diff --git a/.commitlintrc.cjs b/.commitlintrc.cjs
index a4f4369..a989bfc 100644
--- a/.commitlintrc.cjs
+++ b/.commitlintrc.cjs
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 module.exports = {
-  extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']
+    extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']
diff --git a/.eslintrc.js b/.eslintrc.js
index 97c5221..fe18778 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.js
+++ b/.eslintrc.js
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 module.exports = {
-  env: {
-    browser: true,
-    commonjs: true,
-    es2021: true
-  },
-  extends: '@antfu',
-  overrides: [
-    {
-      env: {
-        node: true
-      },
-      files: ['.eslintrc.{js,cjs}'],
-      parserOptions: {
-        sourceType: 'script'
-      }
-    }
-  ],
-  parserOptions: {
-    ecmaVersion: 'latest'
-  },
-  rules: {}
+    env: {
+        browser: true,
+        commonjs: true,
+        es2021: true
+    },
+    extends: '@antfu',
+    overrides: [
+        {
+            env: {
+                node: true
+            },
+            files: ['.eslintrc.{js,cjs}'],
+            parserOptions: {
+                sourceType: 'script'
+            }
+        }
+    ],
+    parserOptions: {
+        ecmaVersion: 'latest'
+    },
+    rules: {}
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index 2d9cac1..d418754 100644
--- a/.github/dependabot.yml
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 version: 2
-  - package-ecosystem: npm # See documentation for possible values
-    directory: / # Location of package manifests
-    schedule:
-      interval: weekly
+    - package-ecosystem: npm # See documentation for possible values
+      directory: / # Location of package manifests
+      schedule:
+          interval: weekly
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
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--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ name: ci
 on: [push, pull_request]
-  ci:
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    ci:
+        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    steps:
-      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+        steps:
+            - uses: actions/checkout@v3
-      - name: Use Node.js 20.x
-        uses: actions/setup-node@v3
-        with:
-          node-version: 20.x
+            - name: Use Node.js 20.x
+              uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+              with:
+                  node-version: 20.x
-      - name: ci
-        run: |
-          npm install
-          npm run test
+            - name: ci
+              run: |
+                  npm install
+                  npm run test
diff --git a/.github/workflows/contributors.yml b/.github/workflows/contributors.yml
index 0d7b46e..1e2c6d7 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/contributors.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/contributors.yml
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 name: gen-org-contributors
-  schedule:
-    - cron: '0 0 * * *'
-  workflow_dispatch:
+    schedule:
+        - cron: '0 0 * * *'
+    workflow_dispatch:
-  generate:
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    if: github.repository == 'EternalHeartTeam/leetcode-practice'
-    steps:
-      - uses: thinkasany/organize-contributors@master
-        with:
-          organize_name: EternalHeartTeam
-          github_token: ${{ secrets.ACTION_TOKEN }}
-          png_path: images/contributors.png
-          json_path: contributors.json
-          branch: svg
-          commit_message: 'chore: update contributors'
-          excludes_list: 'ImgBotApp,github-actions[bot],actions-user,imgbot[bot],dependabot[bot]'
+    generate:
+        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+        if: github.repository == 'EternalHeartTeam/leetcode-practice'
+        steps:
+            - uses: thinkasany/organize-contributors@master
+              with:
+                  organize_name: EternalHeartTeam
+                  github_token: ${{ secrets.ACTION_TOKEN }}
+                  png_path: images/contributors.png
+                  json_path: contributors.json
+                  branch: svg
+                  commit_message: 'chore: update contributors'
+                  excludes_list: 'ImgBotApp,github-actions[bot],actions-user,imgbot[bot],dependabot[bot]'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pr-add-label.yml b/.github/workflows/pr-add-label.yml
index e3e8cae..3c1b62a 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pr-add-label.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pr-add-label.yml
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 name: pr-add-label
-  pull_request_target:
-    types: [opened, edited, reopened, synchronize]
+    pull_request_target:
+        types: [opened, edited, reopened, synchronize]
-  add-label:
-    permissions:
-      contents: read
-      pull-requests: write
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    steps:
-      - name: Check PR number
-        id: pr_number
-        run: echo "PR_NUMBER=${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+    add-label:
+        permissions:
+            contents: read
+            pull-requests: write
+        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+        steps:
+            - name: Check PR number
+              id: pr_number
+              run: echo "PR_NUMBER=${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
-      - name: Run add-label Action
-        uses: thinkasany/pr-label-action@master
-        with:
-          github_token: ${{ secrets.ACTION_TOKEN }}
-          pr_number: ${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}
-          organize_name: EternalHeartTeam
-          team_name: eternalheartteam
+            - name: Run add-label Action
+              uses: thinkasany/pr-label-action@master
+              with:
+                  github_token: ${{ secrets.ACTION_TOKEN }}
+                  pr_number: ${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}
+                  organize_name: EternalHeartTeam
+                  team_name: eternalheartteam
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-cli.yml b/.github/workflows/release-cli.yml
index df27140..82e014e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release-cli.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release-cli.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 name: Create Cli Release
-  push:
-    tags:
-      - 'cli-v*'
+    push:
+        tags:
+            - 'cli-v*'
-  build:
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    if: github.repository == 'EternalHeartTeam/leetcode-practice'
-    steps:
-      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
-      # Setup .npmrc file to publish to npm
-      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
-        with:
-          node-version: '20'
-          registry-url: 'https://registry.npmjs.org'
-      - run: npm install
-      - run: npm run build-cli
-      - run: npm run publish-cli
-        env:
-          NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_AUTH_TOKEN }}
+    build:
+        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+        if: github.repository == 'EternalHeartTeam/leetcode-practice'
+        steps:
+            - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+            # Setup .npmrc file to publish to npm
+            - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+              with:
+                  node-version: '20'
+                  registry-url: 'https://registry.npmjs.org'
+            - run: npm install
+            - run: npm run build-cli
+            - run: npm run publish-cli
+              env:
+                  NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_AUTH_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc
index 6a1775b..f14e494 100644
--- a/.prettierrc
+++ b/.prettierrc
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
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--- a/.release-it.json
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index d58031c..272470e 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,195 +1,198 @@
+## [1.0.9-5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.9-4...cli-v1.0.9-5) (2024-03-17)
+### Features
-## [1.0.9-4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.9-3...cli-v1.0.9-4) (2024-03-14)
+-   lc -a and lf and store all question ([#67](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/67)) ([f72a281](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f72a281faa613024ba94e356a2a8d17ed9089f2b)), closes [#45](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/45) [#39](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/39)
+## [1.0.9-4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.9-3...cli-v1.0.9-4) (2024-03-14)
 ### Features
-* ora loading ([#54](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/54)) ([b604316](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b6043167752a74582e8d095721cf5b3849951e06))
+-   ora loading ([#54](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/54)) ([b604316](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b6043167752a74582e8d095721cf5b3849951e06))
 ## [1.0.9-3](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.9-2...cli-v1.0.9-3) (2024-03-14)
 ### Bug Fixes
-- fix check info log ([#52](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/52)) ([6b710a1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/6b710a1a2ff088d9806d33153bf811e5a5e19306))
+-   fix check info log ([#52](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/52)) ([6b710a1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/6b710a1a2ff088d9806d33153bf811e5a5e19306))
 ## [1.0.9-2](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.9-1...cli-v1.0.9-2) (2024-03-14)
 ### Features
-- add loading and logger on/off ([#51](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/51)) ([bbff9b1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/bbff9b1b80aea18255b089c5ad9c836bcbd18dae))
+-   add loading and logger on/off ([#51](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/51)) ([bbff9b1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/bbff9b1b80aea18255b089c5ad9c836bcbd18dae))
 ## [1.0.9-1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.9-0...cli-v1.0.9-1) (2024-03-14)
 ### Bug Fixes
-- fix hidden check ([#43](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/43)) ([46a209e](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/46a209ea8be810b2c13aacfd8a84a87356300da1)), closes [#39](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/39)
+-   fix hidden check ([#43](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/43)) ([46a209e](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/46a209ea8be810b2c13aacfd8a84a87356300da1)), closes [#39](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/39)
 ## [1.0.9-0](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.8...cli-v1.0.9-0) (2024-03-14)
 ### Features
-- check update with first lc run ([#41](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/41)) ([81a1439](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/81a1439cb970aa2cfe552ec70b8d1ad3ee9bbab7))
+-   check update with first lc run ([#41](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/41)) ([81a1439](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/81a1439cb970aa2cfe552ec70b8d1ad3ee9bbab7))
 ## [1.0.8](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.7...cli-v1.0.8) (2024-03-14)
 ### Bug Fixes
-- page size ([f3fd27c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f3fd27cc31a4d82dc9e8641a865a750b173f43f5))
-- page size ([1905454](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1905454d71ece043da1badc3a604c72f23995ae5))
+-   page size ([f3fd27c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f3fd27cc31a4d82dc9e8641a865a750b173f43f5))
+-   page size ([1905454](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1905454d71ece043da1badc3a604c72f23995ae5))
 ### Features
-- add fetch qurtion list ([4485182](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/44851825eb92b2f1da98f1bb78c71c3f0fe27856))
-- lk check question by file ([bec7081](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/bec708107f67a2ce6c1d361911f1f9ce2ed3ed26))
-- 获取全部学习计划题目 ([c8ec9dc](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/c8ec9dc82f7310759fa949dce771aa665906e2f8))
+-   add fetch qurtion list ([4485182](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/44851825eb92b2f1da98f1bb78c71c3f0fe27856))
+-   lk check question by file ([bec7081](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/bec708107f67a2ce6c1d361911f1f9ce2ed3ed26))
+-   获取全部学习计划题目 ([c8ec9dc](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/c8ec9dc82f7310759fa949dce771aa665906e2f8))
 ## [1.0.7](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.6...cli-v1.0.7) (2024-03-12)
 ### Bug Fixes
-- change plan list question title to cn ([57f15d5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/57f15d5befc23d11ce6211c30e3ee7a7e8bbe52d))
-- change plan list question title to cn ([cb6fbfd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/cb6fbfd4cd783f57d031abe3add9d85f3e271a4c))
-- change the config ([2b9bb11](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2b9bb1149c6db0dbede22f10830ccd8661b0a83f))
-- delete hot100 add study plan list ([e94aaa1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e94aaa166e80e7e54f3ce5b570352cb798799b77))
-- delete hot100 add study plan list ([9d7a22f](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9d7a22fde8cc72264766f707ea3f51e81956c111))
-- get all is not success ([9108219](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/91082196dc005b0b23314966a09304ba948416b8))
-- get all is not success ([3f5bfef](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3f5bfef7857e6c9869c40e3d12a60d50b14be2cd))
-- update realm version to fix windows env ([00d2bc4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/00d2bc4942b2b02f97ad41d23da64f8bedc23741))
-- use logger instead console ([fddc458](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/fddc4581efbd5186a17aa1415aa2738283f820b7))
+-   change plan list question title to cn ([57f15d5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/57f15d5befc23d11ce6211c30e3ee7a7e8bbe52d))
+-   change plan list question title to cn ([cb6fbfd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/cb6fbfd4cd783f57d031abe3add9d85f3e271a4c))
+-   change the config ([2b9bb11](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2b9bb1149c6db0dbede22f10830ccd8661b0a83f))
+-   delete hot100 add study plan list ([e94aaa1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e94aaa166e80e7e54f3ce5b570352cb798799b77))
+-   delete hot100 add study plan list ([9d7a22f](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9d7a22fde8cc72264766f707ea3f51e81956c111))
+-   get all is not success ([9108219](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/91082196dc005b0b23314966a09304ba948416b8))
+-   get all is not success ([3f5bfef](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3f5bfef7857e6c9869c40e3d12a60d50b14be2cd))
+-   update realm version to fix windows env ([00d2bc4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/00d2bc4942b2b02f97ad41d23da64f8bedc23741))
+-   use logger instead console ([fddc458](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/fddc4581efbd5186a17aa1415aa2738283f820b7))
 ## [1.0.6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.5...cli-v1.0.6) (2024-03-11)
 ### Bug Fixes
-- realm-compatible-problem ([#25](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/25)) ([d2d37d6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/d2d37d68e6405507340b115d55bec15e070cf3ba))
+-   realm-compatible-problem ([#25](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/25)) ([d2d37d6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/d2d37d68e6405507340b115d55bec15e070cf3ba))
 ### Features
-- change lf feature and update docs ([#27](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/27)) ([3b7e129](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3b7e129b722391b50d32e48e782f244a12faad05))
+-   change lf feature and update docs ([#27](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/27)) ([3b7e129](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3b7e129b722391b50d32e48e782f244a12faad05))
 ## 1.0.5 (2024-03-11)
 ### Bug Fixes
-- add break before default ([08094b4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/08094b4389a3fd1e442615dd687a55a08bd5ac62))
-- change ([1eb6e3c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1eb6e3c5ba35b22d7d3ef6893b6ace2d80050d6e))
-- change ([0801a1d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/0801a1d6c63fef76d570ed7d943bd0d6f85c70e6))
-- change template ([872e867](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/872e867021c347e1fe4236e94cbd67aed47010a9))
-- console table text length verflow dislocation error ([3a563a2](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3a563a2169bae2dd0ef26fb16e9bdedce21c8be2))
-- correct packageManager's format (fix [#7](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/7)) ([faa2280](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/faa2280746facefd2bd11d45d85cc70026821c0c))
-- delete src ([a932ce4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a932ce42227a8fab5d83d8bbe7a2add78c0d26a6))
-- delete src file ([2a53e63](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2a53e634bbb7da7f0bf9df129901bb4c7839ba57))
-- find question by keyword error ([69da517](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/69da51740ff7f78a89c05ea534f80cc56f588d7f))
-- find question list ([6f78bfa](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/6f78bfa8fbab5d375f48d541c1b50bbfec55f9aa))
-- fix all lint error ([e99e76b](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e99e76b2e1c7c9d387ab658a4c1f4057bf1a60da))
-- format readme form ([f002d77](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f002d77f6e3f9e9a1259de2a5fee4b1858768620))
-- format readme form ([df5e45c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/df5e45c9d55fc98dbe6bbc5b7fc80d6716d5bd34))
-- format readme form ([2f182ca](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2f182ca85575fa8d2963fc0e657ee425b2215153))
-- format readme lint ([85b97f6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/85b97f64258eadf4dcf1b29747e0ed0c3d161440))
-- getTestCase ([4ac7f65](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4ac7f6505a47ab60d4ea74c659bb49c0d19667e6))
-- **headers:** remove useless header configuration ([105c841](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/105c84141206dfcf11d6a4ea46775f7546150acd))
-- **headers:** remove useless header configuration ([3ba1a98](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3ba1a982a5e1d4c3b29d09af40df910f9d9dd3a5))
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-- ignore lint ([d376299](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/d376299a7f7e20453aaee978bba4178079b1e931))
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-- listnode check ([b8b3b47](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b8b3b475637647035ac3eb9bfc5b27b61bde9a49))
-- log ([bd1d01b](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/bd1d01b4a440f8f80dfc67b04180dde29bac9da9))
-- memory calc error ([c09b344](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/c09b3440f81d0a3d6bf740aec06b320e00574b2c))
-- perfect version for cli install ([5a257f4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5a257f43fe897be40dd64a8ff8532387290a15fa))
-- readme_cn ([63dab20](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/63dab20f3956ae5f2abbc5df721c4ccc61d90bd2))
-- rename README ([2b8c294](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2b8c294b0259d3476285ca985b8ad1e3fb2c6c2b))
-- rewrite log ([53d15b4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/53d15b491c57d9e36a6fd6c36193517edb915425))
-- search ([5bb93dd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5bb93dd323c0786a17b1a4e4eae1ae3e1ba9625b))
-- **store:** fix the bug for create dir outside ([7254f29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/7254f2988a656c28c0e7fbc685e16ff85cc1cbe6))
-- **store:** fix the bug for create dir outside ([1c66484](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1c664846431448410ce3ddfc68ca29161c8e2683))
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-- **test:** 修复挂掉的测试用例 ([4593058](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4593058a065accc9e55e916352013de7bc6d4533))
-- update view for cli ([0b8ecf0](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/0b8ecf0ac7b2567168e35a6513308825aa514070))
-- 优化代码 ([da6aa6d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/da6aa6d5ab87c4ecb626f1762033062a9ac432e4))
-- 修复原始创建不中止问题 ([ddb0ea1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ddb0ea11ca02abe73ee80ec8b0130466efbce457))
-- 模版文件路径错误 ([e46c94c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e46c94c85583b367d831326e4e873512b6ccf504))
+-   add break before default ([08094b4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/08094b4389a3fd1e442615dd687a55a08bd5ac62))
+-   change ([1eb6e3c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1eb6e3c5ba35b22d7d3ef6893b6ace2d80050d6e))
+-   change ([0801a1d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/0801a1d6c63fef76d570ed7d943bd0d6f85c70e6))
+-   change template ([872e867](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/872e867021c347e1fe4236e94cbd67aed47010a9))
+-   console table text length verflow dislocation error ([3a563a2](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3a563a2169bae2dd0ef26fb16e9bdedce21c8be2))
+-   correct packageManager's format (fix [#7](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/7)) ([faa2280](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/faa2280746facefd2bd11d45d85cc70026821c0c))
+-   delete src ([a932ce4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a932ce42227a8fab5d83d8bbe7a2add78c0d26a6))
+-   delete src file ([2a53e63](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2a53e634bbb7da7f0bf9df129901bb4c7839ba57))
+-   find question by keyword error ([69da517](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/69da51740ff7f78a89c05ea534f80cc56f588d7f))
+-   find question list ([6f78bfa](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/6f78bfa8fbab5d375f48d541c1b50bbfec55f9aa))
+-   fix all lint error ([e99e76b](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e99e76b2e1c7c9d387ab658a4c1f4057bf1a60da))
+-   format readme form ([f002d77](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f002d77f6e3f9e9a1259de2a5fee4b1858768620))
+-   format readme form ([df5e45c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/df5e45c9d55fc98dbe6bbc5b7fc80d6716d5bd34))
+-   format readme form ([2f182ca](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2f182ca85575fa8d2963fc0e657ee425b2215153))
+-   format readme lint ([85b97f6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/85b97f64258eadf4dcf1b29747e0ed0c3d161440))
+-   getTestCase ([4ac7f65](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4ac7f6505a47ab60d4ea74c659bb49c0d19667e6))
+-   **headers:** remove useless header configuration ([105c841](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/105c84141206dfcf11d6a4ea46775f7546150acd))
+-   **headers:** remove useless header configuration ([3ba1a98](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3ba1a982a5e1d4c3b29d09af40df910f9d9dd3a5))
+-   ignore lint ([46a9135](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/46a91358376a387b1e395e99424012685c21e09b))
+-   ignore lint ([d376299](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/d376299a7f7e20453aaee978bba4178079b1e931))
+-   lint ([cc63e57](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/cc63e572de4afa50b82791e1e896234b8d6b8ee4))
+-   listnode check ([b8b3b47](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b8b3b475637647035ac3eb9bfc5b27b61bde9a49))
+-   log ([bd1d01b](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/bd1d01b4a440f8f80dfc67b04180dde29bac9da9))
+-   memory calc error ([c09b344](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/c09b3440f81d0a3d6bf740aec06b320e00574b2c))
+-   perfect version for cli install ([5a257f4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5a257f43fe897be40dd64a8ff8532387290a15fa))
+-   readme_cn ([63dab20](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/63dab20f3956ae5f2abbc5df721c4ccc61d90bd2))
+-   rename README ([2b8c294](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2b8c294b0259d3476285ca985b8ad1e3fb2c6c2b))
+-   rewrite log ([53d15b4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/53d15b491c57d9e36a6fd6c36193517edb915425))
+-   search ([5bb93dd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5bb93dd323c0786a17b1a4e4eae1ae3e1ba9625b))
+-   **store:** fix the bug for create dir outside ([7254f29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/7254f2988a656c28c0e7fbc685e16ff85cc1cbe6))
+-   **store:** fix the bug for create dir outside ([1c66484](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1c664846431448410ce3ddfc68ca29161c8e2683))
+-   **tempate:** 修复空格导致字符串匹配失效问题 ([07bdbdc](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/07bdbdc88b1e50c781a65863dd1ba45c98eb5d79))
+-   **test:** 修复挂掉的测试用例 ([4593058](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4593058a065accc9e55e916352013de7bc6d4533))
+-   update view for cli ([0b8ecf0](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/0b8ecf0ac7b2567168e35a6513308825aa514070))
+-   优化代码 ([da6aa6d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/da6aa6d5ab87c4ecb626f1762033062a9ac432e4))
+-   修复原始创建不中止问题 ([ddb0ea1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ddb0ea11ca02abe73ee80ec8b0130466efbce457))
+-   模版文件路径错误 ([e46c94c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e46c94c85583b367d831326e4e873512b6ccf504))
 ### Code Refactoring
-- directory refactor ([7a3a948](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/7a3a94806a1843e1c4bb86ece65d4e19ef9817fa))
+-   directory refactor ([7a3a948](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/7a3a94806a1843e1c4bb86ece65d4e19ef9817fa))
-- cli finish basically (#5) ([5af52e3](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5af52e31b466517d2fdea9443376d27bff646bdf)), closes [#5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/5)
+-   cli finish basically (#5) ([5af52e3](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5af52e31b466517d2fdea9443376d27bff646bdf)), closes [#5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/5)
 ### Features
-- add ([fb3fadc](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/fb3fadc7fca166be0eefe51a817899466ab48b27))
-- add cz plugin ([4fd5af1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4fd5af151ac32d3daabcdc862505962fcd32f129))
-- add eslint ([be523ea](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/be523ea0f3085e003a2e0b5fb1c568b65cc21714))
-- add get question ([e5572b6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e5572b6357c8c056aa32eab53476736561261ebe))
-- add get question by keyword function ([097302a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/097302afe095ad70d1c58942dc8ac8fb516e1eed))
-- add getQuestionChineseName function to get chinese name ([9520e75](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9520e757741ff008439affd20db582458a37b674))
-- add getQuestionCode ([dbdb255](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/dbdb2553a2c47c9ee40fada33bfec7458ae4ccb6))
-- add memory calculate ([e6c315a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e6c315ab1524327697278e3b41c622fb22928896))
-- add memory demo ([8065924](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/8065924ca451e043f80644a31eb5d9543946f026))
-- add open process ([80dc9f5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/80dc9f530eaae98e5449b3ebdf5c9e69ec452a17))
-- add prettier and commitlint ([608f4df](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/608f4dfdc4c0aebb9ead3e46abcde71fcc962b39))
-- change git push rules ([ee3e558](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ee3e558496ef72f2daee071b88e79ddd06503e7c))
-- **cli:** 简化命令 使得命令可以在任何路径下运行 ([26fcffb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/26fcffb8daa0e0a70e78c47772ef5059c1c825d1))
-- **commit:** finish set question range tag in file and get code in file by range tag ([61e2924](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/61e2924d2607e96bbd37947f05e718a10ac9edd6))
-- **commit:** finish set question range tag in file and get code in file by range tag ([b7eccdd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b7eccddb725ef460d04e8574ce5e02db533ccfd9))
-- **create:** can log file path and func start line number after create ([3b1365c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3b1365cbf9e86d4c0959817cbb845dd3495a12ab))
-- eslint忽略文件 ([f91889c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f91889c8348766a63136ada6fcd49e79a0e54378))
-- finish the view create & check ([9e96e0a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9e96e0a24f0232827196ce2bdb6c3d04966f42bd))
-- get js code ([b1fd6bb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b1fd6bb8d85d080c1f89a53cd99416c84e3abd10))
-- hot100合并代码 ([3ddd7c6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3ddd7c6237bd43655c4e3d0e490bd997afb1df5a))
-- node vm执行index.js脚本 ([f894e30](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f894e3096c15d9939e0b93688f37c4272775d300))
-- publish config & build config ([1affd2a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1affd2ab7b1e1ad942d5dc3fbe5c300b5a92f240))
-- sucess log with green and fail log with red ([1eccefb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1eccefb023d28ca734c1886e0dc64a576d03f860))
-- update function basic ([a01c873](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a01c8738aa060221421f2f17158c92a9069929a0))
-- update project using github ([a879d29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a879d29f9686f5c71d02bfe5c9122bc6fc90dc81))
-- version 1.0.2 ([4afe55e](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4afe55e35ecea82dedbba3e6a3d9a2738365aa79))
-- **忽略测试覆盖率文件:** 忽略测试覆盖率文件 ([b05e380](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b05e380ef84384f5f1ebbfb64628bd689933f755))
-- 新增填充markdown功能 ([1b8324d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1b8324d212898e8d0b7b2edc15244da31157a3c9))
-- 新增无向连通图数据结构 parse toArray实现,补充测试用例等 fix: 优化了转换逻辑 ([08f3787](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/08f3787f70de41d82610c1ce940f35c878dbf0d1))
-- 新增测试覆盖率 ([2627ecd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2627ecd00105d4af59e5c2fa59608da1144f17a8))
-- 测试用例中补充树和链表的数据结构以及转换逻辑,新增单元测试模块 ([ac9ccd1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ac9ccd155358306f667e9ffaa0aac9f16d58988a))
-- 统一数据结构 ([f15a8da](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f15a8dad2500cef476e1340b93053be48364bf3e))
+-   add ([fb3fadc](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/fb3fadc7fca166be0eefe51a817899466ab48b27))
+-   add cz plugin ([4fd5af1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4fd5af151ac32d3daabcdc862505962fcd32f129))
+-   add eslint ([be523ea](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/be523ea0f3085e003a2e0b5fb1c568b65cc21714))
+-   add get question ([e5572b6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e5572b6357c8c056aa32eab53476736561261ebe))
+-   add get question by keyword function ([097302a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/097302afe095ad70d1c58942dc8ac8fb516e1eed))
+-   add getQuestionChineseName function to get chinese name ([9520e75](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9520e757741ff008439affd20db582458a37b674))
+-   add getQuestionCode ([dbdb255](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/dbdb2553a2c47c9ee40fada33bfec7458ae4ccb6))
+-   add memory calculate ([e6c315a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e6c315ab1524327697278e3b41c622fb22928896))
+-   add memory demo ([8065924](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/8065924ca451e043f80644a31eb5d9543946f026))
+-   add open process ([80dc9f5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/80dc9f530eaae98e5449b3ebdf5c9e69ec452a17))
+-   add prettier and commitlint ([608f4df](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/608f4dfdc4c0aebb9ead3e46abcde71fcc962b39))
+-   change git push rules ([ee3e558](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ee3e558496ef72f2daee071b88e79ddd06503e7c))
+-   **cli:** 简化命令 使得命令可以在任何路径下运行 ([26fcffb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/26fcffb8daa0e0a70e78c47772ef5059c1c825d1))
+-   **commit:** finish set question range tag in file and get code in file by range tag ([61e2924](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/61e2924d2607e96bbd37947f05e718a10ac9edd6))
+-   **commit:** finish set question range tag in file and get code in file by range tag ([b7eccdd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b7eccddb725ef460d04e8574ce5e02db533ccfd9))
+-   **create:** can log file path and func start line number after create ([3b1365c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3b1365cbf9e86d4c0959817cbb845dd3495a12ab))
+-   eslint忽略文件 ([f91889c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f91889c8348766a63136ada6fcd49e79a0e54378))
+-   finish the view create & check ([9e96e0a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9e96e0a24f0232827196ce2bdb6c3d04966f42bd))
+-   get js code ([b1fd6bb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b1fd6bb8d85d080c1f89a53cd99416c84e3abd10))
+-   hot100合并代码 ([3ddd7c6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3ddd7c6237bd43655c4e3d0e490bd997afb1df5a))
+-   node vm执行index.js脚本 ([f894e30](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f894e3096c15d9939e0b93688f37c4272775d300))
+-   publish config & build config ([1affd2a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1affd2ab7b1e1ad942d5dc3fbe5c300b5a92f240))
+-   sucess log with green and fail log with red ([1eccefb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1eccefb023d28ca734c1886e0dc64a576d03f860))
+-   update function basic ([a01c873](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a01c8738aa060221421f2f17158c92a9069929a0))
+-   update project using github ([a879d29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a879d29f9686f5c71d02bfe5c9122bc6fc90dc81))
+-   version 1.0.2 ([4afe55e](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4afe55e35ecea82dedbba3e6a3d9a2738365aa79))
+-   **忽略测试覆盖率文件:** 忽略测试覆盖率文件 ([b05e380](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b05e380ef84384f5f1ebbfb64628bd689933f755))
+-   新增填充markdown功能 ([1b8324d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1b8324d212898e8d0b7b2edc15244da31157a3c9))
+-   新增无向连通图数据结构 parse toArray实现,补充测试用例等 fix: 优化了转换逻辑 ([08f3787](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/08f3787f70de41d82610c1ce940f35c878dbf0d1))
+-   新增测试覆盖率 ([2627ecd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2627ecd00105d4af59e5c2fa59608da1144f17a8))
+-   测试用例中补充树和链表的数据结构以及转换逻辑,新增单元测试模块 ([ac9ccd1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ac9ccd155358306f667e9ffaa0aac9f16d58988a))
+-   统一数据结构 ([f15a8da](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f15a8dad2500cef476e1340b93053be48364bf3e))
 ### Performance Improvements
-- better scripts and easy mode to create question in project ([ffd9e29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ffd9e29ca35d9f4b8b6b2f8b94516e8f053261a5))
-- http dir structure and functions modify ([553ad58](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/553ad5861aa67423c1092f798f39b2bd4faf68f6))
+-   better scripts and easy mode to create question in project ([ffd9e29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ffd9e29ca35d9f4b8b6b2f8b94516e8f053261a5))
+-   http dir structure and functions modify ([553ad58](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/553ad5861aa67423c1092f798f39b2bd4faf68f6))
-- srcipts即将废弃,视图交互性代码完善1/3
+-   srcipts即将废弃,视图交互性代码完善1/3
-- feat: finish the view create & check
+-   feat: finish the view create & check
-- feat:完成lc&lk指令
+-   feat:完成lc&lk指令
-- fix: 优化代码
+-   fix: 优化代码
-- feat: add getQuestionChineseName function to get chinese name
+-   feat: add getQuestionChineseName function to get chinese name
-- chore: del scripts and .vscode files & ignore .vscode
+-   chore: del scripts and .vscode files & ignore .vscode
-- docs: update todo & achive
+-   docs: update todo & achive
-- perf: better scripts and easy mode to create question in project
+-   perf: better scripts and easy mode to create question in project
-- feat: publish config & build config
+-   feat: publish config & build config
-- chore: del src
+-   chore: del src
-- fix: perfect version for cli install
+-   fix: perfect version for cli install
-- fix:指令打包完善
+-   fix:指令打包完善
-- fix:easy mode script
+-   fix:easy mode script
-- docs:todo 拆分成单独文件
+-   docs:todo 拆分成单独文件
-- chore:路径调整成全局路径
+-   chore:路径调整成全局路径
-- docs: add CHANGELOG and TO-DO
-- srcipts即将废弃,视图交互性代码完善1/3
+-   docs: add CHANGELOG and TO-DO
+-   srcipts即将废弃,视图交互性代码完善1/3
 ## [1.0.5-bera.0](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/compare/cli-v1.0.4-beta...cli-v1.0.5-bera.0) (2024-03-11)
@@ -199,148 +202,148 @@
 ### Bug Fixes
-- add break before default ([08094b4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/08094b4389a3fd1e442615dd687a55a08bd5ac62))
-- change ([1eb6e3c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1eb6e3c5ba35b22d7d3ef6893b6ace2d80050d6e))
-- change ([0801a1d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/0801a1d6c63fef76d570ed7d943bd0d6f85c70e6))
