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BuckleScript annotations for Unicode and JS FFI support

To make OCaml work smoothly with JavaScript, we introduced several extensions to the OCaml language. These BuckleScript extensions facilitate the integration of native JavaScript code and improve the generated code.

Unicode support (@since 1.5.1)


In this section, we assume the source is encoded using UTF8.

In OCaml, string is an immutable byte sequence (like GoLang), so if the user types some Unicode

Js.log "你好"

It will be translated into


Luckily, OCaml allows customized multiple-line string support, BuckleScript reserves the delimiter js and j.

Js.log {js|你好,

Inside the js delimiter, the escape convention is like JavaScript

Js.log {js|\x3f\u003f\b\t\n\v\f\r\0"'|js}

Unicode support with string interpolation (@since 1.7.0)

Like {js||js}, {j||j} not only allow unicode point, but also variable interpolation.

For example

let world = {j|世界|j}
let hello_world = {j|你好,$world|j}

Users can parenthesize the interpreted variable as below:

let hello_world = {j|你好,$(world)|j}

Note the syntax of interpolated variable is intentionally designed to be simple. Its lexical convention is as below:

identifier := leading_identifier_char identifier_chars
leading_identifier_char := 'a' .. 'z' | '_'
identifier_chars := 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' | '\'


Like TypeScript, when building type-safe bindings from JS to OCaml, users have to write type declarations. In OCaml, unlike TypeScript, users do not need to create a separate .d.ts file, since the type declarations are an integral part of OCaml.

The FFI is divided into several components:

  • Binding to simple functions and values

  • Binding to higher-order functions

  • Binding to object literals

  • Binding to classes

  • Extensions to the language for debugger, regex, and embedding arbitrary JS code

Binding to simple JS functions values

This part is similar to traditional FFI, with syntax as described below:

external value-name : typexpr = external-declaration attributes
external-declaration := string-literal

Users need to declare types for foreign functions (JS functions for BuckleScript or C functions for native compiler) and provide customized attributes.

Binding to global value: bs.val

external imul : int -> int -> int = "Math.imul" [@@bs.val]
type dom
(* Abstract type for the DOM *)
external dom : dom = "document" [@@bs.val]

bs.val attribute is used to bind to a JavaScript value, it can be a function or plain value.

  • If external-declaration is the same as value-name, the user can leave external-declaration empty. For example:

    external document : dom = "" [@@bs.val]
  • If you want to make a single FFI for both C functions and JavaScript functions, you can give the JavaScript foreign function a different name:

    external imul : int -> int -> int =
      "c_imul" [@@bs.val "Math.imul"]

Scoped values: bs.scope (@since 1.7.2)

In JS library, it is quite common to use a name as namespace, for example, if the user want to write a binding to vscode.commands.executeCommand, assume vscode is a module name, the user needs to type commands properly before typing executeCommand, and in practice, it is rarely useful to call vscode.commands alone, for this reason, we introduce a convient sugar: bs.scope

type param
external executeCommands : string -> param array -> unit = ""
[@@bs.scope "commands"] [@@bs.module "vscode"][@@bs.splice]

let f a b c  =
  executeCommands "hi"  [|a;b;c|]
var Vscode = require("vscode");
function f(a, b, c) {
  Vscode.commands.executeCommands("hi", a, b, c);
  return /* () */0;

NOTE bs.scope can also be chained as below:

external makeBuffer : int -> buffer = "Buffer"
[] [@@bs.scope "global"]
external hi : string = ""
[@@bs.module "z"] [@@bs.scope "a0", "a1", "a2"]
external ho : string = ""
[@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "a0","a1","a2"]
external imul : int -> int -> int = ""
[@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "Math"]
let f2 ()  =
  makeBuffer 20 , hi , ho, imul 1 2
var Z      = require("z");
function f2() {
  return /* tuple */[
          new (global.Buffer)(20),
          Math.imul(1, 2)

Binding to JavaScript constructor: is used to create a JavaScript object.

type t
external create_date : unit -> t = "Date" []
let date = create_date ()
var date = new Date();

