- Issue with "Input element value get selected while double clicking on query builder rules." has been fixed.
- Issue with "Script error thrown while clicking on svg element within the query builder" has been fixed.
- Issue with "Custom operator not working properly in QueryBuilder While dynamically change locale property" has been fixed.
- Issue with "Script error thrown while adding the new condition in complex data binding sample with template in angular" has been fixed.
- Issue with While setting rule value as an empty string the rule was not created in QueryBuilder has been fixed.#I594200
- Issue with Script error thrown while filtering the field items of complex data binding in angular has been fixed.
- Issue with value after comma in Numeric textbox QueryBuilder being deleted has been fixed.
- When typing a comma in a numeric textbox in QueryBuilder, the comma gets removed has been fixed.
- Issue with Operator is not set properly when using theaddRules
method has been fixed.
- Issue with QueryBuilder validation message is not shown for date type column has been fixed.#I600637
- Issue with QueryBuilder numeric text box validation message not shown while using template has been fixed.#599199
- Issue withsetRulesFromSql
methods is not working properly when using complex query withNOT
operator in Query Builder has been fixed.
- Issue with condition not proper while getting sql from rules has been fixed.
- Issue with "Template is not rendered properly when we use fieldMode as dropdowntree in the complex data binding query builder" has been fixed.
- Issue with Script error thrown in QueryBuilder whenclicking
the button group component in header template has been fixed.
Drag-and-drop support
- The Query Builder component now includes a drag-and-drop feature, allowing users to reposition rules or groups within the component effortlessly. This enhancement provides a more intuitive and flexible way to construct and modify queries. -
Separate connector support
- The separate connector feature in the Query Builder component enables users to integrate standalone connectors between rules or groups within the same group. This allows for greater flexibility, as users can connect rules or groups using different connectors, enhancing the complexity and precision of query construction.
- Issue withsetRulesFromSql
method is not working while using a field name like"Name = '|_fn { keyword ' kFinishedProduct '}_|'"
has been fixed.
- Issue with popups height is not updated properly in QueryBuilder sub field has been fixed.
- Issue withgetSqlFromRules
method not working properly in boolean fields when calling validateFields within theruleChange
event has been fixed.#I873624
- Issue withgetSqlFromRules
method is not working while using a field name likeHttp Response Header Name-Verify
has been fixed.
- Issue with QueryBuilder 'In' or 'Not in' Operator results in value field as empty list when using fieldMode as default mode has been fixed.
- Provided the support to get / set the Mongo Query from query builder.
- Provided the support to get / set the Parameter SQL and Named Parameter SQL from query builder.
- Provided the Clone support to query builder rules/ groups.
- Provided the Lock support to query builder rules/ groups.
- Issue withgetSqlFromRules
method is not return custom value when changing boolean type column value in default complex data binding. has been fixed.#I556563
- Issue with QueryBuilder validation message position wrong issue while deleting the rule has been fixed.
- Issue withdrop-down list popup
remains stick in the screen after close has been fixed.
- Issue with QueryBuilder validation message removed when navigating away from the QueryBuilder control has been fixed.#F186129
- Issue with tooltip rendering twice in the operator field while using validateFields method has been fixed.
- Issue with Script error thrown in the header template while adding and deleting the conditions has been fixed.
- Issue withgetValidRules
method of query builder returns improper rule for in operator has been fixed.
- Issue with Dropdown tree item expand and selection related issue in query builder has been fixed.
- Issue with dynamically changing readonly property has been fixed.
- Issue with Query builder rule does not gets changed dynamically has been fixed.
- Issue with Date rule format value not updated properly while using two rule in Query builder has been fixed.
- Issue with Query builder rule does not changed dynamically has been fixed.
- Issue with Query builder dynamically adding rule does not gets changed has been fixed.
- Issue withsetRules
method of the Query builder not working for complex data binding has been fixed.
- Issue with Query builder validation tooltip is not shows on second time has been fixed.#I499489
- Issue with read only property not working in dropdowntree field of QueryBuilder has been fixed.
- Issue with Query builder column template not render in Vue3 platform has been fixed.
- Resolved the Script error thrown ingetRule
method of QueryBuilder while using change event.
- Resolved the Script error thrown while changing Boolean value in dropdowntree fieldMode of QueryBuilder
- Resolved the Custom operator not working properly in QueryBuilder While dynamically change locale property.
- Resolved the Dropdown tree field selection related issue in the query builder.
- Resolved the issue where importing SQL queries containing special characters.
- Issue with Query builder template not render in Vue3 platform has been fixed.#I448219
- Issue with Query builder validation not shown usingvalidateFields
method and scroll the page has been fixed.
- Issue with Value template issue with complex data binding of query builder has been fixed.#I428779
- Issue with Providing the single quotes in SQL string support to query builder has been fixed.
- Accessibility issue in Query Builder has been resolved.
- Issue with Browser window get freezes when we set the Invalid SQL rule to query builder has been fixed.#I423706
- Issue with Field Dropdown list popups get collapses when we usevalidateFields
method in query builder has been fixed
- Issue withgetValidRules
method of query builder returns empty group has been fixed.#I404520
- Provided Localization support SQL query builder operators.#F178375
- Issue with Browser window get freezes when we set the Invalid SQL rule to query builder has been fixed.#I408324
- Issue with Script errors throwing in validating query builder fields while double click has been fixed.#I408658
- Issue with Value getting removed while closing fields Dropdown without change the value when we set rule property of query builder has been fixed.
