) %>
diff --git a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json index a154921b5..e49ea21f8 100644 --- a/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json +++ b/frontend/js/i18n/messages.json @@ -297,5 +297,300 @@ "default-site-html": "Custom Page", "default-site-redirect": "Redirect" } + }, + "zh": { + "str": { + "email-address": "邮箱", + "username": "账号", + "password": "密码", + "sign-in": "登录", + "sign-out": "退出", + "try-again": "重试", + "name": "名字", + "email": "邮箱", + "roles": "角色", + "created-on": "创建:{date}", + "save": "保存", + "cancel": "取消", + "close": "关闭", + "enable": "启用", + "disable": "禁用", + "sure": "是的,我确定", + "disabled": "禁用", + "choose-file": "选择文件", + "source": "来源", + "destination": "目标地址", + "ssl": "SSL", + "access": "规则", + "public": "公开", + "edit": "编辑", + "delete": "删除", + "logs": "日志", + "status": "状态", + "online": "在线", + "offline": "离线", + "unknown": "未知", + "expires": "过期", + "value": "值", + "please-wait": "请稍等...", + "all": "全部", + "any": "任意" + }, + "login": { + "title": "登录到您的账户" + }, + "main": { + "app": "Nginx 代理管理器", + "version": "v{version}", + "welcome": "欢迎来到 Nginx 代理管理器", + "logged-in": "您的登录身份是 {name}", + "unknown-error": "加载出错,请重新加载应用程序。", + "unknown-user": "未知用户", + "sign-in-as": "重新登录为 {name}" + }, + "roles": { + "title": "角色", + "admin": "管理员", + "user": "Apache Helicopter" + }, + "menu": { + "dashboard": "仪表盘", + "hosts": "主机" + }, + "footer": { + "fork-me": "在Github上Fork项目", + "copy": "© 2022-2024, ", + "theme": "Theme by Tabler, ", + "translate": "汉化版由 xiaoxinpro 提供. " + }, + "dashboard": { + "title": "你好 {name}" + }, + "all-hosts": { + "empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{您为什么不创建一个?} other{您目前没有权限创建。}}", + "details": "详细内容", + "enable-ssl": "启用SSL", + "force-ssl": "强制SSL", + "http2-support": "支持HTTP/2", + "domain-names": "域名", + "cert-provider": "证书提供商", + "block-exploits": "阻止常见漏洞", + "caching-enabled": "缓存资源", + "ssl-certificate": "SSL证书", + "none": "无", + "new-cert": "申请一个新的SSL证书", + "with-le": "使用Let's Encrypt", + "no-ssl": "该主机将不使用HTTPS", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced-warning": "在此输入你的自定义 Nginx 配置,风险自负!", + "advanced-config": "自定义 Nginx 配置", + "advanced-config-var-headline": "这些代理详情可以作为nginx的变量。", + "advanced-config-header-info": "请注意,这里添加的任何add_header或set_header配置都不会被nginx使用。你将不得不添加一个自定义的位置'/',并在那里的自定义配置中添加头信息。", + "hsts-enabled": "启用了HSTS", + "hsts-subdomains": "HSTS子域", + "locations": "自定义位置" + }, + "locations": { + "new_location": "添加位置", + "path": "/path", + "location_label": "定义位置", + "delete": "删除" + }, + "ssl": { + "letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt", + "other": "上传证书", + "none": "仅HTTP", + "letsencrypt-email": "Let's Encrypt ", + "letsencrypt-agree": "我同意 Let's Encrypt 服务条款", + "delete-ssl": "附加的SSL证书将不会被删除,它们需要手动删除。", + "hosts-warning": "这些域名必须配置为指向本设备。", + "no-wildcard-without-dns": "不使用DNS认证时,不能用通配符域名申请Let's Encrypt证书", + "dns-challenge": "使用DNS认证", + "certbot-warning": "本节需要一些关于Certbot及其DNS扩展的知识。请查阅相关扩展的文档。", + "dns-provider": "DNS提供者", + "please-choose": "选择...", + "credentials-file-content": "证书内容", + "credentials-file-content-info": "这个插件需要一个包含API令牌或其他供应商凭证的配置文件。", + "stored-as-plaintext-info": "这些数据将以明文形式存储在数据库和文件中", + "propagation-seconds": "等待时间(秒)", + "propagation-seconds-info": "留空为默认值。等待DNS生效的时间(秒)。", + "processing-info": "处理中... 这可能需要几分钟的时间。", + "passphrase-protection-support-info": "不支持使用密码保护密钥文件。" + }, + "proxy-hosts": { + "title": "代理服务", + "empty": "目前还没有代理服务", + "add": "添加代理服务", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 代理服务", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-host": "转发主机/IP", + "forward-port": "转发端口", + "delete": "删除代理服务", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除代理服务 {domains} 吗?", + "help-title": "什么是代理服务?", + "help-content": "代理服务是你想转发网络应用的主机。