SQL Schema
Table: Users
+-------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +-------------+---------+ | user_id | int | | user_name | varchar | +-------------+---------+ user_id is the primary key (column with unique values) for this table. Each row of this table contains the name and the id of a user.
Table: Register
+-------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +-------------+---------+ | contest_id | int | | user_id | int | +-------------+---------+ (contest_id, user_id) is the primary key (combination of columns with unique values) for this table. Each row of this table contains the id of a user and the contest they registered into.
Write a solution to find the percentage of the users registered in each contest rounded to two decimals.
Return the result table ordered by percentage
in descending order. In case of a tie, order it by contest_id
in ascending order.
The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
Input: Users table: +---------+-----------+ | user_id | user_name | +---------+-----------+ | 6 | Alice | | 2 | Bob | | 7 | Alex | +---------+-----------+ Register table: +------------+---------+ | contest_id | user_id | +------------+---------+ | 215 | 6 | | 209 | 2 | | 208 | 2 | | 210 | 6 | | 208 | 6 | | 209 | 7 | | 209 | 6 | | 215 | 7 | | 208 | 7 | | 210 | 2 | | 207 | 2 | | 210 | 7 | +------------+---------+ Output: +------------+------------+ | contest_id | percentage | +------------+------------+ | 208 | 100.0 | | 209 | 100.0 | | 210 | 100.0 | | 215 | 66.67 | | 207 | 33.33 | +------------+------------+ Explanation: All the users registered in contests 208, 209, and 210. The percentage is 100% and we sort them in the answer table by contest_id in ascending order. Alice and Alex registered in contest 215 and the percentage is ((2/3) * 100) = 66.67% Bob registered in contest 207 and the percentage is ((1/3) * 100) = 33.33%