- Issue with Show Buttons option in query builder has been fixed.#I399576
- Issue with Custom operator not set properly when we set one field is a prefix of other field as number in query builder has been fixed.#I375472
- Issue with Change event not trigger for changing field for default column to rule template column in query builder has been fixed.#I394878
- Issue with Date type Between value not render properly while usingsetRulesFromSql
method has been fixed
- Issue with Rule template default rendered while add condition/group in query builder, if first column as rule template has been fixed.#I388333
- Issue with Value template not destroy properly when we use complex data source in query builder has been fixed.
- Issue with SQL importing with boolean values has been fixed.F168982
- Issue with placing Query Builder inside a form has been fixed.
- Provided Dropdown Tree component support in Complex data binding
- Improvements in Header Template support.
- The issue with Tooltip not destroyed while applying reset after validation been fixed.
- The issue with setRules method not works in header template has been fixed.
- The issue with 'getRulesFromSql' method for date is fixed.
- The issue with predicate generation for date is fixed.
- Provided Complex data binding Support.
- Provided Header Template Support.
- Provided model support for fields, operators and values.
- The issue when field has space is fixed.#317355
- The issue with disable the condition option when that group has single
- Issue with angular template is fixed.
- Issue with template destroy is fixed.
- Issue with validation is fixed.
- Issue with Date Picker with null value is fixed.
- Validation working improperly with column template issue resolved.- Issue with template destroy is fixed
- Issue with setting HTML element id start with number is fixed
- Issue with 'setRulesFromSql' method is fixed.
- Issue with changing value field width is fixed.
- Issue with 'getValues' method is fixed.
- Issue with 'setRulesFromSql' method is fixed.
- Issue with 'getColumn' method is fixed.
- Issue with persistence is fixed.
- Issue with 'boolean' type value is fixed.
- Issue with 'locale' is fixed.
- Provided
Rule Template
- Issue with 'addGroups' method is fixed.
- Issue with 'setRulesFromSql' method is fixed.
- Issue with boolean value has been resolved.
- Issue with SQL parsing has been resolved.
- Issue with grouping after refreshing QueryBuilder has been resolved.
- Compatibility with EJ1 issues has been resolved.
- Provided
- Improvements in Value Template support.
- CSS validation issues has been resolved.
- Issue with predicate generation for date type is fixed.
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
format | string | string |
- Provided the support to disable the combinator if only one rule is present.
- Issue with predicate generation for between operator is fixed.
- Issue with 'setRulesFromSql' method is fixed.
- Provided
Condition support. - Provided Template support for Time Picker.
- Tooltip is not destroyed while using destroy method.
- Predicate is not created for Date type when between operator is fixed.
- Issue with changing 'number' type field is fixed.
- Provided Not Contains, Not Starts With and Not Ends With operator support.
- Value not updated properly while changing 'Between' operator.
- Value not updated properly while changing operator.
- Provided Null and Empty operator support.
- Date values are not properly filtered using DataManager.
- SQL Parsing issue when the rule contains 'Greater Than Or Equal', 'Less Than Or Equal' operator.
- Condition is not updated properly in the root while using 'setRules' method.
- Provided localization support for 'AND/OR' conditions.
- Selected value not maintained properly for radiobutton field.
- DataManager related issue resolved.
- Provided public method for get the rule by the rule Id.
- Date format issue in dd/mm/yyyy format.
- Selected value not maintained properly for radiobutton field.
- Provided
case sensitive
support. - Provided default value option support for column fields.
- Provided groupBy support for columns.
- Updating conditions throws script error after using 'setRules' method.
- Rule with AND operator is not properly updated in ASP.NET MVC and Core.
- Multiselect datasource not properly updated for in and notin operators.
- Provided option for handling data source request on demand.
- Multiselect datasource not properly updated for in and notin operators.
- Rule with AND operator is not properly updated in ASP.NET MVC and Core.
- Updating conditions throws script error after using 'setRules' method.
- The following events are renamed.
Existing Event Name | New Event Name |
beforeConditionChange | beforeChange |
beforeFieldChange | beforeChange |
beforeOperatorChange | beforeChange |
beforeValueChange | beforeChange |
conditionChanged | change |
fieldChanged | change |
operatorChanged | change |
valueChanged | change |
groupDelete | change |
groupInsert | change |
ruleDelete | change |
ruleInsert | change |
- Modified the return type of 'getFilteredRecords' method from object collection to promise.
- Renamed the 'RulesModel' class to 'RuleModel' and removed the 'RulesModel' class.
- Between Operator produces incorrect SQL is fixed.
- Issue with binding boolean values to radio button is fixed.
- Introduced new event 'RuleChange' which triggers once the current Rule is different from the older Rule.
- The following events are renamed.
Existing Event Name | New Event Name |
beforeConditionChange | beforeChange |
beforeFieldChange | beforeChange |
beforeOperatorChange | beforeChange |
beforeValueChange | beforeChange |
conditionChanged | change |
fieldChanged | change |
operatorChanged | change |
valueChanged | change |
groupDelete | change |
groupInsert | change |
ruleDelete | change |
ruleInsert | change |
- Between Operator produces incorrect SQL is fixed.
- 'Add Group' option is not disabled while setting groupInsert as false is fixed.
- Provided
Summary view
- Introduced validateFields method for validation.
The Query Builder component is a graphical user interface that allows users to create and edit filters. It outputs a structured JSON of filters which that can be easily parsed to create SQL. It is integrated with Data Manager to communicates with data sources and returns the desired result based on the provided filter. It supports data binding, templates, validation, and horizontal and vertical orientation.
Data binding: It auto populates the data source and maps the data to the appropriate fields.
Template: Supports templates and it is applicable for all input components.
Queries: Queries supports JSON/SQL rules.