mutable struct Statement <: DBInterface.Statement conn::Connection stmt::API.MYSQL_STMT sql::String nparams::Int nfields::Int bindhelpers::Vector{API.BindHelper} binds::Vector{API.MYSQL_BIND} names::Vector{Symbol} types::Vector{Type} lookup::Dict{Symbol, Int} valuehelpers::Vector{API.BindHelper} values::Vector{API.MYSQL_BIND} function Statement(conn::Connection, stmt::API.MYSQL_STMT, sql::AbstractString, nparams::Integer, nfields::Integer, bindhelpers, binds, names, types, valuehelpers, values) lookup = Dict(x => i for (i, x) in enumerate(names)) s = new(conn, stmt, sql, nparams, nfields, bindhelpers, binds, names, types, lookup, valuehelpers, values) return s end end @noinline checkstmt(stmt::Statement) = checkstmt(stmt.stmt) @noinline checkstmt(stmt::API.MYSQL_STMT) = stmt.ptr == C_NULL && error("prepared mysql statement has been closed") DBInterface.getconnection(stmt::Statement) = stmt.conn """ DBInterface.close!(stmt) Close a prepared statement and free any underlying resources. The statement should not be used in any way afterwards. """ DBInterface.close!(stmt::Statement) = finalize(stmt.stmt) """ DBInterface.prepare(conn::MySQL.Connection, sql) => MySQL.Statement Send a `sql` SQL string to the database to be prepared, returning a `MySQL.Statement` object that can be passed to `DBInterface.execute(stmt, args...)` to be repeatedly executed, optionally passing `args` for parameters to be bound on each execution. Note that `DBInterface.close!(stmt)` should be called once statement executions are finished. Apart from freeing resources, it has been noted that too many unclosed statements and resultsets, used in conjunction with streaming queries (i.e. `mysql_store_result=false`) has led to occasional resultset corruption. """ function DBInterface.prepare(conn::Connection, sql::AbstractString; mysql_date_and_time::Bool=false) clear!(conn) stmt = API.stmtinit(conn.mysql) API.prepare(stmt, sql) nparams = API.paramcount(stmt) bindhelpers = [API.BindHelper() for i = 1:nparams] binds = [API.MYSQL_BIND(bindhelpers[i].length, bindhelpers[i].is_null) for i = 1:nparams] nfields = API.fieldcount(stmt) result = API.resultmetadata(stmt) if result.ptr != C_NULL fields = API.fetchfields(result, nfields) names = [ccall(:jl_symbol_n, Ref{Symbol}, (Cstring, Csize_t),, x.name_length) for x in fields] types = [juliatype(x.field_type, API.notnullable(x), API.isunsigned(x), API.isbinary(x), mysql_date_and_time) for x in fields] valuehelpers = [API.BindHelper() for i = 1:nfields] values = [API.MYSQL_BIND(valuehelpers[i].length, valuehelpers[i].is_null) for i = 1:nfields] foreach(1:nfields) do i returnbind!(valuehelpers[i], values, i, fields[i].field_type, types[i]) end API.bindresult(stmt, values) else fields = API.MYSQL_FIELD[] names = Symbol[] types = Type[] valuehelpers = API.BindHelper[] values = API.MYSQL_BIND[] end return Statement(conn, stmt, sql, nparams, nfields, bindhelpers, binds, names, types, valuehelpers, values) end mutable struct Cursor{buffered} <: DBInterface.Cursor stmt::API.MYSQL_STMT nfields::Int names::Vector{Symbol} types::Vector{Type} lookup::Dict{Symbol, Int} valuehelpers::Vector{API.BindHelper} values::Vector{API.MYSQL_BIND} rows_affected::Int64 rows::Int current_rownumber::Int end struct Row <: Tables.AbstractRow cursor::Cursor rownumber::Int end getcursor(r::Row) = getfield(r, :cursor) getrownumber(r::Row) = getfield(r, :rownumber) Tables.columnnames(r::Row) = getcursor(r).names function