File tree
292 files changed
lines changed- lcci
- 01.03.String to URL
- 01.05.One Away
- 01.06.Compress String
- 01.07.Rotate Matrix
- 01.09.String Rotation
- 02.01.Remove Duplicate Node
- 02.02.Kth Node From End of List
- 02.06.Palindrome Linked List
- 02.07.Intersection of Two Linked Lists
- 03.01.Three in One
- 03.04.Implement Queue using Stacks
- 03.05.Sort of Stacks
- 04.03.List of Depth
- 04.04.Check Balance
- 04.05.Legal Binary Search Tree
- 05.07.Exchange
- 08.04.Power Set
- 08.07.Permutation I
- 17.11.Find Closest
- 17.12.BiNode
- 17.17.Multi Search
- lcof
- 面试题58 - I. 翻转单词顺序
- 面试题58 - II. 左旋转字符串
- 面试题62. 圆圈中最后剩下的数字
- 面试题67. 把字符串转换成整数
- 面试题68 - II. 二叉树的最近公共祖先
- lcof2
- 剑指 Offer II 001. 整数除法
- 剑指 Offer II 002. 二进制加法
- 剑指 Offer II 003. 前 n 个数字二进制中 1 的个数
- 剑指 Offer II 005. 单词长度的最大乘积
- 剑指 Offer II 006. 排序数组中两个数字之和
- 剑指 Offer II 012. 左右两边子数组的和相等
- 剑指 Offer II 014. 字符串中的变位词
- 剑指 Offer II 015. 字符串中的所有变位词
- 剑指 Offer II 016. 不含重复字符的最长子字符串
- 剑指 Offer II 017. 含有所有字符的最短字符串
- 剑指 Offer II 018. 有效的回文
- 剑指 Offer II 021. 删除链表的倒数第 n 个结点
- 剑指 Offer II 022. 链表中环的入口节点
- 剑指 Offer II 023. 两个链表的第一个重合节点
- 剑指 Offer II 026. 重排链表
- 剑指 Offer II 032. 有效的变位词
- 剑指 Offer II 037. 小行星碰撞
- 剑指 Offer II 045. 二叉树最底层最左边的值
- 剑指 Offer II 046. 二叉树的右侧视图
- 剑指 Offer II 047. 二叉树剪枝
- 剑指 Offer II 051. 节点之和最大的路径
- 剑指 Offer II 052. 展平二叉搜索树
- 剑指 Offer II 053. 二叉搜索树中的中序后继
- 剑指 Offer II 057. 值和下标之差都在给定的范围内
- 剑指 Offer II 058. 日程表
- 剑指 Offer II 061. 和最小的 k 个数对
- 剑指 Offer II 065. 最短的单词编码
- 剑指 Offer II 078. 合并排序链表
- 剑指 Offer II 089. 房屋偷盗
- 剑指 Offer II 090. 环形房屋偷盗
- 剑指 Offer II 091. 粉刷房子
- 剑指 Offer II 092. 翻转字符
- 剑指 Offer II 094. 最少回文分割
- 剑指 Offer II 096. 字符串交织
- 剑指 Offer II 097. 子序列的数目
- lcp
- LCP 17. 速算机器人
- LCP 33. 蓄水
- solution
- 0000-0099
- 0002.Add Two Numbers
- 0008.String to Integer (atoi)
- 0018.4Sum
- 0023.Merge k Sorted Lists
- 0025.Reverse Nodes in k-Group
- 0028.Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String
- 0029.Divide Two Integers
- 0033.Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- 0034.Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
- 0067.Add Binary
- 0070.Climbing Stairs
- 0097.Interleaving String
- 0100-0199
- 0100.Same Tree
- 0109.Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
- 0114.Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
- 0115.Distinct Subsequences
- 0118.Pascal's Triangle
- 0119.Pascal's Triangle II
- 0123.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
- 0124.Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
- 0132.Palindrome Partitioning II
- 0134.Gas Station
- 0141.Linked List Cycle
- 0142.Linked List Cycle II
- 0143.Reorder List
- 0146.LRU Cache
- 0153.Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
- 0154.Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II
- 0160.Intersection of Two Linked Lists
- 0168.Excel Sheet Column Title
- 0172.Factorial Trailing Zeroes
- 0190.Reverse Bits
- 0198.House Robber
- 0200-0299
- 0203.Remove Linked List Elements
- 0209.Minimum Size Subarray Sum
- 0211.Design Add and Search Words Data Structure
- 0220.Contains Duplicate III
- 0223.Rectangle Area
- 0237.Delete Node in a Linked List
- 0256.Paint House
- 0275.H-Index II
- 0283.Move Zeroes
- 0285.Inorder Successor in BST
- 0287.Find the Duplicate Number
- 0300-0399
- 0300.Longest Increasing Subsequence
- 0341.Flatten Nested List Iterator
- 0342.Power of Four
- 0345.Reverse Vowels of a String
- 0354.Russian Doll Envelopes
- 0357.Count Numbers with Unique Digits
- 0380.Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)
- 0386.Lexicographical Numbers
- 0388.Longest Absolute File Path
- 0391.Perfect Rectangle
- 0396.Rotate Function
- 0400-0499
- 0404.Sum of Left Leaves
- 0416.Partition Equal Subset Sum
- 0435.Non-overlapping Intervals
- 0440.K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order
- 0441.Arranging Coins
- 0447.Number of Boomerangs
- 0460.LFU Cache
- 0473.Matchsticks to Square
- 0479.Largest Palindrome Product
- 0494.Target Sum
- 0500-0599
- 0518.Coin Change II
- 0551.Student Attendance Record I
- 0552.Student Attendance Record II
- 0554.Brick Wall
- 0581.Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray
- 0583.Delete Operation for Two Strings
- 0587.Erect the Fence
- 0591.Tag Validator
- 0600-0699
- 0611.Valid Triangle Number
- 0629.K Inverse Pairs Array
- 0633.Sum of Square Numbers
- 0639.Decode Ways II
- 0645.Set Mismatch
- 0646.Maximum Length of Pair Chain
- 0658.Find K Closest Elements
- 0661.Image Smoother
- 0670.Maximum Swap
- 0673.Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence
- 0675.Cut Off Trees for Golf Event
- 0693.Binary Number with Alternating Bits
- 0697.Degree of an Array
- 0699.Falling Squares
- 0700-0799
- 0712.Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings
- 0715.Range Module