-- change template ([872e867](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/872e867021c347e1fe4236e94cbd67aed47010a9))
-- console table text length verflow dislocation error ([3a563a2](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3a563a2169bae2dd0ef26fb16e9bdedce21c8be2))
-- correct packageManager's format (fix [#7](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/7)) ([faa2280](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/faa2280746facefd2bd11d45d85cc70026821c0c))
-- delete src ([a932ce4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a932ce42227a8fab5d83d8bbe7a2add78c0d26a6))
-- delete src file ([2a53e63](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2a53e634bbb7da7f0bf9df129901bb4c7839ba57))
-- find question by keyword error ([69da517](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/69da51740ff7f78a89c05ea534f80cc56f588d7f))
-- find question list ([6f78bfa](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/6f78bfa8fbab5d375f48d541c1b50bbfec55f9aa))
-- fix all lint error ([e99e76b](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e99e76b2e1c7c9d387ab658a4c1f4057bf1a60da))
-- format readme form ([f002d77](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f002d77f6e3f9e9a1259de2a5fee4b1858768620))
-- format readme form ([df5e45c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/df5e45c9d55fc98dbe6bbc5b7fc80d6716d5bd34))
-- format readme form ([2f182ca](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2f182ca85575fa8d2963fc0e657ee425b2215153))
-- format readme lint ([85b97f6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/85b97f64258eadf4dcf1b29747e0ed0c3d161440))
-- getTestCase ([4ac7f65](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4ac7f6505a47ab60d4ea74c659bb49c0d19667e6))
-- **headers:** remove useless header configuration ([105c841](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/105c84141206dfcf11d6a4ea46775f7546150acd))
-- **headers:** remove useless header configuration ([3ba1a98](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3ba1a982a5e1d4c3b29d09af40df910f9d9dd3a5))
-- ignore lint ([46a9135](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/46a91358376a387b1e395e99424012685c21e09b))
-- ignore lint ([d376299](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/d376299a7f7e20453aaee978bba4178079b1e931))
-- lint ([cc63e57](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/cc63e572de4afa50b82791e1e896234b8d6b8ee4))
-- listnode check ([b8b3b47](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b8b3b475637647035ac3eb9bfc5b27b61bde9a49))
-- log ([bd1d01b](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/bd1d01b4a440f8f80dfc67b04180dde29bac9da9))
-- memory calc error ([c09b344](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/c09b3440f81d0a3d6bf740aec06b320e00574b2c))
-- perfect version for cli install ([5a257f4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5a257f43fe897be40dd64a8ff8532387290a15fa))
-- readme_cn ([63dab20](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/63dab20f3956ae5f2abbc5df721c4ccc61d90bd2))
-- rename README ([2b8c294](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2b8c294b0259d3476285ca985b8ad1e3fb2c6c2b))
-- rewrite log ([53d15b4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/53d15b491c57d9e36a6fd6c36193517edb915425))
-- search ([5bb93dd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5bb93dd323c0786a17b1a4e4eae1ae3e1ba9625b))
-- **store:** fix the bug for create dir outside ([7254f29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/7254f2988a656c28c0e7fbc685e16ff85cc1cbe6))
-- **tempate:** 修复空格导致字符串匹配失效问题 ([07bdbdc](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/07bdbdc88b1e50c781a65863dd1ba45c98eb5d79))
-- **test:** 修复挂掉的测试用例 ([4593058](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4593058a065accc9e55e916352013de7bc6d4533))
-- update view for cli ([0b8ecf0](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/0b8ecf0ac7b2567168e35a6513308825aa514070))
-- 优化代码 ([da6aa6d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/da6aa6d5ab87c4ecb626f1762033062a9ac432e4))
-- 修复原始创建不中止问题 ([ddb0ea1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ddb0ea11ca02abe73ee80ec8b0130466efbce457))
-- 模版文件路径错误 ([e46c94c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e46c94c85583b367d831326e4e873512b6ccf504))
+-   add break before default ([08094b4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/08094b4389a3fd1e442615dd687a55a08bd5ac62))
+-   change ([1eb6e3c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1eb6e3c5ba35b22d7d3ef6893b6ace2d80050d6e))
+-   change ([0801a1d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/0801a1d6c63fef76d570ed7d943bd0d6f85c70e6))
+-   change template ([872e867](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/872e867021c347e1fe4236e94cbd67aed47010a9))
+-   console table text length verflow dislocation error ([3a563a2](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3a563a2169bae2dd0ef26fb16e9bdedce21c8be2))
+-   correct packageManager's format (fix [#7](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/7)) ([faa2280](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/faa2280746facefd2bd11d45d85cc70026821c0c))
+-   delete src ([a932ce4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a932ce42227a8fab5d83d8bbe7a2add78c0d26a6))
+-   delete src file ([2a53e63](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2a53e634bbb7da7f0bf9df129901bb4c7839ba57))
+-   find question by keyword error ([69da517](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/69da51740ff7f78a89c05ea534f80cc56f588d7f))
+-   find question list ([6f78bfa](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/6f78bfa8fbab5d375f48d541c1b50bbfec55f9aa))
+-   fix all lint error ([e99e76b](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e99e76b2e1c7c9d387ab658a4c1f4057bf1a60da))
+-   format readme form ([f002d77](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f002d77f6e3f9e9a1259de2a5fee4b1858768620))
+-   format readme form ([df5e45c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/df5e45c9d55fc98dbe6bbc5b7fc80d6716d5bd34))
+-   format readme form ([2f182ca](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2f182ca85575fa8d2963fc0e657ee425b2215153))
+-   format readme lint ([85b97f6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/85b97f64258eadf4dcf1b29747e0ed0c3d161440))
+-   getTestCase ([4ac7f65](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4ac7f6505a47ab60d4ea74c659bb49c0d19667e6))
+-   **headers:** remove useless header configuration ([105c841](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/105c84141206dfcf11d6a4ea46775f7546150acd))
+-   **headers:** remove useless header configuration ([3ba1a98](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3ba1a982a5e1d4c3b29d09af40df910f9d9dd3a5))
+-   ignore lint ([46a9135](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/46a91358376a387b1e395e99424012685c21e09b))
+-   ignore lint ([d376299](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/d376299a7f7e20453aaee978bba4178079b1e931))
+-   lint ([cc63e57](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/cc63e572de4afa50b82791e1e896234b8d6b8ee4))
+-   listnode check ([b8b3b47](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b8b3b475637647035ac3eb9bfc5b27b61bde9a49))
+-   log ([bd1d01b](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/bd1d01b4a440f8f80dfc67b04180dde29bac9da9))
+-   memory calc error ([c09b344](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/c09b3440f81d0a3d6bf740aec06b320e00574b2c))
+-   perfect version for cli install ([5a257f4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5a257f43fe897be40dd64a8ff8532387290a15fa))
+-   readme_cn ([63dab20](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/63dab20f3956ae5f2abbc5df721c4ccc61d90bd2))
+-   rename README ([2b8c294](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2b8c294b0259d3476285ca985b8ad1e3fb2c6c2b))
+-   rewrite log ([53d15b4](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/53d15b491c57d9e36a6fd6c36193517edb915425))
+-   search ([5bb93dd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5bb93dd323c0786a17b1a4e4eae1ae3e1ba9625b))
+-   **store:** fix the bug for create dir outside ([7254f29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/7254f2988a656c28c0e7fbc685e16ff85cc1cbe6))
+-   **tempate:** 修复空格导致字符串匹配失效问题 ([07bdbdc](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/07bdbdc88b1e50c781a65863dd1ba45c98eb5d79))
+-   **test:** 修复挂掉的测试用例 ([4593058](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4593058a065accc9e55e916352013de7bc6d4533))
+-   update view for cli ([0b8ecf0](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/0b8ecf0ac7b2567168e35a6513308825aa514070))
+-   优化代码 ([da6aa6d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/da6aa6d5ab87c4ecb626f1762033062a9ac432e4))
+-   修复原始创建不中止问题 ([ddb0ea1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ddb0ea11ca02abe73ee80ec8b0130466efbce457))
+-   模版文件路径错误 ([e46c94c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e46c94c85583b367d831326e4e873512b6ccf504))
 ### Code Refactoring
-- directory refactor ([7a3a948](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/7a3a94806a1843e1c4bb86ece65d4e19ef9817fa))
+-   directory refactor ([7a3a948](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/7a3a94806a1843e1c4bb86ece65d4e19ef9817fa))
-- cli finish basically (#5) ([5af52e3](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5af52e31b466517d2fdea9443376d27bff646bdf)), closes [#5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/5)
+-   cli finish basically (#5) ([5af52e3](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/5af52e31b466517d2fdea9443376d27bff646bdf)), closes [#5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/issues/5)
 ### Features
-- add ([fb3fadc](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/fb3fadc7fca166be0eefe51a817899466ab48b27))
-- add cz plugin ([4fd5af1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4fd5af151ac32d3daabcdc862505962fcd32f129))
-- add eslint ([be523ea](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/be523ea0f3085e003a2e0b5fb1c568b65cc21714))
-- add get question ([e5572b6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e5572b6357c8c056aa32eab53476736561261ebe))
-- add get question by keyword function ([097302a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/097302afe095ad70d1c58942dc8ac8fb516e1eed))
-- add getQuestionChineseName function to get chinese name ([9520e75](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9520e757741ff008439affd20db582458a37b674))
-- add getQuestionCode ([dbdb255](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/dbdb2553a2c47c9ee40fada33bfec7458ae4ccb6))
-- add memory calculate ([e6c315a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e6c315ab1524327697278e3b41c622fb22928896))
-- add memory demo ([8065924](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/8065924ca451e043f80644a31eb5d9543946f026))
-- add open process ([80dc9f5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/80dc9f530eaae98e5449b3ebdf5c9e69ec452a17))
-- add prettier and commitlint ([608f4df](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/608f4dfdc4c0aebb9ead3e46abcde71fcc962b39))
-- change git push rules ([ee3e558](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ee3e558496ef72f2daee071b88e79ddd06503e7c))
-- **cli:** 简化命令 使得命令可以在任何路径下运行 ([26fcffb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/26fcffb8daa0e0a70e78c47772ef5059c1c825d1))
-- **commit:** finish set question range tag in file and get code in file by range tag ([61e2924](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/61e2924d2607e96bbd37947f05e718a10ac9edd6))
-- eslint忽略文件 ([f91889c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f91889c8348766a63136ada6fcd49e79a0e54378))
-- finish the view create & check ([9e96e0a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9e96e0a24f0232827196ce2bdb6c3d04966f42bd))
-- get js code ([b1fd6bb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b1fd6bb8d85d080c1f89a53cd99416c84e3abd10))
-- hot100合并代码 ([3ddd7c6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3ddd7c6237bd43655c4e3d0e490bd997afb1df5a))
-- node vm执行index.js脚本 ([f894e30](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f894e3096c15d9939e0b93688f37c4272775d300))
-- publish config & build config ([1affd2a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1affd2ab7b1e1ad942d5dc3fbe5c300b5a92f240))
-- sucess log with green and fail log with red ([1eccefb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1eccefb023d28ca734c1886e0dc64a576d03f860))
-- update function basic ([a01c873](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a01c8738aa060221421f2f17158c92a9069929a0))
-- update project using github ([a879d29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a879d29f9686f5c71d02bfe5c9122bc6fc90dc81))
-- v1.0.4 ([87428c2](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/87428c2c18200492e79e332a149d5af3c8eb6408))
-- v1.0.4 ([8356a57](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/8356a57b4d6908d40906d4759cb04367f34e09c3))
-- v1.0.4 ([9c6fca0](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9c6fca0e433f013340dfed5c3e495789dc7e84ca))
-- version 1.0.2 ([4afe55e](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4afe55e35ecea82dedbba3e6a3d9a2738365aa79))
-- **忽略测试覆盖率文件:** 忽略测试覆盖率文件 ([b05e380](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b05e380ef84384f5f1ebbfb64628bd689933f755))
-- 新增填充markdown功能 ([1b8324d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1b8324d212898e8d0b7b2edc15244da31157a3c9))
-- 新增无向连通图数据结构 parse toArray实现,补充测试用例等 fix: 优化了转换逻辑 ([08f3787](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/08f3787f70de41d82610c1ce940f35c878dbf0d1))
-- 新增测试覆盖率 ([2627ecd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2627ecd00105d4af59e5c2fa59608da1144f17a8))
-- 测试用例中补充树和链表的数据结构以及转换逻辑,新增单元测试模块 ([ac9ccd1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ac9ccd155358306f667e9ffaa0aac9f16d58988a))
-- 统一数据结构 ([f15a8da](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f15a8dad2500cef476e1340b93053be48364bf3e))
+-   add ([fb3fadc](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/fb3fadc7fca166be0eefe51a817899466ab48b27))
+-   add cz plugin ([4fd5af1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4fd5af151ac32d3daabcdc862505962fcd32f129))
+-   add eslint ([be523ea](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/be523ea0f3085e003a2e0b5fb1c568b65cc21714))
+-   add get question ([e5572b6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e5572b6357c8c056aa32eab53476736561261ebe))
+-   add get question by keyword function ([097302a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/097302afe095ad70d1c58942dc8ac8fb516e1eed))
+-   add getQuestionChineseName function to get chinese name ([9520e75](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9520e757741ff008439affd20db582458a37b674))
+-   add getQuestionCode ([dbdb255](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/dbdb2553a2c47c9ee40fada33bfec7458ae4ccb6))
+-   add memory calculate ([e6c315a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/e6c315ab1524327697278e3b41c622fb22928896))
+-   add memory demo ([8065924](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/8065924ca451e043f80644a31eb5d9543946f026))
+-   add open process ([80dc9f5](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/80dc9f530eaae98e5449b3ebdf5c9e69ec452a17))
+-   add prettier and commitlint ([608f4df](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/608f4dfdc4c0aebb9ead3e46abcde71fcc962b39))
+-   change git push rules ([ee3e558](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ee3e558496ef72f2daee071b88e79ddd06503e7c))
+-   **cli:** 简化命令 使得命令可以在任何路径下运行 ([26fcffb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/26fcffb8daa0e0a70e78c47772ef5059c1c825d1))
+-   **commit:** finish set question range tag in file and get code in file by range tag ([61e2924](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/61e2924d2607e96bbd37947f05e718a10ac9edd6))
+-   eslint忽略文件 ([f91889c](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f91889c8348766a63136ada6fcd49e79a0e54378))
+-   finish the view create & check ([9e96e0a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9e96e0a24f0232827196ce2bdb6c3d04966f42bd))
+-   get js code ([b1fd6bb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b1fd6bb8d85d080c1f89a53cd99416c84e3abd10))
+-   hot100合并代码 ([3ddd7c6](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/3ddd7c6237bd43655c4e3d0e490bd997afb1df5a))
+-   node vm执行index.js脚本 ([f894e30](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f894e3096c15d9939e0b93688f37c4272775d300))
+-   publish config & build config ([1affd2a](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1affd2ab7b1e1ad942d5dc3fbe5c300b5a92f240))
+-   sucess log with green and fail log with red ([1eccefb](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1eccefb023d28ca734c1886e0dc64a576d03f860))
+-   update function basic ([a01c873](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a01c8738aa060221421f2f17158c92a9069929a0))
+-   update project using github ([a879d29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/a879d29f9686f5c71d02bfe5c9122bc6fc90dc81))
+-   v1.0.4 ([87428c2](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/87428c2c18200492e79e332a149d5af3c8eb6408))
+-   v1.0.4 ([8356a57](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/8356a57b4d6908d40906d4759cb04367f34e09c3))
+-   v1.0.4 ([9c6fca0](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/9c6fca0e433f013340dfed5c3e495789dc7e84ca))
+-   version 1.0.2 ([4afe55e](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/4afe55e35ecea82dedbba3e6a3d9a2738365aa79))
+-   **忽略测试覆盖率文件:** 忽略测试覆盖率文件 ([b05e380](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/b05e380ef84384f5f1ebbfb64628bd689933f755))
+-   新增填充markdown功能 ([1b8324d](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/1b8324d212898e8d0b7b2edc15244da31157a3c9))
+-   新增无向连通图数据结构 parse toArray实现,补充测试用例等 fix: 优化了转换逻辑 ([08f3787](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/08f3787f70de41d82610c1ce940f35c878dbf0d1))
+-   新增测试覆盖率 ([2627ecd](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/2627ecd00105d4af59e5c2fa59608da1144f17a8))
+-   测试用例中补充树和链表的数据结构以及转换逻辑,新增单元测试模块 ([ac9ccd1](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ac9ccd155358306f667e9ffaa0aac9f16d58988a))
+-   统一数据结构 ([f15a8da](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/f15a8dad2500cef476e1340b93053be48364bf3e))
 ### Performance Improvements
-- better scripts and easy mode to create question in project ([ffd9e29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ffd9e29ca35d9f4b8b6b2f8b94516e8f053261a5))
-- http dir structure and functions modify ([553ad58](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/553ad5861aa67423c1092f798f39b2bd4faf68f6))
+-   better scripts and easy mode to create question in project ([ffd9e29](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/ffd9e29ca35d9f4b8b6b2f8b94516e8f053261a5))
+-   http dir structure and functions modify ([553ad58](https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice/commit/553ad5861aa67423c1092f798f39b2bd4faf68f6))
-- srcipts即将废弃,视图交互性代码完善1/3
+-   srcipts即将废弃,视图交互性代码完善1/3
-- feat: finish the view create & check
+-   feat: finish the view create & check
-- feat:完成lc&lk指令
+-   feat:完成lc&lk指令
-- fix: 优化代码
+-   fix: 优化代码
-- feat: add getQuestionChineseName function to get chinese name
+-   feat: add getQuestionChineseName function to get chinese name
-- chore: del scripts and .vscode files & ignore .vscode
+-   chore: del scripts and .vscode files & ignore .vscode
-- docs: update todo & achive
+-   docs: update todo & achive
-- perf: better scripts and easy mode to create question in project
+-   perf: better scripts and easy mode to create question in project
-- feat: publish config & build config
+-   feat: publish config & build config
-- chore: del src
+-   chore: del src
-- fix: perfect version for cli install
+-   fix: perfect version for cli install
-- fix:指令打包完善
+-   fix:指令打包完善
-- fix:easy mode script
+-   fix:easy mode script
-- docs:todo 拆分成单独文件
+-   docs:todo 拆分成单独文件
-- chore:路径调整成全局路径
+-   chore:路径调整成全局路径
-- docs: add CHANGELOG and TO-DO
-- srcipts即将废弃,视图交互性代码完善1/3
+-   docs: add CHANGELOG and TO-DO
+-   srcipts即将废弃,视图交互性代码完善1/3
 # 1.0.3 [2024-03-03]
 ### Features
-- You can now create questions in any supported language file.
-- Renamed the file from 'index' to 'question'.
+-   You can now create questions in any supported language file.
+-   Renamed the file from 'index' to 'question'.
 # 1.0.2 [2024-02-29]
 ### Features
-- Added i18n docs.
+-   Added i18n docs.
 # 1.0.1 [2024-02-08]
 ### Features
-- Added `author` info and `repository` in package.json.
+-   Added `author` info and `repository` in package.json.
 # 1.0.0 [2024-02-08]
 ### Features
-- **CLI:** Implemented scripts lk/lf/lc for detection, search, and creation functions, providing convenient creation of questions.
-- **Template Project:** Implemented interactive creation with easy mode, leet-create and leet-check now create solutions under the src directory.
-- **Plugin:** Perfected the plugin design and initiated the project.
+-   **CLI:** Implemented scripts lk/lf/lc for detection, search, and creation functions, providing convenient creation of questions.
+-   **Template Project:** Implemented interactive creation with easy mode, leet-create and leet-check now create solutions under the src directory.
+-   **Plugin:** Perfected the plugin design and initiated the project.
index 506fc42..95d2b02 100644
@@ -14,11 +14,15 @@ Do not develop on the `master` branch. The `master` branch is only for merging p
 After completing development and committing on the `dev` branch or a `feat-xxx` branch, please use `git rebase origin/master` for local merging. After resolving all code conflicts locally, submit a pull request to members with permission for timely merging.
-## 3. About Feature and Dev Branches
+## 3. About Feature Branches and Dev Branch
-By default, feature and fix branches will be deleted after being merged into `master` via pull request.
+By default, after submitting a pull request (PR), feature branches and fix branches will be deleted upon merging into the `master` branch.
-The `dev` branch will not be deleted.
+The `dev` branch, however, will not be deleted. During development on this branch, please synchronize the main branch by performing `git rebase master` beforehand. This is because the `master` branch accepts merges from feature branches and fix branches, potentially causing the `master` branch to be ahead of the `dev` branch.
+## 4. Rebase Synchronization Procedure
+When synchronizing with the main repository using `rebase` to resolve conflicts, after resolving conflicts, you may notice indicators such as `pull [number]` and `push [number]` when using `git status`. These indicate the number of commits behind and ahead of the remote branch, respectively. This is a normal situation resulting from `rebase`. At this point, you need to execute `git push -f` to perform a forced push to the remote branch, ensuring synchronization with the `master` branch and avoiding unnecessary commits.
 ## References
index bb2cf75..40761c1 100644
@@ -18,7 +18,11 @@
+`dev`分支不会进行删除,但是在其上开发的时候,请先进行`git rebase master`同步主分支(因为`主分支`接受`特性分支`和`修复分支`的`合并`,所以会出现`master分支`早于`dev分支`的情况).
+## 4. rebase同步操作说明
+在进行对`主仓库的同步`的时候,使用`rebase`解决完成`冲突`之后,使用`git status`你会发现出现`pull [数字]`和`push [数字]`标识,其含义为`落后`和`领先`远程分支的记录数, 这种是`rebase`产生的`正常情况`,在这个时候需要执行`git push -f`对远端进行`强制推送`,实现`同步`master分支,就不会产生多余的commit了.
 ## 参考信息
diff --git a/TO-DO.md b/TO-DO.md
index 8fd63b2..266360d 100644
--- a/TO-DO.md
+++ b/TO-DO.md
@@ -4,53 +4,53 @@
 ### 优先级高
-- [ ] finder完成
-  1. 主要功能:可以对题目进行不同的筛选或者关键词搜索
-     1. 关键词搜索 - 通过关键词进行模糊搜索,通过选择列表项进行创建题目
-     2. 热门列表查看 - 查询hot100题目列表,可以通过左右按键分页查看
-     3. 筛选
-        1. 标签筛选
-        2. 难度筛选
-        3. 通过率
-- [ ] 登陆和提交到leetcode
-- [ ] 提供一个类似vue-cli-serve的脚手架配置项
-- [ ] 国际化
-- [ ] 插件制作-WS/VS code
-- [ ] fork脚本的编写
+-   [ ] finder完成
+    1. 主要功能:可以对题目进行不同的筛选或者关键词搜索
+        1. 关键词搜索 - 通过关键词进行模糊搜索,通过选择列表项进行创建题目
+        2. 热门列表查看 - 查询hot100题目列表,可以通过左右按键分页查看
+        3. 筛选
+            1. 标签筛选
+            2. 难度筛选
+            3. 通过率
+-   [ ] 登陆和提交到leetcode
+-   [ ] 提供一个类似vue-cli-serve的脚手架配置项
+-   [ ] 国际化
+-   [ ] 插件制作-WS/VS code
+-   [ ] fork脚本的编写
 ### 优先级中
-- [ ] 获取题解和代码
-- [ ] 获取更完备的测试用例,增强用户体验
+-   [ ] 获取题解和代码
+-   [ ] 获取更完备的测试用例,增强用户体验
 ### 优先级低
 ### 代码优化及基础建设
-- [ ] e2e测试集成和仿真环境搭建
+-   [ ] e2e测试集成和仿真环境搭建
 ## 已完归档
-- [x] 1.模板:获取js的函数体并替换生成文件中的@function
-- [x] 2.模板:从detail中获取输入用例的数据填充@Testcase
-- [x] 3.模板:获取跳转每日一题的链接替换@url
-- [x] 4.函数:优化时间和资源统计函数
-- [x] 5.优化创建时的体验,添加重复时候的确认覆盖或者添加额外符号
-- [x] 6.特殊数据结构的处理(链表ListNode,树TreeNode,无向连通图Node)的处理
-- [x] 7.创建某一特定编号的题目脚本,以及实现随机题目【随机题目汇集本地题目,然后排除自己本地存在的题目进行随机】
-- [x] 8.加入eslint
-- [x] 9.私人项目部署的实现方案
-- [x] 10.commonJS -> ES6 Module
-- [x] 11.实现在编辑器中预览图片(markdown中可以查看)
-- [x] 12.使用realm进行持久化,替换store.json
-- [x] 13.实现lk/lf/lc指令的封装
-- [x] 14.重构工具代码,对UI和logic进行解耦
-- [x] 15.封装npm包,方便后续做成编辑器插件
-- [x] 16.文档的编写
-- [x] 17.项目的升级检测以及升级脚本
-- [x] 18.指定编程语言代码获取
-- [x] 19.基础参数设置与缓存
-- [x] 20.添加语言的设定
-- [x] 21.store文件升级冲突引起的报错无感修复
-- [x] 22.优化随机题目的随机方式,减少请求
-- [x] 23.真随机一题实现
+-   [x] 1.模板:获取js的函数体并替换生成文件中的@function
+-   [x] 2.模板:从detail中获取输入用例的数据填充@Testcase
+-   [x] 3.模板:获取跳转每日一题的链接替换@url
+-   [x] 4.函数:优化时间和资源统计函数
+-   [x] 5.优化创建时的体验,添加重复时候的确认覆盖或者添加额外符号
+-   [x] 6.特殊数据结构的处理(链表ListNode,树TreeNode,无向连通图Node)的处理
+-   [x] 7.创建某一特定编号的题目脚本,以及实现随机题目【随机题目汇集本地题目,然后排除自己本地存在的题目进行随机】
+-   [x] 8.加入eslint
+-   [x] 9.私人项目部署的实现方案
+-   [x] 10.commonJS -> ES6 Module
+-   [x] 11.实现在编辑器中预览图片(markdown中可以查看)
+-   [x] 12.使用realm进行持久化,替换store.json
+-   [x] 13.实现lk/lf/lc指令的封装
+-   [x] 14.重构工具代码,对UI和logic进行解耦
+-   [x] 15.封装npm包,方便后续做成编辑器插件
+-   [x] 16.文档的编写
+-   [x] 17.项目的升级检测以及升级脚本
+-   [x] 18.指定编程语言代码获取
+-   [x] 19.基础参数设置与缓存
+-   [x] 20.添加语言的设定
+-   [x] 21.store文件升级冲突引起的报错无感修复
+-   [x] 22.优化随机题目的随机方式,减少请求
+-   [x] 23.真随机一题实现
diff --git a/bin/lc.js b/bin/lc.js
index d0000a2..d36d68d 100755
--- a/bin/lc.js
+++ b/bin/lc.js
@@ -1,67 +1,72 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env node
-import { program } from 'commander'
-import { artFontLogo } from '#resources/text/art-font-logo.js'
-import { lcExamples } from '#resources/text/examples.js'
-import { love } from '#resources/text/love.js'
-import { aim } from '#resources/text/aim.js'
-import { referMode } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/referMode.js'
-import { getArgs } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/getArgs.js'
-import { getQuestionToday } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionToday.js'
+import { program } from 'commander';
+import { artFontLogo } from '#resources/text/art-font-logo.js';
+import { lcExamples } from '#resources/text/examples.js';
+import { love } from '#resources/text/love.js';
+import { aim } from '#resources/text/aim.js';
+import { referMode } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/referMode.js';
+import { getArgs } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/getArgs.js';
+import { getQuestionToday } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionToday.js';
+import { getQuestionRandom } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionRandom.js';
+import { getAllQuestionList } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getAllQuestionList.js';
+import { easyCreateView } from '#common/view/create.view.js';
+import { description } from '#resources/text/description.js';
+import { DefaultVer } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
+import { createQuestionById } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/createQuestion.js';
+import { create } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/create.js';
+import { commonMode } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/commonMode.js';
+import { setAllQuestion } from '#common/utils/store/controller/allQuestion.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
-import { getQuestionRandom } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionRandom.js'
-import { easyCreateView } from '#common/view/create.view.js'
-import { description } from '#resources/text/description.js'
-import { DefaultVer } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
-import { createQuestionById } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/createQuestion.js'
-import { create } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/create.js'
-import { commonMode } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/commonMode.js'
-const version = process.env.VERSION ?? DefaultVer
+const version = process.env.VERSION ?? DefaultVer;
-  .version(version)
-  .description(`${description}\n${artFontLogo}\n${aim}`)
-  .addHelpText('after', lcExamples + love)
-  .arguments('[identity]')
-  .option('-t, --today', 'Get a question today.')
-  .option('-i, --identity <identity>', 'Specify a question by identity.')
-  .option('-r, --random', 'Get a question randomly.')
-  .option('-e, --easy', 'Use easy mode.')
-  .option('-d, --directory <directory>', 'Set the question directory.')
-  .option('-l, --language [language]', 'Set/Get the code language of question.')
-  .option(
-    '-u, --update',
-    'Check the version to determine whether to update to the latest one.'
-  )
-  .parse(process.argv)
+    .version(version)
+    .description(`${description}\n${artFontLogo}\n${aim}`)
+    .addHelpText('after', lcExamples + love)
+    .arguments('[identity]')
+    .option('-t, --today', 'Get a question today.')
+    .option('-i, --identity <identity>', 'Specify a question by identity.')
+    .option('-r, --random', 'Get a question randomly.')
+    .option('-e, --easy', 'Use easy mode.')
+    .option('-d, --directory <directory>', 'Set the question directory.')
+    .option('-l, --language [language]', 'Set/Get the code language of question.')
+    .option('-a, --all', 'Get all questions.')
+    .option('-u, --update', 'Check the version to determine whether to update to the latest one.')
+    .parse(process.argv);
-const cmdArgs = program.args
-const cmdOpts = program.opts()
+const cmdArgs = program.args;
+const cmdOpts = program.opts();
 // 通用参数执行
-const baseDir = await commonMode(cmdOpts, easyCreateView)
+const baseDir = await commonMode(cmdOpts, easyCreateView);
 // 模式对应的action
 export const callModeAction = {
-  today: () => {
-    getQuestionToday().then((question) => {
-      create('today', question, baseDir).then(() => {
-        process.exit(0)
-      })
-    })
-  },
-  random: () => {
-    getQuestionRandom().then((question) => {
-      create('random', question, baseDir).then(() => {
-        process.exit(0)
-      })
-    })
-  },
-  identity: async (id) => {
-    await createQuestionById(id, baseDir)
-    process.exit(0)
-  }
+    today: () => {
+        getQuestionToday().then((question) => {
+            create('today', question, baseDir).then(() => {
+                process.exit(0);
+            });
+        });
+    },
+    random: () => {
+        getQuestionRandom().then((question) => {
+            create('random', question, baseDir).then(() => {
+                process.exit(0);
+            });
+        });
+    },
+    identity: async (id) => {
+        await createQuestionById(id, baseDir);
+        process.exit(0);
+    },
+    all: async () => {
+        const allQuestionData = await getAllQuestionList();
+        await setAllQuestion(allQuestionData);
+        logger.info('拉取全部题目成功!');
+        process.exit(0);
+    }
 // 获取模式和参数
-const mode = referMode(cmdArgs, cmdOpts)
-const args = getArgs(mode, cmdArgs, cmdOpts)
+const mode = referMode(cmdArgs, cmdOpts);
+const args = getArgs(mode, cmdArgs, cmdOpts);
 // 执行指令分发
-await callModeAction[mode](args)
+await callModeAction[mode](args);
diff --git a/bin/lf.js b/bin/lf.js
index 47ccdb4..4531419 100755
--- a/bin/lf.js
+++ b/bin/lf.js
@@ -1,33 +1,30 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env node
-import { program } from 'commander'
-import { description } from '#resources/text/description.js'
-import { artFontLogo } from '#resources/text/art-font-logo.js'
-import { aim } from '#resources/text/aim.js'
-import { lfExamples } from '#resources/text/examples.js'
-import { love } from '#resources/text/love.js'
-import { DefaultVer } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
-import { easyFinderView } from '#common/view/finder.view.js'
-import { commonMode } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/commonMode.js'
-import { willUse } from '#common/utils/etc/willUse.js'
+import { program } from 'commander';
+import { description } from '#resources/text/description.js';
+import { artFontLogo } from '#resources/text/art-font-logo.js';
+import { aim } from '#resources/text/aim.js';
+import { lfExamples } from '#resources/text/examples.js';
+import { love } from '#resources/text/love.js';
+import { DefaultVer } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
+import { easyFinderView } from '#common/view/finder.view.js';
+import { commonMode } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/commonMode.js';
+import { willUse } from '#common/utils/etc/willUse.js';
-const version = process.env.VERSION ?? DefaultVer
+const version = process.env.VERSION ?? DefaultVer;
-  .version(version)
-  .description(`${description}\n${artFontLogo}\n${aim}`)
-  .addHelpText('after', lfExamples + love)
-  .option('-e, --easy', 'Use easy mode.')
-  .option('-d, --directory <directory>', 'Set the question directory.')
-  .option('-l, --language [language]', 'Set/Get the code language of question.')
-  .option(
-    '-u, --update',
-    'Check the version to determine whether to update to the latest one.'
-  )
-  .parse(process.argv)
+    .version(version)
+    .description(`${description}\n${artFontLogo}\n${aim}`)
+    .addHelpText('after', lfExamples + love)
+    .option('-e, --easy', 'Use easy mode.')
+    .option('-d, --directory <directory>', 'Set the question directory.')
+    .option('-l, --language [language]', 'Set/Get the code language of question.')
+    .option('-u, --update', 'Check the version to determine whether to update to the latest one.')
+    .parse(process.argv);
-const cmdArgs = program.args
-const cmdOpts = program.opts()
+const cmdArgs = program.args;
+const cmdOpts = program.opts();
 // 通用参数执行
-const baseDir = await commonMode(cmdOpts, easyFinderView)
-await easyFinderView(baseDir)
-willUse(cmdArgs, baseDir)
+const baseDir = await commonMode(cmdOpts, easyFinderView);
+await easyFinderView(baseDir);
+willUse(cmdArgs, baseDir);
diff --git a/bin/lk.js b/bin/lk.js
index cf31de7..e9da5c3 100755
--- a/bin/lk.js
+++ b/bin/lk.js
@@ -1,161 +1,145 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env node
-import fs from 'node:fs'
-import path from 'node:path'
-import { program } from 'commander'
-import select from '@inquirer/select'
-import { artFontLogo } from '#resources/text/art-font-logo.js'
-import { lkExamples } from '#resources/text/examples.js'
-import { love } from '#resources/text/love.js'
-import { aim } from '#resources/text/aim.js'
-import { referMode } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/referMode.js'
-import { getArgs } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/getArgs.js'
-import { checkQuestionByPath } from '#common/utils/question-handler/checkQuestionByPath.js'
-import { getQuestionByMode } from '#common/utils/store/controller/question.js'
-import { getQuestionFileName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js'
-import { getQuestionChineseName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionChineseName.js'
-import { easyCheckView } from '#common/view/check.view.js'
-import { description } from '#resources/text/description.js'
-import { getQuestionFileExtension } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js'
-import { DefaultLang, DefaultVer } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
-import { commonMode } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/commonMode.js'
-import { getFilePathById } from '#common/utils/file/getFilePathById.js'
-import { getQuestionFileInDir } from '#common/utils/file/getQuestionInDir.js'
+import fs from 'node:fs';
+import path from 'node:path';
+import { program } from 'commander';
+import select from '@inquirer/select';
+import { artFontLogo } from '#resources/text/art-font-logo.js';
+import { lkExamples } from '#resources/text/examples.js';
+import { love } from '#resources/text/love.js';
+import { aim } from '#resources/text/aim.js';
+import { referMode } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/referMode.js';
+import { getArgs } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/getArgs.js';
+import { checkQuestionByPath } from '#common/utils/question-handler/checkQuestionByPath.js';
+import { getQuestionByMode } from '#common/utils/store/controller/question.js';
+import { getQuestionFileName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js';
+import { getQuestionChineseName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionChineseName.js';
+import { easyCheckView } from '#common/view/check.view.js';
+import { description } from '#resources/text/description.js';
+import { getQuestionFileExtension } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js';
+import { DefaultLang, DefaultVer } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
+import { commonMode } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/commonMode.js';
+import { getFilePathById } from '#common/utils/file/getFilePathById.js';
+import { getQuestionFileInDir } from '#common/utils/file/getQuestionInDir.js';
-const version = process.env.VERSION ?? DefaultVer
+const version = process.env.VERSION ?? DefaultVer;
-  .version(version)
-  .description(`${description}\n${artFontLogo}\n${aim}`)
-  .addHelpText('after', lkExamples + love)
-  .arguments('[identity]')
-  .option('-t, --today', 'Check the question today.')