Tables.getcolumn(r::Row, ::Type{T}, i::Int, nm::Symbol) where {T} cursor = getcursor(r) getrownumber(r) == cursor.current_rownumber || wrongrow(getrownumber(r)) return getvalue(cursor.stmt, cursor.valuehelpers[i], cursor.values, i, T) end Tables.getcolumn(r::Row, i::Int) = Tables.getcolumn(r, getcursor(r).types[i], i, getcursor(r).names[i]) Tables.getcolumn(r::Row, nm::Symbol) = Tables.getcolumn(r, getcursor(r).lookup[nm]) Tables.isrowtable(::Type{<:Cursor}) = true Tables.schema(c::Cursor) = Tables.Schema(c.names, c.types) Base.eltype(c::Cursor) = Row Base.IteratorSize(::Type{Cursor{true}}) = Base.HasLength() Base.IteratorSize(::Type{Cursor{false}}) = Base.SizeUnknown() Base.length(c::Cursor) = c.rows function Base.iterate(cursor::Cursor, i=1) cursor.stmt.ptr == C_NULL && return nothing status = API.fetch(cursor.stmt) status == API.MYSQL_NO_DATA && return nothing status == 1 && throw(API.StmtError(cursor.stmt)) cursor.current_rownumber = i return Row(cursor, i), i + 1 end """ DBInterface.lastrowid(c::MySQL.Cursor) Return the last inserted row id. """ function DBInterface.lastrowid(c::Cursor) checkstmt(c.stmt) return API.insertid(c.stmt) end """ DBInterface.close!(cursor) Close a cursor. No more results will be available. """ DBInterface.close!(c::Cursor) = clear!(c.conn) @noinline paramcheck(stmt, args) = length(args) == stmt.nparams || throw(MySQLInterfaceError("stmt requires $(stmt.nparams) params, only $(length(args)) provided")) """ DBInterface.execute(stmt, params; mysql_store_result=true) => MySQL.Cursor Execute a prepared statement, optionally passing `params` to be bound as parameters (like `?` in the sql). Returns a `Cursor` object, which iterates resultset rows and satisfies the `Tables.jl` interface, meaning results can be sent to any valid sink function (`DataFrame(cursor)`, `CSV.write("results.csv", cursor)`, etc.). Specifying `mysql_store_result=false` will avoid buffering the full resultset to the client after executing the query, which has memory use advantages, though ties up the database server since resultset rows must be fetched one at a time. """ function DBInterface.execute(stmt::Statement, params=(); mysql_store_result::Bool=true, mysql_date_and_time::Bool=false) checkstmt(stmt) paramcheck(stmt, params) clear!(stmt.conn) if length(params) > 0 foreach(1:stmt.nparams) do i bind!(stmt.bindhelpers[i], stmt.binds, i, params[i]) end API.bindparam(stmt.stmt, stmt.binds) end API.execute(stmt.stmt) stmt.conn.lastexecute = stmt.stmt rows_affected = Core.bitcast(Int64, API.affectedrows(stmt.stmt)) buffered = false rows = -1 if mysql_store_result API.storeresult(stmt.stmt) buffered = true rows = API.numrows(stmt.stmt) end nfields = stmt.nfields names = stmt.names types = stmt.types valuehelpers = stmt.valuehelpers values = stmt.values lookup = stmt.lookup if stmt.nfields == 0 nfields = API.fieldcount(stmt.stmt) result = API.resultmetadata(stmt.stmt) if result.ptr != C_NULL fields = API.fetchfields(result, nfields) names = [ccall(:jl_symbol_n, Ref{Symbol}, (Cstring, Csize_t),, x.name_length) for x in fields] types = [juliatype(x.field_type, API.notnullable(x), API.isunsigned(x), API.isbinary(x), mysql_date_and_time) for x in fields] valuehelpers = [API.BindHelper() for i = 1:nfields] values = [API.MYSQL_BIND(valuehelpers[i].length, valuehelpers[i].is_null) for i = 1:nfields] foreach(1:nfields) do i returnbind!