\n代理服务可以为没有SSL服务的网络应用提供SSL服务(可选)。\n代理服务是Nginx代理管理器的最常见用途之一。", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "allow-websocket-upgrade": "支持WebSockets", + "ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "忽略无效的SSL", + "custom-forward-host-help": "为子目录转发添加路径。\n例如:路径/", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "redirection-hosts": { + "title": "重定向", + "empty": "目前还没有重定向", + "add": "添加重定向", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 重定向", + "forward-scheme": "协议", + "forward-http-status-code": "HTTP 代码", + "forward-domain": "转发域名", + "preserve-path": "保留路径", + "delete": "删除重定向", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除 {domains} 的重定向吗?", + "help-title": "什么是重定向?", + "help-content": "重定向是将接入域名的请求推送到另一个域名。\n使用这种类型的主机最常见的原因是当你的网站改变了域名,但你仍然有链接指向旧域名的应用。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "dead-hosts": { + "title": "错误页面", + "empty": "目前还没有错误页面", + "add": "添加错误页面", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 错误页面", + "delete": "删除错误页面", + "delete-confirm": "确定要删除错误页面吗?", + "help-title": "什么是错误页面?", + "help-content": "错误页面是一个简单的主机设置,显示错误页面。\n当你的域名被列入搜索引擎,而你想提供一个更好的错误页面或特别是告诉搜索索引者域名页面不再存在时,这可能是有用的。\n拥有这种主机的另一个好处是可以跟踪点击它的日志并查看访问来源。", + "search": "搜索主机…" + }, + "streams": { + "title": "端口转发", + "empty": "目前还没有端口转发", + "add": "添加端口转发", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 端口转发", + "incoming-port": "入站端口", + "forwarding-host": "转发主机", + "forwarding-port": "转发端口", + "tcp-forwarding": "TCP转发", + "udp-forwarding": "UDP转发", + "forward-type-error": "至少有一种协议必须被启用", + "protocol": "协议", + "tcp": "TCP", + "udp": "UDP", + "delete": "删除端口转发", + "delete-confirm": "你确定删除这个端口转发吗?", + "help-title": "什么是端口转发?", + "help-content": "端口转发是Nginx的一个相对较新的功能,可以直接转发TCP/UDP流量到网络上的另一台计算机。\n如果你正在运行游戏服务器、FTP或SSH服务器,这个功能就会很有用。", + "search": "搜索入站端口…" + }, + "certificates": { + "title": "SSL证书", + "empty": "目前还没有SSL证书", + "add": "添加SSL证书", + "form-title": "添加 {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{上传}} 证书", + "delete": "删除SSL证书", + "delete-confirm": "你确定要删除这个SSL证书吗?任何使用该证书的主机之后都需要进行更新。", + "help-title": "SSL证书", + "help-content": "SSL证书(TLS证书)是一种加密密钥的形式,它允许你的网站为终端用户进行数据加密。\n目前使用Let's Encrypt的服务来免费发放SSL证书。\n如果你的代理服务后面有个人信息、密码或敏感数据,使用证书是个非常好的安全措施。\n如果你的网站不是面向互联网运行,或者你只是想要一个通配符证书,需要使用DNS认证获取证书。", + "other-certificate": "证书", + "other-certificate-key": "证书密钥", + "other-intermediate-certificate": "中间证书", + "force-renew": "现在更新", + "test-reachability": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-title": "测试服务器的可用性", + "reachability-info": "使用 Site24x7 测试域名是否可以从公共互联网访问。在使用DNS认证时,没有必要这样做。", + "reachability-failed-to-reach-api": "与API的通信失败,请检查NPM是否正确运行?", + "reachability-failed-to-check": "由于与 的通信错误,检查可用性失败。", + "reachability-ok": "您的服务器是可用的,创建证书应该是可能的。", + "reachability-404": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它似乎指向的不是本Nginx代理管理器。请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-not-resolved": "在这个域名中没有可用的服务器。请确保你的域名存在,并且指向本NPM实例运行的IP,如果有必要,请检查80端口在路由器中是否被映射到外网。", + "reachability-wrong-data": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的数据。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "reachability-other": "在这个域名中发现了一个服务器,但它返回了一个意外的状态代码{code}。它是指向本NPM服务器吗?请确保你的域名指向本NPM实例的IP。", + "download": "下载", + "renew-title": "更新Let's Encrypt证书", + "search": "搜索证书…" + }, + "access-lists": { + "title": "通信规则", + "empty": "目前还没有通信规则", + "add": "添加通信规则", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 通信规则", + "delete": "删除通信规则", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除这个通信规则吗?", + "public": "公开规则", + "public-sub": "没有规则限制", + "help-title": "什么是通信规则?", + "help-content": "通信规则提供了一个特定客户IP地址的黑名单或白名单,以及通过基本HTTP认证对代理服务的认证。