-  .option(
-    '-i, --identity <identity>',
-    'Check the specified question by identity.'
-  )
-  .option('-r, --random', 'Check the last random question.')
-  .option('-e, --easy', 'Use easy mode.')
-  .option('-d, --directory <directory>', 'Set the question directory.')
-  .option('-l, --language [language]', 'Set/Get the code language of question.')
-  .option(
-    '-u, --update',
-    'Check the version to determine whether to update to the latest one.'
-  )
-  .parse(process.argv)
+    .version(version)
+    .description(`${description}\n${artFontLogo}\n${aim}`)
+    .addHelpText('after', lkExamples + love)
+    .arguments('[identity]')
+    .option('-t, --today', 'Check the question today.')
+    .option('-i, --identity <identity>', 'Check the specified question by identity.')
+    .option('-r, --random', 'Check the last random question.')
+    .option('-e, --easy', 'Use easy mode.')
+    .option('-d, --directory <directory>', 'Set the question directory.')
+    .option('-l, --language [language]', 'Set/Get the code language of question.')
+    .option('-u, --update', 'Check the version to determine whether to update to the latest one.')
+    .parse(process.argv);
-const cmdArgs = program.args
-const cmdOpts = program.opts()
+const cmdArgs = program.args;
+const cmdOpts = program.opts();
 // 获取模式和参数
-const mode = referMode(cmdArgs, cmdOpts)
-const args = getArgs(mode, cmdArgs, cmdOpts)
+const mode = referMode(cmdArgs, cmdOpts);
+const args = getArgs(mode, cmdArgs, cmdOpts);
 // 通用参数执行
-const baseDir = await commonMode(cmdOpts, easyCheckView)
+const baseDir = await commonMode(cmdOpts, easyCheckView);
 // 检测函数
 async function check(mode, question) {
-  if (!question) {
-    logger.info('题目信息不存在,请使用lc指令进行创建~')
-    return false
-  }
-  const filePath = path.join(
-    baseDir,
-    getQuestionFileName(question),
-    `question${getQuestionFileExtension(question?.lang)}`
-  )
-  if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
-    logger.info(`文件[${filePath}]不存在,请确保已经创建!`)
-  } else {
-    logger.info(
-      `MODE: ${mode}\n题目[${getQuestionChineseName(question)}]检查结果:`
-    )
-    await checkQuestionByPath(filePath)
-  }
-  return true
+    if (!question) {
+        logger.info('题目信息不存在,请使用lc指令进行创建~');
+        return false;
+    }
+    const filePath = path.join(baseDir, getQuestionFileName(question), `question${getQuestionFileExtension(question?.lang)}`);
+    if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
+        logger.info(`文件[${filePath}]不存在,请确保已经创建!`);
+    } else {
+        logger.info(`MODE: ${mode}\n题目[${getQuestionChineseName(question)}]检查结果:`);
+        await checkQuestionByPath(filePath);
+    }
+    return true;
 // 模式对应的action
 const callModeAction = {
-  today: async () => {
-    const question = await getQuestionByMode('today')
-    await check('today', question)
-    process.exit(0)
-  },
-  random: async () => {
-    const question = await getQuestionByMode('random')
-    await check('random', question)
-    process.exit(0)
-  },
-  identity: async (id) => {
-    let question
-    if (!id) {
-      // 如果未指定id说明是要检测模式创建的题目
-      question = await getQuestionByMode(mode)
-      await check('identity', question)
-    } else {
-      question = await getFilePathById(id)
-      const needToSelect = {
-        type: 'list',
-        name: 'need',
-        message: `在当前目录下存在id为[${id}]的题目副本,请选择你要检查的副本:`,
-        choices: []
-      }
-      /**
-       * 只检查一个题目
-       * @param fileOrFiles
-       * @returns {Promise<void>}
-       */
-      const checkOne = async (fileOrFiles) => {
-        const needToCheck = {
-          type: 'list',
-          name: 'check',
-          message: '当前题目目录中存在多个题目文件副本,请选择一个进行检查:',
-          choices: [],
-          default: null
-        }
-        let filePath
-        switch (typeof fileOrFiles) {
-          case 'undefined':
-            logger.warn(
-              `虽然在题目目录中,但当前目录下不存在[${id}]的题目文件!`
-            )
-            process.exit(0)
-            break
-          case 'string':
-            filePath = fileOrFiles
-            break
-          case 'object':
-            needToCheck.choices = fileOrFiles.map((o) => {
-              return { name: o, value: o }
-            })
-            needToCheck.default = fileOrFiles?.find((o) =>
-              o.endsWith(getQuestionFileExtension(DefaultLang))
-            )
-            filePath = await select(needToCheck)
-            break
-        }
-        return await checkQuestionByPath(filePath)
-      }
+    today: async () => {
+        const question = await getQuestionByMode('today');
+        await check('today', question);
+        process.exit(0);
+    },
+    random: async () => {
+        const question = await getQuestionByMode('random');
+        await check('random', question);
+        process.exit(0);
+    },
+    identity: async (id) => {
+        let question;
+        if (!id) {
+            // 如果未指定id说明是要检测模式创建的题目
+            question = await getQuestionByMode(mode);
+            await check('identity', question);
+        } else {
+            question = await getFilePathById(id, baseDir);
+            const needToSelect = {
+                type: 'list',
+                name: 'need',
+                message: `在当前目录下存在id为[${id}]的题目副本,请选择你要检查的副本:`,
+                choices: []
+            };
+            /**
+             * 只检查一个题目
+             * @param fileOrFiles
+             * @returns {Promise<void>}
+             */
+            const checkOne = async (fileOrFiles) => {
+                const needToCheck = {
+                    type: 'list',
+                    name: 'check',
+                    message: '当前题目目录中存在多个题目文件副本,请选择一个进行检查:',
+                    choices: [],
+                    default: null
+                };
+                let filePath;
+                switch (typeof fileOrFiles) {
+                    case 'undefined':
+                        logger.warn(`虽然在题目目录中,但当前目录下不存在[${id}]的题目文件!`);
+                        process.exit(0);
+                        break;
+                    case 'string':
+                        filePath = fileOrFiles;
+                        break;
+                    case 'object':
+                        needToCheck.choices = fileOrFiles.map((o) => {
+                            return { name: o, value: o };
+                        });
+                        needToCheck.default = fileOrFiles?.find((o) => o.endsWith(getQuestionFileExtension(DefaultLang)));
+                        filePath = await select(needToCheck);
+                        break;
+                }
+                return await checkQuestionByPath(filePath);
+            };
-      let files
-      let which
-      switch (typeof question) {
-        case 'undefined':
-          logger.warn(`当前目录下未找到题目id为[${id}]的题目!`)
-          process.exit(0)
-          break
-        case 'string':
-          files = getQuestionFileInDir(path.resolve(baseDir, question))
-          break
-        case 'object':
-          needToSelect.choices = question.map((o) => {
-            return { name: o, value: o }
-          })
-          which = await select(needToSelect)
-          files = getQuestionFileInDir(path.resolve(baseDir, which))
-          break
-      }
-      await checkOne(files)
+            let files;
+            let which;
+            switch (typeof question) {
+                case 'undefined':
+                    logger.warn(`当前目录下未找到题目id为[${id}]的题目!`);
+                    process.exit(0);
+                    break;
+                case 'string':
+                    files = getQuestionFileInDir(path.resolve(baseDir, question));
+                    break;
+                case 'object':
+                    needToSelect.choices = question.map((o) => {
+                        return { name: o, value: o };
+                    });
+                    which = await select(needToSelect);
+                    files = getQuestionFileInDir(path.resolve(baseDir, which));
+                    break;
+            }
+            await checkOne(files);
+        }
+        process.exit(0);
-    process.exit(0)
-  }
 // 执行指令分发
diff --git a/common/constants/date.const.js b/common/constants/date.const.js
index c13a6d8..7fec592 100644
--- a/common/constants/date.const.js
+++ b/common/constants/date.const.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // 以毫秒计算的时间单位
-export const Second = 1000
-export const Minute = 60 * Second
-export const Hour = 60 * Minute
-export const Day = 24 * Hour
-export const Week = 7 * Day
-export const Year = 365 * Day
+export const Second = 1000;
+export const Minute = 60 * Second;
+export const Hour = 60 * Minute;
+export const Day = 24 * Hour;
+export const Week = 7 * Day;
+export const Year = 365 * Day;
diff --git a/common/constants/manager.const.js b/common/constants/manager.const.js
index 179d856..107b943 100644
--- a/common/constants/manager.const.js
+++ b/common/constants/manager.const.js
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
  * @constructor
 export function NpmInstall(packageName, isUpdate, isGlobal) {
-  return `npm ${isUpdate ? 'update' : 'install'} ${isGlobal ? '-g' : ''} ${packageName}`
+    return `npm ${isUpdate ? 'update' : 'install'} ${isGlobal ? '-g' : ''} ${packageName}`;
- * yarn 的安装指令
+ * @description yarn 的安装指令
  * @param packageName
  * @param isUpdate
  * @param isGlobal
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ export function NpmInstall(packageName, isUpdate, isGlobal) {
  * @constructor
 export function YarnInstall(packageName, isUpdate, isGlobal) {
-  return `yarn ${isGlobal ? 'global' : ''} ${isUpdate ? 'upgrade' : 'add'} ${packageName}`
+    return `yarn ${isGlobal ? 'global' : ''} ${isUpdate ? 'upgrade' : 'add'} ${packageName}`;
- * pnpm 的安装指令
+ * @description pnpm 的安装指令
  * @param packageName
  * @param isUpdate
  * @param isGlobal
@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ export function YarnInstall(packageName, isUpdate, isGlobal) {
  * @constructor
 export function PnpmInstall(packageName, isUpdate, isGlobal) {
-  return `pnpm ${isGlobal ? 'global' : ''} ${isUpdate ? 'update' : 'install'} ${packageName}`
+    return `pnpm ${isGlobal ? 'global' : ''} ${isUpdate ? 'update' : 'install'} ${packageName}`;
diff --git a/common/constants/question.const.js b/common/constants/question.const.js
index c630e5a..bcaee59 100644
--- a/common/constants/question.const.js
+++ b/common/constants/question.const.js
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 // region 项目相关
 // 默认语言
-export const DefaultLang = 'javascript'
+export const DefaultLang = 'javascript';
 // 默认版本号
-export const DefaultVer = '0.0.0'
+export const DefaultVer = '0.0.0';
 // 包名
-export const PackageName = 'leetcode-practice'
+export const PackageName = 'leetcode-practice';
 // github 主账号
-export const GITHUB_HOST = 'EternalHeartTeam'
+export const GITHUB_HOST = 'EternalHeartTeam';
 // endregion
 // region 域名列表
 // npm 主域名
-export const NPM_URL = 'https://registry.npmjs.org/'
+export const NPM_URL = 'https://registry.npmjs.org/';
 // github raw 主域名
-export const GITHUB_RAW = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/'
+export const GITHUB_RAW = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/';
 // github
-export const GITHUB_URL = 'https://github.com/'
+export const GITHUB_URL = 'https://github.com/';
 // gitee
-export const GITEE_URL = 'https://gitee.com/'
+export const GITEE_URL = 'https://gitee.com/';
 // endregion
 // region 实用变量
 // 默认请求数据数量限制
-export const DefaultLimit = 50
+export const DefaultLimit = 50;
 // endregion
diff --git a/common/origin/checkUpdate.js b/common/origin/checkUpdate.js
index aa8d960..618bac6 100644
--- a/common/origin/checkUpdate.js
+++ b/common/origin/checkUpdate.js
@@ -1,27 +1,21 @@
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
-import { checkUpdate } from '#common/utils/update/update.js'
-import { getStore, setStore } from '#common/utils/store/controller/store.js'
-import { Day } from '#common/constants/date.const.js'
-import {
-  NpmInstall,
-  PnpmInstall,
-  YarnInstall
-} from '#common/constants/manager.const.js'
-import { PackageName } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
+import { checkUpdate } from '#common/utils/update/update.js';
+import { getStore, setStore } from '#common/utils/store/controller/store.js';
+import { Day } from '#common/constants/date.const.js';
+import { NpmInstall, PnpmInstall, YarnInstall } from '#common/constants/manager.const.js';
+import { PackageName } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
-const { timestamp, hasShow } = (await getStore('checkResult')) ?? {}
-if (Date.now() - timestamp <= Day || hasShow) process.exit(0)
+const { timestamp, hasShow } = (await getStore('checkResult')) ?? {};
+if (Date.now() - timestamp <= Day || hasShow) process.exit(0);
-const { localVersion, npmVersion, isCliUpdate } = await checkUpdate()
-const needShow = false
+const { localVersion, npmVersion, isCliUpdate } = await checkUpdate();
+const needShow = false;
 if (isCliUpdate) {
-  const installInfo = [NpmInstall, YarnInstall, PnpmInstall]
-    .map((fun) => fun(PackageName, true, true)) // 暂时先默认为全局
-    .join('\n')
-  logger.warn(
-    `[leetcode-practice] 检测到新版本[ ${npmVersion} ]已经发布! 您当前的版本为[ ${localVersion} ]! 您可以执行对应的指令进行手动更新~`
-  )
-  logger.info(`${installInfo}`)
+    const installInfo = [NpmInstall, YarnInstall, PnpmInstall]
+        .map((fun) => fun(PackageName, true, true)) // 暂时先默认为全局
+        .join('\n');
+    logger.warn(`[leetcode-practice] 检测到新版本[ ${npmVersion} ]已经发布! 您当前的版本为[ ${localVersion} ]! 您可以执行对应的指令进行手动更新~`);
+    logger.info(`${installInfo}`);
-await setStore('checkResult', { timestamp: Date.now(), hasShow: needShow })
+await setStore('checkResult', { timestamp: Date.now(), hasShow: needShow });
diff --git a/common/structures/ListNode.js b/common/structures/ListNode.js
index bd57e2d..32a7521 100644
--- a/common/structures/ListNode.js
+++ b/common/structures/ListNode.js
@@ -6,27 +6,27 @@
 export class ListNode {
-  constructor(val, next) {
-    this.val = val === undefined ? 0 : val
-    this.next = next === undefined ? null : next
-  }
+    constructor(val, next) {
+        this.val = val === undefined ? 0 : val;
+        this.next = next === undefined ? null : next;
+    }
-  static parse(arr) {
-    if (arr.length === 0) return null // Return null for an empty array
+    static parse(arr) {
+        if (arr.length === 0) return null; // Return null for an empty array
-    const head = new ListNode(arr.shift(), null)
-    let current = head
-    while (arr.length > 0) {
-      current.next = new ListNode(arr.shift(), null)
-      current = current.next
+        const head = new ListNode(arr.shift(), null);
+        let current = head;
+        while (arr.length > 0) {
+            current.next = new ListNode(arr.shift(), null);
+            current = current.next;
+        }
+        return head;
-    return head
-  }
-  static toArray(listNodes, arr = []) {
-    if (listNodes === undefined || listNodes === null) return arr
+    static toArray(listNodes, arr = []) {
+        if (listNodes === undefined || listNodes === null) return arr;
-    arr.push(listNodes.val)
-    return ListNode.toArray(listNodes.next, arr)
-  }
+        arr.push(listNodes.val);
+        return ListNode.toArray(listNodes.next, arr);
+    }
diff --git a/common/structures/Node.js b/common/structures/Node.js
index 071020c..810061d 100644
--- a/common/structures/Node.js
+++ b/common/structures/Node.js
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
 export class Node {
-  constructor(val, neighbors) {
-    this.val = val === undefined ? 0 : val
-    this.neighbors = neighbors === undefined ? [] : neighbors
-  }
-  static parse(edges) {
-    const nodeMap = new Map()
-    // 创建节点
-    const getNode = (val) => {
-      if (!nodeMap.has(val)) {
-        const newNode = new Node(val)
-        nodeMap.set(val, newNode)
-      }
-      return nodeMap.get(val)
+    constructor(val, neighbors) {
+        this.val = val === undefined ? 0 : val;
+        this.neighbors = neighbors === undefined ? [] : neighbors;
-    // 连接节点
-    edges.forEach((neighbors, index) => {
-      const val = index + 1
-      const currentNode = getNode(val)
-      neighbors.forEach((neighborVal) => {
-        const neighborNode = getNode(neighborVal)
-        currentNode.neighbors.push(neighborNode)
-      })
-    })
-    return nodeMap.size > 0 ? nodeMap.values().next().value : null
-  }
-  static toArray(node) {
-    if (!node) return []
-    const visited = new Set()
-    const result = []
-    const dfs = (currentNode) => {
-      if (visited.has(currentNode.val)) return
-      const { neighbors, val } = currentNode
-      visited.add(val)
-      result.push(neighbors.map(({ val }) => val))
-      currentNode.neighbors.forEach((neighbor) => {
-        dfs(neighbor)
-      })
+    static parse(edges) {
+        const nodeMap = new Map();
+        // 创建节点
+        const getNode = (val) => {
+            if (!nodeMap.has(val)) {
+                const newNode = new Node(val);
+                nodeMap.set(val, newNode);
+            }
+            return nodeMap.get(val);
+        };
+        // 连接节点
+        edges.forEach((neighbors, index) => {
+            const val = index + 1;
+            const currentNode = getNode(val);
+            neighbors.forEach((neighborVal) => {
+                const neighborNode = getNode(neighborVal);
+                currentNode.neighbors.push(neighborNode);
+            });
+        });
+        return nodeMap.size > 0 ? nodeMap.values().next().value : null;
-    dfs(node)
+    static toArray(node) {
+        if (!node) return [];
-    return result
-  }
+        const visited = new Set();
+        const result = [];
+        const dfs = (currentNode) => {
+            if (visited.has(currentNode.val)) return;
+            const { neighbors, val } = currentNode;
+            visited.add(val);
+            result.push(neighbors.map(({ val }) => val));
+            currentNode.neighbors.forEach((neighbor) => {
+                dfs(neighbor);
+            });
+        };
+        dfs(node);
+        return result;
+    }
diff --git a/common/structures/TreeNode.js b/common/structures/TreeNode.js
index 90c4146..ed5098d 100644
--- a/common/structures/TreeNode.js
+++ b/common/structures/TreeNode.js
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
 export class TreeNode {
-  constructor(val, left, right) {
-    this.left = null
-    this.val = val === undefined ? 0 : val
-    this.left = left === undefined ? null : left
-    this.right = right === undefined ? null : right
-  }
+    constructor(val, left, right) {
+        this.left = null;
+        this.val = val === undefined ? 0 : val;
+        this.left = left === undefined ? null : left;
+        this.right = right === undefined ? null : right;
+    }
-  static parse(arr) {
-    if (arr.length === 0) return null
-    const root = new TreeNode(arr[0])
-    const queue = [root]
-    for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i += 2) {
-      const node = queue.shift()
-      if (arr[i] !== null) {
-        node.left = new TreeNode(arr[i])
-        queue.push(node.left)
-      }
-      if (arr[i + 1] !== null) {
-        node.right = new TreeNode(arr[i + 1])
-        queue.push(node.right)
-      }
+    static parse(arr) {
+        if (arr.length === 0) return null;
+        const root = new TreeNode(arr[0]);
+        const queue = [root];
+        for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i += 2) {
+            const node = queue.shift();
+            if (arr[i] !== null) {
+                node.left = new TreeNode(arr[i]);
+                queue.push(node.left);
+            }
+            if (arr[i + 1] !== null) {
+                node.right = new TreeNode(arr[i + 1]);
+                queue.push(node.right);
+            }
+        }
+        return root;
-    return root
-  }
-  static toArray(treeNode) {
-    const result = []
-    if (!treeNode) return result
+    static toArray(treeNode) {
+        const result = [];
+        if (!treeNode) return result;
-    const queue = [treeNode]
+        const queue = [treeNode];
-    while (queue.length > 0) {
-      const node = queue.shift()
-      if (node) {
-        result.push(node.val)
-        queue.push(node.left)
-        queue.push(node.right)
-      } else {
-        result.push(null)
-      }
-    }
+        while (queue.length > 0) {
+            const node = queue.shift();
+            if (node) {
+                result.push(node.val);
+                queue.push(node.left);
+                queue.push(node.right);
+            } else {
+                result.push(null);
+            }
+        }
-    while (result.length > 0 && result[result.length - 1] === null) result.pop()
+        while (result.length > 0 && result[result.length - 1] === null) result.pop();
-    return result
-  }
+        return result;
+    }
diff --git a/common/utils/cli-utils/commonMode.js b/common/utils/cli-utils/commonMode.js
index f0571c9..9e2de68 100644
--- a/common/utils/cli-utils/commonMode.js
+++ b/common/utils/cli-utils/commonMode.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import path from 'node:path'
-import { fork } from 'node:child_process'
-import { easyUpdateView } from '#common/view/update.view.js'
-import { getQuestionLanguage } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js'
-import { easyLanguageView } from '#common/view/language.view.js'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
-import { rootPath } from '#common/utils/file/getRootPath.js'
-import { currentEnv } from '#common/utils/etc/checkEnv.js'
+import path from 'node:path';
+import { fork } from 'node:child_process';
+import { easyUpdateView } from '#common/view/update.view.js';
+import { getQuestionLanguage } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js';
+import { easyLanguageView } from '#common/view/language.view.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
+import { rootPath } from '#common/utils/file/getRootPath.js';
+import { currentEnv } from '#common/utils/etc/checkEnv.js';
  * 执行逻辑:
@@ -20,46 +20,39 @@ import { currentEnv } from '#common/utils/etc/checkEnv.js'
  * @returns {Promise<string>}
 export async function commonMode(cmdOpts, easyCallback) {
-  // 启动一个额外的线程,并执行 worker.js 文件
-  // const workerProcess =
-  const jsPath = path.resolve(
-    rootPath,
-    currentEnv() === 'cli'
-      ? 'origin/checkUpdate.js'
-      : 'common/origin/checkUpdate.js'
-  )
-  fork(jsPath)
-  // todo 监听额外线程的消息
-  // workerProcess.on('message', (message) => {})
-  // todo 监听额外线程的退出事件
-  // workerProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) => {})
+    // 启动一个额外的线程,并执行 worker.js 文件
+    // const workerProcess =
+    const jsPath = path.resolve(rootPath, currentEnv() === 'cli' ? 'origin/checkUpdate.js' : 'common/origin/checkUpdate.js');
+    fork(jsPath);
+    // todo 监听额外线程的消息
+    // workerProcess.on('message', (message) => {})
+    // todo 监听额外线程的退出事件
+    // workerProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) => {})
-  // 根据dir 参数来设置基本目录
-  const baseDir = cmdOpts.directory
-    ? path.join(process.cwd(), cmdOpts.directory)
-    : process.cwd()
-  /**
-   * 语言设置
-   * -带参设置语言
-   * -无参获取语言
-   */
-  if (cmdOpts.language) {
-    if (cmdOpts.language !== true) {
-      await easyLanguageView(cmdOpts.language)
-    } else {
-      const lang = await getQuestionLanguage()
-      logger.info(`当前CLI语言环境为:${lang}`)
+    // 根据dir 参数来设置基本目录
+    const baseDir = cmdOpts.directory ? path.join(process.cwd(), cmdOpts.directory) : process.cwd();
+    /**
+     * 语言设置
+     * -带参设置语言
+     * -无参获取语言
+     */
+    if (cmdOpts.language) {
+        if (cmdOpts.language !== true) {
+            await easyLanguageView(cmdOpts.language);
+        } else {
+            const lang = await getQuestionLanguage();
+            logger.info(`当前CLI语言环境为:${lang}`);
+        }
+        process.exit(0);
-    process.exit(0)
-  }
-  if (cmdOpts.easy) {
-    await easyCallback(baseDir)
-    process.exit(0)
-  }
-  // 检测更新
-  if (cmdOpts.update) {
-    await easyUpdateView()
-    process.exit(0)
-  }
-  return baseDir
+    if (cmdOpts.easy) {
+        await easyCallback(baseDir);
+        process.exit(0);
+    }
+    // 检测更新
+    if (cmdOpts.update) {
+        await easyUpdateView();
+        process.exit(0);
+    }
+    return baseDir;
diff --git a/common/utils/cli-utils/create.js b/common/utils/cli-utils/create.js
index 183301a..0acc7cf 100644
--- a/common/utils/cli-utils/create.js
+++ b/common/utils/cli-utils/create.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import path from 'node:path'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
-import { setQuestion } from '#common/utils/store/controller/question.js'
-import { getQuestionFileName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js'
-import { createQuestion } from '#common/utils/question-handler/createQuestion.js'
-import { createQuestionCopy } from '#common/utils/question-handler/createQuestionCopy.js'
-import { getLineNumberByContent } from '#common/utils/file/getLineNumberByContent.js'
-import { getQuestionChineseName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionChineseName.js'
+import path from 'node:path';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
+import { setQuestion } from '#common/utils/store/controller/question.js';
+import { getQuestionFileName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js';
+import { createQuestion } from '#common/utils/question-handler/createQuestion.js';
+import { createQuestionCopy } from '#common/utils/question-handler/createQuestionCopy.js';
+import { getLineNumberByContent } from '#common/utils/file/getLineNumberByContent.js';
+import { getQuestionChineseName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionChineseName.js';
  * 创建函数
@@ -15,17 +15,15 @@ import { getQuestionChineseName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuesti
  * @returns {Promise<unknown>}
 export function create(mode, question, baseDir) {
-  logger.info(`MODE: ${mode}`)
-  return new Promise((resolve) => {
-    setQuestion(mode, question)
-    const questionDir = path.join(baseDir, getQuestionFileName(question))
-    createQuestion(question, questionDir).then(async (path) => {
-      if (!path) path = await createQuestionCopy(question, questionDir)
-      const line = (await getLineNumberByContent(path, '@QUESTION_START')) + 1
-      logger.info(
-        `题目[${getQuestionChineseName(question)}]获取成功!\n题目文件地址为:file://${path}:${line}`
-      )
-      resolve(true)
-    })
-  })
+    logger.info(`MODE: ${mode}`);
+    return new Promise((resolve) => {
+        setQuestion(mode, question);
+        const questionDir = path.join(baseDir, getQuestionFileName(question));
+        createQuestion(question, questionDir).then(async (path) => {
+            if (!path) path = await createQuestionCopy(question, questionDir);
+            const line = (await getLineNumberByContent(path, '@QUESTION_START')) + 1;
+            logger.info(`题目[${getQuestionChineseName(question)}]获取成功!\n题目文件地址为:file://${path}:${line}`);
+            resolve(true);
+        });
+    });
diff --git a/common/utils/cli-utils/createQuestion.js b/common/utils/cli-utils/createQuestion.js
index 4fde403..10aff23 100644
--- a/common/utils/cli-utils/createQuestion.js
+++ b/common/utils/cli-utils/createQuestion.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { getQuestionById } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js'
-import { getQuestionIdBySlug } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionIdBySlug.js'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
-import { create } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/create.js'
+import { getQuestionById } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js';
+import { getQuestionIdBySlug } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionIdBySlug.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
+import { create } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/create.js';
  * 通过指定的titleSlug创建题目
@@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ import { create } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/create.js'
  * @param baseDir
  * @returns {Promise<void>}
-export async function createQuestionByTitleSlug(
-  titleSlug,
-  baseDir = process.cwd()
-) {
-  const { question } = await getQuestionIdBySlug(titleSlug)
-  await createQuestionById(question.questionId, baseDir)
+export async function createQuestionByTitleSlug(titleSlug, baseDir = process.cwd()) {
+    const { question } = await getQuestionIdBySlug(titleSlug);
+    await createQuestionById(question.questionId, baseDir);
@@ -24,7 +21,7 @@ export async function createQuestionByTitleSlug(
  * @returns {Promise<void>}
 export async function createQuestionById(id, baseDir = process.cwd()) {
-  const question = await getQuestionById(id)
-  if (!question?.id) logger.warn(`指定编号: [ ${id} ] 题目不存在.`)
-  await create('identity', question, baseDir)
+    const question = await getQuestionById(id);
+    if (!question?.id) logger.warn(`指定编号: [ ${id} ] 题目不存在.`);
+    await create('identity', question, baseDir);
diff --git a/common/utils/cli-utils/getArgs.js b/common/utils/cli-utils/getArgs.js
index e3df8cb..c0dd89e 100644
--- a/common/utils/cli-utils/getArgs.js
+++ b/common/utils/cli-utils/getArgs.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 // 获取模式对应的参数
 export function getArgs(mode, cmdArgs, cmdOpts) {
-  switch (mode) {
-    case 'identity':
-      return cmdArgs.length ? cmdArgs.join(' ') : cmdOpts?.identity
-    case 'random':
-    case 'today':
-    default:
-      return null
-  }
+    switch (mode) {
+        case 'identity':
+            return cmdArgs.length ? cmdArgs.join(' ') : cmdOpts?.identity;
+        case 'random':
+        case 'today':
+        default:
+            return null;
+    }
diff --git a/common/utils/cli-utils/referMode.js b/common/utils/cli-utils/referMode.js
index 42ff1f8..c4014e0 100644
--- a/common/utils/cli-utils/referMode.js
+++ b/common/utils/cli-utils/referMode.js
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 // 推测模式
 export function referMode(args, opts) {
-  if (args.length > 0 || opts.identity) return 'identity'
+    if (args.length > 0 || opts.identity) return 'identity';
-  if (opts.random) return 'random'
+    if (opts.random) return 'random';
-  return 'today'
+    if (opts.all) return 'all';
+    return 'today';
diff --git a/common/utils/etc/checkEnv.js b/common/utils/etc/checkEnv.js
index fce4e63..15dfcb7 100644
--- a/common/utils/etc/checkEnv.js
+++ b/common/utils/etc/checkEnv.js
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
  * project: file:///Users/mac-106/wh131462/workspace/leetcode-practice/common/utils/etc/checkEnv.js
 export function currentEnv() {
-  const url = import.meta.url
-  const projectReg = /etc\/checkEnv.js$/im
-  return projectReg.test(url) ? 'project' : 'cli'
+    const url = import.meta.url;
+    const projectReg = /etc\/checkEnv.js$/im;
+    return projectReg.test(url) ? 'project' : 'cli';
  * 检查npm安装时的位置
 export function npmEnv() {
-  return true ? 'global' : 'module'
+    return true ? 'global' : 'module';
diff --git a/common/utils/etc/createColorFont.js b/common/utils/etc/createColorFont.js
index cd5eb60..d0ecd78 100644
--- a/common/utils/etc/createColorFont.js
+++ b/common/utils/etc/createColorFont.js
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
-import { writeFileSync } from 'node:fs'
-import path from 'node:path'
-import gradient_string from 'gradient-string'
+import { writeFileSync } from 'node:fs';
+import path from 'node:path';
+import gradient_string from 'gradient-string';
 // 创建渐变色字体
 export function createColorFont(font) {
-  const code = gradient_string([
-    { color: '#ff0000', pos: 0 },
-    { color: '#ffc600', pos: 0.5 },
-    { color: '#003dff', pos: 1 }
-  ])(font)
-  writeFileSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'colorFont.js'), code)
-  console.log(
-    `[ColorFont]Create color font: ${font}\ncode location:${path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'colorFont.js')}`
-  )
-  console.log(code)
+    const code = gradient_string([
+        { color: '#ff0000', pos: 0 },
+        { color: '#ffc600', pos: 0.5 },
+        { color: '#003dff', pos: 1 }
+    ])(font);
+    writeFileSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'colorFont.js'), code);
+    console.log(`[ColorFont]Create color font: ${font}\ncode location:${path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'colorFont.js')}`);
+    console.log(code);
diff --git a/common/utils/etc/open.js b/common/utils/etc/open.js
index 1289461..a3a1841 100644
--- a/common/utils/etc/open.js
+++ b/common/utils/etc/open.js
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-import os from 'node:os'
-import { exec } from 'node:child_process'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
+import os from 'node:os';
+import { exec } from 'node:child_process';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
-const platform = os.platform()
+const platform = os.platform();
  * 打开浏览器
  * @param {string} url
 export function open(url) {
-  switch (platform) {
-    case 'darwin':
-      exec(`open "${url}"`)
-      break
-    case 'win32':
-      exec(`start "${url}"`)
-      break
-    case 'linux':
-      exec(`xdg-open "${url}"`)
-      break
-    default:
-      logger.info(`Unsupported platform: ${platform}`)
-      break
-  }
+    switch (platform) {
+        case 'darwin':
+            exec(`open "${url}"`);
+            break;
+        case 'win32':
+            exec(`start "${url}"`);
+            break;
+        case 'linux':
+            exec(`xdg-open "${url}"`);
+            break;
+        default:
+            logger.info(`Unsupported platform: ${platform}`);
+            break;
+    }
diff --git a/common/utils/etc/typeof_.js b/common/utils/etc/typeof_.js
index 8d8458a..c24d18d 100644
--- a/common/utils/etc/typeof_.js
+++ b/common/utils/etc/typeof_.js
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
  * @private
 export function typeof_(data) {
-  if (data === null) return 'null'
-  else return typeof data
+    if (data === null) return 'null';
+    else return typeof data;
diff --git a/common/utils/etc/willUse.js b/common/utils/etc/willUse.js
index 21d4ddb..81eb091 100644
--- a/common/utils/etc/willUse.js
+++ b/common/utils/etc/willUse.js
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
  * @param args
 export function willUse(...args) {
-  return args
+    return args;