- 0728.Self Dividing Numbers
- 0729.My Calendar I
- 0735.Asteroid Collision
- 0740.Delete and Earn
- 0741.Cherry Pickup
- 0743.Network Delay Time
- 0762.Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation
- 0780.Reaching Points
- 0786.K-th Smallest Prime Fraction
- 0787.Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
- 0796.Rotate String
- 0800-0899
- 0804.Unique Morse Code Words
- 0806.Number of Lines To Write String
- 0814.Binary Tree Pruning
- 0819.Most Common Word
- 0820.Short Encoding of Words
- 0821.Shortest Distance to a Character
- 0868.Binary Gap
- 0875.Koko Eating Bananas
- 0889.Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal
- 0896.Monotonic Array
- 0897.Increasing Order Search Tree
- 0900-0999
- 0917.Reverse Only Letters
- 0926.Flip String to Monotone Increasing
- 0942.DI String Match
- 0958.Check Completeness of a Binary Tree
- 0960.Delete Columns to Make Sorted III
- 1000-1099
- 1029.Two City Scheduling
- 1030.Matrix Cells in Distance Order
- 1049.Last Stone Weight II
- 1080.Insufficient Nodes in Root to Leaf Paths
- 1085.Sum of Digits in the Minimum Number
- 1100-1199/1129.Shortest Path with Alternating Colors
- 1200-1299
- 1206.Design Skiplist
- 1209.Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II
- 1218.Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference
- 1269.Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps
- 1283.Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold
- 1298.Maximum Candies You Can Get from Boxes
- 1300-1399
- 1337.The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix
- 1346.Check If N and Its Double Exist
- 1351.Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix
- 1385.Find the Distance Value Between Two Arrays
- 1400-1499
- 1405.Longest Happy String
- 1463.Cherry Pickup II
- 1500-1599
- 1505.Minimum Possible Integer After at Most K Adjacent Swaps On Digits
- 1508.Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums
- 1539.Kth Missing Positive Number
- 1552.Magnetic Force Between Two Balls
- 1600-1699
- 1605.Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column Sums
- 1606.Find Servers That Handled Most Number of Requests
- 1608.Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal X
- 1611.Minimum One Bit Operations to Make Integers Zero
- 1616.Split Two Strings to Make Palindrome
- 1691.Maximum Height by Stacking Cuboids
- 1700-1799
- 1705.Maximum Number of Eaten Apples
- 1755.Closest Subsequence Sum
- 1760.Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag
- 1800-1899
- 1818.Minimum Absolute Sum Difference
- 1855.Maximum Distance Between a Pair of Values
- 1894.Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk
- 1900-1999
- 1940.Longest Common Subsequence Between Sorted Arrays
- 1962.Remove Stones to Minimize the Total
- 1971.Find if Path Exists in Graph
- 1976.Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination
- 2000-2099
- 2028.Find Missing Observations
- 2031.Count Subarrays With More Ones Than Zeros
- 2034.Stock Price Fluctuation
- 2038.Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the Same Color
- 2043.Simple Bank System
- 2059.Minimum Operations to Convert Number
- 2073.Time Needed to Buy Tickets
- 2100-2199
- 2100.Find Good Days to Rob the Bank
- 2101.Detonate the Maximum Bombs
- 2192.All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph
- 2198.Number of Single Divisor Triplets
- 2200-2299
- 2206.Divide Array Into Equal Pairs
- 2208.Minimum Operations to Halve Array Sum
- 2210.Count Hills and Valleys in an Array
- 2213.Longest Substring of One Repeating Character
- 2214.Minimum Health to Beat Game
- 2215.Find the Difference of Two Arrays
- 2216.Minimum Deletions to Make Array Beautiful
- 2219.Maximum Sum Score of Array
- 2220.Minimum Bit Flips to Convert Number
- 2221.Find Triangular Sum of an Array
- 2224.Minimum Number of Operations to Convert Time
- 2229.Check if an Array Is Consecutive
- 2235.Add Two Integers
- 2236.Root Equals Sum of Children
- 2237.Count Positions on Street With Required Brightness
- 2600-2699
- 2643.Row With Maximum Ones
- 2644.Find the Maximum Divisibility Score
- 2645.Minimum Additions to Make Valid String
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292 files changed
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14 | 14 |
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15 | 15 |
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16 | 16 |
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17 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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39 | 39 |
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40 | 40 |
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41 | 41 |
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