Binding to a value from a module: bs.module

external add : int -> int -> int = "add" [@@bs.module "x"]
external add2 : int -> int -> int = "add2"[@@bs.module "y", "U"] // (1)
let f = add 3 4
let g = add2 3 4
  1. "U" will hint the compiler to generate a better name for the module, see output

var U = require("y");
var X = require("x");
var f = X.add(3, 4);
var g = U.add2(3, 4);
  • if external-declaration is the same as value-name, it can be left empty, for example,

    external add : int -> int -> int = "" [@@bs.module "x"]

Binding the whole module as a value or function

type http
external http : http = "http" [@@bs.module] // (1)
  1. external-declaration is the module name

  • if external-declaration is the same as value-name, it can be left empty, for example:

    external http : http = "" [@@bs.module]

Binding to method: bs.send, bs.send.pipe

bs.send helps the user send a message to a JS object.

type id (** Abstract type for id object *)
external get_by_id : dom -> string -> id =
  "getElementById" [@@bs.send]

The object is always the first argument and actual arguments follow.

get_by_id dom "xx"

bs.send.pipe is similar to bs.send except that the first argument, i.e, the object, is put in the position of last argument to help user write in a chaining style:

external map : ('a -> 'b [@bs]) -> 'b array =
  "" [@@bs.send.pipe: 'a array] // (1)
external forEach: ('a -> unit [@bs]) -> 'a array =
  "" [@@bs.send.pipe: 'a array]
let test arr =
    |> map (fun [@bs] x -> x + 1)
    |> forEach (fun [@bs] x -> Js.log x)
  1. For the [@bs] attribute in the callback, see Binding to callbacks (higher-order function)

  • if external-declaration is the same as value-name, it can be left empty, for example:

    external getElementById : dom -> string -> id =
      "" [@@bs.send]

Binding to dynamic key access/set: bs.set_index, bs.get_index

This attribute allows dynamic access to a JavaScript property

type t
external create : int -> t = "Int32Array" []
external get : t -> int -> int = "" [@@bs.get_index]
external set : t -> int -> int -> unit = "" [@@bs.set_index]

let _ =
  let i32arr = (create 3) in
  set i32arr 0 42;
  Js.log (get i32arr 0)
var i32arr = new Int32Array(3);
i32arr[0] = 42;

Binding to Getter/Setter: bs.get, bs.set

This attribute helps get and set the property of a JavaScript object.

type textarea
external set_name : textarea -> string -> unit = "name" [@@bs.set]
external get_name : textarea -> string = "name" [@@bs.get]

Splice calling convention: bs.splice

In JS, it is quite common to have a function take variadic arguments. BuckleScript supports typing homogeneous variadic arguments. For example,

external join : string array -> string = "" [@@bs.module "path"] [@@bs.splice]
let v = join [| "a"; "b"|]
var Path = require("path");
var v = Path.join("a","b");

For the external call, if the array arguments is not a compile time array, the compiler will emit an error message.

Special types on external declarations: bs.string,, bs.ignore,, bs.unwrap

Using polymorphic variant to model enums and string types

There are several patterns heavily used in existing JavaScript codebases, for example, the string type is used a lot. BuckleScript FFI allows the user to model string type in a safe way by using annotated polymorphic variant.

external readFileSync :
  name:string ->
  ([ `utf8
   | `my_name [ "ascii"] // (1)
   ] [@bs.string]) ->
  string = ""
  [@@bs.module "fs"]

let _ =
  readFileSync ~name:"xx.txt" `my_name
  1. Here we intentionally made an example to show how to customize a name

var Fs = require("fs");
Fs.readFileSync("xx.txt", "ascii");

Polymorphic variants can also be used to model enums.

external test_int_type :
  ([ `on_closed
   | `on_open [ 3] // (2)
   | `in_bin // (3)
   []) -> int =
  "" [@@bs.val]

let _ =
  test_int_type `in_bin
  1. `on_closed will be encoded as 0

  2. `on_open will be 3 due to the attribute

  3. `in_bin will be 4


Using polymorphic variant to model event listener

BuckleScript models this in a type-safe way by using annotated polymorphic variants.

type readline
external on :
    [ `close of unit -> unit
    | `line of string -> unit
    ] // (1)
    -> readline = "" [@@bs.send.pipe: readline]
let register rl =
  |> on (`close (fun event -> () ))
  |> on (`line (fun line -> print_endline line))
  1. This is a very powerful typing: each event can have its own different types.

