.. currentmodule:: Base
.. function:: isblockdev(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` is a block device, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: ischardev(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` is a character device, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: isdir(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` is a directory, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: isexecutable(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if the current user has permission to execute ``path``, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: isfifo(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` is a FIFO, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: isfile(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` is a regular file, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: islink(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` is a symbolic link, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: ispath(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` is a valid filesystem path, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: isreadable(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if the current user has permission to read ``path``, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: issetgid(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` has the setgid flag set, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: issetuid(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` has the setuid flag set, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: issocket(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` is a socket, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: issticky(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if ``path`` has the sticky bit set, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: iswritable(path) -> Bool Returns ``true`` if the current user has permission to write to ``path``, ``false`` otherwise.
.. function:: homedir() -> String Return the current user's home directory.
.. function:: dirname(path::String) -> String Get the directory part of a path.
.. function:: basename(path::String) -> String Get the file name part of a path.
.. function:: isabspath(path::String) -> Bool Determines whether a path is absolute (begins at the root directory).
.. function:: isdirpath(path::String) -> Bool Determines whether a path refers to a directory (for example, ends with a path separator).
.. function:: joinpath(parts...) -> String Join path components into a full path. If some argument is an absolute path, then prior components are dropped.
.. function:: abspath(path::String) -> String Convert a path to an absolute path by adding the current directory if necessary.
.. function:: normpath(path::String) -> String Normalize a path, removing "." and ".." entries.
.. function:: realpath(path::String) -> String Canonicalize a path by expanding symbolic links and removing "." and ".." entries.
.. function:: expanduser(path::String) -> String On Unix systems, replace a tilde character at the start of a path with the current user's home directory.
.. function:: splitdir(path::String) -> (String,String) Split a path into a tuple of the directory name and file name.
.. function:: splitdrive(path::String) -> (String,String) On Windows, split a path into the drive letter part and the path part. On Unix systems, the first component is always the empty string.
.. function:: splitext(path::String) -> (String,String) If the last component of a path contains a dot, split the path into everything before the dot and everything including and after the dot. Otherwise, return a tuple of the argument unmodified and the empty string.
.. function:: tempname() Generate a unique temporary filename.
.. function:: tempdir() Obtain the path of a temporary directory.
.. function:: mktemp() Returns ``(path, io)``, where ``path`` is the path of a new temporary file and ``io`` is an open file object for this path.
.. function:: mktempdir() Create a temporary directory and return its path.