(valuehelpers[i], values, i, fields[i].field_type, types[i]) end API.bindresult(stmt.stmt, values) lookup = Dict(x => i for (i, x) in enumerate(names)) end end return Cursor{buffered}(stmt.stmt, nfields, names, types, lookup, valuehelpers, values, rows_affected, rows, 0) end inithelper!(helper, x::Missing) = nothing ptrhelper(helper, x::Missing) = C_NULL function getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{Union{T, Missing}}) where {T} helper.is_null[1] == 1 && return missing return getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, T) end inithelper!(helper, x::API.Bit) = nothing ptrhelper(helper, x::API.Bit) = C_NULL sethelper!(helper, x::API.Bit) = nothing function getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{API.Bit}) len = helper.length[1] val = UInt64[0] ptr = pointer(values, i) API.setbuffer!(ptr, pointer(val)) API.setbufferlength!(ptr, len) API.mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt.ptr, convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, ptr), i - 1, 0) x = val[1] return API.Bit(x >> (8 * (len - 1))) end inithelper!(helper, x::Union{Bool, UInt8, Int8}) = helper.uint8 = UInt8[Core.bitcast(UInt8, x)] ptrhelper(helper, x::Union{Bool, UInt8, Int8}) = pointer(helper.uint8) sethelper!(helper, x::Union{Bool, UInt8, Int8}) = helper.uint8[1] = Core.bitcast(UInt8, x) getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{T}) where {T <: Union{Bool, UInt8, Int8}} = Core.bitcast(T, helper.uint8[1]) inithelper!(helper, x::Union{UInt16, Int16}) = helper.uint16 = UInt16[Core.bitcast(UInt16, x)] ptrhelper(helper, x::Union{UInt16, Int16}) = pointer(helper.uint16) sethelper!(helper, x::Union{UInt16, Int16}) = helper.uint16[1] = Core.bitcast(UInt16, x) getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{T}) where {T <: Union{UInt16, Int16}} = Core.bitcast(T, helper.uint16[1]) inithelper!(helper, x::Union{UInt32, Int32}) = helper.uint32 = UInt32[Core.bitcast(UInt32, x)] ptrhelper(helper, x::Union{UInt32, Int32}) = pointer(helper.uint32) sethelper!(helper, x::Union{UInt32, Int32}) = helper.uint32[1] = Core.bitcast(UInt32, x) getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{T}) where {T <: Union{UInt32, Int32}} = Core.bitcast(T, helper.uint32[1]) inithelper!(helper, x::Union{UInt64, Int64}) = helper.uint64 = UInt64[Core.bitcast(UInt64, x)] ptrhelper(helper, x::Union{UInt64, Int64}) = pointer(helper.uint64) sethelper!(helper, x::Union{UInt64, Int64}) = helper.uint64[1] = Core.bitcast(UInt64, x) getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{T}) where {T <: Union{UInt64, Int64}} = Core.bitcast(T, helper.uint64[1]) inithelper!(helper, x::Float32) = helper.float = Float32[x] ptrhelper(helper, x::Float32) = pointer(helper.float) sethelper!(helper, x::Float32) = helper.float[1] = x getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{Float32}) = helper.float[1] inithelper!(helper, x::Float64) = helper.double = Float64[x] ptrhelper(helper, x::Float64) = pointer(helper.double) sethelper!(helper, x::Float64) = helper.double[1] = x getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{Float64}) = helper.double[1] inithelper!(helper, x::API.MYSQL_TIME) = helper.time = API.MYSQL_TIME[x] ptrhelper(helper, x::API.MYSQL_TIME) = pointer(helper.time) getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{Time}) = convert(Time, helper.time[1]) getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{Date}) = convert(Date, helper.time[1]) getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{DateTime}) = convert(DateTime, helper.time[1]) getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{DateAndTime}) = convert(DateAndTime, helper.time[1]) inithelper!