diff --git a/common/utils/file/getCountBySameName.js b/common/utils/file/getCountBySameName.js
index 7966377..0d6d607 100644
--- a/common/utils/file/getCountBySameName.js
+++ b/common/utils/file/getCountBySameName.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { readdirSync } from 'node:fs'
+import { readdirSync } from 'node:fs';
  * 根据指定的目录和文件名 给出存在的数量
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ import { readdirSync } from 'node:fs'
  * @returns {number}
 export function getCountBySameName(dir, name) {
-  return readdirSync(dir).filter((filename) => filename.includes(name)).length
+    return readdirSync(dir).filter((filename) => filename.includes(name)).length;
diff --git a/common/utils/file/getDirname.js b/common/utils/file/getDirname.js
index 22ec495..4ac724e 100644
--- a/common/utils/file/getDirname.js
+++ b/common/utils/file/getDirname.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
-import { dirname } from 'node:path'
+import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';
+import { dirname } from 'node:path';
-const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)
-export const __dirname = dirname(__filename)
+const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
+export const __dirname = dirname(__filename);
diff --git a/common/utils/file/getFileListBySameName.js b/common/utils/file/getFileListBySameName.js
index e0cbcb0..9a9c592 100644
--- a/common/utils/file/getFileListBySameName.js
+++ b/common/utils/file/getFileListBySameName.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { readdirSync } from 'node:fs'
+import { readdirSync } from 'node:fs';
 export function getFileListBySameName(dir, name) {
-  return readdirSync(dir).filter((filename) => filename.includes(name))
+    return readdirSync(dir).filter((filename) => filename.includes(name));
diff --git a/common/utils/file/getFilePathById.js b/common/utils/file/getFilePathById.js
index a54e68a..6478171 100644
--- a/common/utils/file/getFilePathById.js
+++ b/common/utils/file/getFilePathById.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import fs from 'node:fs'
+import fs from 'node:fs';
  * 根据id获取文件的具体路径
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import fs from 'node:fs'
  * @returns {string|undefined|string[]}
 export function getFilePathById(id, baseDir = process.cwd()) {
-  const dir = fs.readdirSync(baseDir)
-  const files = dir.filter((o) => o.startsWith(`${id}.`))
-  if (files.length > 1) return files
-  return files?.[0]
+    const dir = fs.readdirSync(baseDir);
+    const files = dir.filter((o) => o.startsWith(`${id}.`));
+    if (files.length > 1) return files;
+    return files?.[0];
diff --git a/common/utils/file/getLineNumberByContent.js b/common/utils/file/getLineNumberByContent.js
index 06ea9ce..a4fac7b 100644
--- a/common/utils/file/getLineNumberByContent.js
+++ b/common/utils/file/getLineNumberByContent.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-import fs from 'node:fs'
+import fs from 'node:fs';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
  * 通过给入的文件地址和内容 给出对应的行号
@@ -7,30 +8,30 @@ import fs from 'node:fs'
  * @returns {Promise<unknown>}
 export function getLineNumberByContent(filePath, searchString) {
-  return new Promise((resolve) => {
-    let lineNumber = 0
-    const readStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, { encoding: 'utf-8' })
+    return new Promise((resolve) => {
+        let lineNumber = 0;
+        const readStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
-    readStream.on('data', (chunk) => {
-      const lines = chunk.split('\n')
-      for (const line of lines) {
-        lineNumber++
-        if (line.includes(searchString)) {
-          readStream.close()
-          resolve(lineNumber)
-          return
-        }
-      }
-    })
+        readStream.on('data', (chunk) => {
+            const lines = chunk.split('\n');
+            for (const line of lines) {
+                lineNumber++;
+                if (line.includes(searchString)) {
+                    readStream.close();
+                    resolve(lineNumber);
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+        });
-    readStream.on('end', () => {
-      console.warn(`"${searchString}" not found in file: ${filePath}`)
-      resolve(0)
-    })
+        readStream.on('end', () => {
+            logger.warn(`[WARN] "${searchString}" not found in file: ${filePath}`);
+            resolve(0);
+        });
-    readStream.on('error', () => {
-      console.warn(`"${searchString}" not found in file: ${filePath}`)
-      resolve(0)
-    })
-  })
+        readStream.on('error', () => {
+            logger.warn(`[WARN] "${searchString}" not found in file: ${filePath}`);
+            resolve(0);
+        });
+    });
diff --git a/common/utils/file/getQuestionInDir.js b/common/utils/file/getQuestionInDir.js
index 75d46da..97175d0 100644
--- a/common/utils/file/getQuestionInDir.js
+++ b/common/utils/file/getQuestionInDir.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import fs from 'node:fs'
-import path from 'node:path'
+import fs from 'node:fs';
+import path from 'node:path';
  * 在目录中查找题目文件
@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ import path from 'node:path'
  * @returns {string|string[]}
 export function getQuestionFileInDir(dir) {
-  const list = fs.readdirSync(dir)
-  const questionLikes = list
-    .filter((name) => name.startsWith('question'))
-    .map((file) => path.resolve(dir, file))
-  return questionLikes?.length === 1 ? questionLikes[0] : questionLikes
+    const list = fs.readdirSync(dir);
+    const questionLikes = list.filter((name) => name.startsWith('question')).map((file) => path.resolve(dir, file));
+    return questionLikes?.length === 1 ? questionLikes[0] : questionLikes;
diff --git a/common/utils/file/getRootPath.js b/common/utils/file/getRootPath.js
index 0971a80..bfd3431 100644
--- a/common/utils/file/getRootPath.js
+++ b/common/utils/file/getRootPath.js
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
-import path from 'node:path'
-import { __dirname } from '#common/utils/file/getDirname.js'
-import { currentEnv } from '#common/utils/etc/checkEnv.js'
+import path from 'node:path';
+import { __dirname } from '#common/utils/file/getDirname.js';
+import { currentEnv } from '#common/utils/etc/checkEnv.js';
 // 在cli环境下 执行目录为 bin 目录 根目录就是上一层目录
-export const rootPath =
-  currentEnv() === 'project'
-    ? path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname)))
-    : path.dirname(__dirname)
+export const rootPath = currentEnv() === 'project' ? path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname))) : path.dirname(__dirname);
diff --git a/common/utils/file/parseFilePath.js b/common/utils/file/parseFilePath.js
index f1e189c..01b57ab 100644
--- a/common/utils/file/parseFilePath.js
+++ b/common/utils/file/parseFilePath.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import path from 'node:path'
+import path from 'node:path';
 export function parseFilePath(oldPath) {
-  return `\"${path.normalize(oldPath)}\"`
+    return `\"${path.normalize(oldPath)}\"`;
diff --git a/common/utils/functions/isSameData.js b/common/utils/functions/isSameData.js
index b313fc6..73d5946 100644
--- a/common/utils/functions/isSameData.js
+++ b/common/utils/functions/isSameData.js
@@ -5,26 +5,26 @@
  * @returns {this is string[]|boolean}
 export function isSameData(a, b) {
-  const typeA = typeof a
-  const typeB = typeof b
-  if (typeA !== typeB) return false
-  switch (typeA) {
-    case 'bigint':
-    case 'boolean':
-    case 'number':
-    case 'string':
-    case 'symbol':
-    case 'undefined':
-      return a === b
-    case 'function':
-      return a.toString() === b.toString()
-    case 'object': {
-      if (a === null || a === undefined) return a === b
+    const typeA = typeof a;
+    const typeB = typeof b;
+    if (typeA !== typeB) return false;
+    switch (typeA) {
+        case 'bigint':
+        case 'boolean':
+        case 'number':
+        case 'string':
+        case 'symbol':
+        case 'undefined':
+            return a === b;
+        case 'function':
+            return a.toString() === b.toString();
+        case 'object': {
+            if (a === null || a === undefined) return a === b;
-      const keysA = Object.keys(a)
-      const keysB = Object.keys(b)
-      if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) return false
-      return keysA.every((key) => isSameData(a[key], b[key]))
+            const keysA = Object.keys(a);
+            const keysB = Object.keys(b);
+            if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) return false;
+            return keysA.every((key) => isSameData(a[key], b[key]));
+        }
-  }
diff --git a/common/utils/functions/removeDomTags.js b/common/utils/functions/removeDomTags.js
index 0f38b86..5080c83 100644
--- a/common/utils/functions/removeDomTags.js
+++ b/common/utils/functions/removeDomTags.js
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
  * @returns {string|string}
 export function removeDomTags(input) {
-  return input
-    .replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '')
-    .replaceAll(' ', ' ')
-    .replaceAll('&nbsp;', ' ')
-    .replaceAll('&lt;', '<')
-    .replaceAll('&gt;', '>')
-    .replaceAll('`', '')
+    return input
+        ?.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '')
+        .replaceAll(' ', ' ')
+        .replaceAll('&nbsp;', ' ')
+        .replaceAll('&lt;', '<')
+        .replaceAll('&gt;', '>')
+        .replaceAll('`', '');
diff --git a/common/utils/functions/sizeUtil.js b/common/utils/functions/sizeUtil.js
index 72de534..1eba3b3 100644
--- a/common/utils/functions/sizeUtil.js
+++ b/common/utils/functions/sizeUtil.js
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 // 千
-export const KB = 1024
+export const KB = 1024;
 // 兆
-export const MB = 1024 * KB
+export const MB = 1024 * KB;
 // 吉
-export const GB = 1024 * MB
+export const GB = 1024 * MB;
 // 太
-export const TB = 1024 * GB
+export const TB = 1024 * GB;
 // 拍
-export const PB = 1024 * GB
+export const PB = 1024 * GB;
  * 获取文件的单位
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ export const PB = 1024 * GB
  * @return {size: number, label: string}
 export function getFileSizeUnit(size) {
-  if (size < KB) return { size: 1, label: 'B' }
-  if (size < MB) return { size: KB, label: 'KB' }
-  if (size < GB) return { size: MB, label: 'MB' }
-  if (size < TB) return { size: GB, label: 'GB' }
-  if (size < PB) return { size: TB, label: 'TB' }
+    if (size < KB) return { size: 1, label: 'B' };
+    if (size < MB) return { size: KB, label: 'KB' };
+    if (size < GB) return { size: MB, label: 'MB' };
+    if (size < TB) return { size: GB, label: 'GB' };
+    if (size < PB) return { size: TB, label: 'TB' };
-  return { size: PB, label: 'PB' }
+    return { size: PB, label: 'PB' };
  * 获取文件的尺寸
@@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ export function getFileSizeUnit(size) {
  * @param precision 小数位
 export function getFileSize(size, precision = 2) {
-  const fileSizeType = getFileSizeUnit(size)
-  return `${(size / fileSizeType.size).toFixed(precision)} ${fileSizeType.label}`
+    const fileSizeType = getFileSizeUnit(size);
+    return `${(size / fileSizeType.size).toFixed(precision)} ${fileSizeType.label}`;
diff --git a/common/utils/http/fetch_.js b/common/utils/http/fetch_.js
index 9f67186..2182362 100644
--- a/common/utils/http/fetch_.js
+++ b/common/utils/http/fetch_.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import ora from 'ora'
+import ora from 'ora';
  * 基础请求-直接返回JSON格式的值
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import ora from 'ora'
  * @private
 export async function fetch_(url, options) {
-  const loader = ora(options.loadText ?? 'loading...').start()
-  const resp = await fetch(url, options).then((res) => res.json())
-  loader.stop()
-  return resp
+    const loader = ora(options.loadText ?? 'loading...').start();
+    const resp = await fetch(url, options).then((res) => res.json());
+    loader.stop();
+    return resp;
diff --git a/common/utils/http/graphql.js b/common/utils/http/graphql.js
index e059912..f418ad1 100644
--- a/common/utils/http/graphql.js
+++ b/common/utils/http/graphql.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { fetch_ } from '#common/utils/http/fetch_.js'
-import { url_join } from '#common/utils/http/urlJoin.js'
+import { fetch_ } from '#common/utils/http/fetch_.js';
+import { url_join } from '#common/utils/http/urlJoin.js';
  * 请求 graphql
@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ import { url_join } from '#common/utils/http/urlJoin.js'
  * @returns {Promise<any>}
 export async function graphql(options, host = 'https://leetcode.cn/') {
-  return await fetch_(url_join(host, 'graphql'), options)
+    return await fetch_(url_join(host, 'graphql'), options);
diff --git a/common/utils/http/submit.js b/common/utils/http/submit.js
index 5f2b402..282a607 100644
--- a/common/utils/http/submit.js
+++ b/common/utils/http/submit.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { fetch_ } from '#common/utils/http/fetch_.js'
-import { url_join } from '#common/utils/http/urlJoin.js'
+import { fetch_ } from '#common/utils/http/fetch_.js';
+import { url_join } from '#common/utils/http/urlJoin.js';
  * 请求 submit 提交
@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ import { url_join } from '#common/utils/http/urlJoin.js'
  * @returns {Promise<any>}
 export async function submit(options, host = 'https://leetcode.cn/') {
-  return await fetch_(url_join(host, 'submit'), options)
+    return await fetch_(url_join(host, 'submit'), options);
diff --git a/common/utils/http/urlJoin.js b/common/utils/http/urlJoin.js
index 0d7ca09..daa8e6f 100644
--- a/common/utils/http/urlJoin.js
+++ b/common/utils/http/urlJoin.js
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
  * @returns {string}
 export function url_join(host, ...rest) {
-  const host_base = host.replace(/\/$/, '')
-  const path = rest
-    .join('/')
-    .replace(/(\/){1,3}/gim, '/')
-    .replace(/^\//, '')
-  return [host_base, path].join('/')
+    const host_base = host.replace(/\/$/, '');
+    const path = rest
+        .join('/')
+        .replace(/(\/){1,3}/gim, '/')
+        .replace(/^\//, '');
+    return [host_base, path].join('/');
diff --git a/common/utils/loading/loading.js b/common/utils/loading/loading.js
index 3e12a6c..36e3522 100644
--- a/common/utils/loading/loading.js
+++ b/common/utils/loading/loading.js
@@ -1,36 +1,34 @@
-import chalk from 'chalk'
+import chalk from 'chalk';
 export class Loading {
-  text = 'loading...'
-  constructor(text) {
-    this.frames = ['⠋', '⠙', '⠹', '⠸', '⠼', '⠴', '⠦', '⠧', '⠇', '⠏']
-    this.currentFrame = 0
-    this.interval = null
-    this.text = text
-  }
+    text = 'loading...';
+    constructor(text) {
+        this.frames = ['⠋', '⠙', '⠹', '⠸', '⠼', '⠴', '⠦', '⠧', '⠇', '⠏'];
+        this.currentFrame = 0;
+        this.interval = null;
+        this.text = text;
+    }
-  start() {
-    if (this.interval) clearInterval(this.interval)
-    this.interval = setInterval(() => {
-      process.stdout.write(
-        chalk.blueBright(`\r${this.frames[this.currentFrame]} ${this.text}`)
-      )
+    start() {
+        if (this.interval) clearInterval(this.interval);
+        this.interval = setInterval(() => {
+            process.stdout.write(chalk.blueBright(`\r${this.frames[this.currentFrame]} ${this.text}`));
-      this.currentFrame++
-      if (this.currentFrame === this.frames.length) this.currentFrame = 0
-    }, 80)
-    return this
-  }
+            this.currentFrame++;
+            if (this.currentFrame === this.frames.length) this.currentFrame = 0;
+        }, 80);
+        return this;
+    }
-  stop() {
-    clearInterval(this.interval)
-    process.stdout.write('\r') // 清除动画最后一帧
-    return this
-  }
+    stop() {
+        clearInterval(this.interval);
+        process.stdout.write('\r'); // 清除动画最后一帧
+        return this;
+    }
-  // 在发生异常时调用此方法清除动画
-  handleException() {
-    this.stop()
-    return this
-  }
+    // 在发生异常时调用此方法清除动画
+    handleException() {
+        this.stop();
+        return this;
+    }
diff --git a/common/utils/logger/logger.js b/common/utils/logger/logger.js
index 8548352..a1c3484 100644
--- a/common/utils/logger/logger.js
+++ b/common/utils/logger/logger.js
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-import chalk from 'chalk'
-import { getStore } from '#common/utils/store/controller/store.js'
+import chalk from 'chalk';
+import { getStore } from '#common/utils/store/controller/store.js';
 class LOGGER {
-  isOn = true
-  constructor(_env) {
-    // console.log(
-    //     chalk.bgGray(`[logger init] The current env is ${env ?? 'not plugin'}.`)
-    // )
-  }
+    isOn = true;
+    constructor(_env) {
+        // console.log(
+        //     chalk.bgGray(`[logger init] The current env is ${env ?? 'not plugin'}.`)
+        // )
+    }
-  /**
-   * 开启
-   */
-  on() {
-    this.isOn = true
-  }
+    /**
+     * 开启
+     */
+    on() {
+        this.isOn = true;
+    }
-  /**
-   * 关闭
-   */
-  off() {
-    this.isOn = false
-  }
+    /**
+     * 关闭
+     */
+    off() {
+        this.isOn = false;
+    }
-  get forbidden() {
-    return !this.isOn
-  }
+    get forbidden() {
+        return !this.isOn;
+    }
-  /**
-   * 普通消息
-   * @param message{*}
-   * @param args{*[]}
-   */
-  info(message, ...args) {
-    if (this.forbidden) return
-    console.log(chalk.blue(message, ...args))
-  }
+    /**
+     * 普通消息
+     * @param message{*}
+     * @param args{*[]}
+     */
+    info(message, ...args) {
+        if (this.forbidden) return;
+        console.log(chalk.blue(message, ...args));
+    }
-  /**
-   * 警告
-   * @param message{*}
-   * @param args{*[]}
-   */
-  warn(message, ...args) {
-    if (this.forbidden) return
-    console.log(chalk.yellow(message, ...args))
-  }
+    /**
+     * 警告
+     * @param message{*}
+     * @param args{*[]}
+     */
+    warn(message, ...args) {
+        if (this.forbidden) return;
+        console.log(chalk.yellow(message, ...args));
+    }
-  /**
-   * 错误信息
-   * @param message{*}
-   * @param args{*[]}
-   */
-  error(message, ...args) {
-    if (this.forbidden) return
-    console.log(chalk.red(message, ...args))
-  }
+    /**
+     * 错误信息
+     * @param message{*}
+     * @param args{*[]}
+     */
+    error(message, ...args) {
+        if (this.forbidden) return;
+        console.log(chalk.red(message, ...args));
+    }
-const { env = null } = (await getStore('config')) ?? {}
-export const logger = new LOGGER(env)
+const { env = null } = (await getStore('config')) ?? {};
+export const logger = new LOGGER(env);
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getAllQuestionList.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getAllQuestionList.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78ae688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getAllQuestionList.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import ora from 'ora';
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
+import { getAllQuestionRequestUrlJson } from '#resources/headers/allQuestionRequestUrlJson.js';
+export async function getAllQuestionUrl() {
+    const { data } = await graphql(getAllQuestionRequestUrlJson());
+    const { allQuestionUrls } = data;
+    const { questionUrl } = allQuestionUrls;
+    return questionUrl;
+export async function getAllQuestionList() {
+    const url = await getAllQuestionUrl();
+    const loader = ora('loading...').start();
+    const allQuestionData = await fetch(url, {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: null,
+        method: 'GET'
+    });
+    loader.stop();
+    return allQuestionData.json();
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getPlanQuestionList.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getPlanQuestionList.js
index 0b5e54f..c4a8095 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-getter/getPlanQuestionList.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getPlanQuestionList.js
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
-import { getPlanQuestionListJson } from '#resources/headers/planQuestionListJson.js'
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
+import { getPlanQuestionListJson } from '#resources/headers/planQuestionListJson.js';
 export async function getPlanQuestionList(slug) {
-  const res = await graphql(getPlanQuestionListJson(slug))
-  const {
-    data: { studyPlanV2Detail }
-  } = res
-  return studyPlanV2Detail
+    const res = await graphql(getPlanQuestionListJson(slug));
+    const {
+        data: { studyPlanV2Detail }
+    } = res;
+    return studyPlanV2Detail;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js
index 4331553..a60b8e3 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
-import { getQuestionDetail } from '../question-handler/getQuestionDetail.js'
-import { getQuestionSearchJson } from '#resources/headers/questionSearchJson.js'
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
+import { getQuestionDetail } from '../question-handler/getQuestionDetail.js';
+import { getQuestionSearchJson } from '#resources/headers/questionSearchJson.js';
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
 export async function getQuestionById(id) {
-  const base = await graphql(getQuestionSearchJson(id.toString()))
-  const questionContent = base?.data?.problemsetQuestionList?.questions?.find(
-    (o) => o?.frontendQuestionId === id.toString()
-  )
-  if (!questionContent) {
-    return {
-      id: null
+    const base = await graphql(getQuestionSearchJson(id.toString()));
+    const questionContent = base?.data?.problemsetQuestionList?.questions?.find((o) => o?.frontendQuestionId === id.toString());
+    if (!questionContent) {
+        return {
+            id: null
+        };
-  }
-  const slug = questionContent.titleSlug
-  const question = await getQuestionDetail(slug, { id })
-  return question
+    const slug = questionContent.titleSlug;
+    const question = await getQuestionDetail(slug, { id });
+    return question;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionByKeyword.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionByKeyword.js
index 1c1ddd5..db23d8e 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionByKeyword.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionByKeyword.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
-import { getQuestionSearchJson } from '#resources/headers/questionSearchJson.js'
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
+import { getQuestionSearchJson } from '#resources/headers/questionSearchJson.js';
 export async function getQuestionByKeyword(keyword) {
-  const questionData = await graphql(getQuestionSearchJson(keyword.toString()))
-  return questionData?.data?.problemsetQuestionList?.questions
+    const questionData = await graphql(getQuestionSearchJson(keyword.toString()));
+    return questionData?.data?.problemsetQuestionList?.questions;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionCodeList.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionCodeList.js
index 1abd2bb..54737ed 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionCodeList.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionCodeList.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
-import { getQuestionCodeListJson } from '#resources/headers/questionCodeListJson.js'
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
+import { getQuestionCodeListJson } from '#resources/headers/questionCodeListJson.js';
  * 获取代码列表
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ import { getQuestionCodeListJson } from '#resources/headers/questionCodeListJson
  * @returns {Promise<*>}
 export async function getQuestionCodeList(slug) {
-  const res = await graphql(getQuestionCodeListJson(slug))
-  return res.data.question?.codeSnippets
+    const res = await graphql(getQuestionCodeListJson(slug));
+    return res.data.question?.codeSnippets;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionLanguageList.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionLanguageList.js
index 4fe7df6..0ae8b83 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionLanguageList.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionLanguageList.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
-import { getQuestionLanguageListJson } from '#resources/headers/questionLanguageListJson.js'
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
+import { getQuestionLanguageListJson } from '#resources/headers/questionLanguageListJson.js';
 export async function getQuestionLanguageList() {
-  const res = await graphql(getQuestionLanguageListJson())
-  return res?.data.languageList
+    const res = await graphql(getQuestionLanguageListJson());
+    return res?.data.languageList;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionList.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionList.js
index 66df191..dd10412 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionList.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionList.js
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import { getQuestionListJson } from '#resources/headers/questionListJson.js'
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
+import { getQuestionListJson } from '#resources/headers/questionListJson.js';
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
 export async function getQuestionList() {
-  const base = await graphql(getQuestionListJson())
-  // todo 列表
-  const question = base.questions
-  return question
+    const base = await graphql(getQuestionListJson());
+    // todo 列表
+    const question = base.questions;
+    return question;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionRandom.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionRandom.js
index a06154c..92cfc46 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionRandom.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionRandom.js
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
-import { getQuestionDetail } from '../question-handler/getQuestionDetail.js'
-import { getQuestionSearchJson } from '#resources/headers/questionSearchJson.js'
-import { getRandomId } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getRandomId.js'
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
+import { getQuestionDetail } from '../question-handler/getQuestionDetail.js';
+import { getQuestionSearchJson } from '#resources/headers/questionSearchJson.js';
+import { getRandomId } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getRandomId.js';
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
 export async function getQuestionRandom() {
-  const id = await getRandomId()
-  const base = await graphql(getQuestionSearchJson(id.toString()))
-  const slug = base.data.problemsetQuestionList.questions.find(
-    (o) => o.frontendQuestionId === id.toString()
-  ).titleSlug
-  const question = await getQuestionDetail(slug)
-  return question
+    const id = await getRandomId();
+    const base = await graphql(getQuestionSearchJson(id.toString()));
+    const slug = base.data.problemsetQuestionList.questions.find((o) => o.frontendQuestionId === id.toString()).titleSlug;
+    const question = await getQuestionDetail(slug);
+    return question;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionTagType.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionTagType.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..673afea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionTagType.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import { getQuestionTagTypeJson } from '#resources/headers/questionTagTypeJson.js';
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
+export async function getQuestionTagType() {
+    const { data } = await graphql(getQuestionTagTypeJson());
+    const { questionTagTypeWithTags } = data;
+    return questionTagTypeWithTags;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionToday.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionToday.js
index 10dfcfb..ce894a6 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionToday.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionToday.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import { getQuestionDetail } from '../question-handler/getQuestionDetail.js'
-import { getQuestionTodayJson } from '#resources/headers/questionTodayJson.js'
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
+import { getQuestionDetail } from '../question-handler/getQuestionDetail.js';
+import { getQuestionTodayJson } from '#resources/headers/questionTodayJson.js';
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
 export async function getQuestionToday() {
-  const question = await graphql(getQuestionTodayJson())
-  const today = question.data.todayRecord[0].question
-  const { date } = question.data.todayRecord[0]
-  const questionInfo = await getQuestionDetail(today.titleSlug, { date })
-  return questionInfo
+    const question = await graphql(getQuestionTodayJson());
+    const today = question.data.todayRecord[0].question;
+    const { date } = question.data.todayRecord[0];
+    const questionInfo = await getQuestionDetail(today.titleSlug, { date });
+    return questionInfo;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionTypes.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionTypes.js
index 74e809d..a31b35f 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionTypes.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionTypes.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { getQuestionTypesJson } from '#resources/headers/questionTypeJson.js'
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
+import { getQuestionTypesJson } from '#resources/headers/questionTypeJson.js';
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
  * 获取问题的类型
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
  * @returns {Promise<*>}
 export async function getQuestionTypes() {
-  const res = await graphql(getQuestionTypesJson())
-  const tags = res.data?.questionTagTypeWithTags
-  // logger.info(JSON.stringify(tags))
-  return tags
+    const res = await graphql(getQuestionTypesJson());
+    const tags = res.data?.questionTagTypeWithTags;
+    // logger.info(JSON.stringify(tags))
+    return tags;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-getter/getStudyPlanList.js b/common/utils/question-getter/getStudyPlanList.js
index ad6efba..f1b2c1c 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-getter/getStudyPlanList.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-getter/getStudyPlanList.js
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
-import { getStudyPlanListJson } from '#resources/headers/studyPlanListJson.js'
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
+import { getStudyPlanListJson } from '#resources/headers/studyPlanListJson.js';
 export async function getStudyPlanList(type) {
-  const res = await graphql(getStudyPlanListJson(type))
-  const {
-    data: {
-      studyPlansV2ByCatalog: { studyPlans }
-    }
-  } = res
-  return studyPlans
+    const res = await graphql(getStudyPlanListJson(type));
+    const {
+        data: {
+            studyPlansV2ByCatalog: { studyPlans }
+        }
+    } = res;
+    return studyPlans;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/checkQuestionByPath.js b/common/utils/question-handler/checkQuestionByPath.js
index cdbe42f..b854a0c 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/checkQuestionByPath.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/checkQuestionByPath.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-import fs from 'node:fs'
-import vm from 'node:vm'
-import { showLogs } from '#common/utils/question-handler/showLogs.js'
+import fs from 'node:fs';
+import vm from 'node:vm';
+import { showLogs } from '#common/utils/question-handler/showLogs.js';
  * 执行脚本 - 可传入上下文
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import { showLogs } from '#common/utils/question-handler/showLogs.js'
  * @returns {any}
 export function executeScript(filePath, context) {
-  const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8')
-  const script = new vm.Script(fileContent)
-  return script.runInContext(context)
+    const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8');
+    const script = new vm.Script(fileContent);
+    return script.runInContext(context);
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ export function executeScript(filePath, context) {
  * @param path
 export async function checkQuestionByPath(path) {
-  return await executeScript(
-    path,
-    vm.createContext({
-      showLogs,
-      console
-    })
-  )
+    return await executeScript(
+        path,
+        vm.createContext({
+            showLogs,
+            console
+        })
+    );
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/code.js b/common/utils/question-handler/code.js
index 125d6fb..c3671df 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/code.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/code.js
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
-import fs from 'node:fs'
-import { getQuestionCodeList } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionCodeList.js'
-import {
-  getLangByExtension,
-  setLineComment
-} from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js'
-import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
+import fs from 'node:fs';
+import { getQuestionCodeList } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionCodeList.js';
+import { getLangByExtension, setLineComment } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js';
+import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
  * 获取代码
@@ -13,8 +10,8 @@ import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
  * @returns {Promise<*>}
 export async function getCodeBySlug(slug, lang) {
-  const list = await getQuestionCodeList(slug)
-  return list?.find((o) => o.langSlug === lang)?.code
+    const list = await getQuestionCodeList(slug);
+    return list?.find((o) => o.langSlug === lang)?.code;
  * 获取支持的代码语言
@@ -22,8 +19,8 @@ export async function getCodeBySlug(slug, lang) {
  * @returns {Promise<string[]>}
 export async function getSupportCode(slug) {
-  const list = await getQuestionCodeList(slug)
-  return list.map((code) => code?.langSlug)
+    const list = (await getQuestionCodeList(slug)) ?? [];
+    return list?.map((code) => code?.langSlug);
@@ -33,28 +30,20 @@ export async function getSupportCode(slug) {
  * @returns {*|string}
 export function getCodeRange(lang, code) {
