This package provides the @sql_cmd
macro to allow SQL query strings to be
constructed by normal-looking string interpolation but without danger of SQL
injection attacks.
is quite simple — it understands only the basic rules of SQL
quoting and Julia string interpolation, but does no other parsing of the source
text. In this sense it is quite similar to Base.Cmd
- it keeps any literal
SQL text you write as-is and captures the Julia-level string interpolations
in a safe way.
To use with a given database backend, you'll need a small amount of integration
code. In the examples below we'll use with LibPQ.jl and a runquery()
(hopefully integration will be automatic in future).
import LibPQ
runquery(conn, sql::SqlStrings.Sql)
query, args = SqlStrings.prepare(sql)
LibPQ.execute(conn, query, args)
Creating a table and inserting some values
conn = LibPQ.connection(your_connection_string)
runquery(conn, sql`CREATE TABLE foo (email text, userid integer)`)
for (email,id) in [ ("", 1)
("", 2)]
runquery(conn, sql`INSERT INTO foo VALUES ($email, $id)`)
julia> runquery(conn, sql`SELECT * FROM foo`) |> DataFrame
2×2 DataFrame
Row │ email userid
│ String? Int32?
1 │ 1
2 │ 2
In some circumstances it can be useful to use splatting syntax to interpolate a Julia collection into a comma-separated list of values. Generally simple scalar parameters should be preferred for simplicity, but splatting can be useful on occasion:
email_and_id = ("", 3)
runquery(conn, sql`INSERT INTO foo VALUES ($(email_and_id...))`)
There's two ways to do this. First, using in
and splatting syntax
julia> ids = (1,2)
runquery(conn, sql`SELECT * FROM foo WHERE userid IN ($(ids...))`) |> DataFrame
2×2 DataFrame
Row │ email userid
│ String? Int32?
1 │ 1
2 │ 2
Second, using the SQL any
operator and simply passing a single SQL array parameter:
julia> ids = [1,2]
runquery(conn, sql`SELECT * FROM foo WHERE userid = any($ids)`) |> DataFrame
2×2 DataFrame
Row │ email userid
│ String? Int32?
1 │ 1
2 │ 2
On occasion you might want to dynamically build up a complicated query from
fragments of SQL source text. To do this, the result of @sql_cmd
can be
interpolated into a larger query as follows.
conn = LibPQ.connection(your_connection_string)
some_condition = true
x = 100
x = 20
# Example of an optional clauses - use empty sql` to disable it.
and_clause = some_condition ? sql`AND y=$y` : sql``
# Interpolation of values produces SQL parameters; interpolating sql`
# fragments adds them to the query.
q = sql`SELECT * FROM table WHERE x=$x $and_clause`
runquery(conn, q)
A word of warning that constructing SQL logic with Julia-level logic can make the code quite hard to understand. It can be worth considering writing one larger SQL query which does more of the logic on the SQL side.