让大家都能开发出众的 App。 Swift 是一种强劲而直观的编程语言,它由 Apple 创造,可用来为 iOS、Mac、Apple TV 和 Apple Watch 开发 app。它旨在为开发者提供充分的自由。Swift 易用并且开源,只要有想法,谁都可以创造非凡。
Swift is a high-performance system programming language. It has a clean and modern syntax, offers seamless access to existing C and Objective-C code and frameworks, and is memory safe by default.
On December 3, 2015, the Swift language, supporting libraries, debugger, and package manager were published under the Apache 2.0 license with a Runtime Library Exception, and Swift.org was created to host the project.
苹果公司在WWDC 2014上宣布了他们将会推出一款新的编程语言,面向iOS和OS X系统的开发人员,这个新的语言被命名为Swift。
Swift在iOS 8发布的时候推向市场,用来取代 Objective-C 语言。 对于这个巨大的决定,苹果公司的解释是Swift速度更快,使用起来更加容易。 在Swift推出之后,苹果公司应该不会停止对 Objective-C 的支持,开发工具会同时支持两种语言。
在 Swift 开源后,开发者社区活跃。目前 CocoaPods 中有大量的第三方开发库已经支持 Swift。
- 提交 PR - iOS-Swift-Demos
- 加入 QQ群 32958950
- Swift Blog
- Swift Resources
- Swift Playgrounds Learn Swift on iPad
《The Swift Programming Language》- The Definitive Book
《App Development with Swift》
《Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C》
- 《The Swift Programming Language》 社区译中文版
github上的swift内容 search结果
Swift & Cocoapods How to integrate Cocoapods into a vanilla Swift project
7 thoughts on “Swift: Not quite there, but too far gone too”
Swift Impressions by Evan Miller
Swift Tutorial – Developing iOS 8 Apps by Jameson Quave 很完整的学习文档
An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Swift和Understanding Optionals in Swift by Amit Bijlani
Swift Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference by Ray Wenderlich
How to use the Swift REPL language shell – Swift programming from the command line
LEARNABLE PROGRAMMING Designing a programming system for understanding programs
- Swift Operators by Mattt Thompson
- Beginning Core Image in Swift
- Multiple Animations by David Rönnqvist
- The Case for Message Passing in Swift by Michael Buckley
- The Core Data stack in Swift by Marcus Zarra
- How to Make a Game Like Candy Crush with Swift Tutorial: Part 1 and Part 2 by Matthijs Hollemans
- Build custom simulators by Erica Sadun
- CloudKit: Moves like Azure by Tom Harrington
- about Error handling by Chris Cieslak
- Inside Swift
- List of implicitly defined variables in Swift 和 Swift Standard Library: Documented and undocumented built-in functions in the Swift standard library – the complete list with all 74 functions by practicalswift
- Swift’s Weird Handling of Basic Value Types and AnyObject
- Creation of pure Swift module by Alex Denisov. make a logging library and shows us how to document classes in Xcode.
- How to write unit tests in Swift with XCTest
- gesture recognizer
- Swift Language Highlights: An Objective-C Developer’s Perspective
- Swift Sequences and lazy evaluation
- https://www.v2ex.com/go/swift
- http://swift.sh
- http://swift-china.org
- CocoaChina的Swift讨论区
- QQ群 iOS开发者-开始Swift,群号:32958950,申请时请说明身份。
《The Swift Programming Language》中文版 (协作翻译))第一份完整的中文翻译
《Apple Swift编程语言入门教程》比较早期的一篇翻译,最近没有更新
- 《关于 Swift 的一点初步看法》 by onevcat
- 《行走于 Swift 的世界中》 by onevcat 更详细的一篇评论
- 《来自苹果的编程语言——Swift简介》
- 《SwiftV课堂》 免费Swift学习视频
- 《Apple Swift语言基础教程》极客学院
Lister: A Productivity App Built in Swift github
UICatalog: Creating and Customizing UIKit Controls in Swift apple / github
Adventure: Building a SpriteKit Game Using Swift apple / github
GestureRecognizers: Using standard UIGestureRecognizers in Swift github
FlappySwift 用Swift实现的FlappyBird
PNChart-Swift 可以创建图表的库
Game of Life 一个游戏
swift-alarm 基于地理位置的提醒工具 blog
翻翻看 游戏翻翻看Swift版
HackerNews HackerNews网站的第三方客户端
SwiftWeather 一个天气客户端
Swift: Spiroswiftograph a cool example of what you can do in the Playground
UIImageView-BetterFace-Swift 展示图片是加入面部识别,改善展示效果
YYHRequest-Swift 异步HTTP请求类
Noah’s Ark, in Swift is a funny example of unicode support
Cartography is an excellent example of what could be achieved with operator overloading. If you don’t like writing Autolayout constraints you should definitely check it out.
Dollar is a Swift library that provides useful functional programming helper methods without extending any built in objects. It is similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore in Javascript.
swifter Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
Agent Minimalistic Swift HTTP request agent for iOS and OS X
xcode 6 安装系统要求为MacOSX 10.9.3+
xcode_6.0.1.dmg http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sjNQY1B
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xcode_6_beta_6.dmg http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dD3qeOT
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xcode_6_beta_3.dmg http://pan.baidu.com/s/1nt0WS8T
Chris Lattner Swift设计者
Swift学习资源 Swift 学习资料汇总,比较详细总结了常用的资源。
Swift Lang 一门很专业的并行编程语言,有苹果在Swift页面的链接,肯定带过去很多访问量。
OpenStack Swift OpenStack Object Storage (Swift)。
Swift 聊天工具 基于XMPP的聊天工具及服务端SDK。
Taylor Swift 美国乡村音乐女創作歌手、吉他歌手、演员。这位1989年出生的美女获得过数不清的格莱美奖及其它排行榜大奖。2014/05/30刚举办了泰勒•斯威夫特“红”巡演上海演唱会。WWDC2014之后三天,她从Google搜索结果首页被挤出,很受伤,歌迷们也很受伤。去脸盆网关注她,去音悦台听她的歌。
- 【iOS开发者-开始Swift】QQ交流群32958950 申请时请说明身份。