-  if (!code) {
-    return setLineComment(
-      lang,
-      `!important: 此题目没有当前语言[${lang}]的代码模板!`
-    )
-  }
-  return `${setLineComment(lang, '@QUESTION_START') + code}\n${setLineComment(
-    lang,
-  )}`
+    if (!code) return setLineComment(lang, `!important: 此题目没有当前语言[${lang}]的代码模板!`);
+    return `${setLineComment(lang, '@QUESTION_START') + code}\n${setLineComment(lang, '@QUESTION_END')}`;
  * 获取文件中的代码部分
 export function getCodeInFile(filePath) {
-  const lang = getLangByExtension(filePath)?.lang ?? DefaultLang
-  const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8')
-  const startTag = setLineComment(lang, '@QUESTION_START')
-  const endTag = setLineComment(lang, '@QUESTION_END')
-  const rangeReg = new RegExp(`${startTag}.*${endTag}`, 'ms')
-  const rangeTagReg = new RegExp(`(${startTag}|${endTag})+`, 'mg')
-  const match = data.match(rangeReg)
-  if (!match) return null
-  return match[0]?.replace(rangeTagReg, '')
+    const lang = getLangByExtension(filePath)?.lang ?? DefaultLang;
+    const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8');
+    const startTag = setLineComment(lang, '@QUESTION_START');
+    const endTag = setLineComment(lang, '@QUESTION_END');
+    const rangeReg = new RegExp(`${startTag}.*${endTag}`, 'ms');
+    const rangeTagReg = new RegExp(`(${startTag}|${endTag})+`, 'mg');
+    const match = data.match(rangeReg);
+    if (!match) return null;
+    return match[0]?.replace(rangeTagReg, '');
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/createMarkdown.js b/common/utils/question-handler/createMarkdown.js
index 754f9a4..b2f80d3 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/createMarkdown.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/createMarkdown.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import fs from 'node:fs'
-import path from 'node:path'
+import fs from 'node:fs';
+import path from 'node:path';
  * 创建markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import path from 'node:path'
  * @param {*} questionPath
 export function createMarkdown(description, questionPath) {
-  const dir = path.dirname(questionPath)
-  const descriptionPath = path.join(dir, 'description.md')
-  fs.writeFileSync(descriptionPath, description)
+    if (!description) return;
+    const dir = path.dirname(questionPath);
+    const descriptionPath = path.join(dir, 'description.md');
+    fs.writeFileSync(descriptionPath, description);
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/createQuestion.js b/common/utils/question-handler/createQuestion.js
index c8d7fb9..49775b7 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/createQuestion.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/createQuestion.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import fs from 'node:fs'
-import path from 'node:path'
-import { fulfillQuestion } from '#common/utils/question-handler/fulfillQuestion.js'
-import { getQuestionFileExtension } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js'
-import { getSupportCode } from '#common/utils/question-handler/code.js'
+import fs from 'node:fs';
+import path from 'node:path';
+import { fulfillQuestion } from '#common/utils/question-handler/fulfillQuestion.js';
+import { getQuestionFileExtension } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js';
+import { getSupportCode } from '#common/utils/question-handler/code.js';
  * 创建问题
@@ -11,39 +11,32 @@ import { getSupportCode } from '#common/utils/question-handler/code.js'
  * @returns {Promise<unknown>}
 export function createQuestion(question, questionDir) {
-  return new Promise((resolve) => {
-    const filePath = path.normalize(
-      path.join(
-        questionDir,
-        `question${getQuestionFileExtension(question.lang)}`
-      )
-    )
-    if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
-      resolve(false)
-    } else {
-      createQuestionFile(questionDir, filePath, question)
-        .then((path) => resolve(path))
-        .catch(() => resolve(false))
-    }
-  })
+    return new Promise((resolve) => {
+        const filePath = path.normalize(path.join(questionDir, `question${getQuestionFileExtension(question.lang)}`));
+        if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
+            resolve(false);
+        } else {
+            createQuestionFile(questionDir, filePath, question)
+                .then((path) => resolve(path))
+                .catch(() => resolve(false));
+        }
+    });
 export function createQuestionFile(questionDir, questionFilePath, question) {
-  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    try {
-      // 创建题目的目录
-      fs.mkdir(questionDir, { recursive: true }, async () => {
-        // 写入文件和模板
-        await fulfillQuestion(questionFilePath, question)
-        if (!question.code) {
-          const supports = await getSupportCode(question.slug)
-          console.warn(
-            `此题目不支持当前语言[${question.lang}]!受支持的语言有[${supports.join(',')}]!`
-          )
+    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+        try {
+            // 创建题目的目录
+            fs.mkdir(questionDir, { recursive: true }, async () => {
+                // 写入文件和模板
+                await fulfillQuestion(questionFilePath, question);
+                if (!question.code) {
+                    const supports = await getSupportCode(question.slug);
+                    console.warn(`此题目不支持当前语言[${question.lang}]!受支持的语言有[${supports.join(',')}]!`);
+                }
+                resolve(questionFilePath);
+            });
+        } catch (e) {
+            reject(e);
-        resolve(questionFilePath)
-      })
-    } catch (e) {
-      reject(e)
-    }
-  })
+    });
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/createQuestionCopy.js b/common/utils/question-handler/createQuestionCopy.js
index 8720c9e..1935867 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/createQuestionCopy.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/createQuestionCopy.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 // todo 创建问题副本
-import path from 'node:path'
-import { getCountBySameName } from '#common/utils/file/getCountBySameName.js'
-import { createQuestionFile } from '#common/utils/question-handler/createQuestion.js'
-import { getQuestionFileExtension } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js'
+import path from 'node:path';
+import { getCountBySameName } from '#common/utils/file/getCountBySameName.js';
+import { createQuestionFile } from '#common/utils/question-handler/createQuestion.js';
+import { getQuestionFileExtension } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js';
  * 创建副本
@@ -11,15 +11,11 @@ import { getQuestionFileExtension } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questio
  * @returns {Promise<unknown>}
 export function createQuestionCopy(question, questionDir) {
-  if (!question || !question.id)
-    return Promise.reject(new Error('question is empty'))
-  const dir = path.dirname(questionDir)
-  const name = `${question.id}.${question.slug}`
-  const affix = ` [${getCountBySameName(dir, name)}]`
-  const copyFileDir = path.join(dir, `${name}${affix}`)
-  const copyFilePath = path.join(
-    copyFileDir,
-    `question${getQuestionFileExtension(question.lang)}`
-  )
-  return createQuestionFile(copyFileDir, copyFilePath, question)
+    if (!question || !question.id) return Promise.reject(new Error('question is empty'));
+    const dir = path.dirname(questionDir);
+    const name = `${question.id}.${question.slug}`;
+    const affix = ` [${getCountBySameName(dir, name)}]`;
+    const copyFileDir = path.join(dir, `${name}${affix}`);
+    const copyFilePath = path.join(copyFileDir, `question${getQuestionFileExtension(question.lang)}`);
+    return createQuestionFile(copyFileDir, copyFilePath, question);
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/fulfillQuestion.js b/common/utils/question-handler/fulfillQuestion.js
index 830890b..7da075a 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/fulfillQuestion.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/fulfillQuestion.js
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-import fs from 'node:fs'
-import { removeDomTags } from '../functions/removeDomTags.js'
-import { getTestCase } from './getTestCase.js'
-import { createMarkdown } from './createMarkdown.js'
-import { getQuestionChineseName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionChineseName.js'
-import { getConsoleText } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getConsoleText.js'
-import { template } from '#resources/template/template.js'
-import { setBlockComment } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js'
-import { getCodeRange } from '#common/utils/question-handler/code.js'
+import fs from 'node:fs';
+import { removeDomTags } from '../functions/removeDomTags.js';
+import { getTestCase } from './getTestCase.js';
+import { createMarkdown } from './createMarkdown.js';
+import { getQuestionChineseName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionChineseName.js';
+import { getConsoleText } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getConsoleText.js';
+import { template } from '#resources/template/template.js';
+import { setBlockComment } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js';
+import { getCodeRange } from '#common/utils/question-handler/code.js';
  * @typedef {object} Question
@@ -28,16 +28,16 @@ import { getCodeRange } from '#common/utils/question-handler/code.js'
 export function generateTemplateContent(question) {
-  const title = `${getQuestionChineseName(question)} ${question.date ? `[${question.date}]` : ''}\n`
-  const describe = removeDomTags(question.detail).replace(/\n+/g, '\n')
-  const lang = question.lang
-  const code = question.code
-  return template
-    .replace('@Title', setBlockComment(lang, title + describe))
-    .replace('@Describe', '')
-    .replace('@Function', getCodeRange(lang, code))
-    .replace('@TestCase', getTestCase(question))
-    .replace('@Console', getConsoleText(question))
+    const title = `${getQuestionChineseName(question)} ${question.date ? `[${question.date}]` : ''}\n`;
+    const describe = removeDomTags(question.detail)?.replace(/\n+/g, '\n') ?? '';
+    const lang = question.lang;
+    const code = question.code;
+    return template
+        .replace('@Title', setBlockComment(lang, title + describe))
+        .replace('@Describe', '')
+        .replace('@Function', getCodeRange(lang, code))
+        .replace('@TestCase', getTestCase(question))
+        .replace('@Console', getConsoleText(question));
  * 模板文件内容替换并生成文件
@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ export function generateTemplateContent(question) {
  * @param question
 export function fulfillQuestion(questionPath, question) {
-  return new Promise((resolve) => {
-    // 创建描述文件 md
-    createMarkdown(question.detail, questionPath)
-    // 开始填充内容
-    const newData = generateTemplateContent(question)
-    // 创建文件
-    fs.writeFile(questionPath, newData, (err) => {
-      if (err) throw err
-      resolve()
-    })
-  })
+    return new Promise((resolve) => {
+        // 创建描述文件 md
+        createMarkdown(question.detail, questionPath);
+        // 开始填充内容
+        const newData = generateTemplateContent(question);
+        // 创建文件
+        fs.writeFile(questionPath, newData, (err) => {
+            if (err) throw err;
+            resolve();
+        });
+    });
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/getConsoleText.js b/common/utils/question-handler/getConsoleText.js
index 535b449..11d17e6 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/getConsoleText.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/getConsoleText.js
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
-import { getQuestionUrl } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionUrl.js'
-import { setLineComment } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js'
+import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
+import { getQuestionUrl } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionUrl.js';
+import { setLineComment } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js';
 export function getConsoleText(question) {
-  const url = getQuestionUrl(question.slug)
-  if (question.lang === DefaultLang)
-    return `console.log('点击跳转到题目提交: ${url}');`
-  else return setLineComment(question.lang, `题目地址:${url}`)
+    const url = getQuestionUrl(question.slug);
+    if (question.lang === DefaultLang) return `console.log('点击跳转到题目提交: ${url}');`;
+    else return setLineComment(question.lang, `题目地址:${url}`);
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionChineseName.js b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionChineseName.js
index 08deaac..62557e3 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionChineseName.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionChineseName.js
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
  * @returns {`${string}.${string}`}
 export function getQuestionChineseName(question) {
-  return `${question.id}.${question.title}`
+    return `${question.id}.${question.title}`;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionDetail.js b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionDetail.js
index 4a4883e..6e58b24 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionDetail.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionDetail.js
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
-import { getQuestionDetailJson } from '#resources/headers/questionDetailJson.js'
-import { getQuestionLanguage } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js'
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
-import { getCodeBySlug } from '#common/utils/question-handler/code.js'
+import { getQuestionDetailJson } from '#resources/headers/questionDetailJson.js';
+import { getQuestionLanguage } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js';
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
+import { getCodeBySlug } from '#common/utils/question-handler/code.js';
  * 获取代码详情
  * @param slug
  * @param extra
- * @returns {Promise<*&{code: *, detail: *, title: *, slug}>}
+ * @returns {Promise<*&{id:*,slug:*, title: *,detail: *,  lang:*,code: *,jsonExampleTestcases:*,exampleTestcases:*}>}
 export async function getQuestionDetail(slug, extra = {}) {
-  // 标题的英文字符串
-  const questionDetail = await graphql(getQuestionDetailJson(slug))
-  const detail = questionDetail.data.question
-  const curLang = await getQuestionLanguage()
-  const code = await getCodeBySlug(slug, curLang)
-  return {
-    id: detail?.questionId,
-    slug,
-    title: detail?.translatedTitle,
-    detail: detail?.translatedContent,
-    lang: curLang,
-    code,
-    ...extra
-  }
+    // 标题的英文字符串
+    const questionDetail = await graphql(getQuestionDetailJson(slug));
+    const detail = questionDetail.data.question;
+    const curLang = await getQuestionLanguage();
+    const code = await getCodeBySlug(slug, curLang);
+    return {
+        id: detail?.questionId,
+        slug,
+        title: detail?.translatedTitle,
+        detail: detail?.translatedContent,
+        lang: curLang,
+        code,
+        jsonExampleTestcases: detail?.jsonExampleTestcases,
+        exampleTestcases: detail?.exampleTestcases,
+        ...extra
+    };
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js
index 882ae44..06ed540 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
  * @returns {string}
 export function getQuestionFileName(question) {
-  if (!question || !question?.id) return ''
-  return `${question.id}.${question.slug}`
+    if (!question || !question?.id) return '';
+    return `${question.id}.${question.slug}`;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionIdBySlug.js b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionIdBySlug.js
index d61f0da..5e46f52 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionIdBySlug.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionIdBySlug.js
@@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
 const headers = {
-  'content-type': 'application/json'
+    'content-type': 'application/json'
 export async function getQuestionIdBySlug(titleSlug) {
-  const body = {
-    query:
-      '\n    query questionTitle($titleSlug: String!) {\n  question(titleSlug: $titleSlug) {\n    questionId\n    questionFrontendId\n    title\n    titleSlug\n    isPaidOnly\n    difficulty\n    likes\n    dislikes\n    categoryTitle\n  }\n}\n    ',
-    variables: {
-      titleSlug
-    },
-    operationName: 'questionTitle'
-  }
-  const initJson = {
-    headers,
-    body: JSON.stringify(body),
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
-  const res = await graphql(initJson)
-  const { data: question } = res
-  return question
+    const body = {
+        query: '\n    query questionTitle($titleSlug: String!) {\n  question(titleSlug: $titleSlug) {\n    questionId\n    questionFrontendId\n    title\n    titleSlug\n    isPaidOnly\n    difficulty\n    likes\n    dislikes\n    categoryTitle\n  }\n}\n    ',
+        variables: {
+            titleSlug
+        },
+        operationName: 'questionTitle'
+    };
+    const initJson = {
+        headers,
+        body: JSON.stringify(body),
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
+    const res = await graphql(initJson);
+    const { data: question } = res;
+    return question;
 // await getQuestionIdBySlug("group-anagrams")
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionListCodeBy.js b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionListCodeBy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f50787f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionListCodeBy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { createQuestionById, createQuestionByTitleSlug } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/createQuestion.js';
+import { getPlanQuestionList } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getPlanQuestionList.js';
+// 根据 slug 获取创建promise列表
+async function createSlugPromiseList(slugList, baseDir = process.cwd()) {
+    return slugList.map((titleSlug) => {
+        return createQuestionByTitleSlug(titleSlug, baseDir);
+    });
+// 根据 id 获取创建promise列表
+async function createIdPromiseList(questionList, baseDir = process.cwd()) {
+    return questionList.map((question) => {
+        return createQuestionById(question.questionId, baseDir);
+    });
+ * 創建題目列表通過plan slug
+ * @param slug
+ * @param baseDir
+ */
+export async function getQuestionListCodeBySlug(slug, baseDir) {
+    const { planSubGroups } = await getPlanQuestionList(slug);
+    const questionTitleList = planSubGroups.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+        acc.push(...cur.questions.map((res) => res.titleSlug));
+        return acc;
+    }, []);
+    const promiseList = await createSlugPromiseList(questionTitleList, baseDir);
+    return await Promise.allSettled(promiseList);
+ * 創建題目列表通過tag
+ * @param tagQuestionList
+ * @param baseDir
+ */
+export async function getQuestionListCodeByTag(tagQuestionList, baseDir) {
+    const promiseList = await createIdPromiseList(tagQuestionList, baseDir);
+    return await Promise.allSettled(promiseList);
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionListCodeBySlug.js b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionListCodeBySlug.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b2193b7..0000000
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionListCodeBySlug.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-import { createQuestionByTitleSlug } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/createQuestion.js'
-import { getPlanQuestionList } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getPlanQuestionList.js'
-// 获取创建promise列表
-async function createCreatePromiseList(slugList, baseDir = process.cwd()) {
-  return slugList.map((titleSlug) => {
-    return createQuestionByTitleSlug(titleSlug, baseDir)
-  })
- * 創建題目列表通過plan slug
- * @param slug
- * @param baseDir
- */
-export async function getQuestionListCodeBySlug(slug, baseDir) {
-  const { planSubGroups } = await getPlanQuestionList(slug)
-  const questionTitleList = planSubGroups.reduce((acc, cur) => {
-    acc.push(...cur.questions.map((res) => res.titleSlug))
-    return acc
-  }, [])
-  const promiseList = await createCreatePromiseList(questionTitleList, baseDir)
-  return await Promise.allSettled(promiseList)
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionUrl.js b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionUrl.js
index f976033..0c2a1cb 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionUrl.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionUrl.js
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 export function getQuestionUrl(slug) {
-  return `https://leetcode.cn/problems/${slug}/`
+    return `https://leetcode.cn/problems/${slug}/`;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/getRandomId.js b/common/utils/question-handler/getRandomId.js
index 72a615b..0725d83 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/getRandomId.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/getRandomId.js
@@ -1,57 +1,53 @@
-import { readdirSync } from 'node:fs'
-import { getQuestionListJson } from '#resources/headers/questionListJson.js'
-import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js'
-import { DefaultLimit } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
+import { readdirSync } from 'node:fs';
+import { getQuestionListJson } from '#resources/headers/questionListJson.js';
+import { graphql } from '#common/utils/http/graphql.js';
+import { DefaultLimit } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
  * 获取指定页数的ids
 export async function getIds(index, limit = DefaultLimit) {
-  const res = await graphql(getQuestionListJson(index, limit))
-  return res?.data?.problemsetQuestionList?.questions?.map(
-    (q) => q.frontendQuestionId
-  )
+    const res = await graphql(getQuestionListJson(index, limit));
+    return res?.data?.problemsetQuestionList?.questions?.map((q) => q.frontendQuestionId);
  * 获取总数
  * @returns {Promise<any>}
 export function getCount() {
-  return graphql(getQuestionListJson(0)).then(
-    (res) => res?.data?.problemsetQuestionList?.total
-  )
+    return graphql(getQuestionListJson(0)).then((res) => res?.data?.problemsetQuestionList?.total);
  * 获取随机的一个id  只要保证没有存在过就可以
 export async function getRandomId() {
-  // 去除所有的标题 剩下的就是id
-  const parse = (name) => name.replace(/\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/i, '')
-  // 获取一个 递归的获取 总会有一个 直到数量到达最大值
-  const getOne = async (waitIndexList, localIds) => {
-    const randomIndex = waitIndexList[random(waitIndexList.length)]
-    const ids = await getIds(randomIndex)
-    // 过滤后的结果
-    const filtered = ids.filter((o) => !localIds.includes(o))
-    if (randomIndex === undefined) return null
-    if (filtered.length) {
-      return filtered[random(filtered.length)]
-    } else {
-      waitIndexList.splice(waitIndexList.findIndex((i) => i === randomIndex))
-      return await getOne(waitIndexList, localIds)
-    }
-  }
-  // 所有本地题目的id
-  const allLocalIds = readdirSync(process.cwd()).map(parse)
-  // 最大的数量
-  const maxLength = await getCount()
-  const waitIndexList = Array.from({
-    length: Math.ceil(maxLength / DefaultLimit)
-  }).map((_, i) => i)
-  const one = await getOne(waitIndexList, allLocalIds)
-  if (one === null) logger.info('恭喜!你已经刷完了所有的题目!')
-  else return one
+    // 去除所有的标题 剩下的就是id
+    const parse = (name) => name.replace(/\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/i, '');
+    // 获取一个 递归的获取 总会有一个 直到数量到达最大值
+    const getOne = async (waitIndexList, localIds) => {
+        const randomIndex = waitIndexList[random(waitIndexList.length)];
+        const ids = await getIds(randomIndex);
+        // 过滤后的结果
+        const filtered = ids.filter((o) => !localIds.includes(o));
+        if (randomIndex === undefined) return null;
+        if (filtered.length) {
+            return filtered[random(filtered.length)];
+        } else {
+            waitIndexList.splice(waitIndexList.findIndex((i) => i === randomIndex));
+            return await getOne(waitIndexList, localIds);
+        }
+    };
+    // 所有本地题目的id
+    const allLocalIds = readdirSync(process.cwd()).map(parse);
+    // 最大的数量
+    const maxLength = await getCount();
+    const waitIndexList = Array.from({
+        length: Math.ceil(maxLength / DefaultLimit)
+    }).map((_, i) => i);
+    const one = await getOne(waitIndexList, allLocalIds);
+    if (one === null) logger.info('恭喜!你已经刷完了所有的题目!');
+    else return one;
  * 获取长度内的随机数组下标
@@ -59,5 +55,5 @@ export async function getRandomId() {
  * @returns {number}
 export function random(len = 10) {
-  return Math.trunc((Math.random() * len) % len)
+    return Math.trunc((Math.random() * len) % len);
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/getTestCase.js b/common/utils/question-handler/getTestCase.js
index 2862f73..673d102 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/getTestCase.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/getTestCase.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import { removeDomTags } from '../functions/removeDomTags.js'
-import { getDataStructure } from './parseStructure.js'
-import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
-import { setBlockComment } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js'
+import { removeDomTags } from '../functions/removeDomTags.js';
+import { getDataStructure } from './parseStructure.js';
+import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
+import { setBlockComment } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js';
  * 输出的日志
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import { setBlockComment } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage
 function logsTemplate(question, functionName, cases, expires) {
-  return `showLogs(
+    return `showLogs(
     data: [${cases}],
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function logsTemplate(question, functionName, cases, expires) {
     data: [${expires}],
     structure: ${JSON.stringify(getDataStructure(question.code, 'return'))}
@@ -43,59 +43,52 @@ function logsTemplate(question, functionName, cases, expires) {
  * @returns {string}
 export function getTestCase(question) {
-  // 完整的一条语句的reg
-  const inputReg = /(<[a-zA-Z]+>)?输入[:|:](<\/[a-zA-Z]+>)?.+\n/g
-  const inputStartReg = /(<[a-zA-Z]+>)?输入[:|:]/gm
-  // 输出的reg
-  const outputReg = /(<[a-zA-Z]+>)?输出[:|:](<\/[a-zA-Z]+>)?.+\n/g
-  const outputStartReg = /(<[a-zA-Z]+>)?输出[:|:]/gm
-  // 结尾
-  const endReg = /(<\/[a-zA-Z]+>)?/gm
+    // 完整的一条语句的reg
+    const inputReg = /(<[a-zA-Z]+>)?输入[:|:](<\/[a-zA-Z]+>)?.+\n/g;
+    const inputStartReg = /(<[a-zA-Z]+>)?输入[:|:]/gm;
+    // 输出的reg
+    const outputReg = /(<[a-zA-Z]+>)?输出[:|:](<\/[a-zA-Z]+>)?.+\n/g;
+    const outputStartReg = /(<[a-zA-Z]+>)?输出[:|:]/gm;
+    // 结尾
+    const endReg = /(<\/[a-zA-Z]+>)?/gm;
-  const detail = question.detail.replaceAll('`', '')
-  const cases = detail.match(inputReg)?.map(
-    (str) =>
-      `[${removeDomTags(
-        str
-          ?.replace(inputStartReg, '')
-          ?.replace(endReg, '')
-          ?.replace('\n', '')
-          .replace(/[a-zA-Z]+ =/g, '')
-      )}]`
-  )
-  const expires = detail.match(outputReg)?.map((str) =>
-    removeDomTags(
-      str
-        ?.replace(outputStartReg, '')
-        ?.replace(endReg, '')
-        ?.replace('\n', '')
-        .replace(/[a-zA-Z]+ =/g, '')
-    )
-  )
-  if (question.lang === DefaultLang) {
-    const functionName = question.code
-      ?.match(/(var|let|const).+=/g)?.[0]
-      ?.replace(/((var|let|const)|=)\s?/gm, '')
-      .trim()
-    if (!functionName) return ''
-    return (
-      setBlockComment(question.lang, 'Test Cases') +
-      logsTemplate(question, functionName, cases, expires)
-    )
-  } else {
-    // 其他语言无法支持测试 只能提供测试数据
-    // 生成注释语句
-    let showText = `暂无法支持除JS外的语言测试,提取的一些入参和返回值供自行测试,每一个case中的第一行为入参,第二行为返回值\n`
-    for (
-      let i = 0;
-      i < Math.max(cases?.length ?? 0, expires?.length ?? 0);
-      i++
-    ) {
-      showText += `case ${i + 1}:\n`
-      showText += `${cases?.[i]}\n` ?? '[参数获取错误]\n'
-      showText += `${expires?.[i]}\n` ?? '[返回值获取错误]\n'
+    const detail = question.detail?.replaceAll('`', '');
+    const cases = detail?.match(inputReg)?.map(
+        (str) =>
+            `[${removeDomTags(
+                str
+                    ?.replace(inputStartReg, '')
+                    ?.replace(endReg, '')
+                    ?.replace('\n', '')
+                    .replace(/[a-zA-Z]+ =/g, '')
+            )}]`
+    );
+    const expires = detail?.match(outputReg)?.map((str) =>
+        removeDomTags(
+            str
+                ?.replace(outputStartReg, '')
+                ?.replace(endReg, '')
+                ?.replace('\n', '')
+                .replace(/[a-zA-Z]+ =/g, '')
+        )
+    );
+    if (question.lang === DefaultLang) {
+        const functionName = question.code
+            ?.match(/(var|let|const).+=/g)?.[0]
+            ?.replace(/((var|let|const)|=)\s?/gm, '')
+            .trim();
+        if (!functionName) return '';
+        return setBlockComment(question.lang, 'Test Cases') + logsTemplate(question, functionName, cases, expires);
+    } else {
+        // 其他语言无法支持测试 只能提供测试数据
+        // 生成注释语句
+        let showText = `暂无法支持除JS外的语言测试,提取的一些入参和返回值供自行测试,每一个case中的第一行为入参,第二行为返回值\n`;
+        for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(cases?.length ?? 0, expires?.length ?? 0); i++) {
+            showText += `case ${i + 1}:\n`;
+            showText += `${cases?.[i]}\n` ?? '[参数获取错误]\n';
+            showText += `${expires?.[i]}\n` ?? '[返回值获取错误]\n';
+        }
+        showText += `\n`;
+        return setBlockComment(question.lang, showText);
-    showText += `\n`
-    return setBlockComment(question.lang, showText)
-  }
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/parseStructure.js b/common/utils/question-handler/parseStructure.js
index 1ed941a..04ece73 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/parseStructure.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/parseStructure.js
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-import { Node } from '../../structures/Node.js'
-import { TreeNode } from '../../structures/TreeNode.js'
-import { ListNode } from '#common/structures/ListNode.js'
+import { Node } from '../../structures/Node.js';
+import { TreeNode } from '../../structures/TreeNode.js';
+import { ListNode } from '#common/structures/ListNode.js';
 const paramMap = {
-  // 入参map
-  cases: {
-    ListNode: (_param) => ListNode.parse(_param),
-    'ListNode[]': (param) => param.map((res) => ListNode.parse(res)),
-    TreeNode: (param) => TreeNode.parse(param),
-    Node: (param) => Node.parse(param),
-    default: (param) => param
-  },
-  // 返回值map
-  return: {
-    ListNode: (param) => ListNode.toArray(param),
-    'ListNode[]': (param) => param.map((res) => ListNode.toArray(res)),
-    TreeNode: (param) => TreeNode.toArray(param),
-    Node: (param) => Node.toArray(param),
-    default: (param) => param
-  }
+    // 入参map
+    cases: {
+        'ListNode': (_param) => ListNode.parse(_param),
+        'ListNode[]': (param) => param.map((res) => ListNode.parse(res)),
+        'TreeNode': (param) => TreeNode.parse(param),
+        'Node': (param) => Node.parse(param),
+        'default': (param) => param
+    },
+    // 返回值map
+    return: {
+        'ListNode': (param) => ListNode.toArray(param),
+        'ListNode[]': (param) => param.map((res) => ListNode.toArray(res)),
+        'TreeNode': (param) => TreeNode.toArray(param),
+        'Node': (param) => Node.toArray(param),
+        'default': (param) => param
+    }
  * @param {Array} params
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ const paramMap = {
  * @param {string} type
 export function setDataStructure(params, structs, type = 'cases') {
-  return params.map((param, index) => {
-    const struct = structs[index]
-    const map = paramMap[type]
-    return map[struct] ? map[struct](param) : map.default(param)
-  })
+    return params.map((param, index) => {
+        const struct = structs[index];
+        const map = paramMap[type];
+        return map[struct] ? map[struct](param) : map.default(param);
+    });
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ export function setDataStructure(params, structs, type = 'cases') {
  * @returns {string[]}
 export function getDataStructure(code, type = 'param') {
-  const regexMap = {
-    param: /@param\s+{\s*([^}\s]+)\s*}/g,
-    return: /@return\s+{\s*([^}\s]+)\s*}/g
-  }
-  const regex = regexMap[type]
-  const paramTypes = []
-  let match
-  while ((match = regex.exec(code)) !== null) paramTypes.push(match[1])
+    const regexMap = {
+        param: /@param\s+{\s*([^}\s]+)\s*}/g,
+        return: /@return\s+{\s*([^}\s]+)\s*}/g
+    };
+    const regex = regexMap[type];
+    const paramTypes = [];
+    let match;
+    while ((match = regex.exec(code)) !== null) paramTypes.push(match[1]);
-  return paramTypes
+    return paramTypes;
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js b/common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js
index ca4bc22..4b99152 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js
@@ -1,228 +1,228 @@
-import { getStore, setStore } from '#common/utils/store/controller/store.js'
-import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
+import { getStore, setStore } from '#common/utils/store/controller/store.js';
+import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
  * 语言
  * @type {*[]}
 export const LANGUAGES = [
-  {
-    id: 0,
-    name: 'cpp',
-    extension: '.cpp',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/', // 块级注释 使用换行符来分割
-    lineComment: '//' // 行级注释 不需要分割
-  },
-  {
-    id: 1,
-    name: 'java',
-    extension: '.java',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 2,
-    name: 'python',
-    extension: '.py',
-    blockComment: "'''\n\n'''",
-    lineComment: '#'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 11,
-    name: 'python3',
-    extension: '.py',
-    blockComment: "'''\n\n'''",
-    lineComment: '#'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 3,
-    name: 'mysql',
-    extension: '.sql',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '--'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 14,
-    name: 'mssql',
-    extension: '.sql',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '--'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 15,
