#!/usr/bin/env python

"""shors.py: Shor's algorithm for quantum integer factorization"""

import math
import random
import argparse

__author__ = "Todd Wildey"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013"
__credits__ = ["Todd Wildey"]

__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Todd Wildey"
__email__ = "toddwildey@gmail.com"
__status__ = "Prototype"

def printNone(str):

def printVerbose(str):

printInfo = printNone

#                                        Quantum Components

class Mapping:
	def __init__(self, state, amplitude):
		self.state = state
		self.amplitude = amplitude

class QuantumState:
	def __init__(self, amplitude, register):
		self.amplitude = amplitude
		self.register = register
		self.entangled = {}

	def entangle(self, fromState, amplitude):
		register = fromState.register
		entanglement = Mapping(fromState, amplitude)
		except KeyError:
			self.entangled[register] = [entanglement]

	def entangles(self, register = None):
		entangles = 0
		if register is None:
			for states in self.entangled.values():
				entangles += len(states)
			entangles = len(self.entangled[register])

		return entangles

class QubitRegister:
	def __init__(self, numBits):
		self.numBits = numBits
		self.numStates = 1 << numBits
		self.entangled = []
		self.states = [QuantumState(complex(0.0), self) for x in range(self.numStates)]
		self.states[0].amplitude = complex(1.0)

	def propagate(self, fromRegister = None):
		if fromRegister is not None:
			for state in self.states:
				amplitude = complex(0.0)

					entangles = state.entangled[fromRegister]
					for entangle in entangles:
						amplitude += entangle.state.amplitude * entangle.amplitude

					state.amplitude = amplitude
				except KeyError:
					state.amplitude = amplitude

		for register in self.entangled:
			if register is fromRegister:


	# Map will convert any mapping to a unitary tensor given each element v
	# returned by the mapping has the property v * v.conjugate() = 1
	def map(self, toRegister, mapping, propagate = True):

		# Create the covariant/contravariant representations
		mapTensorX = {}
		mapTensorY = {}
		for x in range(self.numStates):
			mapTensorX[x] = {}
			codomain = mapping(x)
			for element in codomain:
				y = element.state
				mapTensorX[x][y] = element

					mapTensorY[y][x] = element
				except KeyError:
					mapTensorY[y] = { x: element }

		# Normalize the mapping:
		def normalize(tensor, p = False):
			lSqrt = math.sqrt
			for vectors in tensor.values():
				sumProb = 0.0
				for element in vectors.values():
					amplitude = element.amplitude
					sumProb += (amplitude * amplitude.conjugate()).real

				normalized = lSqrt(sumProb)
				for element in vectors.values():
					element.amplitude = element.amplitude / normalized

		normalize(mapTensorY, True)

		# Entangle the registers
		for x, yStates in mapTensorX.items():
			for y, element in yStates.items():
				amplitude = element.amplitude
				toState = toRegister.states[y]
				fromState = self.states[x]
				toState.entangle(fromState, amplitude)
				fromState.entangle(toState, amplitude.conjugate())

		if propagate:

	def measure(self):
		measure = random.random()
		sumProb = 0.0

		# Pick a state
		finalX = None
		finalState = None
		for x, state in enumerate(self.states):
			amplitude = state.amplitude
			sumProb += (amplitude * amplitude.conjugate()).real

			if sumProb > measure:
				finalState = state
				finalX = x

		# If state was found, update the system
		if finalState is not None:
			for state in self.states:
				state.amplitude = complex(0.0)

			finalState.amplitude = complex(1.0)

		return finalX

	def entangles(self, register = None):
		entangles = 0
		for state in self.states:
			entangles += state.entangles(None)

		return entangles

	def amplitudes(self):
		amplitudes = []
		for state in self.states:

		return amplitudes

def printEntangles(register):
	printInfo("Entagles: " + str(register.entangles()))

def printAmplitudes(register):
	amplitudes = register.amplitudes()
	for x, amplitude in enumerate(amplitudes):
		printInfo('State #' + str(x) + '\'s amplitude: ' + str(amplitude))

def hadamard(x, Q):
	codomain = []
	for y in range(Q):
		amplitude = complex(pow(-1.0, bitCount(x & y) & 1))
		codomain.append(Mapping(y, amplitude))

	return  codomain

# Quantum Modular Exponentiation
def qModExp(a, exp, mod):
	state = modExp(a, exp, mod)
	amplitude = complex(1.0)
	return [Mapping(state, amplitude)]

# Quantum Fourier Transform
def qft(x, Q):
	fQ = float(Q)
	k = -2.0 * math.pi
	codomain = []

	for y in range(Q):
		theta = (k * float((x * y) % Q)) / fQ
		amplitude = complex(math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta))
		codomain.append(Mapping(y, amplitude))

	return codomain

def findPeriod(a, N):
	nNumBits = N.bit_length()
	inputNumBits = (2 * nNumBits) - 1
	inputNumBits += 1 if ((1 << inputNumBits) < (N * N)) else 0
	Q = 1 << inputNumBits

	printInfo("Finding the period...")
	printInfo("Q = " + str(Q) + "\ta = " + str(a))

	inputRegister = QubitRegister(inputNumBits)
	hmdInputRegister = QubitRegister(inputNumBits)
	qftInputRegister = QubitRegister(inputNumBits)
	outputRegister = QubitRegister(inputNumBits)

	printInfo("Registers generated")
	printInfo("Performing Hadamard on input register")

	inputRegister.map(hmdInputRegister, lambda x: hadamard(x, Q), False)
	# inputRegister.hadamard(False)

	printInfo("Hadamard complete")
	printInfo("Mapping input register to output register, where f(x) is a^x mod N")

	hmdInputRegister.map(outputRegister, lambda x: qModExp(a, x, N), False)

	printInfo("Modular exponentiation complete")
	printInfo("Performing quantum Fourier transform on output register")

	hmdInputRegister.map(qftInputRegister, lambda x: qft(x, Q), False)

	printInfo("Quantum Fourier transform complete")
	printInfo("Performing a measurement on the output register")

	y = outputRegister.measure()

	printInfo("Output register measured\ty = " + str(y))

