TreasureIsland is a machine learning-based Genomic Island prediction software, that uses an unsupervised representation of DNA for its prediction.
TreasureIsland is constructed from the Benbow dataset.
A manuscript is available
Python >= 3.7 Tested on Linux, mac machine For mac, make sure to run: python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install treasureisland
if treasureisland is already installed :
python3 -m pip install treasureisland --upgrade
git clone
python3 -m pip install -e GenomicIslandPrediction
Run TreasureIsland from commandline on your DNA fasta file (example DNA files provided here), output is given in csv format:
treasureisland mypath/<DNA file>.fasta [-o <output_file_path>] [-ut <upper threshold value>]
The TreasureIsland package is used to find genomic island predictions which can be downloaded in csv, xlsx, txt file formats demonstrated in TreasureIsland package
DNA sequence files in fasta format with a sequenceID.
TreasureIsland takes 2-5 mins to run depending on the size of the input.
The results are shown in the following format for each genomic island:
example : NC_002620.2 1.0 130000.0 0.95597
User also has the ability to change the upper threshold value to change the precision and recall tradeoff. upper threshold is set to 0.80 by default.
Example :
treasureisland ecoli.fasta -o gei_output -ut 0.95 Setting the upper threshold to 0.95 would increase the precision and decrease the recall performance.
A repository containing some sample DNA files that can be downloaded to test TreasureIsland. Note : github downloads fasta file in txt format (filename.fasta.txt).
example :
treasureisland ecoli.fasta -o gei_output -ut 0.95
import the Predictor class from treasureisland package:
from treasureisland.Predictor import Predictor
Instantiate the sequence with the DNA sequence file path as the argument. The DNA file used can be a fasta file.
seq = Predictor("<Path to DNA fasta file>/ecoli.fasta", "<output_file_path>")
Optionally, change the upper threshold value.
Get prediction data frame from sequence by running the predict method.
pred = seq.predict()
The predictions can be downloaded in text, csv, excel formats.
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