DocTestSetup = quote
using DataSets
# Set up data environment for docs build.
pushfirst!(DataSets.PROJECT, DataSets.load_project("src/Data.toml"))
DocTestFilters = [
r"(?<=Project: \[).*$",
r"path =.*",
r"(?<=TomlFileDataProject \[).*",
Suppose you had some data which you wanted to access located in your Julia home
directory at ~/.julia/datasets
(or joinpath(homedir(), ".julia", "datasets")
on windows). For this tutorial we'll use the tutorial data from
the DataSets docs directory at
To make DataSets
aware of the data, let's create a Data.toml
file in
joinpath(homedir(), ".julia", "datasets", "Data.toml")
and add the following
using Markdown
Because we've written the Data.toml
into a default location which is searched
for by DataSets.PROJECT
, it will automatically become accessible in
the default global data project:
julia> DataSets.PROJECT
DataSets.TomlFileDataProject [~/.julia/datasets/Data.toml]:
a_text_file => b498f769-a7f6-4f67-8d74-40b770398f26
a_tree_example => e7fd7080-e346-4a68-9ca9-98593a99266a
The dataset
function can then be used to load metadata for a
particular dataset:
julia> dataset("a_text_file")
DataSet instance:
name = "a_text_file"
uuid = "b498f769-a7f6-4f67-8d74-40b770398f26"
description = "A text file containing the standard greeting"
driver = "FileSystem"
type = "File"
path = ".../DataSets/docs/src/data/file.txt"
If you prefer to pass around the data project explicitly rather than relying on global configuration this is also possible:
julia> project = DataSets.load_project("src/Data.toml")
DataSets.TomlFileDataProject [.../DataSets/docs/src/Data.toml]:
📄 a_text_file => b498f769-a7f6-4f67-8d74-40b770398f26
📁 a_tree_example => e7fd7080-e346-4a68-9ca9-98593a99266a
julia> dataset(project, "a_text_file")
DataSet instance:
name = "a_text_file"
uuid = "b498f769-a7f6-4f67-8d74-40b770398f26"
description = "A text file containing the standard greeting"
driver = "FileSystem"
type = "File"
path = ".../DataSets/docs/src/data/file.txt"
The most basic type of dataset is the File
which is a simple 1D array
of bytes (ie, a Vector{UInt8}
; a blob). To access the file you can call
on the corresponding DataSet which will return a File
. For example,
julia> open(dataset("a_text_file"))
📄 @ .../DataSets/docs/src/data/file.txt
Use the form open(T, dataset)
to read the data as a specific type. File
data can be opened as String
, IO
, or Vector{UInt8}
, depending on your
julia> io = open(IO, dataset("a_text_file"))
IOStream(<file .../DataSets/docs/src/data/file.txt>)
julia> read(io, String)
"Hello world!\n"
julia> buf = open(Vector{UInt8}, dataset("a_text_file"));
julia> String(buf)
"Hello world!\n"
julia> open(String, dataset("a_text_file"))
"Hello world!\n"
To ensure the dataset is closed again in a timely way (freeing any resources such as file handles), you can use the scoped form, for example:
julia> open(IO, dataset("a_text_file")) do io
content = read(io, String)
@show content
content = "Hello world!\n"
Let's look at some tree-like data which is represented on local disk as a
folder or directory. Tree data is represented in Julia as the
type and can be indexed with path components to get at the
s inside. In turn, we can open()
one of the file blobs and
look at the data contained within.
julia> open(dataset("a_tree_example"))
📂 Tree @ .../DataSets/docs/src/data/csvset
📄 1.csv
📄 2.csv
A FileTree
has a dictionary-like API: it's a map from String
names to
s or FileTree
subtrees. Iterating over it yields each child of the tree
in turn. For example, to examine the content of all files in a tree:
julia> tree = open(FileTree, dataset("a_tree_example"))
📂 Tree @ .../DataSets/docs/src/data/csvset
📄 1.csv
📄 2.csv
julia> for file in tree
content = open(String, file)
@info "File content" file content
┌ Info: File content
│ file = 📄 1.csv @ .../DataSets/docs/src/data/csvset
└ content = "Name,Age\n\"Aaron\",23\n\"Harry\",42\n"
┌ Info: File content
│ file = 📄 2.csv @ .../DataSets/docs/src/data/csvset
└ content = "Name,Age\n\"Rose\",19\n\"Tom\",25\n"
To list the names of files and subtrees, use keys()
, or haskey()
determine the presence of a file name
julia> tree = open(FileTree, dataset("a_tree_example"));
julia> keys(tree)
2-element Vector{String}:
julia> haskey(tree, "not_there.csv")
To get a particular file, indexing can be used, and isfile()
and isdir()
can be used to detect whether a child of a tree is a file or a subtree.
julia> tree = open(FileTree, dataset("a_tree_example"));
julia> tree["1.csv"]
📄 1.csv @ /home/chris/.julia/dev/DataSets/docs/src/data/csvset
julia> isfile(tree["1.csv"])
julia> isdir(tree)
Rather than manually using the open()
functions as shown above, the
macro lets you define entry points where DataSet
s will be mapped
into your program.
For example, here we define an entry point called main
which takes
- DataSet type
, presenting it as aString
within the program - DataSet type
, presenting it as aFileTree
within the program
The @datarun
macro allows you to call such program entry points, extracting
named data sets from a given project.
julia> @datafunc function main(x::File=>String, t::FileTree=>FileTree)
@show x
open(String, t["1.csv"]) do csv_data
@show csv_data
main (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> @datarun main("a_text_file", "a_tree_example");
x = "Hello world!\n"
csv_data = "Name,Age\n\"Aaron\",23\n\"Harry\",42\n"
In a given program it's possible to have multiple entry points by simply
defining multiple @datafunc
implementations. In this case @datarun
dispatch to the entry point with the matching DataSet