	# Interesting to watch - simply uncomment
	# printAmplitudes(inputRegister)
	# printAmplitudes(qftInputRegister)
	# printAmplitudes(outputRegister)
	# printEntangles(inputRegister)

	printInfo("Performing a measurement on the periodicity register")

	x = qftInputRegister.measure()

	printInfo("QFT register measured\tx = " + str(x))

	if x is None:
		return None

	printInfo("Finding the period via continued fractions")

	r = cf(x, Q, N)

	printInfo("Candidate period\tr = " + str(r))

	return r

#                                       Classical Components


def bitCount(x):
	sumBits = 0
	while x > 0:
		sumBits += x & 1
		x >>= 1

	return sumBits

# Greatest Common Divisor
def gcd(a, b):
	while b != 0:
		tA = a % b
		a = b
		b = tA

	return a

# Extended Euclidean
def extendedGCD(a, b):
	fractions = []
	while b != 0:
		fractions.append(a // b)
		tA = a % b
		a = b
		b = tA

	return fractions

# Continued Fractions
def cf(y, Q, N):
	fractions = extendedGCD(y, Q)
	depth = 2

	def partial(fractions, depth):
		c = 0
		r = 1

		for i in reversed(range(depth)):
			tR = fractions[i] * r + c
			c = r
			r = tR

		return c

	r = 0
	for d in range(depth, len(fractions) + 1):
		tR = partial(fractions, d)
		if tR == r or tR >= N:
			return r

		r = tR

	return r

# Modular Exponentiation
def modExp(a, exp, mod):
	fx = 1
	while exp > 0:
		if (exp & 1) == 1:
			fx = fx * a % mod
		a = (a * a) % mod
		exp = exp >> 1

	return fx

def pick(N):
	a = math.floor((random.random() * (N - 1)) + 0.5)
	return a

def checkCandidates(a, r, N, neighborhood):
	if r is None:
		return None

	# Check multiples
	for k in range(1, neighborhood + 2):
		tR = k * r
		if modExp(a, a, N) == modExp(a, a + tR, N):
			return tR

	# Check lower neighborhood
	for tR in range(r - neighborhood, r):
		if modExp(a, a, N) == modExp(a, a + tR, N):
			return tR

	# Check upper neigborhood
	for tR in range(r + 1, r + neighborhood + 1):
		if modExp(a, a, N) == modExp(a, a + tR, N):
			return tR

	return None

def shors(N, attempts = 1, neighborhood = 0.0, numPeriods = 1):
	if(N.bit_length() > BIT_LIMIT or N < 3):
		return False

	periods = []
	neighborhood = math.floor(N * neighborhood) + 1

	printInfo("N = " + str(N))
	printInfo("Neighborhood = " + str(neighborhood))
	printInfo("Number of periods = " + str(numPeriods))

	for attempt in range(attempts):
		printInfo("\nAttempt #" + str(attempt))

		a = pick(N)
		while a < 2:
			a = pick(N)

		d = gcd(a, N)
		if d > 1:
			printInfo("Found factors classically, re-attempt")

		r = findPeriod(a, N)

		printInfo("Checking candidate period, nearby values, and multiples")

		r = checkCandidates(a, r, N, neighborhood)

		if r is None:
			printInfo("Period was not found, re-attempt")

		if (r % 2) > 0:
			printInfo("Period was odd, re-attempt")

		d = modExp(a, (r // 2), N)
		if r == 0 or d == (N - 1):
			printInfo("Period was trivial, re-attempt")

		printInfo("Period found\tr = " + str(r))

		if(len(periods) < numPeriods):

		printInfo("\nFinding least common multiple of all periods")

		r = 1
		for period in periods:
			d = gcd(period, r)
			r = (r * period) // d

		b = modExp(a, (r // 2), N)
		f1 = gcd(N, b + 1)
		f2 = gcd(N, b - 1)

		return [f1, f2]

	return None

#                                    Command-line functionality

def parseArgs():
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Simulate Shor\'s algorithm for N.')
	parser.add_argument('-a', '--attempts', type=int, default=20, help='Number of quantum attemtps to perform')
	parser.add_argument('-n', '--neighborhood', type=float, default=0.01, help='Neighborhood size for checking candidates (as percentage of N)')
	parser.add_argument('-p', '--periods', type=int, default=2, help='Number of periods to get before determining least common multiple')
	parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', type=bool, default=True, help='Verbose')
	parser.add_argument('N', type=int, help='The integer to factor')
	return parser.parse_args()

def main():
	args = parseArgs()

	global printInfo
	if args.verbose:
		printInfo = printVerbose
		printInfo = printNone

	factors = shors(args.N, args.attempts, args.neighborhood, args.periods)
	if factors is not None:
		print("Factors:\t" + str(factors[0]) + ", " + str(factors[1]))

if __name__ == "__main__":