-    name: 'oraclesql',
-    extension: '.sql',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '--'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 4,
-    name: 'c',
-    extension: '.c',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 5,
-    name: 'csharp',
-    extension: '.cs',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 6,
-    name: 'javascript',
-    extension: '.js',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 20,
-    name: 'typescript',
-    extension: '.ts',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 8,
-    name: 'bash',
-    extension: '.sh',
-    blockComment: "'''\n\n'''",
-    lineComment: '#'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 19,
-    name: 'php',
-    extension: '.php',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 9,
-    name: 'swift',
-    extension: '.swift',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 13,
-    name: 'kotlin',
-    extension: '.kt',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 24,
-    name: 'dart',
-    extension: '.dart',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 10,
-    name: 'golang',
-    extension: '.go',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 7,
-    name: 'ruby',
-    extension: '.rb',
-    blockComment: '=begin\n\n=end',
-    lineComment: '#'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 12,
-    name: 'scala',
-    extension: '.scala',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 16,
-    name: 'html',
-    extension: '.html',
-    blockComment: '<!--\n\n-->',
-    lineComment: ''
-  },
-  {
-    id: 17,
-    name: 'pythonml',
-    extension: '.py',
-    blockComment: "'''\n\n'''",
-    lineComment: '#'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 18,
-    name: 'rust',
-    extension: '.rs',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 21,
-    name: 'racket',
-    extension: '.rkt',
-    blockComment: ';;\n\n;;',
-    lineComment: ''
-  },
-  {
-    id: 22,
-    name: 'erlang',
-    extension: '.erl',
-    blockComment: '%%\n\n%%',
-    lineComment: ''
-  },
-  {
-    id: 23,
-    name: 'elixir',
-    extension: '.ex',
-    blockComment: '#\n#\n#',
-    lineComment: ''
-  },
-  {
-    id: 25,
-    name: 'pythondata',
-    extension: '.py',
-    blockComment: "'''\n\n'''",
-    lineComment: '#'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 26,
-    name: 'react',
-    extension: '.jsx',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 27,
-    name: 'vanillajs',
-    extension: '.js',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '//'
-  },
-  {
-    id: 28,
-    name: 'postgresql',
-    extension: '.sql',
-    blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
-    lineComment: '--'
-  }
+    {
+        id: 0,
+        name: 'cpp',
+        extension: '.cpp',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/', // 块级注释 使用换行符来分割
+        lineComment: '//' // 行级注释 不需要分割
+    },
+    {
+        id: 1,
+        name: 'java',
+        extension: '.java',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 2,
+        name: 'python',
+        extension: '.py',
+        blockComment: "'''\n\n'''",
+        lineComment: '#'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 11,
+        name: 'python3',
+        extension: '.py',
+        blockComment: "'''\n\n'''",
+        lineComment: '#'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 3,
+        name: 'mysql',
+        extension: '.sql',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '--'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 14,
+        name: 'mssql',
+        extension: '.sql',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '--'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 15,
+        name: 'oraclesql',
+        extension: '.sql',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '--'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 4,
+        name: 'c',
+        extension: '.c',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 5,
+        name: 'csharp',
+        extension: '.cs',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 6,
+        name: 'javascript',
+        extension: '.js',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 20,
+        name: 'typescript',
+        extension: '.ts',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 8,
+        name: 'bash',
+        extension: '.sh',
+        blockComment: "'''\n\n'''",
+        lineComment: '#'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 19,
+        name: 'php',
+        extension: '.php',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 9,
+        name: 'swift',
+        extension: '.swift',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 13,
+        name: 'kotlin',
+        extension: '.kt',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 24,
+        name: 'dart',
+        extension: '.dart',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 10,
+        name: 'golang',
+        extension: '.go',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 7,
+        name: 'ruby',
+        extension: '.rb',
+        blockComment: '=begin\n\n=end',
+        lineComment: '#'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 12,
+        name: 'scala',
+        extension: '.scala',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 16,
+        name: 'html',
+        extension: '.html',
+        blockComment: '<!--\n\n-->',
+        lineComment: ''
+    },
+    {
+        id: 17,
+        name: 'pythonml',
+        extension: '.py',
+        blockComment: "'''\n\n'''",
+        lineComment: '#'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 18,
+        name: 'rust',
+        extension: '.rs',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 21,
+        name: 'racket',
+        extension: '.rkt',
+        blockComment: ';;\n\n;;',
+        lineComment: ''
+    },
+    {
+        id: 22,
+        name: 'erlang',
+        extension: '.erl',
+        blockComment: '%%\n\n%%',
+        lineComment: ''
+    },
+    {
+        id: 23,
+        name: 'elixir',
+        extension: '.ex',
+        blockComment: '#\n#\n#',
+        lineComment: ''
+    },
+    {
+        id: 25,
+        name: 'pythondata',
+        extension: '.py',
+        blockComment: "'''\n\n'''",
+        lineComment: '#'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 26,
+        name: 'react',
+        extension: '.jsx',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 27,
+        name: 'vanillajs',
+        extension: '.js',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '//'
+    },
+    {
+        id: 28,
+        name: 'postgresql',
+        extension: '.sql',
+        blockComment: '/*\n*\n*/',
+        lineComment: '--'
+    }
  * 设置编程主语言
 export async function setQuestionLanguage(lang = DefaultLang) {
-  await setStore('language', lang)
+    await setStore('language', lang);
  * 获取当前语言 - 默认语言是JS
 export async function getQuestionLanguage() {
-  const lang = await getStore('language')
-  return lang ?? DefaultLang
+    const lang = await getStore('language');
+    return lang ?? DefaultLang;
@@ -231,15 +231,15 @@ export async function getQuestionLanguage() {
  * @returns {*}
 export function getLang(lang) {
-  return LANGUAGES.find((o) => o.name.toLowerCase() === lang.toLowerCase())
+    return LANGUAGES.find((o) => o.name.toLowerCase() === lang.toLowerCase());
  * 获取文件后缀
  * @param lang
 export function getQuestionFileExtension(lang = DefaultLang) {
-  const detail = getLang(lang)
-  return detail?.extension
+    const detail = getLang(lang);
+    return detail?.extension;
@@ -248,10 +248,10 @@ export function getQuestionFileExtension(lang = DefaultLang) {
  * @returns {*}
 export function getLangByExtension(extensionLike) {
-  const reg = /\.[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$/im
-  const match = extensionLike.match(reg)
-  const extension = match === null ? `.${extensionLike}` : match[0]
-  return LANGUAGES?.find((o) => o.extension === extension)
+    const reg = /\.[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$/im;
+    const match = extensionLike.match(reg);
+    const extension = match === null ? `.${extensionLike}` : match[0];
+    return LANGUAGES?.find((o) => o.extension === extension);
  * 获取行注释
@@ -259,13 +259,13 @@ export function getLangByExtension(extensionLike) {
  * @returns {*}
 export function getLineComment(lang = DefaultLang) {
-  const langObj = getLang(lang)
-  if (langObj.lineComment !== '') {
-    return langObj.lineComment
-  } else {
-    // 因为保底是都有块级注释的
-    return null
-  }
+    const langObj = getLang(lang);
+    if (langObj.lineComment !== '') {
+        return langObj.lineComment;
+    } else {
+        // 因为保底是都有块级注释的
+        return null;
+    }
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ export function getLineComment(lang = DefaultLang) {
  * @returns {*}
 export function getBlockComment(lang = DefaultLang) {
-  const langObj = getLang(lang)
-  return langObj.blockComment
+    const langObj = getLang(lang);
+    return langObj.blockComment;
@@ -285,13 +285,13 @@ export function getBlockComment(lang = DefaultLang) {
  * @returns {*}
 export function setLineComment(lang = DefaultLang, comment = '') {
-  const lineComment = getLineComment(lang)
-  if (lineComment !== null) {
-    const lines = comment.split('\n')
-    return lines.reduce((p, line) => (p += `${lineComment} ${line}\n`), '')
-  } else {
-    return setBlockComment(lang, comment)
-  }
+    const lineComment = getLineComment(lang);
+    if (lineComment !== null) {
+        const lines = comment.split('\n');
+        return lines.reduce((p, line) => (p += `${lineComment} ${line}\n`), '');
+    } else {
+        return setBlockComment(lang, comment);
+    }
@@ -301,21 +301,18 @@ export function setLineComment(lang = DefaultLang, comment = '') {
  * @returns {*}
 export function setBlockComment(lang = DefaultLang, comment = '') {
-  const block = getBlockComment(lang)
-  const splitter = block.split('\n')
-  const lines = comment.split('\n')
-  switch (splitter.length) {
-    case 3: {
-      const start = splitter[0]
-      const end = splitter[2]
-      const startTag = splitter[1]
-      const content = lines.reduce(
-        (p, line) => (p += `${startTag} ${line}\n`),
-        ''
-      )
-      return `${start}\n${content}${end}\n`
+    const block = getBlockComment(lang);
+    const splitter = block.split('\n');
+    const lines = comment.split('\n');
+    switch (splitter.length) {
+        case 3: {
+            const start = splitter[0];
+            const end = splitter[2];
+            const startTag = splitter[1];
+            const content = lines.reduce((p, line) => (p += `${startTag} ${line}\n`), '');
+            return `${start}\n${content}${end}\n`;
+        }
+        default:
+            return comment;
-    default:
-      return comment
-  }
diff --git a/common/utils/question-handler/showLogs.js b/common/utils/question-handler/showLogs.js
index 3c98ffb..6d7728d 100644
--- a/common/utils/question-handler/showLogs.js
+++ b/common/utils/question-handler/showLogs.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import v8 from 'node:v8'
-import { Table } from 'console-table-printer'
-import { getFileSize } from '../functions/sizeUtil.js'
-import { isSameData } from '../functions/isSameData.js'
-import { setDataStructure } from './parseStructure.js'
+import v8 from 'node:v8';
+import { Table } from 'console-table-printer';
+import { getFileSize } from '../functions/sizeUtil.js';
+import { isSameData } from '../functions/isSameData.js';
+import { setDataStructure } from './parseStructure.js';
  * 执行并输出时间和内存
@@ -13,73 +13,56 @@ import { setDataStructure } from './parseStructure.js'
  * @returns {{预期结果: string, 执行结果: string, 内存占用: string, 测试结果: (string), 执行用时: string}}
 export function parseLog(fnName, param, compare, compareStruct) {
-  // 记录开始时间
-  const startTime = performance.now()
-  // 获取函数执行前的内存使用情况
-  const startHeapStatsArray = v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics()
-  const callVal = fnName(...param)
-  const [parsedCompareArr] = setDataStructure(
-    [callVal],
-    compareStruct,
-    'return'
-  )
-  // 获取函数执行后的内存使用情况
-  const endHeapStatsArray = v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics()
-  // 记录结束时间
-  const endTime = performance.now()
-  const startHeapStats = startHeapStatsArray.reduce(
-    (prev, curr) => (prev += curr.space_used_size),
-    0
-  )
-  const endHeapStats = endHeapStatsArray.reduce(
-    (prev, curr) => (prev += curr.space_used_size),
-    0
-  )
+    // 记录开始时间
+    const startTime = performance.now();
+    // 获取函数执行前的内存使用情况
+    const startHeapStatsArray = v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics();
+    const callVal = fnName(...param);
+    const [parsedCompareArr] = setDataStructure([callVal], compareStruct, 'return');
+    // 获取函数执行后的内存使用情况
+    const endHeapStatsArray = v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics();
+    // 记录结束时间
+    const endTime = performance.now();
+    const startHeapStats = startHeapStatsArray.reduce((prev, curr) => (prev += curr.space_used_size), 0);
+    const endHeapStats = endHeapStatsArray.reduce((prev, curr) => (prev += curr.space_used_size), 0);
-  return {
-    测试结果: isSameData(parsedCompareArr, compare) ? '通过' : '未通过',
-    预期结果: JSON.stringify(compare),
-    执行结果: JSON.stringify(parsedCompareArr),
-    执行用时: `${Number(endTime - startTime).toFixed(4)}ms`,
-    内存占用: getFileSize(endHeapStats - startHeapStats)
-  }
+    return {
+        测试结果: isSameData(parsedCompareArr, compare) ? '通过' : '未通过',
+        预期结果: JSON.stringify(compare),
+        执行结果: JSON.stringify(parsedCompareArr),
+        执行用时: `${Number(endTime - startTime).toFixed(4)}ms`,
+        内存占用: getFileSize(endHeapStats - startHeapStats)
+    };
 export function showLogs(fnName, paramMap, compareMap) {
-  const logsItems = []
-  const { data: paramArr, structure: paramStruct } = paramMap
-  const { data: compareArr, structure: compareStruct } = compareMap
+    const logsItems = [];
+    const { data: paramArr, structure: paramStruct } = paramMap;
+    const { data: compareArr, structure: compareStruct } = compareMap;
-  paramArr.forEach((param, index) => {
-    const parsedParma = setDataStructure(param, paramStruct)
-    const logItem = parseLog(
-      fnName,
-      parsedParma,
-      compareArr[index],
-      compareStruct
-    )
-    logsItems.push(logItem)
-  })
+    paramArr.forEach((param, index) => {
+        const parsedParma = setDataStructure(param, paramStruct);
+        const logItem = parseLog(fnName, parsedParma, compareArr[index], compareStruct);
+        logsItems.push(logItem);
+    });
-  const logTable = new Table({
-    columns: [
-      { name: '测试结果', title: '测试结果', alignment: 'center', maxLen: 10 },
-      { name: '预期结果', title: '预期结果', alignment: 'center', maxLen: 40 },
-      { name: '执行结果', title: '执行结果', alignment: 'center', maxLen: 40 },
-      { name: '执行用时', title: '执行用时', alignment: 'center', maxLen: 10 },
-      { name: '内存占用', title: '内存占用', alignment: 'center', maxLen: 10 }
-    ]
-  })
-  logsItems.forEach((item) => {
-    for (const key in item) {
-      if (key === '预期结果' || key === '执行结果') {
-        item[key] =
-          item[key]?.length >= 40 ? `${item[key].slice(0, 37)}...` : item[key]
-      }
-    }
-    logTable.addRow(item, {
-      color: item['测试结果'] === '通过' ? 'green' : 'red'
-    })
-  })
-  logTable.printTable()
+    const logTable = new Table({
+        columns: [
+            { name: '测试结果', title: '测试结果', alignment: 'center', maxLen: 10 },
+            { name: '预期结果', title: '预期结果', alignment: 'center', maxLen: 40 },
+            { name: '执行结果', title: '执行结果', alignment: 'center', maxLen: 40 },
+            { name: '执行用时', title: '执行用时', alignment: 'center', maxLen: 10 },
+            { name: '内存占用', title: '内存占用', alignment: 'center', maxLen: 10 }
+        ]
+    });
+    logsItems.forEach((item) => {
+        for (const key in item) {
+            if (key === '预期结果' || key === '执行结果') item[key] = item[key]?.length >= 40 ? `${item[key].slice(0, 37)}...` : item[key];
+        }
+        logTable.addRow(item, {
+            color: item['测试结果'] === '通过' ? 'green' : 'red'
+        });
+    });
+    logTable.printTable();
diff --git a/common/utils/store/controller/allQuestion.js b/common/utils/store/controller/allQuestion.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4b935c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/utils/store/controller/allQuestion.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import { exeOnce } from '#common/utils/store/store-realm.js';
+const oSign = '$object$';
+ * 读取的时候:从对象的字符串转化到对象的对象
+ * @param obj
+ */
+function parseQuestion(obj) {
+    if (!obj) return null;
+    return Object.entries(obj).reduce((pre, [k, v]) => {
+        pre[k] = typeof v == 'string' && v.startsWith(oSign) ? JSON.parse(v.replace(oSign, '')) : v;
+        return pre;
+    }, {});
+ * 存入的时候:从对象的对象属性转化到字符串
+ */
+function stringifyQuestion(obj) {
+    if (!obj) return null;
+    return (
+        Object.entries(obj)?.reduce((pre, [key, value]) => {
+            pre[key] = value != null && typeof value === 'object' ? oSign + JSON.stringify(value) : value;
+            return pre;
+        }, {}) ?? {}
+    );
+ * 获取一个问题对象
+ * @param id
+ * @returns {Promise<void>}
+ */
+export function getOneQuestion(id) {
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        const question = realm.objectForPrimaryKey('AllQuestion', id);
+        return parseQuestion(question?.toJSON());
+    });
+ * 存一个问题对象
+ * @param question
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+export function setOneQuestion(question) {
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        let newQuestion;
+        realm.write(() => {
+            newQuestion = realm.create('AllQuestion', stringifyQuestion(question), true);
+        });
+        return newQuestion?.toJSON();
+    });
+ * 根据模式读取对象
+ * @returns {unknown}
+ */
+export function getAllQuestion() {
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        const all = realm.objects('AllQuestion');
+        return all?.toJSON()?.map(parseQuestion);
+    });
+ * 存对象
+ * @param questions
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+export function setAllQuestion(questions) {
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        const newQuestions = [];
+        realm.write(() => {
+            for (const question of questions) {
+                const data = stringifyQuestion(question);
+                if (!data?.questionId) continue;
+                newQuestions.push(realm.create('AllQuestion', data, true));
+            }
+        });
+        return newQuestions;
+    });
+ * 删除全部
+ */
+export function deleteAllQuestion() {
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        realm.write(() => {
+            realm.delete(realm.objects('AllQuestion'));
+        });
+    });
diff --git a/common/utils/store/controller/question.js b/common/utils/store/controller/question.js
index cb83830..c22cb0e 100644
--- a/common/utils/store/controller/question.js
+++ b/common/utils/store/controller/question.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { exeOnce } from '#common/utils/store/store-realm.js'
+import { exeOnce } from '#common/utils/store/store-realm.js';
  * 根据模式读取对象
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ import { exeOnce } from '#common/utils/store/store-realm.js'
  * @returns {unknown}
 export function getQuestionByMode(mode) {
-  return exeOnce((realm) => {
-    const all = realm.objects('Question')
-    const question = all.filtered('mode=$0', mode)?.[0]
-    return question?.toJSON()
-  })
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        const all = realm.objects('Question');
+        const question = all.filtered('mode=$0', mode)?.[0];
+        return question?.toJSON();
+    });
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ export function getQuestionByMode(mode) {
  * @returns {*}
 export function setQuestion(mode, question) {
-  return exeOnce((realm) => {
-    let newQuestion
-    realm.write(() => {
-      realm.delete(realm.objects('Question').filtered('mode=$0', mode))
-      newQuestion = realm.create('Question', Object.assign(question, { mode }))
-    })
-    return newQuestion.toJSON()
-  })
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        let newQuestion;
+        realm.write(() => {
+            realm.delete(realm.objects('Question').filtered('mode=$0', mode));
+            newQuestion = realm.create('Question', Object.assign(question, { mode }));
+        });
+        return newQuestion.toJSON();
+    });
@@ -35,21 +35,21 @@ export function setQuestion(mode, question) {
  * @param mode
 export function deleteQuestionByMode(mode) {
-  return exeOnce((realm) => {
-    realm.write(() => {
-      const modes = realm.objects('Question').filtered('mode=$0', mode)
-      realm.delete(modes)
-    })
-  })
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        realm.write(() => {
+            const modes = realm.objects('Question').filtered('mode=$0', mode);
+            realm.delete(modes);
+        });
+    });
  * 删除全部
 export function deleteAllQuestion() {
-  return exeOnce((realm) => {
-    realm.write(() => {
-      realm.delete(realm.objects('Question'))
-    })
-  })
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        realm.write(() => {
+            realm.delete(realm.objects('Question'));
+        });
+    });
diff --git a/common/utils/store/controller/store.js b/common/utils/store/controller/store.js
index 5da932b..3dc3bcb 100644
--- a/common/utils/store/controller/store.js
+++ b/common/utils/store/controller/store.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { exeOnce } from '#common/utils/store/store-realm.js'
-import { typeof_ } from '#common/utils/etc/typeof_.js'
+import { exeOnce } from '#common/utils/store/store-realm.js';
+import { typeof_ } from '#common/utils/etc/typeof_.js';
  * 转化数据到特殊格式字符串
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import { typeof_ } from '#common/utils/etc/typeof_.js'
  * @returns {string}
 function convData(data) {
-  const type = typeof_(data)
-  const dataStr = type === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(data) : data.toString()
-  const prefix = `$<${type}>$`
-  return prefix + dataStr
+    const type = typeof_(data);
+    const dataStr = type === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(data) : data.toString();
+    const prefix = `$<${type}>$`;
+    return prefix + dataStr;
  * 转化字符串到数据
@@ -18,26 +18,26 @@ function convData(data) {
  * @returns {any}
 function parseData(dataStr) {
-  const prefixReg = /^\$<.+>\$/im
-  if (!prefixReg.test(dataStr)) return null
+    const prefixReg = /^\$<.+>\$/im;
+    if (!prefixReg.test(dataStr)) return null;
-  const type = dataStr.match(prefixReg)[0].replace(/[$<>]+/g, '')
-  const remainStr = dataStr.replace(prefixReg, '')
-  switch (type) {
-    case 'object':
-      return JSON.parse(remainStr)
-    case 'bigint':
-      return BigInt(remainStr)
-    case 'boolean':
-      return remainStr === 'true'
-    case 'number':
-      return Number(remainStr)
-    case 'function':
-      return () => remainStr
-    case 'string':
-    default:
-      return remainStr
-  }
+    const type = dataStr.match(prefixReg)[0].replace(/[$<>]+/g, '');
+    const remainStr = dataStr.replace(prefixReg, '');
+    switch (type) {
+        case 'object':
+            return JSON.parse(remainStr);
+        case 'bigint':
+            return BigInt(remainStr);
+        case 'boolean':
+            return remainStr === 'true';
+        case 'number':
+            return Number(remainStr);
+        case 'function':
+            return () => remainStr;
+        case 'string':
+        default:
+            return remainStr;
+    }
@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ function parseData(dataStr) {
  * @returns {Promise<void>}
 export function setStore(key, value) {
-  return exeOnce((realm) => {
-    let newStore
-    realm.write(() => {
-      const oldStore = realm.objects('Store').filtered(`key = "${key}"`)?.[0]
-      oldStore && realm.delete(oldStore)
-      newStore = realm.create('Store', { key, value: convData(value) })
-    })
-    return newStore.toJSON()
-  })
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        let newStore;
+        realm.write(() => {
+            const oldStore = realm.objects('Store').filtered(`key = "${key}"`)?.[0];
+            oldStore && realm.delete(oldStore);
+            newStore = realm.create('Store', { key, value: convData(value) });
+        });
+        return newStore.toJSON();
+    });
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ export function setStore(key, value) {
  * @returns {Promise<void>}
 export function getStore(key) {
-  return exeOnce((realm) => {
-    const all = realm.objects('Store')
-    const storeObj = all.filtered('key=$0', key)?.[0]?.toJSON()
-    return parseData(storeObj?.value)
-  })
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        const all = realm.objects('Store');
+        const storeObj = all.filtered('key=$0', key)?.[0]?.toJSON();
+        return parseData(storeObj?.value);
+    });
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ export function getStore(key) {
  * @returns {Promise<void>}
 export function deleteStore(key) {
-  return exeOnce((realm) => {
-    realm.write(() => {
-      realm.delete(realm.objects('Store').filtered('key=$0', key))
-    })
-  })
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        realm.write(() => {
+            realm.delete(realm.objects('Store').filtered('key=$0', key));
+        });
+    });
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ export function deleteStore(key) {
  * @returns {Promise<void>}
 export function clearStore() {
-  return exeOnce((realm) => {
-    realm.write(() => {
-      realm.delete(realm.objects('Store'))
-    })
-  })
+    return exeOnce((realm) => {
+        realm.write(() => {
+            realm.delete(realm.objects('Store'));
+        });
+    });
diff --git a/common/utils/store/schemas/allQuestion.js b/common/utils/store/schemas/allQuestion.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d99f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/utils/store/schemas/allQuestion.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import Realm from 'realm';
+export class AllQuestion extends Realm.Object {
+    static schema = {
+        name: 'AllQuestion',
+        properties: {
+            questionId: 'string',
+            questionFrontendId: 'string?',
+            questionType: 'string?',
+            categoryTitle: 'string?',
+            title: 'string?',
+            titleSlug: 'string?',
+            difficulty: 'string?',
+            isPaidOnly: 'bool?',
+            codeSnippets: 'string?',
+            topicTags: 'string?',
+            relatedTags: 'string?',
+            translatedTitle: 'string?',
+            stats: 'string?',
+            extra: 'string?',
+            isNewQuestion: 'bool?',
+            frequency: 'string?'
+        },
+        primaryKey: 'questionId'
+    };
diff --git a/common/utils/store/schemas/question.js b/common/utils/store/schemas/question.js
index 1d3b20d..000ab51 100644
--- a/common/utils/store/schemas/question.js
+++ b/common/utils/store/schemas/question.js
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
-import Realm from 'realm'
+import Realm from 'realm';
 export class Question extends Realm.Object {
-  static schema = {
-    name: 'Question',
-    properties: {
-      _id: { type: 'objectId', default: () => new Realm.BSON.ObjectId() },
-      id: 'string',
-      mode: 'string',
-      slug: 'string',
-      title: 'string',
-      detail: 'string',
-      lang: 'string',
-      code: 'string?',
-      url: 'string?',
-      date: 'string?',
-      timestamp: { type: 'date', default: () => new Date() }
-    },
-    primaryKey: '_id'
-  }
+    static schema = {
+        name: 'Question',
+        properties: {
+            _id: { type: 'objectId', default: () => new Realm.BSON.ObjectId() },
+            id: 'string',
+            mode: 'string',
+            slug: 'string?',
+            title: 'string?',
+            detail: 'string?',
+            jsonExampleTestcases: 'string?',
+            exampleTestcases: 'string?',
+            lang: 'string',
+            code: 'string?',
+            url: 'string?',
+            date: 'string?',
+            timestamp: { type: 'date', default: () => new Date() }
+        },
+        primaryKey: '_id'
+    };
diff --git a/common/utils/store/schemas/store.js b/common/utils/store/schemas/store.js
index 9ee3f6f..8c1ebc7 100644
--- a/common/utils/store/schemas/store.js
+++ b/common/utils/store/schemas/store.js
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-import Realm from 'realm'
+import Realm from 'realm';
 export class Store extends Realm.Object {
-  static schema = {
-    name: 'Store',
-    properties: {
-      key: 'string',
-      value: 'string',
-      timestamp: { type: 'date', default: () => new Date() }
-    },
-    primaryKey: 'key'
-  }
+    static schema = {
+        name: 'Store',
+        properties: {
+            key: 'string',
+            value: 'string',
+            timestamp: { type: 'date', default: () => new Date() }
+        },
+        primaryKey: 'key'
+    };
diff --git a/common/utils/store/store-realm.js b/common/utils/store/store-realm.js
index 7392047..a9b7868 100644
--- a/common/utils/store/store-realm.js
+++ b/common/utils/store/store-realm.js
@@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
-import path from 'node:path'
-import { readdirSync, rmSync } from 'node:fs'
-import Realm from 'realm'
-import { Question } from '#common/utils/store/schemas/question.js'
-import { rootPath } from '#common/utils/file/getRootPath.js'
-import { Store } from '#common/utils/store/schemas/store.js'
+import path from 'node:path';
+import { readdirSync, rmSync } from 'node:fs';
+import Realm from 'realm';
+import { Question } from '#common/utils/store/schemas/question.js';
+import { AllQuestion } from '#common/utils/store/schemas/allQuestion.js';
+import { rootPath } from '#common/utils/file/getRootPath.js';
+import { Store } from '#common/utils/store/schemas/store.js';
-const localPath = path.resolve(rootPath, 'resources/stores/store.realm')
+const localPath = path.resolve(rootPath, 'resources/stores/store.realm');
  * 开启
  * @returns {Promise<Realm>}
 export async function open() {
-  let realm
-  try {
-    realm = await Realm.open({
-      schema: [Question, Store],
-      path: localPath
-    })
-  } catch (e) {
-    if (e?.message?.includes('Migration')) await cleanStore()
+    let realm;
+    try {
+        realm = await Realm.open({
+            schema: [Question, AllQuestion, Store],
+            path: localPath
+        });
+    } catch (e) {
+        if (e?.message?.includes('Migration')) await cleanStore();
-    realm = await Realm.open({
-      schema: [Question, Store],
-      path: localPath
-    })
-  }
-  return realm
+        realm = await Realm.open({
+            schema: [Question, AllQuestion, Store],
+            path: localPath
+        });
+    }
+    return realm;
  * 执行一次
@@ -33,22 +34,22 @@ export async function open() {
  * @returns {Promise<void>}
 export async function exeOnce(callback) {
-  const realm = await open()
-  const res = await callback(realm)
-  realm.close()
-  return res
+    const realm = await open();
+    const res = await callback(realm);
+    realm.close();
+    return res;
  * 清理缓存
  * @returns {Promise<unknown>}
 export function cleanStore() {
-  return new Promise((resolve) => {
-    const dir = path.dirname(localPath)
-    const files = readdirSync(dir)
-    files.forEach((file) => {
-      rmSync(path.resolve(dir, file), { recursive: true, force: true })
-    })
-    resolve()
-  })
+    return new Promise((resolve) => {
+        const dir = path.dirname(localPath);
+        const files = readdirSync(dir);
+        files.forEach((file) => {
+            rmSync(path.resolve(dir, file), { recursive: true, force: true });
+        });
+        resolve();
+    });
diff --git a/common/utils/update/update.js b/common/utils/update/update.js
index bcce9b2..ef6b16e 100644
--- a/common/utils/update/update.js
+++ b/common/utils/update/update.js
@@ -1,83 +1,60 @@
-import fs from 'node:fs'
-import path from 'node:path'
-import { rootPath } from '#common/utils/file/getRootPath.js'
-import {
-  PackageName
-} from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
-import { url_join } from '#common/utils/http/urlJoin.js'
-import { fetch_ } from '#common/utils/http/fetch_.js'
+import fs from 'node:fs';
+import path from 'node:path';
+import { rootPath } from '#common/utils/file/getRootPath.js';
+import { GITEE_URL, GITHUB_HOST, GITHUB_RAW, NPM_URL, PackageName } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
+import { url_join } from '#common/utils/http/urlJoin.js';
+import { fetch_ } from '#common/utils/http/fetch_.js';
 // npm 中的 包地址
-const npmUrl = url_join(NPM_URL, PackageName)
-const githubUrl = url_join(
-  PackageName,
-  'master/package.json'
-const giteeUrl = url_join(
-  PackageName,
-  'raw',
-  'master/package.json'
+const npmUrl = url_join(NPM_URL, PackageName);
+const githubUrl = url_join(GITHUB_RAW, GITHUB_HOST, PackageName, 'master/package.json');
+const giteeUrl = url_join(GITEE_URL, GITHUB_HOST, PackageName, 'raw', 'master/package.json');
  * 获取远端npm库中的版本号
 export async function getNpmVersion() {
-  try {
-    const res = await fetch_(npmUrl, { method: 'GET' })
-    return res['dist-tags']?.latest
-  } catch (e) {
-    throw new Error(e)
-  }
+    try {
+        const res = await fetch_(npmUrl, { method: 'GET' });
+        return res['dist-tags']?.latest;
+    } catch (e) {
+        return false;
+    }
  * 获取github的最新提交sha
  * @returns {Promise<unknown>}
 export async function getGithubVersion() {
-  try {
-    const [{ reason: _1, value: github }, { reason: _2, value: gitee }] =
-      await Promise.allSettled([
-        fetch_(githubUrl, { method: 'GET' }),
-        fetch_(giteeUrl, { method: 'GET' })
-      ])
-    const ver = github?.version ?? gitee?.version
-    return ver
-  } catch (e) {
-    throw new Error(e)
-  }
+    try {
+        const [{ reason: _1, value: github }, { reason: _2, value: gitee }] = await Promise.allSettled([fetch_(githubUrl, { method: 'GET' }), fetch_(giteeUrl, { method: 'GET' })]);