\n你可以为一个通信规则配置多个客户规则、用户名和密码,然后将其应用于代理服务。\n这对那些没有内置认证机制的转发网络服务或你想保护其免受未知客户的访问是最有用的。", + "item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{条} other{条}}", + "proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{个} other{个}}", + "delete-has-hosts": "该通信规则与{count}代理服务有关,在被删除后将成为公开的。", + "details": "详情", + "authorization": "授权用户", + "access": "规则", + "satisfy": "满足", + "satisfy-any": "满足任何要求", + "pass-auth": "授权访问主机", + "access-add": "添加", + "auth-add": "添加", + "search": "搜索通信规则…" + }, + "users": { + "title": "用户", + "default_error": "必须改变默认的邮箱地址", + "add": "添加用户", + "nickname": "昵称", + "full-name": "名称", + "edit-details": "编辑详情", + "change-password": "修改密码", + "edit-permissions": "编辑权限", + "sign-in-as": "以此用户登录", + "form-title": "{id, select, undefined{新建} other{编辑}} 用户", + "delete": "删除 {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}", + "delete-confirm": "您确定要删除 {name} 吗?", + "password-title": "修改密码{self, select, false{ {name}} other{}}", + "current-password": "修改密码", + "new-password": "新密码", + "confirm-password": "确认密码", + "permissions-title": "{name} 的权限", + "admin-perms": "该用户是管理员,一些项目不能被修改。", + "perms-visibility": "项目可见性", + "perms-visibility-user": "仅限创建的项目", + "perms-visibility-all": "所有项目", + "perm-manage": "管理项目", + "perm-view": "仅限查看", + "perm-hidden": "隐藏", + "search": "搜索用户…" + }, + "audit-log": { + "title": "检查日志", + "empty": "目前还没有日志。", + "empty-subtitle": "只要你或其他用户修改了什么,这些历史就会在这里显示出来。", + "proxy-host": "代理服务", + "redirection-host": "重定向", + "dead-host": "错误页面", + "stream": "端口转发", + "user": "用户", + "certificate": "证书", + "access-list": "通信规则", + "created": "创建 {name}", + "updated": "更新 {name}", + "deleted": "删除 {name}", + "enabled": "启用 {name}", + "disabled": "禁用 {name}", + "renewed": "续约 {name}", + "meta-title": "事件详情", + "view-meta": "查看详情", + "date": "日期", + "search": "搜索日志…" + }, + "settings": { + "title": "设置", + "default-site": "默认页面", + "default-site-description": "当 Nginx 遇到未知请求时显示的默认页面", + "default-site-congratulations": "成功页面", + "default-site-404": "错误页面 (404)", + "default-site-444": "无响应 (444)", + "default-site-html": "自定义页面", + "default-site-redirect": "重定向" + } } } diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json index 769e90360..493968fd7 100644 --- a/frontend/package.json +++ b/frontend/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "nginx-proxy-manager", - "version": "0.0.0", + "version": "2.12.3", "description": "A beautiful interface for creating Nginx endpoints", "main": "js/index.js", "devDependencies": { diff --git a/scripts/build-zh b/scripts/build-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a850bc0a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/build-zh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +docker build -t chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:2.12.3 -f docker/Dockerfile-zh . diff --git a/scripts/buildx-zh b/scripts/buildx-zh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a1446723 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/buildx-zh @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" +. "$DIR/ci/frontend-build" + +cd "${DIR}/../.." + +# Buildx Builder +docker buildx create --name "Buildx-NPM" || echo +docker buildx use "Buildx-NPM" + +if [ "${BUILD_TAG:-0}" != 0 ]; then + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh $BUILD_TAG --platform $BUILD_PLATFORM . --push +else + docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile-zh -t "chishin/nginx-proxy-manager-zh:dev" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/7 . --push +fi + +docker buildx rm "Buildx-NPM" + +echo "Multiarch build Complete" \ No newline at end of file