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Getting Started With The HTTP Add-on

After you've installed KEDA and the HTTP Add-on (this project, we'll call it the "add-on" for short), this document will show you how to get started with an example app.

If you haven't installed KEDA and the HTTP Add-on (this project), please do so first. Follow instructions to complete your installation.

Before you continue, make sure that you have your NAMESPACE environment variable set to the same value as it was when you installed.

Creating An Application

You'll need to install a Deployment and Service first. You'll tell the add-on to begin scaling it up and down after this step. We've provided a Helm chart in this repository that you can use to try it out. Use this command to create the resources you need.

helm install xkcd ./examples/xkcd -n ${NAMESPACE}

xkcd exposed with GatewayAPI

Alternatively if you'd like to try the addon along with GatewayAPI, you can install first GatewayAPI CRDs and some GatewayAPI implementation, for example as described in a section below and install the application as with httproute=true which will deploy properly configured HTTPRoute too.

helm install xkcd ./examples/xkcd -n ${NAMESPACE} --set httproute=true

You'll need to clone the repository to get access to this chart. If you have your own workload and Service installed, you can go right to creating an HTTPScaledObject in the next section.

If you are running KEDA and the HTTP Add-on in cluster-global mode, you can install the XKCD chart in any namespace you choose. If you do so, make sure you add --set ingressNamespace=${NAMESPACE} to the above installation command.

To remove the app, run helm delete xkcd -n ${NAMESPACE}

Creating an HTTPScaledObject

You interact with the operator via a CRD called HTTPScaledObject. This CRD object instructs interceptors to forward requests for a given host to your app's backing Service. To get an example app up and running, read the notes below and then run the subsequent command from the root of this repository.

kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE -f examples/v0.10.0/httpscaledobject.yaml

If you'd like to learn more about this object, please see the HTTPScaledObject reference.

Testing Your Installation

You've now installed a web application and activated autoscaling by creating an HTTPScaledObject for it. For autoscaling to work properly, HTTP traffic needs to route through the Service that the add-on has set up. You can use kubectl port-forward to quickly test things out:

kubectl port-forward svc/keda-add-ons-http-interceptor-proxy -n ${NAMESPACE} 8080:8080

Routing to the Right Service

As said above, you need to route your HTTP traffic to the Service that the add-on has created during the installation. If you have existing systems - like an ingress controller - you'll need to anticipate the name of these created Services. Each one will be named consistently like so, in the same namespace as the HTTPScaledObject and your application (i.e. $NAMESPACE):


Installing and Using the ingress-nginx Ingress Controller

As mentioned above, the Service that the add-on creates will be inaccessible over the network from outside of your Kubernetes cluster.

While you can access it via the kubectl port-forward command above, we recommend against using that in a production setting. Instead, we recommend that you use an ingress controller to route to the interceptor service. This section describes how to set up and use the NGINX Ingress controller.

First, install the controller using the commands below. These commands use Helm v3. For other installation methods, see the installation page.

helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx -n ${NAMESPACE}

An Ingress resource was already created as part of the xkcd chart, so the installed NGINX ingress controller will initialize, detect the Ingress, and begin routing to the xkcd interceptor Service.

NOTE: You may have to create an external service type: ExternalName pointing to the interceptor namespace and use it from Ingress manifest.

When you're ready, please run kubectl get svc -n ${NAMESPACE}, find the ingress-nginx-controller service, and copy and paste its EXTERNAL-IP. This is the IP address that your application will be running at on the public internet.

Note: you should go further and set your DNS records appropriately and set up a TLS certificate for this IP address. Instructions to do that are out of scope of this document, though.

Installing and Using the eg GatewayAPI

Similarly to exposing your service with Ingress, you can expose your service with HTTPRoute as part of GatewayAPI. Following steps describe how to install one of may GatewayAPI implementations - Envoy Gateway. You should install the xkcd helm chart with --set httproute=true as explained above.

The helm chart is publically available and hosted by DockerHub

helm install eg oci:// --version v1.0.2 -n envoy-gateway-system --create-namespace

Before creating new Gateway, wait for Envoy Gateway to become available

kubectl wait --timeout=5m -n envoy-gateway-system deployment/envoy-gateway --for=condition=Available

Create GatewayClass and Gateway

cat << 'EOF' | kubectl apply -f -
kind: GatewayClass
  name: eg
kind: Gateway
  name: eg
  namespace: envoy-gateway-system
  gatewayClassName: eg
    - name: http
      protocol: HTTP
      port: 80
          from: All

💡 Note the ExternalName type Service used to route traffic from Ingress defined in one namespace to the interceptor Service defined in another is not necessary with GatewayAPI. The GatewayAPI defines ReferenceGrant to allow HTTPRoutes referencing Services and other types of backend from different Namespaces.

You can see the IP address for following rest of the document with

kubectl get gateway -n envoy-gateway-system

For example (your IP will likely differ)

eg     eg   True         16s

Making an HTTP Request to your App

Now that you have your application running and your ingress configured, you can issue an HTTP request. To do so, you'll need to know the IP address to request. If you're using an ingress controller, that is the IP of the ingress controller's Service. If you're using a "raw" Service with type: LoadBalancer, that is the IP address of the Service itself.

Regardless, you can use the below curl command to make a request to your application:

curl -H "Host:" <Your IP>/test

Note the -H flag above to specify the Host header. This is needed to tell the interceptor how to route the request. If you have a DNS name set up for the IP, you don't need this header.

You can also use port-forward to interceptor service for making the request:

kubectl port-forward svc/keda-add-ons-http-interceptor-proxy -n ${NAMESPACE} 8080:8080
curl -H "Host:" localhost:8080/test

Integrating HTTP Add-On Scaler with other KEDA scalers

For scenerios where you want to integrate HTTP Add-On scaler with other keda scalers, you can set the "" annotation to true on your HTTPScaledObject. The reconciler will then skip the KEDA core ScaledObject creation which will allow you to create your own ScaledObject and add HTTP scaler as one of your triggers.

💡 Ensure that your ScaledObject is created with a different name than the HTTPScaledObject to ensure your ScaledObject is not removed by the reconciler.

If you don't know how to set the external scaler in the ScaledObject, you can deploy first your HTTPScaledObject with no annotation set in order to obtain the latest trigger spec to use on your own managed ScaledObject.

  1. Deploy your HTTPScaledObject with annotation set to false
annotations: "false"
  1. Take copy of the current generated external-push trigger spec on the generated ScaledObject.

For example:

  - type: external-push
      scalerAddress: keda-add-ons-http-external-scaler.keda:9090
  1. Apply the "" annotation with true and apply the change. This will remove the originally created ScaledObject allowing you to create your own.
annotations: "true"
  1. Add the external-push trigger taken from step 2 to your own ScaledObject and apply this.

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