+        const ver = github?.version ?? gitee?.version;
+        return ver;
+    } catch (e) {
+        return false;
+    }
 export function getLocalVersion() {
-  try {
-    const { version } = JSON.parse(
-      fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(rootPath, 'package.json'), 'utf-8')
-    )
-    return version
-  } catch (e) {
-    return false
-  }
+    try {
+        const { version } = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(rootPath, 'package.json'), 'utf-8'));
+        return version;
+    } catch (e) {
+        return false;
+    }
  * 检测整体的更新状况
  * @returns {Promise<{localVersion: (any|boolean), githubVersion: *, isCliUpdate: boolean, remoteVersion: unknown, isGithubUpdate: boolean}>}
 export async function checkUpdate() {
-  const remote = await getNpmVersion()
-  const github = await getGithubVersion()
-  const local = getLocalVersion()
-  return {
-    localVersion: local,
-    npmVersion: remote,
-    githubVersion: github,
-    isCliUpdate: remote !== local,
-    isGithubUpdate: github !== local
-  }
+    const remote = await getNpmVersion();
+    const github = await getGithubVersion();
+    const local = getLocalVersion();
+    return {
+        localVersion: local,
+        npmVersion: remote,
+        githubVersion: github,
+        isCliUpdate: remote && remote !== local,
+        isGithubUpdate: github && github !== local
+    };
diff --git a/common/utils/update/updateByEnv.js b/common/utils/update/updateByEnv.js
index b63f663..9312cc1 100644
--- a/common/utils/update/updateByEnv.js
+++ b/common/utils/update/updateByEnv.js
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-import { exec } from 'node:child_process'
+import { exec } from 'node:child_process';
  * 更新CLI
  * @returns {Promise<void>}
 export function updateCli() {
-  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    exec(`npm install -g leetcode-practice`, (err) => {
-      if (err) reject(err)
-      else resolve()
-    })
-  })
+    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+        exec(`npm install -g leetcode-practice`, (err) => {
+            if (err) reject(err);
+            else resolve();
+        });
+    });
diff --git a/common/view/check.view.js b/common/view/check.view.js
index f16d4d7..be0c60c 100644
--- a/common/view/check.view.js
+++ b/common/view/check.view.js
@@ -1,102 +1,92 @@
-import path from 'node:path'
-import inquirer from 'inquirer'
-import { getQuestionFileName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js'
-import { getQuestionById } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js'
-import { getQuestionByMode } from '#common/utils/store/controller/question.js'
-import { checkQuestionByPath } from '#common/utils/question-handler/checkQuestionByPath.js'
-import { getCountBySameName } from '#common/utils/file/getCountBySameName.js'
-import { getFileListBySameName } from '#common/utils/file/getFileListBySameName.js'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
+import path from 'node:path';
+import inquirer from 'inquirer';
+import { getQuestionFileName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js';
+import { getQuestionById } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js';
+import { getQuestionByMode } from '#common/utils/store/controller/question.js';
+import { checkQuestionByPath } from '#common/utils/question-handler/checkQuestionByPath.js';
+import { getCountBySameName } from '#common/utils/file/getCountBySameName.js';
+import { getFileListBySameName } from '#common/utils/file/getFileListBySameName.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
 export async function easyCheckView() {
-  const modeQuestion = [
-    {
-      type: 'list',
-      name: 'mode',
-      message: '请选择检查问题的模式:',
-      choices: ['today', 'identity', 'random']
+    const modeQuestion = [
+        {
+            type: 'list',
+            name: 'mode',
+            message: '请选择检查问题的模式:',
+            choices: ['today', 'identity', 'random']
+        }
+    ];
+    // 第一个问题 选择的模式
+    const { mode } = await inquirer.prompt(modeQuestion, null);
+    const identityQuestion = [
+        {
+            type: 'input',
+            name: 'identity',
+            message: '请输入题目编号:'
+        }
+    ];
+    let question;
+    switch (mode) {
+        case 'identity': {
+            const { identity } = await inquirer.prompt(identityQuestion, null);
+            question = !identity ? await getQuestionByMode(mode) : await getQuestionById(identity);
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'random':
+            question = await getQuestionByMode(mode);
+            break;
+        case 'today':
+        default:
+            question = await getQuestionByMode(mode);
+            break;
-  ]
-  // 第一个问题 选择的模式
-  const { mode } = await inquirer.prompt(modeQuestion, null)
-  const identityQuestion = [
-    {
-      type: 'input',
-      name: 'identity',
-      message: '请输入题目编号:'
+    // 检查题目
+    const questionFileName = getQuestionFileName(question);
+    const currentDir = process.cwd();
+    let questionDir = path.join(currentDir, questionFileName);
+    // 创建路径确认
+    const pathRightQuestion = [
+        {
+            type: 'confirm',
+            name: 'dirRight',
+            message: `是否检测当前目录[ ${currentDir} ]下的题目[ ${questionFileName} ]?`
+        }
+    ];
+    const { dirRight } = await inquirer.prompt(pathRightQuestion, null);
+    if (!dirRight) {
+        const newDirQuestion = [
+            {
+                type: 'input',
+                name: 'newDir',
+                message: `请选择新目录(基础地址为${currentDir})[按回车[Enter]终止操作]:`
+            }
+        ];
+        const { newDir } = await inquirer.prompt(newDirQuestion, null);
+        if (!newDir) {
+            logger.info('[LK-logger]用户终止操作~');
+            process.exit(0);
+        }
+        questionDir = path.join(path.join(process.cwd(), newDir), `${questionFileName}`);
-  ]
-  let question
-  switch (mode) {
-    case 'identity': {
-      const { identity } = await inquirer.prompt(identityQuestion, null)
-      question = !identity
-        ? await getQuestionByMode(mode)
-        : await getQuestionById(identity)
-      break
+    const questionParentDir = path.dirname(questionDir);
+    // 先检测有几个副本
+    if (getCountBySameName(questionParentDir, questionFileName) > 1) {
+        const selectQuestionQuestion = [
+            {
+                type: 'list',
+                name: 'selectQuestion',
+                message: `题目[ ${questionFileName} ]有多个副本,请选择要检测的副本:`,
+                choices: getFileListBySameName(questionParentDir, questionFileName)
+            }
+        ];
+        // 选择其中一个副本进行检查
+        const { selectQuestion } = await inquirer.prompt(selectQuestionQuestion, null);
+        questionDir = path.join(questionParentDir, selectQuestion);
+        logger.info(`用户选择题目[ ${questionFileName}]的副本[ ${selectQuestion}]进行检测`);
-    case 'random':
-      question = await getQuestionByMode(mode)
-      break
-    case 'today':
-    default:
-      question = await getQuestionByMode(mode)
-      break
-  }
-  // 检查题目
-  const questionFileName = getQuestionFileName(question)
-  const currentDir = process.cwd()
-  let questionDir = path.join(currentDir, questionFileName)
-  // 创建路径确认
-  const pathRightQuestion = [
-    {
-      type: 'confirm',
-      name: 'dirRight',
-      message: `是否检测当前目录[ ${currentDir} ]下的题目[ ${questionFileName} ]?`
-    }
-  ]
-  const { dirRight } = await inquirer.prompt(pathRightQuestion, null)
-  if (!dirRight) {
-    const newDirQuestion = [
-      {
-        type: 'input',
-        name: 'newDir',
-        message: `请选择新目录(基础地址为${currentDir})[按回车[Enter]终止操作]:`
-      }
-    ]
-    const { newDir } = await inquirer.prompt(newDirQuestion, null)
-    if (!newDir) {
-      logger.info('[LK-logger]用户终止操作~')
-      process.exit(0)
-    }
-    questionDir = path.join(
-      path.join(process.cwd(), newDir),
-      `${questionFileName}`
-    )
-  }
-  const questionParentDir = path.dirname(questionDir)
-  // 先检测有几个副本
-  if (getCountBySameName(questionParentDir, questionFileName) > 1) {
-    const selectQuestionQuestion = [
-      {
-        type: 'list',
-        name: 'selectQuestion',
-        message: `题目[ ${questionFileName} ]有多个副本,请选择要检测的副本:`,
-        choices: getFileListBySameName(questionParentDir, questionFileName)
-      }
-    ]
-    // 选择其中一个副本进行检查
-    const { selectQuestion } = await inquirer.prompt(
-      selectQuestionQuestion,
-      null
-    )
-    questionDir = path.join(questionParentDir, selectQuestion)
-    logger.info(
-      `用户选择题目[ ${questionFileName}]的副本[ ${selectQuestion}]进行检测`
-    )
-  }
-  const filePath = path.join(questionDir, `question${question.lang}`)
-  await checkQuestionByPath(filePath)
-  logger.info(`题目[${questionFileName}]检查完成!\n文件地址为: ${filePath}`)
-  process.exit(0)
+    const filePath = path.join(questionDir, `question${question.lang}`);
+    await checkQuestionByPath(filePath);
+    logger.info(`题目[${questionFileName}]检查完成!\n文件地址为: ${filePath}`);
+    process.exit(0);
diff --git a/common/view/create.view.js b/common/view/create.view.js
index 0e9eacf..883f6a2 100644
--- a/common/view/create.view.js
+++ b/common/view/create.view.js
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
-import path from 'node:path'
-import inquirer from 'inquirer'
-import { getQuestionFileName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js'
-import { getQuestionById } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js'
-import { getQuestionToday } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionToday.js'
-import { getQuestionRandom } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionRandom.js'
-import { createQuestion } from '#common/utils/question-handler/createQuestion.js'
-import { createQuestionCopy } from '#common/utils/question-handler/createQuestionCopy.js'
-import { setQuestion } from '#common/utils/store/controller/question.js'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
+import path from 'node:path';
+import inquirer from 'inquirer';
+import { getQuestionFileName } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionFileName.js';
+import { getQuestionById } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js';
+import { getQuestionToday } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionToday.js';
+import { getQuestionRandom } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionRandom.js';
+import { createQuestion } from '#common/utils/question-handler/createQuestion.js';
+import { createQuestionCopy } from '#common/utils/question-handler/createQuestionCopy.js';
+import { setQuestion } from '#common/utils/store/controller/question.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
 export async function easyCreateView(baseDir = process.cwd()) {
-  const modeQuestion = [
-    {
-      type: 'list',
-      name: 'mode',
-      message: '请选择创建问题的模式:',
-      choices: ['today', 'identity', 'random']
+    const modeQuestion = [
+        {
+            type: 'list',
+            name: 'mode',
+            message: '请选择创建问题的模式:',
+            choices: ['today', 'identity', 'random']
+        }
+    ];
+    // 第一个问题 选择的模式
+    const { mode } = await inquirer.prompt(modeQuestion, null);
+    const identityQuestion = [
+        {
+            type: 'input',
+            name: 'identity',
+            message: '请输入题目编号:'
+        }
+    ];
+    let question;
+    switch (mode) {
+        case 'identity': {
+            const { identity } = await inquirer.prompt(identityQuestion, null);
+            logger.info(identity);
+            question = await getQuestionById(identity);
+            break;
+        }
+        case 'random':
+            question = await getQuestionRandom();
+            break;
+        case 'today':
+        default:
+            question = await getQuestionToday();
+            break;
-  ]
-  // 第一个问题 选择的模式
-  const { mode } = await inquirer.prompt(modeQuestion, null)
-  const identityQuestion = [
-    {
-      type: 'input',
-      name: 'identity',
-      message: '请输入题目编号:'
+    const store = await setQuestion(mode, question);
+    if (!store) console.warn(`[create][${mode}]问题[${question.title}]未成功缓存`);
+    // 创建题目
+    const questionFileName = getQuestionFileName(question);
+    let questionDir = path.join(baseDir, questionFileName);
+    // 创建路径确认
+    const pathRightQuestion = [
+        {
+            type: 'confirm',
+            name: 'dirRight',
+            message: `是否在目录[ ${baseDir} ]下创建题目[ ${questionFileName} ]?`
+        }
+    ];
+    const { dirRight } = await inquirer.prompt(pathRightQuestion, null);
+    if (!dirRight) {
+        const newDirQuestion = [
+            {
+                type: 'input',
+                name: 'newDir',
+                message: `请选择新目录(基础地址为${baseDir})[按回车[Enter]终止操作]:`
+            }
+        ];
+        const { newDir } = await inquirer.prompt(newDirQuestion, null);
+        if (!newDir) {
+            logger.info('[LC-logger]用户终止操作~');
+            process.exit(0);
+        }
+        questionDir = path.join(path.join(baseDir, newDir), `${questionFileName}`);
-  ]
-  let question
-  switch (mode) {
-    case 'identity': {
-      const { identity } = await inquirer.prompt(identityQuestion, null)
-      logger.info(identity)
-      question = await getQuestionById(identity)
-      break
-    }
-    case 'random':
-      question = await getQuestionRandom()
-      break
-    case 'today':
-    default:
-      question = await getQuestionToday()
-      break
-  }
-  const store = await setQuestion(mode, question)
-  if (!store) console.warn(`[create][${mode}]问题[${question.title}]未成功缓存`)
-  // 创建题目
-  const questionFileName = getQuestionFileName(question)
-  let questionDir = path.join(baseDir, questionFileName)
-  // 创建路径确认
-  const pathRightQuestion = [
-    {
-      type: 'confirm',
-      name: 'dirRight',
-      message: `是否在目录[ ${baseDir} ]下创建题目[ ${questionFileName} ]?`
-    }
-  ]
-  const { dirRight } = await inquirer.prompt(pathRightQuestion, null)
-  if (!dirRight) {
-    const newDirQuestion = [
-      {
-        type: 'input',
-        name: 'newDir',
-        message: `请选择新目录(基础地址为${baseDir})[按回车[Enter]终止操作]:`
-      }
-    ]
-    const { newDir } = await inquirer.prompt(newDirQuestion, null)
-    if (!newDir) {
-      logger.info('[LC-logger]用户终止操作~')
-      process.exit(0)
-    }
-    questionDir = path.join(path.join(baseDir, newDir), `${questionFileName}`)
-  }
-  let filePath = await createQuestion(question, questionDir)
-  if (!filePath) filePath = await createQuestionCopy(question, questionDir)
+    let filePath = await createQuestion(question, questionDir);
+    if (!filePath) filePath = await createQuestionCopy(question, questionDir);
-  logger.info(`题目[${questionFileName}]创建完成!\n文件地址为: ${filePath}`)
-  process.exit(0)
+    logger.info(`题目[${questionFileName}]创建完成!\n文件地址为: ${filePath}`);
+    process.exit(0);
diff --git a/common/view/finder.view.js b/common/view/finder.view.js
index 3632915..1bc0a65 100644
--- a/common/view/finder.view.js
+++ b/common/view/finder.view.js
@@ -1,125 +1,200 @@
-import path from 'node:path'
-import select, { Separator } from '@inquirer/select'
-import input from '@inquirer/input'
-import {
-  createQuestionById,
-  createQuestionByTitleSlug
-} from '#common/utils/cli-utils/createQuestion.js'
-import { getQuestionByKeyword } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionByKeyword.js'
-import { getStudyPlanList } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getStudyPlanList.js'
-import { getPlanQuestionList } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getPlanQuestionList.js'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
-import { getQuestionListCodeBySlug } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionListCodeBySlug.js'
+import path from 'node:path';
+import select, { Separator } from '@inquirer/select';
+import input from '@inquirer/input';
+import { createQuestionById, createQuestionByTitleSlug } from '#common/utils/cli-utils/createQuestion.js';
+import { getQuestionByKeyword } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionByKeyword.js';
+import { getStudyPlanList } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getStudyPlanList.js';
+import { getPlanQuestionList } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getPlanQuestionList.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
+import { getQuestionListCodeBySlug, getQuestionListCodeByTag } from '#common/utils/question-handler/getQuestionListCodeBy.js';
+import { getQuestionTagType } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionTagType.js';
+import { getAllQuestion, setAllQuestion } from '#common/utils/store/controller/allQuestion.js';
+import { getAllQuestionList } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getAllQuestionList.js';
 function handleQuestionList(list) {
-  return list.map((item) => ({
-    name: `${item.name}${item.premiumOnly ? '(VIP)' : ''}`,
-    value: item.slug
-  }))
+    const questionList = [];
+    list.forEach((item) => {
+        if (!item.premiumOnly && item.name.indexOf('SQL') <= -1 && item.name.indexOf('Pandas') <= -1) {
+            questionList.push({
+                name: `${item.name}(${item.questionNum}题)`,
+                value: item.slug
+            });
+        }
+    });
+    return questionList;
 async function studyMode(baseDir = process.cwd()) {
-  const sprintInterviewCompanyList = await getStudyPlanList(
-    'sprint-interview-company'
-  )
-  const crackingCodingInterviewList = await getStudyPlanList(
-    'cracking-coding-interview'
-  )
-  const deepDiveTopicsList = await getStudyPlanList('deep-dive-topics')
-  const questionList = [
-    ...handleQuestionList(sprintInterviewCompanyList),
-    new Separator(),
-    ...handleQuestionList(crackingCodingInterviewList),
-    new Separator(),
-    ...handleQuestionList(deepDiveTopicsList)
-  ]
-  const planListMode = {
-    message: '请选择学习计划',
-    choices: questionList,
-    pageSize: 30
-  }
-  const planSlug = await select(planListMode)
-  const createMode = await select({
-    message: '拉题模式',
-    choices: [
-      { name: '单个选择', value: 'single' },
-      { name: '全部拉取(不穩定)', value: 'all' }
-    ]
-  })
-  if (createMode === 'single') {
-    const { planSubGroups } = await getPlanQuestionList(planSlug)
-    const planList = planSubGroups.reduce((acc, cur) => {
-      acc.push(
-        ...cur.questions.map((res) => {
-          return {
-            cnTitle: res.translatedTitle,
-            enTitle: res.titleSlug
-          }
-        })
-      )
-      return acc
-    }, [])
-    const singleMode = {
-      message: '请选择题目?',
-      choices: planList.map((res) => ({
-        name: res.cnTitle,
-        value: res.enTitle
-      })),
-      pageSize: 30
-    }
-    const singleChoice = await select(singleMode)
+    // const sprintInterviewCompanyList = await getStudyPlanList(
+    //   'sprint-interview-company'
+    // )
+    const crackingCodingInterviewList = await getStudyPlanList('cracking-coding-interview');
+    const deepDiveTopicsList = await getStudyPlanList('deep-dive-topics');
+    const questionList = [
+        // ...handleQuestionList(sprintInterviewCompanyList),
+        // new Separator(),
+        ...handleQuestionList(crackingCodingInterviewList),
+        new Separator(),
+        ...handleQuestionList(deepDiveTopicsList)
+    ];
+    const planListMode = {
+        message: '请选择学习计划',
+        choices: questionList,
+        pageSize: 30
+    };
+    const planSlug = await select(planListMode);
+    const createMode = await select({
+        message: '拉题模式',
+        choices: [
+            { name: '单个选择', value: 'single' },
+            { name: '全部拉取(不穩定)', value: 'all' }
+        ]
+    });
+    if (createMode === 'single') {
+        const { planSubGroups } = await getPlanQuestionList(planSlug);
+        const planList = planSubGroups.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+            acc.push(
+                ...cur.questions.map((res) => {
+                    return {
+                        cnTitle: res.translatedTitle,
+                        enTitle: res.titleSlug
+                    };
+                })
+            );
+            return acc;
+        }, []);
+        const singleMode = {
+            message: '请选择题目?',
+            choices: planList.map((res) => ({
+                name: res.cnTitle,
+                value: res.enTitle
+            })),
+            pageSize: 30
+        };
+        const singleChoice = await select(singleMode);
-    await createQuestionByTitleSlug(singleChoice, baseDir)
-  }
-  if (createMode === 'all') {
-    const dir = path.resolve(baseDir, planSlug.toString())
-    logger.off()
-    await getQuestionListCodeBySlug(planSlug, dir)
-    logger.on()
-    logger.info(`题目全部拉取完成: file://${dir}`)
-  }
+        await createQuestionByTitleSlug(singleChoice, baseDir);
+    }
+    if (createMode === 'all') {
+        const dir = path.resolve(baseDir, planSlug.toString());
+        logger.off();
+        await getQuestionListCodeBySlug(planSlug, dir);
+        logger.on();
+        logger.info(`题目全部拉取完成: file://${dir}`);
+    }
 async function keywordMode(baseDir = process.cwd()) {
-  const keyword = await input({ message: '请输入关键词', name: 'keyword' })
-  const data = await getQuestionByKeyword(keyword)
-  const list = data?.map((q) => {
-    return {
-      name: `${q.frontendQuestionId}.${q.titleCn}`,
-      value: q.frontendQuestionId
-    }
-  })
-  const listQuestion = {
-    type: 'list',
-    name: 'chooseQuestion',
-    message: '请选择题目',
-    choices: list
-  }
-  const chooseQuestion = await select(listQuestion)
-  await createQuestionById(chooseQuestion, baseDir)
+    const keyword = await input({ message: '请输入关键词', name: 'keyword' });
+    const data = await getQuestionByKeyword(keyword);
+    const list = data?.map((q) => {
+        return {
+            name: `${q.frontendQuestionId}.${q.titleCn}`,
+            value: q.frontendQuestionId
+        };
+    });
+    const listQuestion = {
+        type: 'list',
+        name: 'chooseQuestion',
+        message: '请选择题目',
+        choices: list,
+        pageSize: 30
+    };
+    const chooseQuestion = await select(listQuestion);
+    await createQuestionById(chooseQuestion, baseDir);
-async function selectMode(baseDir) {
-  logger.info(baseDir)
+async function selectMode(baseDir = process.cwd()) {
+    const questionTagList = await getQuestionTagType();
+    const tagList = questionTagList.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+        acc.push(
+            ...cur.tagRelation.map((res) => {
+                return {
+                    name: `${res.tag.nameTranslated ? res.tag.nameTranslated : res.tag.name}(${res.questionNum})`,
+                    value: res.tag.slug
+                };
+            })
+        );
+        return acc;
+    }, []);
+    const tagQuestion = {
+        type: 'list',
+        name: 'chooseTag',
+        message: '请选择标签',
+        choices: tagList,
+        pageSize: 30
+    };
+    const chooseTag = await select(tagQuestion);
+    const allQuestion = await getAllQuestion();
+    // 未发现题目 所以先自动拉取题目
+    if (!allQuestion?.length) {
+        logger.info('本地数据库未初始化,自动执行初始化流程,请稍等~');
+        try {
+            const allQuestionData = await getAllQuestionList();
+            await setAllQuestion(allQuestionData);
+            const newData = await getAllQuestion();
+            allQuestion.push(...newData);
+        } catch (e) {
+            logger.error('初始化失败!终止.');
+            process.exit(0);
+        } finally {
+            logger.info('本地数据库初始化完成.');
+        }
+    }
+    const tagQuestionList = allQuestion.filter((question) => question.topicTags?.some((topic) => topic.slug === chooseTag));
+    if (!tagQuestionList?.length) {
+        logger.info('您选择的类型暂无可拉取题目~');
+        process.exit(0);
+    }
+    const createMode = await select({
+        message: '拉题模式',
+        choices: [
+            { name: '单个选择(不穩定)', value: 'single' },
+            { name: '全部拉取(不穩定)', value: 'all' }
+        ]
+    });
+    if (createMode === 'single') {
+        const singleMode = {
+            type: 'list',
+            name: 'chooseTagQuestion',
+            message: '请选择题目',
+            choices: tagQuestionList.map((res) => ({
+                name: res.translatedTitle,
+                value: res.questionId
+            })),
+            pageSize: 30
+        };
+        const singleChoice = await select(singleMode);
+        await createQuestionById(singleChoice, baseDir);
+    }
+    if (createMode === 'all') {
+        const dir = path.resolve(baseDir, chooseTag.toString());
+        logger.off();
+        await getQuestionListCodeByTag(tagQuestionList, dir);
+        logger.on();
+        logger.info(`题目全部拉取完成: file://${dir}`);
+    }
 export async function easyFinderView(baseDir = process.cwd()) {
-  const choices = [
-    { name: '关键词搜索', value: 'keyword', description: '关键词描述' },
-    { name: '学习计划', value: 'study', description: '企业和经典面试题目列表' },
-    { name: '筛选模式', value: 'select', description: '筛选题目' }
-  ]
+    const choices = [
+        { name: '关键词搜索', value: 'keyword', description: '关键词描述' },
+        { name: '学习计划', value: 'study', description: '企业和经典面试题目列表' },
+        { name: '筛选模式', value: 'select', description: '筛选题目' }
+    ];
-  const modeQuestion = {
-    message: '请选择查找的模式?',
-    choices
-  }
-  const mode = await select(modeQuestion)
+    const modeQuestion = {
+        message: '请选择查找的模式?',
+        choices
+    };
+    const mode = await select(modeQuestion);
-  const modeMap = {
-    study: studyMode,
-    keyword: keywordMode,
-    select: selectMode
-  }
-  await modeMap[mode](baseDir)
+    const modeMap = {
+        study: studyMode,
+        keyword: keywordMode,
+        select: selectMode
+    };
+    await modeMap[mode](baseDir);
diff --git a/common/view/language.view.js b/common/view/language.view.js
index 75d461c..60d5a21 100644
--- a/common/view/language.view.js
+++ b/common/view/language.view.js
@@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
-import inquirer from 'inquirer'
-import {
-  setQuestionLanguage
-} from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js'
-import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
+import inquirer from 'inquirer';
+import { LANGUAGES, setQuestionLanguage } from '#common/utils/question-handler/questionLanguage.js';
+import { DefaultLang } from '#common/constants/question.const.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
 export async function easyLanguageView(defaultLang = DefaultLang) {
-  const list = LANGUAGES.map((o) => o.name)
-  const setQuestion = [
-    {
-      type: 'list',
-      name: 'newSet',
-      message:
-        '请确认你要设置CLI的语言环境(如果选项匹配成功,那么按下回车确认即可)',
-      choices: list,
-      default: defaultLang
-    }
-  ]
-  const { newSet } = await inquirer.prompt(setQuestion, null)
-  logger.info('设置语言环境为:', newSet)
-  await setQuestionLanguage(newSet)
-  process.exit(0)
+    const list = LANGUAGES.map((o) => o.name);
+    const setQuestion = [
+        {
+            type: 'list',
+            name: 'newSet',
+            message: '请确认你要设置CLI的语言环境(如果选项匹配成功,那么按下回车确认即可)',
+            choices: list,
+            default: defaultLang
+        }
+    ];
+    const { newSet } = await inquirer.prompt(setQuestion, null);
+    logger.info('设置语言环境为:', newSet);
+    await setQuestionLanguage(newSet);
+    process.exit(0);
diff --git a/common/view/update.view.js b/common/view/update.view.js
index 2d07757..4ebcd7b 100644
--- a/common/view/update.view.js
+++ b/common/view/update.view.js
@@ -1,37 +1,31 @@
-import inquirer from 'inquirer'
-import { checkUpdate } from '#common/utils/update/update.js'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
-import { updateCli } from '#common/utils/update/updateByEnv.js'
+import inquirer from 'inquirer';
+import { checkUpdate } from '#common/utils/update/update.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
+import { updateCli } from '#common/utils/update/updateByEnv.js';
 export async function easyUpdateView() {
-  const {
-    localVersion = '未检出',
-    npmVersion = '未检出',
-    isCliUpdate
-  } = await checkUpdate()
-  logger.info(`当前版本:[ ${localVersion} ] npm包最新版本:[ ${npmVersion} ]`)
-  // 3. 询问是否更新
-  if (isCliUpdate) {
-    const checkQuestion = {
-      type: 'confirm',
-      name: 'willUpdate',
-      message: `检测到可更新版本[ ${npmVersion} ],是否进行更新?`
-    }
-    const { willUpdate } = await inquirer.prompt(checkQuestion, null)
-    if (willUpdate) {
-      // 4.1 选择更新
-      logger.info('开始更新...')
-      await updateCli()
-      logger.info('更新完成~祝你使用愉快~')
+    const { localVersion = '未检出', npmVersion = '未检出', isCliUpdate } = await checkUpdate();
+    logger.info(`当前版本:[ ${localVersion} ] npm包最新版本:[ ${npmVersion} ]`);
+    // 3. 询问是否更新
+    if (isCliUpdate) {
+        const checkQuestion = {
+            type: 'confirm',
+            name: 'willUpdate',
+            message: `检测到可更新版本[ ${npmVersion} ],是否进行更新?`
+        };
+        const { willUpdate } = await inquirer.prompt(checkQuestion, null);
+        if (willUpdate) {
+            // 4.1 选择更新
+            logger.info('开始更新...');
+            await updateCli();
+            logger.info('更新完成~祝你使用愉快~');
+        } else {
+            // 4.2 取消更新
+            logger.info('你选择跳过此次更新,如果想要进行更新,随时可以使用参数 -u 进行更新检测!祝你使用愉快~');
+        }
+        process.exit(0);
     } else {
-      // 4.2 取消更新
-      logger.info(
-        '你选择跳过此次更新,如果想要进行更新,随时可以使用参数 -u 进行更新检测!祝你使用愉快~'
-      )
+        logger.info('当前已是最新版本!祝你使用愉快~');
+        process.exit(0);
-    process.exit(0)
-  } else {
-    logger.info('当前已是最新版本!祝你使用愉快~')
-    process.exit(0)
-  }
diff --git a/esbuild.config.js b/esbuild.config.js
index 3a0abea..86966c6 100644
--- a/esbuild.config.js
+++ b/esbuild.config.js
@@ -1,128 +1,110 @@
-import path from 'node:path'
-import fs from 'node:fs'
-import esbuild from 'esbuild'
-import { rootPath } from '#common/utils/file/getRootPath.js'
-import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js'
+import path from 'node:path';
+import fs from 'node:fs';
+import esbuild from 'esbuild';
+import { rootPath } from '#common/utils/file/getRootPath.js';
+import { logger } from '#common/utils/logger/logger.js';
 // 读取 package.json 文件内容
-const packageJson = JSON.parse(
-  fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(rootPath, 'package.json'), 'utf-8')
+const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(rootPath, 'package.json'), 'utf-8'));
 const esbuildConfig = {
-  entryPoints: ['bin/lk.js', 'bin/lf.js', 'bin/lc.js'],
-  outdir: 'pl-cli/bin',
-  platform: 'node',
-  target: ['node20'],
-  format: 'esm',
-  bundle: true,
-  minify: true,
-  packages: 'external',
-  define: {
-    'process.env.VERSION': JSON.stringify(packageJson.version)
-  }
+    entryPoints: ['bin/lk.js', 'bin/lf.js', 'bin/lc.js'],
+    outdir: 'pl-cli/bin',
+    platform: 'node',
+    target: ['node20'],
+    format: 'esm',
+    bundle: true,
+    minify: true,
+    packages: 'external',
+    define: {
+        'process.env.VERSION': JSON.stringify(packageJson.version)
+    }
 const buildBinConfig = {
-  lk: 'bin/lk.js',
-  lf: 'bin/lf.js',
-  lc: 'bin/lc.js'
-const publishExcludeFields = [
-  'scripts',
-  'devDependencies',
-  'imports',
-  'main',
-  'config',
-  'packageManager'
+    lk: 'bin/lk.js',
+    lf: 'bin/lf.js',
+    lc: 'bin/lc.js'
+const publishExcludeFields = ['scripts', 'devDependencies', 'imports', 'main', 'config', 'packageManager'];
 // 清理文件
 function clean() {
-  return new Promise((resolve) => {
-    fs.rm(path.resolve(rootPath, 'pl-cli'), { recursive: true }, (err) => {
-      if (err) resolve()
-      else resolve()
-    })
-  })
+    return new Promise((resolve) => {
+        fs.rm(path.resolve(rootPath, 'pl-cli'), { recursive: true }, (err) => {
+            if (err) resolve();
+            else resolve();
+        });
+    });
  * 复制文档
 function copyDocs() {
-  // 创建docs
-  const docs = ['README.md', 'README_CN.md', 'README_JP.md']
-  docs.forEach((doc) => {
-    fs.copyFileSync(
-      path.resolve(rootPath, doc),
-      path.resolve(rootPath, `pl-cli/${doc}`)
-    )
-  })
-  fs.copyFileSync(
-    path.resolve(rootPath, 'LICENSE'),
-    path.resolve(rootPath, 'pl-cli/LICENSE')
-  )
+    // 创建docs
+    const docs = ['README.md', 'README_CN.md', 'README_JP.md'];
+    docs.forEach((doc) => {
+        fs.copyFileSync(path.resolve(rootPath, doc), path.resolve(rootPath, `pl-cli/${doc}`));
+    });
+    fs.copyFileSync(path.resolve(rootPath, 'LICENSE'), path.resolve(rootPath, 'pl-cli/LICENSE'));
  * 重写包文件
 function rewritePackageFile() {
-  const newPackageJson = Object.assign(packageJson, {
-    bin: buildBinConfig
-  })
-  publishExcludeFields?.forEach((key) => {
-    delete newPackageJson[key]
-  })
-  fs.writeFileSync(
-    path.resolve(rootPath, 'pl-cli/package.json'),
-    JSON.stringify(newPackageJson)
-  )
+    const newPackageJson = Object.assign(packageJson, {
+        bin: buildBinConfig
+    });
+    publishExcludeFields?.forEach((key) => {
+        delete newPackageJson[key];
+    });
+    fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(rootPath, 'pl-cli/package.json'), JSON.stringify(newPackageJson));
  * 创建原始目录下的文件 需要将js转化成压缩后的形式
 function createOrigin() {
-  const originFiles = fs
-    .readdirSync(path.resolve(rootPath, 'common/origin'))
-    ?.filter((path) => path.endsWith('.js'))
-    .map((file) => path.resolve(rootPath, `common/origin/${file}`))
-  esbuild.buildSync({
-    entryPoints: originFiles,
-    minify: true,
-    bundle: true,
-    outdir: 'pl-cli/origin',
-    platform: 'node',
-    target: ['node20'],
-    packages: 'external',
-    format: 'esm'
-  })
+    const originFiles = fs
+        .readdirSync(path.resolve(rootPath, 'common/origin'))
+        ?.filter((path) => path.endsWith('.js'))
+        .map((file) => path.resolve(rootPath, `common/origin/${file}`));
+    esbuild.buildSync({
+        entryPoints: originFiles,
+        minify: true,
+        bundle: true,
+        outdir: 'pl-cli/origin',
+        platform: 'node',
+        target: ['node20'],
+        packages: 'external',
+        format: 'esm'
+    });
  * 构建完成之后的流程
 function afterBuild() {
-  copyDocs()
-  rewritePackageFile()
-  createOrigin()
+    copyDocs();
+    rewritePackageFile();
+    createOrigin();
  * 主进程
 async function main() {
-  await clean()
-  await esbuild
-    .build(esbuildConfig)
-    .then(() => {
-      // 构建完成后执行的操作
-      afterBuild()
-      logger.info('[LP]脚本打包完成,请查看目录[ pl-cli ].')