(helper, x::String) = nothing ptrhelper(helper, x::String) = C_NULL sethelper!(helper, x::String) = helper.string = x function getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{String}) len = helper.length[1] str = Base._string_n(len) ptr = pointer(values, i) API.setbuffer!(ptr, pointer(str)) API.setbufferlength!(ptr, len) API.mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt.ptr, convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, ptr), i - 1, 0) return str end inithelper!(helper, x::Vector{UInt8}) = nothing ptrhelper(helper, x::Vector{UInt8}) = C_NULL sethelper!(helper, x::Vector{UInt8}) = helper.blob = x function getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{Vector{UInt8}}) len = helper.length[1] blob = Vector{UInt8}(undef, len) ptr = pointer(values, i) API.setbuffer!(ptr, pointer(blob)) API.setbufferlength!(ptr, len) API.mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt.ptr, convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, ptr), i - 1, 0) return blob end inithelper!(helper, x::Dec64) = nothing ptrhelper(helper, x::Dec64) = C_NULL function getvalue(stmt, helper, values, i, ::Type{Dec64}) len = helper.length[1] str = Base._string_n(len) ptr = pointer(values, i) API.setbuffer!(ptr, pointer(str)) API.setbufferlength!(ptr, len) API.mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt.ptr, convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, ptr), i - 1, 0) return parse(Dec64, str) end defaultvalue(T) = zero(T) defaultvalue(::Type{Union{Missing, T}}) where {T} = defaultvalue(T) defaultvalue(::Type{API.Bit}) = API.Bit(0) defaultvalue(::Type{T}) where {T <: Dates.TimeType} = convert(API.MYSQL_TIME, Date(2000)) defaultvalue(::Type{String}) = "" defaultvalue(::Type{Vector{UInt8}}) = UInt8[] function returnbind!(helper, binds, i, type, ::Type{T}) where {T} x = defaultvalue(T) inithelper!(helper, x) ptr = pointer(binds, i) API.setbuffer!(ptr, ptrhelper(helper, x)) API.setbuffertype!(ptr, type) helper.typeset = true return end function bind!(helper, binds, i, x::Missing) helper.is_null[1] = true return end function bind!(helper, binds, i, x::Real) if !helper.typeset inithelper!(helper, x) # set buffer address ptr = pointer(binds, i) API.setbuffer!(ptr, ptrhelper(helper, x)) # set buffer_type API.setbuffertype!(ptr, API.mysqltype(x)) typeof(x) <: Unsigned && API.setisunsigned!(ptr, true) helper.typeset = true end sethelper!(helper, x) helper.is_null[1] = false return end function bind!(helper, binds, i, x::Dates.TimeType) t = convert(API.MYSQL_TIME, x) if !helper.typeset helper.time = API.MYSQL_TIME[t] # set buffer address ptr = pointer(binds, i) API.setbuffer!(ptr, pointer(helper.time)) # set buffer_type API.setbuffertype!(ptr, API.mysqltype(x)) helper.typeset = true end helper.time[1] = t helper.is_null[1] = false return end val(x) = x val(x::AbstractString) = String(x) val(x::API.Bit) = API.bitvalue(x) val(x::DecFP.DecimalFloatingPoint) = string(x) len(x::String) = sizeof(x) len(x::Vector{UInt8}) = length(x) function bind!(helper, binds, i, x::Union{Vector{UInt8}, AbstractString, API.Bit, DecFP.DecimalFloatingPoint}) ptr = pointer(binds, i) y = val(x) if !helper.typeset # set buffer_type API.setbuffertype!(ptr, API.mysqltype(y)) helper.typeset = true end sethelper!(helper, y) API.setbuffer!(ptr, pointer(y)) API.setbufferlength!(ptr, len(y)) helper.is_null[1] = false helper.length[1] = len(y) return end