-      process.exit(0)
-    })
-    .catch((e) => {
-      logger.error('[LP]脚本打包失败', e)
-      process.exit(1)
-    })
+    await clean();
+    await esbuild
+        .build(esbuildConfig)
+        .then(() => {
+            // 构建完成后执行的操作
+            afterBuild();
+            logger.info('[LP]脚本打包完成,请查看目录[ pl-cli ].');
+            process.exit(0);
+        })
+        .catch((e) => {
+            logger.error('[LP]脚本打包失败', e);
+            process.exit(1);
+        });
-await main()
+await main();
diff --git a/eslint.config.js b/eslint.config.js
index 4d0a629..c2dffd9 100644
--- a/eslint.config.js
+++ b/eslint.config.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import antfu from '@antfu/eslint-config'
+import antfu from '@antfu/eslint-config';
 export default antfu({
-  rules: {
-    'node/prefer-global/process': 'off',
-    'no-console': 'off',
-    'no-irregular-whitespace': 'off',
-    'eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable': 'off',
-    'no-cond-assign': 'off'
-  }
+    rules: {
+        'node/prefer-global/process': 'off',
+        'no-console': 'off',
+        'no-irregular-whitespace': 'off',
+        'eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable': 'off',
+        'no-cond-assign': 'off'
+    }
diff --git a/jsconfig.json b/jsconfig.json
index 18a0e05..b010d48 100644
--- a/jsconfig.json
+++ b/jsconfig.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-  "compilerOptions": {
-    "baseUrl": "./",
-    "paths": {
-      "#common/*": ["./common/*"],
-      "#resources/*": ["./resources/*"]
+    "compilerOptions": {
+        "baseUrl": "./",
+        "paths": {
+            "#common/*": ["./common/*"],
+            "#resources/*": ["./resources/*"]
+        }
-  }
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 34a1dcf..d187e85 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,95 +1,94 @@
-  "name": "leetcode-practice",
-  "type": "module",
-  "version": "1.0.9-4",
-  "packageManager": "yarn@1.22.0",
-  "description": "A powerful practice platform for leetcode.Using any way you want to create questions.",
-  "author": {
-    "name": "EternalHeart",
-    "email": "hao131462@qq.com"
-  },
-  "publishConfig": {
-    "registry": "https://registry.npmjs.org/"
-  },
-  "license": "ISC",
-  "repository": {
-    "type": "git",
-    "url": "git+https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice.git"
-  },
-  "imports": {
-    "#common/*": "./common/*",
-    "#resources/*": "./resources/*"
-  },
-  "bin": {
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-    "lf": "bin/lf.js",
-    "lc": "bin/lc.js"
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-    "lk": "node bin/lk.js -d src",
-    "lf": "node bin/lf.js -d src",
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-    "publish-cli": "cd pl-cli && npm publish --registry https://registry.npmjs.org/",
-    "unpublish-cli": "cd pl-cli && npm unpublish --force --registry https://registry.npmjs.org/",
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-    "test": "vitest run --reporter=verbose --teardown-timeout=5000 --pool=forks",
-    "coverage": "vitest run --coverage --pool=forks",
-    "format": "prettier --write .",
-    "lint": "eslint . --fix",
-    "lint:all": "eslint .",
-    "prepare": "husky install",
-    "create-color-font": "node scripts/create-color-font.js",
-    "release": "release-it",
-    "try-release": "release-it --dry-run",
-    "rebase": "HUSKY=0 git rebase "
-  },
-  "dependencies": {
-    "@inquirer/input": "^2.0.1",
-    "@inquirer/select": "^2.0.0",
-    "chalk": "^5.3.0",
-    "commander": "^12.0.0",
-    "console-table-printer": "^2.12.0",
-    "glob": "^10.3.10",
-    "inquirer": "^9.2.14",
-    "ora": "^8.0.1",
-    "realm": "^12.6.2"
-  },
-  "devDependencies": {
-    "@antfu/eslint-config": "^2.8.0",
-    "@commitlint/cli": "^19.1.0",
-    "@commitlint/config-conventional": "^19.1.0",
-    "@release-it/bumper": "^6.0.1",
-    "@release-it/conventional-changelog": "^8.0.1",
-    "@types/node": "^20.11.5",
-    "@vitest/coverage-v8": "^1.2.2",
-    "commitizen": "^4.2.5",
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-    "esbuild": "^0.20.0",
-    "eslint": "^8.57.0",
-    "eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^15.0.0",
-    "eslint-config-prettier": "^9.1.0",
-    "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.29.1",
-    "eslint-plugin-prettier": "^5.1.3",
-    "gradient-string": "^2.0.2",
-    "husky": "^9.0.11",
-    "lint-staged": "^15.2.2",
-    "prettier": "^3.2.5",
-    "release-it": "^17.1.1",
-    "rimraf": "^5.0.5",
-    "typescript": "^5.4.2",
-    "vite": "^5.0.11",
-    "vitest": "^1.2.2"
-  },
-  "lint-staged": {
-    "*": [
-      "eslint",
-      "prettier --write"
-    ]
-  },
-  "config": {
-    "commitizen": {
-      "path": "./node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog"
+    "name": "leetcode-practice",
+    "type": "module",
+    "version": "1.0.9-5",
+    "description": "A powerful practice platform for leetcode.Using any way you want to create questions.",
+    "author": {
+        "name": "EternalHeart",
+        "email": "hao131462@qq.com"
+    },
+    "publishConfig": {
+        "registry": "https://registry.npmjs.org/"
+    },
+    "license": "ISC",
+    "repository": {
+        "type": "git",
+        "url": "git+https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice.git"
+    },
+    "imports": {
+        "#common/*": "./common/*",
+        "#resources/*": "./resources/*"
+    },
+    "bin": {
+        "lk": "bin/lk.js",
+        "lf": "bin/lf.js",
+        "lc": "bin/lc.js"
+    },
+    "scripts": {
+        "lc": "node bin/lc.js -d src",
+        "lk": "node bin/lk.js -d src",
+        "lf": "node bin/lf.js -d src",
+        "build-cli": "node esbuild.config.js",
+        "publish-cli": "cd pl-cli && npm publish --registry https://registry.npmjs.org/",
+        "unpublish-cli": "cd pl-cli && npm unpublish --force --registry https://registry.npmjs.org/",
+        "commit": "cz",
+        "test": "vitest run --reporter=verbose --teardown-timeout=5000 --pool=forks",
+        "coverage": "vitest run --coverage --pool=forks",
+        "format": "prettier --write .",
+        "lint": "eslint . --fix",
+        "lint:all": "eslint .",
+        "prepare": "husky install",
+        "create-color-font": "node scripts/create-color-font.js",
+        "release": "release-it",
+        "try-release": "release-it --dry-run",
+        "rebase": "HUSKY=0 git rebase "
+    },
+    "dependencies": {
+        "@inquirer/input": "^2.0.1",
+        "@inquirer/select": "^2.0.0",
+        "chalk": "^5.3.0",
+        "commander": "^12.0.0",
+        "console-table-printer": "^2.12.0",
+        "glob": "^10.3.10",
+        "inquirer": "^9.2.14",
+        "ora": "^8.0.1",
+        "realm": "^12.6.2"
+    },
+    "devDependencies": {
+        "@antfu/eslint-config": "^2.8.0",
+        "@commitlint/cli": "^19.1.0",
+        "@commitlint/config-conventional": "^19.1.0",
+        "@release-it/bumper": "^6.0.1",
+        "@release-it/conventional-changelog": "^8.0.1",
+        "@types/node": "^20.11.5",
+        "@vitest/coverage-v8": "^1.2.2",
+        "commitizen": "^4.2.5",
+        "cz-conventional-changelog": "^3.3.0",
+        "esbuild": "^0.20.0",
+        "eslint": "^8.57.0",
+        "eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^15.0.0",
+        "eslint-config-prettier": "^9.1.0",
+        "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.29.1",
+        "eslint-plugin-prettier": "^5.1.3",
+        "gradient-string": "^2.0.2",
+        "husky": "^9.0.11",
+        "lint-staged": "^15.2.2",
+        "prettier": "^3.2.5",
+        "release-it": "^17.1.1",
+        "rimraf": "^5.0.5",
+        "typescript": "^5.4.2",
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+        "vitest": "^1.2.2"
+    },
+    "lint-staged": {
+        "*": [
+            "eslint",
+            "prettier --write"
+        ]
+    },
+    "config": {
+        "commitizen": {
+            "path": "./node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog"
+        }
-  }
diff --git a/resources/headers/allQuestionRequestUrlJson.js b/resources/headers/allQuestionRequestUrlJson.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b701a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/headers/allQuestionRequestUrlJson.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export function getAllQuestionRequestUrlJson() {
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: '{"operationName":"allQuestionUrls","variables":{},"query":"query allQuestionUrls {\\n  allQuestionUrls {\\n    questionUrl\\n    __typename\\n  }\\n}\\n"}',
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/codeSubmitJson.js b/resources/headers/codeSubmitJson.js
index 4d4c52a..ab1cc44 100644
--- a/resources/headers/codeSubmitJson.js
+++ b/resources/headers/codeSubmitJson.js
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
  * @returns {{headers: {"content-type": string}, method: string, body: string}}
 export function codeSubmitJson(lang, id, code) {
-  return {
-    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
-    body: `{
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: `{
                     "lang": "${lang}",
                     "question_id": "${id}",
                     "typed_code": "${code}"
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/planQuestionListJson.js b/resources/headers/planQuestionListJson.js
index e08d174..b864bb1 100644
--- a/resources/headers/planQuestionListJson.js
+++ b/resources/headers/planQuestionListJson.js
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
  * @returns {{headers: {"content-type": string}, method: string, body: string}}
 export function getPlanQuestionListJson(slug) {
-  return {
-    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
-    body: `{"query":"\\n    query studyPlanPastSolved($slug: String!) {\\n  studyPlanV2Detail(planSlug: $slug) {\\n    planSubGroups {\\n      slug\\n      questions {\\n        titleSlug\\n       translatedTitle\\n        status\\n      }\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{"slug":"${slug}"},"operationName":"studyPlanPastSolved"}`,
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: `{"query":"\\n    query studyPlanPastSolved($slug: String!) {\\n  studyPlanV2Detail(planSlug: $slug) {\\n    planSubGroups {\\n      slug\\n      questions {\\n        titleSlug\\n       translatedTitle\\n        status\\n      }\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{"slug":"${slug}"},"operationName":"studyPlanPastSolved"}`,
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/questionCodeListJson.js b/resources/headers/questionCodeListJson.js
index 1856538..5eeba0b 100644
--- a/resources/headers/questionCodeListJson.js
+++ b/resources/headers/questionCodeListJson.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 export function getQuestionCodeListJson(slug) {
-  return {
-    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
-    body: `{"query":"\\n    query questionEditorData($titleSlug: String!) {\\n  question(titleSlug: $titleSlug) {\\n    questionId\\n    questionFrontendId\\n    codeSnippets {\\n      lang\\n      langSlug\\n      code\\n    }\\n    envInfo\\n    enableRunCode\\n    hasFrontendPreview\\n    frontendPreviews\\n  }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{"titleSlug":"${slug}"},"operationName":"questionEditorData"}`,
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: `{"query":"\\n    query questionEditorData($titleSlug: String!) {\\n  question(titleSlug: $titleSlug) {\\n    questionId\\n    questionFrontendId\\n    codeSnippets {\\n      lang\\n      langSlug\\n      code\\n    }\\n    envInfo\\n    enableRunCode\\n    hasFrontendPreview\\n    frontendPreviews\\n  }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{"titleSlug":"${slug}"},"operationName":"questionEditorData"}`,
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/questionDetailJson.js b/resources/headers/questionDetailJson.js
index 9cb0aa2..6ec9b0a 100644
--- a/resources/headers/questionDetailJson.js
+++ b/resources/headers/questionDetailJson.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 export function getQuestionDetailJson(slug) {
-  return {
-    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
-    body: `{"query":"\\n    query questionTranslations($titleSlug: String!) {\\n  question(titleSlug: $titleSlug) {questionId\\n    translatedTitle\\n    translatedContent\\n  }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{"titleSlug":"${slug}"},"operationName":"questionTranslations"}`,
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: `{"query":"\\n    query questionTranslations($titleSlug: String!) {\\n  question(titleSlug: $titleSlug) {questionId\\n    translatedTitle\\n    translatedContent\\n    jsonExampleTestcases\\n  exampleTestcases\\n }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{"titleSlug":"${slug}"},"operationName":"questionTranslations"}`,
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/questionLanguageListJson.js b/resources/headers/questionLanguageListJson.js
index fea9d0c..666c0fc 100644
--- a/resources/headers/questionLanguageListJson.js
+++ b/resources/headers/questionLanguageListJson.js
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
  * @returns {{headers: {"content-type": string}, method: string, body: string}}
 export function getQuestionLanguageListJson() {
-  return {
-    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
-    body: `{
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: `{
             "query": "\\n    query languageList {\\n  languageList {\\n    id\\n    name\\n  }\\n}\\n    ",
             "variables": {},
             "operationName": "languageList"
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/questionListJson.js b/resources/headers/questionListJson.js
index d197c2f..c1f0b59 100644
--- a/resources/headers/questionListJson.js
+++ b/resources/headers/questionListJson.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 export function getQuestionListJson(skip = 0, limit = 50) {
-  return {
-    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
-    body: `{"query":"query problemsetQuestionList($categorySlug: String, $limit: Int, $skip: Int, $filters: QuestionListFilterInput) {\\nproblemsetQuestionList(\\ncategorySlug: $categorySlug\\nlimit: $limit\\nskip: $skip\\nfilters: $filters) {\\ntotal\\nquestions {\\n  frontendQuestionId\\n  title\\n  titleCn\\n  titleSlug\\n}\\n}\\n}","variables":{"categorySlug":"all-code-essentials","skip":${skip},"limit":${limit},"filters":{}},"operationName":"problemsetQuestionList"}`,
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: `{"query":"query problemsetQuestionList($categorySlug: String, $limit: Int, $skip: Int, $filters: QuestionListFilterInput) {\\nproblemsetQuestionList(\\ncategorySlug: $categorySlug\\nlimit: $limit\\nskip: $skip\\nfilters: $filters) {\\ntotal\\nquestions {\\n  frontendQuestionId\\n  title\\n  titleCn\\n  titleSlug\\n}\\n}\\n}","variables":{"categorySlug":"all-code-essentials","skip":${skip},"limit":${limit},"filters":{}},"operationName":"problemsetQuestionList"}`,
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/questionSearchJson.js b/resources/headers/questionSearchJson.js
index ad2a370..f52a491 100644
--- a/resources/headers/questionSearchJson.js
+++ b/resources/headers/questionSearchJson.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 export function getQuestionSearchJson(keyword) {
-  return {
-    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
-    body: `{"query":"\\n    query problemsetQuestionList($categorySlug: String, $limit: Int, $skip: Int, $filters: QuestionListFilterInput) {\\n  problemsetQuestionList(\\n    categorySlug: $categorySlug\\n    limit: $limit\\n    skip: $skip\\n    filters: $filters\\n  ) {\\n    hasMore\\n    total\\n    questions {\\n      acRate\\n      difficulty\\n      freqBar\\n      frontendQuestionId\\n      isFavor\\n      paidOnly\\n      solutionNum\\n      status\\n      title\\n      titleCn\\n      titleSlug\\n      topicTags {\\n        name\\n        nameTranslated\\n        id\\n        slug\\n      }\\n      extra {\\n        hasVideoSolution\\n        topCompanyTags {\\n          imgUrl\\n          slug\\n          numSubscribed\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{"categorySlug":"all-code-essentials","skip":0,"limit":50,"filters":{"searchKeywords":"${keyword}"}},"operationName":"problemsetQuestionList"}`,
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: `{"query":"\\n    query problemsetQuestionList($categorySlug: String, $limit: Int, $skip: Int, $filters: QuestionListFilterInput) {\\n  problemsetQuestionList(\\n    categorySlug: $categorySlug\\n    limit: $limit\\n    skip: $skip\\n    filters: $filters\\n  ) {\\n    hasMore\\n    total\\n    questions {\\n      acRate\\n      difficulty\\n      freqBar\\n      frontendQuestionId\\n      isFavor\\n      paidOnly\\n      solutionNum\\n      status\\n      title\\n      titleCn\\n      titleSlug\\n      topicTags {\\n        name\\n        nameTranslated\\n        id\\n        slug\\n      }\\n      extra {\\n        hasVideoSolution\\n        topCompanyTags {\\n          imgUrl\\n          slug\\n          numSubscribed\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{"categorySlug":"all-code-essentials","skip":0,"limit":50,"filters":{"searchKeywords":"${keyword}"}},"operationName":"problemsetQuestionList"}`,
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/questionTagTypeJson.js b/resources/headers/questionTagTypeJson.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4963751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/headers/questionTagTypeJson.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export function getQuestionTagTypeJson() {
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: '{"query":"\\n    query questionTagTypeWithTags {\\n  questionTagTypeWithTags {\\n    name\\n    transName\\n    tagRelation {\\n      questionNum\\n      tag {\\n        name\\n        id\\n        nameTranslated\\n        slug\\n      }\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{},"operationName":"questionTagTypeWithTags"}',
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/questionTodayJson.js b/resources/headers/questionTodayJson.js
index 608c5fa..10805e1 100644
--- a/resources/headers/questionTodayJson.js
+++ b/resources/headers/questionTodayJson.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 export function getQuestionTodayJson() {
-  return {
-    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
-    body: '{"query":"\\n    query questionOfToday {\\n  todayRecord {\\n    date\\n    userStatus\\n    question {\\n      questionId\\n      frontendQuestionId: questionFrontendId\\n      difficulty\\n      title\\n      titleCn: translatedTitle\\n      titleSlug\\n      paidOnly: isPaidOnly\\n      freqBar\\n      isFavor\\n      acRate\\n      status\\n      solutionNum\\n      hasVideoSolution\\n      topicTags {\\n        name\\n        nameTranslated: translatedName\\n        id\\n      }\\n      extra {\\n        topCompanyTags {\\n          imgUrl\\n          slug\\n          numSubscribed\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }\\n    lastSubmission {\\n      id\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{},"operationName":"questionOfToday"}',
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: '{"query":"\\n    query questionOfToday {\\n  todayRecord {\\n    date\\n    userStatus\\n    question {\\n      questionId\\n      frontendQuestionId: questionFrontendId\\n      difficulty\\n      title\\n      titleCn: translatedTitle\\n      titleSlug\\n      paidOnly: isPaidOnly\\n      freqBar\\n      isFavor\\n      acRate\\n      status\\n      solutionNum\\n      hasVideoSolution\\n      topicTags {\\n        name\\n        nameTranslated: translatedName\\n        id\\n      }\\n      extra {\\n        topCompanyTags {\\n          imgUrl\\n          slug\\n          numSubscribed\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }\\n    lastSubmission {\\n      id\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n    ","variables":{},"operationName":"questionOfToday"}',
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/questionTypeJson.js b/resources/headers/questionTypeJson.js
index 176c020..667014e 100644
--- a/resources/headers/questionTypeJson.js
+++ b/resources/headers/questionTypeJson.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 export function getQuestionTypesJson() {
-  return {
-    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
-    body: `{
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: `{
             "query": "\\n    query questionTagTypeWithTags {\\n  questionTagTypeWithTags {\\n    name\\n    transName\\n    tagRelation {\\n      questionNum\\n      tag {\\n        name\\n        id\\n        nameTranslated\\n        slug\\n      }\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n    ",
             "variables": {},
             "operationName": "questionTagTypeWithTags"
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/headers/studyPlanListJson.js b/resources/headers/studyPlanListJson.js
index b33bd44..32a5047 100644
--- a/resources/headers/studyPlanListJson.js
+++ b/resources/headers/studyPlanListJson.js
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 // 'cracking-coding-interview' // 面试准备 · 全面通关
 // 'deep-dive-topics' // 专项计划 · 深入学习
 export function getStudyPlanListJson(type) {
-  return {
-    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
-    body: `{\"query\":\"\\n    query GetStudyPlanByCatalog($catalogSlug: String!, $offset: Int!, $limit: Int!) {\\n  studyPlansV2ByCatalog(catalogSlug: $catalogSlug, offset: $offset, limit: $limit) {\\n    hasMore\\n    total\\n    studyPlans {\\n      slug\\n      questionNum\\n      premiumOnly\\n      onGoing\\n      name\\n      highlight\\n      cover\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n    \",\"variables\":{\"offset\":0,\"catalogSlug\":\"${type}\",\"limit\":12},\"operationName\":\"GetStudyPlanByCatalog\"}`,
-    method: 'POST'
-  }
+    return {
+        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
+        body: `{\"query\":\"\\n    query GetStudyPlanByCatalog($catalogSlug: String!, $offset: Int!, $limit: Int!) {\\n  studyPlansV2ByCatalog(catalogSlug: $catalogSlug, offset: $offset, limit: $limit) {\\n    hasMore\\n    total\\n    studyPlans {\\n      slug\\n      questionNum\\n      premiumOnly\\n      onGoing\\n      name\\n      highlight\\n      cover\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n    \",\"variables\":{\"offset\":0,\"catalogSlug\":\"${type}\",\"limit\":12},\"operationName\":\"GetStudyPlanByCatalog\"}`,
+        method: 'POST'
+    };
diff --git a/resources/template/template.js b/resources/template/template.js
index 0463638..a82f250 100644
--- a/resources/template/template.js
+++ b/resources/template/template.js
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ export const template = `@Title
diff --git a/resources/text/aim.js b/resources/text/aim.js
index 056735d..863df10 100644
--- a/resources/text/aim.js
+++ b/resources/text/aim.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-export const aim = `☕️ Enjoy your time on coding.`
+export const aim = `☕️ Enjoy your time on coding.`;
diff --git a/resources/text/art-font-logo.js b/resources/text/art-font-logo.js
index 141f876..55c2d35 100644
--- a/resources/text/art-font-logo.js
+++ b/resources/text/art-font-logo.js
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ export const artFontLogo = `   __           _                _          ___
  / /  / _ \\/ _ \\ __/ __/ _ \\ / _\` |/ _ \\  / /_)/ '__/ _\` |/ __| __| |/ __/ _ \\
 / /__|  __/  __/ || (_| (_) | (_| |  __/ / ___/| | | (_| | (__| |_| | (_|  __/
 \\____/\\___|\\___|\\__\\___\\___/ \\__,_|\\___| \\/    |_|  \\__,_|\\___|\\__|_|\\___\\___|
-                                                                              `
+                                                                              `;
diff --git a/resources/text/description.js b/resources/text/description.js
index ebcc133..86094f2 100644
--- a/resources/text/description.js
+++ b/resources/text/description.js
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ export const description = `
 A powerful practice platform for leetcode.
 CLI / Template Project / Plugin, you can create question by any way you like.
 See https://github.com/wh131462/leetcode-practice
diff --git a/resources/text/examples.js b/resources/text/examples.js
index 7ea9cf6..30759d8 100644
--- a/resources/text/examples.js
+++ b/resources/text/examples.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Examples:
   $ lc -v       // Check the CLI version.
   $ lc -h       // Check the help information.
 export const lkExamples = `
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Examples:
   $ lk -v       // Check the CLI version.
   $ lk -h       // Display the help information.
 export const lfExamples = `
@@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ Examples:
   $ lf -v       // Check the CLI version.
   $ lf -h       // Display the help information.
diff --git a/resources/text/love.js b/resources/text/love.js
index 40b1b38..8586ab2 100644
--- a/resources/text/love.js
+++ b/resources/text/love.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-export const love = `Made with ❤️ by EternalHeart team.`
+export const love = `Made with ❤️ by EternalHeart team.`;
diff --git a/scripts/create-color-font.js b/scripts/create-color-font.js
index d464df3..43c97f3 100644
--- a/scripts/create-color-font.js
+++ b/scripts/create-color-font.js
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-import inquirer from 'inquirer'
-import { createColorFont } from '#common/utils/etc/createColorFont.js'
+import inquirer from 'inquirer';
+import { createColorFont } from '#common/utils/etc/createColorFont.js';
 const question = [
-  {
-    type: 'input',
-    name: 'font',
-    message: '请输入要渐变色的文本:'
-  }
+    {
+        type: 'input',
+        name: 'font',
+        message: '请输入要渐变色的文本:'
+    }
 // 第一个问题 选择的模式
-const { font } = await inquirer.prompt(question, null)
+const { font } = await inquirer.prompt(question, null);
diff --git a/scripts/loading.js b/scripts/loading.js
index 5399e09..feb12c9 100644
--- a/scripts/loading.js
+++ b/scripts/loading.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import ora from 'ora'
+import ora from 'ora';
-const loading = ora('LP!给我加载!!!!').start()
-setTimeout(() => loading.stop(), 300000)
+const loading = ora('LP!给我加载!!!!').start();
+setTimeout(() => loading.stop(), 300000);
diff --git a/test/create.spec.js b/test/create.spec.js
index da89d7e..102a844 100644
--- a/test/create.spec.js
+++ b/test/create.spec.js
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-import { afterEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest'
-import { getQuestionToday } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionToday.js'
-import { getQuestionById } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js'
-import { generateTemplateContent } from '#common/utils/question-handler/fulfillQuestion.js'
+import { afterEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest';
+import { getQuestionToday } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionToday.js';
+import { getQuestionById } from '#common/utils/question-getter/getQuestionById.js';
+import { generateTemplateContent } from '#common/utils/question-handler/fulfillQuestion.js';
 vi.mock('fs/promises', () => {
-  return {
-    writeFile: vi.fn()
-  }
-const funRegex = /var\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*function\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*{\s*([^}]*)\s*}/
-const isContainJsCode = (input) => funRegex.test(input)
-const isContainTestCase = (input) => input.includes('showLogs(')
+    return {
+        writeFile: vi.fn()
+    };
+const funRegex = /var\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*function\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*{\s*([^}]*)\s*}/;
+const isContainJsCode = (input) => funRegex.test(input);
+const isContainTestCase = (input) => input.includes('showLogs(');
-const mockKeys = ['id', 'slug', 'title', 'detail', 'lang', 'code', 'date']
+const mockKeys = ['id', 'slug', 'title', 'detail', 'lang', 'code', 'jsonExampleTestcases', 'exampleTestcases', 'date'];
 function isValidQuestion(res) {
-  const content = generateTemplateContent(res)
-  // 是否含有函数
-  expect(isContainJsCode(content)).toBeTruthy()
-  // 是否含有测试用例
-  expect(isContainTestCase(content)).toBeTruthy()
-  // 是否含有描述
-  expect(content.includes('示例')).toBeTruthy()
-  expect(content.includes('提示')).toBeTruthy()
+    const content = generateTemplateContent(res);
+    // 是否含有函数
+    expect(isContainJsCode(content)).toBeTruthy();
+    // 是否含有测试用例
+    expect(isContainTestCase(content)).toBeTruthy();
+    // 是否含有描述
+    expect(content.includes('示例')).toBeTruthy();
+    expect(content.includes('提示')).toBeTruthy();
 describe('lc', () => {
-  // 清楚mock历史记录
-  afterEach(() => {
-    vi.clearAllMocks()
-  })
-  describe('with -t option', async () => {
-    const res = await getQuestionToday()
+    // 清楚mock历史记录
+    afterEach(() => {
+        vi.clearAllMocks();
+    });
+    describe('with -t option', async () => {
+        const res = await getQuestionToday();
-    it('是否正确获取了今天的题目', () => {
-      expect(Object.keys(res)).toEqual(mockKeys)
-    })
-    it('是否正确的填充了今天的题目', async () => {
-      isValidQuestion(res)
-    })
-  })
-  describe('with -i option', async () => {
-    const id_25 = '25'
-    const res_25 = await getQuestionById(id_25)
-    const id_LCS_03 = 'LCS 03'
-    const res_LCS_03 = await getQuestionById(id_LCS_03)
-    it('是否正确的获取了指定id的题目 25', async () => {
-      expect(res_25.id).toEqual(id_25)
-    })
-    it('是否正确填充了指定id的题目 25', async () => {
-      isValidQuestion(res_25)
-    })
-    it('是否正确的获取了指定id的题目 LCS 03', async () => {
-      expect(res_LCS_03.id).toEqual(id_LCS_03)
-    })
-    it('是否正确填充了指定id的题目 9', async () => {
-      isValidQuestion(res_LCS_03)
-    })
+        it('是否正确获取了今天的题目', () => {
+            expect(Object.keys(res)).toEqual(mockKeys);
+        });
+        it('是否正确的填充了今天的题目', async () => {
+            isValidQuestion(res);
+        });
+    });
+    describe('with -i option', async () => {
+        const id_25 = '25';
+        const res_25 = await getQuestionById(id_25);
+        const id_LCS_03 = 'LCS 03';
+        const res_LCS_03 = await getQuestionById(id_LCS_03);
+        it('是否正确的获取了指定id的题目 25', async () => {
+            expect(res_25.id).toEqual(id_25);
+        });
+        it('是否正确填充了指定id的题目 25', async () => {
+            isValidQuestion(res_25);
+        });
+        it('是否正确的获取了指定id的题目 LCS 03', async () => {
+            expect(res_LCS_03.id).toEqual(id_LCS_03);
+        });
+        it('是否正确填充了指定id的题目 9', async () => {
+            isValidQuestion(res_LCS_03);
+        });
-    it('是否正确的获取了指定内容的题目 主题空间', async () => {
-      const content = '主题空间'
-      const res = await getQuestionById(content)
-      expect(res?.id).toEqual(null)
-    })
-  })
-  // describe('with -r option', async () => {
+        it('是否正确的获取了指定内容的题目 主题空间', async () => {
+            const content = '主题空间';
+            const res = await getQuestionById(content);
+            expect(res?.id).toEqual(null);
+        });
+    });
+    // describe('with -r option', async () => {
-  // })
+    // })
diff --git a/test/graph.spec.js b/test/graph.spec.js
index c86cb53..77a1db0 100644
--- a/test/graph.spec.js
+++ b/test/graph.spec.js
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
 /* eslint-disable */
-import { expect, it } from 'vitest'
-import { Node } from '#common/structures/Node'
+import { expect, it } from 'vitest';
+import { Node } from '#common/structures/Node';
 const graphArray1 = [
-  [2, 4],
-  [1, 3],
-  [2, 4],
-  [1, 3]
-const graphArray2 = [[]]
-const graphArray3 = []
-const graphArray4 = [[2], [1]]
+    [2, 4],
+    [1, 3],
+    [2, 4],
+    [1, 3]
+const graphArray2 = [[]];
+const graphArray3 = [];
+const graphArray4 = [[2], [1]];
 const graphArray5 = [
-  [2, 5],
-  [1, 3, 5],
-  [2, 4],
-  [3, 5],
-  [1, 2, 4]
+    [2, 5],
+    [1, 3, 5],
+    [2, 4],
+    [3, 5],
+    [1, 2, 4]
 const graphArray6 = [
-  [2, 5],
-  [1, 3],
-  [2, 4],
-  [3, 5],
-  [4, 1]
+    [2, 5],
+    [1, 3],
+    [2, 4],
+    [3, 5],
+    [4, 1]
 const graphArray7 = [
-  [2, 4],
-  [1, 3],
-  [2, 4],
-  [3, 1]
-const graphArray8 = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1]]
-const max = 9
+    [2, 4],
+    [1, 3],
+    [2, 4],
+    [3, 1]
+const graphArray8 = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1]];
+const max = 9;
 it('测试无向连通图', () => {
-  for (let i = 1; i < max; i++) {
-    const currentArray = `graphArray${[i]}`
-    const graph = Node.parse(eval(currentArray))
-    expect(eval(currentArray)).toEqual(Node.toArray(graph))
-  }
+    for (let i = 1; i < max; i++) {
+        const currentArray = `graphArray${[i]}`;
+        const graph = Node.parse(eval(currentArray));
+        expect(eval(currentArray)).toEqual(Node.toArray(graph));
+    }
diff --git a/test/listNode.spec.js b/test/listNode.spec.js
index c211562..5edfdad 100644
--- a/test/listNode.spec.js
+++ b/test/listNode.spec.js
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-import { expect, it } from 'vitest'
-import { ListNode } from '#common/structures/ListNode'
+import { expect, it } from 'vitest';
+import { ListNode } from '#common/structures/ListNode';
 it('toArray 正常数组', () => {
-  // 创建链表
-  const head = new ListNode(1)
-  const node1 = new ListNode(2)
-  const node2 = new ListNode(3)
-  head.next = node1
-  node1.next = node2
+    // 创建链表
+    const head = new ListNode(1);
+    const node1 = new ListNode(2);
+    const node2 = new ListNode(3);
+    head.next = node1;
+    node1.next = node2;
-  const arr = ListNode.toArray(head)
-  expect(arr).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
+    const arr = ListNode.toArray(head);
+    expect(arr).toEqual([1, 2, 3]);
 it('toArray undefined', () => {
-  const arr = ListNode.toArray(undefined)
-  expect(arr).toEqual([])
+    const arr = ListNode.toArray(undefined);
+    expect(arr).toEqual([]);
 it('toArray false', () => {
-  const arr = ListNode.toArray(false)
-  expect(arr).toEqual([undefined])
+    const arr = ListNode.toArray(false);
+    expect(arr).toEqual([undefined]);
 it('toArray 1', () => {
-  const arr = ListNode.toArray(1)
-  expect(arr).toEqual([undefined])
+    const arr = ListNode.toArray(1);
+    expect(arr).toEqual([undefined]);
 it('parse [1,2,3]', () => {
-  const listNode = ListNode.parse([1, 2, 3])
-  expect(listNode.val).toEqual(1)
-  expect(listNode.next?.val).toEqual(2)
-  expect(listNode.next?.next?.val).toEqual(3)
+    const listNode = ListNode.parse([1, 2, 3]);
+    expect(listNode.val).toEqual(1);
+    expect(listNode.next?.val).toEqual(2);
+    expect(listNode.next?.next?.val).toEqual(3);
 it('parse []', () => {
-  const listNode = ListNode.parse([])
-  expect(listNode).toEqual(null)
+    const listNode = ListNode.parse([]);
+    expect(listNode).toEqual(null);
diff --git a/test/parseFilePath.spec.js b/test/parseFilePath.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e1b8354..0000000
--- a/test/parseFilePath.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest'
-import { parseFilePath } from '#common/utils/file/parseFilePath.js'
-const path = 'src/LRC 257.pp'
-describe('parseFilePath', () => {
-  it('是否正确的转化了地址', () => {
-    expect(parseFilePath(path)).equal(`\"src/LRC 257.pp\"`, '正确解析地址')
-  })
diff --git a/test/paseDataStructure.spec.js b/test/paseDataStructure.spec.js
index 5db2133..f453a2e 100644
--- a/test/paseDataStructure.spec.js
+++ b/test/paseDataStructure.spec.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { expect, it } from 'vitest'
-import { getDataStructure } from '#common/utils/question-handler/parseStructure.js'
+import { expect, it } from 'vitest';
+import { getDataStructure } from '#common/utils/question-handler/parseStructure.js';
 const mockJSDOC_multiple = `/**
 * Definition for singly-linked list.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ const mockJSDOC_multiple = `/**
 var mergeInBetween = function(list1, a, b, list2) {
 const mockJSDOC_single = `/**
 * Definition for singly-linked list.
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ const mockJSDOC_single = `/**
 var sortList = function(head) {
 const return_void = `/**
 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * function ListNode(val, next) {
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ const return_void = `/**
 var reorderList = function(head) {
 const mockJSDOC_ListNodeArray = `/**
 * Definition for singly-linked list.
@@ -75,35 +75,33 @@ var mergeKLists = function(lists) {
-const array = ['ListNode', 'number', 'number', 'ListNode']
+const array = ['ListNode', 'number', 'number', 'ListNode'];
 it('获取入参的数据结构 多参 是数组', () => {
-  expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_multiple)).toBeInstanceOf(Array)
+    expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_multiple)).toBeInstanceOf(Array);
 it('获取入参的数据结构 多参 匹配值', () => {
-  expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_multiple)).toEqual(array)
+    expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_multiple)).toEqual(array);
 it('获取入参的数据结构 单参 是数组', () => {
-  expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_single)).toBeInstanceOf(Array)
+    expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_single)).toBeInstanceOf(Array);
 it('获取入参的数据结构 单参 匹配值', () => {
-  expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_single)).toEqual(['ListNode'])
+    expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_single)).toEqual(['ListNode']);
 it('获取入参的数据结构 单参 ListNode[]', () => {
-  expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_ListNodeArray, 'param')).toEqual([
-    'ListNode[]'
-  ])
+    expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_ListNodeArray, 'param')).toEqual(['ListNode[]']);
 it('获取返回值的数据结构 单参 匹配值', () => {
-  expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_single, 'return')).toEqual(['ListNode'])
+    expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_single, 'return')).toEqual(['ListNode']);
 it('获取返回值的数据结构 多参 匹配值', () => {
-  expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_multiple, 'return')).toEqual(['ListNode'])
+    expect(getDataStructure(mockJSDOC_multiple, 'return')).toEqual(['ListNode']);
 it('获取返回值的数据结构 单参 void', () => {
-  expect(getDataStructure(return_void, 'return')).toEqual(['void'])
+    expect(getDataStructure(return_void, 'return')).toEqual(['void']);
diff --git a/test/setDataStructure.spec.js b/test/setDataStructure.spec.js
index 732362f..5f91267 100644
--- a/test/setDataStructure.spec.js
+++ b/test/setDataStructure.spec.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { expect, it } from 'vitest'
-import { getDataStructure } from '#common/utils/question-handler/parseStructure.js'
+import { expect, it } from 'vitest';
+import { getDataStructure } from '#common/utils/question-handler/parseStructure.js';
 const jsDoc = `/**
 * Definition for singly-linked list.
@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ const mergeLists = (lists, start, end) => {
  return merge(head1, head2);
 return mergeLists(lists, 0, lists.length);
 it('测试', () => {
-  const param = getDataStructure(jsDoc)
-  const returnArray = getDataStructure(jsDoc, 'return')
-  expect(param).toEqual(['ListNode[]'])
-  expect(returnArray).toEqual(['ListNode'])
+    const param = getDataStructure(jsDoc);
+    const returnArray = getDataStructure(jsDoc, 'return');
+    expect(param).toEqual(['ListNode[]']);
+    expect(returnArray).toEqual(['ListNode']);
diff --git a/test/tree.spec.js b/test/tree.spec.js
index 63aad82..d112acb 100644
--- a/test/tree.spec.js
+++ b/test/tree.spec.js
@@ -1,44 +1,34 @@
-import { expect, it } from 'vitest'
-import { TreeNode } from '#common/structures/TreeNode'
+import { expect, it } from 'vitest';
+import { TreeNode } from '#common/structures/TreeNode';
-const mockTree = [1, 2, 3]
-const mockTree2 = [1, null, 2]
-const mockTree3 = [3, 9, 20, null, null, 15, 7]
+const mockTree = [1, 2, 3];
+const mockTree2 = [1, null, 2];
+const mockTree3 = [3, 9, 20, null, null, 15, 7];
 it('测试树', () => {
-  const node = TreeNode.parse(mockTree)
-  const result = TreeNode.toArray(node)
+    const node = TreeNode.parse(mockTree);
+    const result = TreeNode.toArray(node);
-  const node2 = TreeNode.parse(mockTree2)
-  const result2 = TreeNode.toArray(node2)
-  expect(result2).toEqual(mockTree2)
-  expect(result).toEqual(mockTree)
+    const node2 = TreeNode.parse(mockTree2);
+    const result2 = TreeNode.toArray(node2);
+    expect(result2).toEqual(mockTree2);
+    expect(result).toEqual(mockTree);
 it('测试树 toArray特殊值', () => {
-  expect(TreeNode.toArray(null)).toEqual([])
+    expect(TreeNode.toArray(null)).toEqual([]);
 it('测试树 parse 特殊值', () => {
-  expect(TreeNode.parse([])).toBeNull()
+    expect(TreeNode.parse([])).toBeNull();
 it('测试树 parse mockTree', () => {
-  expect(TreeNode.parse(mockTree)).toEqual(
-    new TreeNode(1, new TreeNode(2), new TreeNode(3))
-  )
+    expect(TreeNode.parse(mockTree)).toEqual(new TreeNode(1, new TreeNode(2), new TreeNode(3)));
 it('测试树 pase mockTree2', () => {
-  expect(TreeNode.parse(mockTree2)).toEqual(
-    new TreeNode(1, null, new TreeNode(2))
-  )
+    expect(TreeNode.parse(mockTree2)).toEqual(new TreeNode(1, null, new TreeNode(2)));
 it('测试树 pase mockTree3', () => {
-  expect(TreeNode.parse(mockTree3)).toEqual(
-    new TreeNode(
-      3,
-      new TreeNode(9, null),
-      new TreeNode(20, new TreeNode(15, null), new TreeNode(7))
-    )
-  )
+    expect(TreeNode.parse(mockTree3)).toEqual(new TreeNode(3, new TreeNode(9, null), new TreeNode(20, new TreeNode(15, null), new TreeNode(7))));
 it('测试树 pase mockTree4', () => {
-  expect(TreeNode.parse([0])).toEqual(new TreeNode())
+    expect(TreeNode.parse([0])).toEqual(new TreeNode());