function register(rl) {
  return rl.on("close", function () {
                return /* () */0;
           .on("line", function (line) {
              return /* () */0;

Using polymorphic variant to model arguments of multiple possible types (@since 1.8.3)

Sometimes a JavaScript function will accept an argument that could have different types depending upon how it’s used.

function padLeft(string, padding) {
  if (typeof padding === "number") {
    return Array(padding + 1).join(" ") + value;
  if (typeof padding === "string") {
    return padding + value;
  throw new Error(`Expected string or number, got '${padding}'.`);

You can model such a function in BuckleScript using [@bs.unwrap].

external padLeft :
  -> ([ `String of string
      | `Int of int
      ] [@bs.unwrap])
  -> string
  = "" [@@bs.val]

Polymorphic variants with [@bs.unwrap] will "unwrap" the variant at the call site so that the JavaScript function is called with the underlying value.

let _ = padLeft "Hello World" (`Int 4)
let _ = padLeft "Hello World" (`String "bs: ")


padLeft("Hello World", 4);
padLeft("Hello World", "bs: ");
  • These [@bs.string], [], and [@bs.unwrap] annotations will only have effect in external declarations.

  • The runtime encoding of using polymorphic variant is internal to the compiler.

  • With these annotations mentioned above, BuckleScript will automatically transform the internal encoding to the designated encoding for FFI. BuckleScript will try to do such conversion at compile time if it can, otherwise, it will do such conversion in the runtime, but it should be always correct.

Phantom Arguments and ad-hoc polymorphism

bs.ignore allows arguments to be erased after passing to JS functional call, the side effect will still be recorded.

For example,

external add : (int [@bs.ignore]) -> int -> int -> int = ""
let v = add 0 1 2 // (1)
  1. the first argument will be erased

var v = add (1,2);

This is very useful to combine GADT:

type _ kind =
  | Float : float kind
  | String : string kind
external add : ('a kind [@bs.ignore]) -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a = "" [@@bs.val]

let () =
  Js.log (add Float 3.0 2.0);
  Js.log (add String "x" "y");
console.log(add(3.0, 2.0));
console.log(add("x", "y"));

User can also have a payload for the GADT:

let string_of_kind (type t) (kind : t kind) =
  match kind with
  | Float -> "float"
  | String -> "string"

external add_dyn : ('a kind [@bs.ignore]) -> string -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a = ""

let add2 k x y =
  add_dyn k (string_of_kind k) x y

Using a GADT as a [@bs.ignore] argument as described to achieve a single polymorphic argument can now also be accomplished with [@bs.unwrap] above. The GADT + [@bs.ignore] approach is slightly more flexible and is always guaranteed to have no runtime overhead, where [@bs.unwrap] could incur slight runtime overhead in some cases but could be a more intuitive API for end users.

Fixed Arguments

Contrary to the Phantom arguments, _ [] is introduced to attach constant data.

For example:

external process_on_exit : (_ [ "exit"]) -> (int -> unit) -> unit =
  "process.on" [@@bs.val]

let () =
    process_on_exit (fun exit_code ->
        Js.log( "error code: " ^ string_of_int exit_code ))
process.on("exit", function (exit_code) {
      console.log("error code: " + exit_code);
      return /* () */0;

It can also be used in combination with other attributes, for example:

type process

external on_exit : (_ [ "exit"]) -> (int -> unit) -> process =
    "on" [@@bs.send.pipe: process]
let register (p : process) =
        p |> on_exit (fun i -> Js.log i)
function register(p) {
  return p.on("exit", (function (i) {
                return /* () */0;
external io_config :
    stdio:(_ [ "inherit"]) -> cwd:string -> unit -> _ = "" [@@bs.obj]

let config = io_config ~cwd:"." ()
var config = {
  stdio: "inherit",
  cwd: "."

Fixed Arguments with arbitrary JSON literal (@since 1.7.0)

So the payload can be more flexiblie with JSON literal support

type t
external x: t = "" [@@bs.val]

external on_exit_slice5 :
    -> (_ [ 3])
    -> (_ [ {json|true|json}])
    -> (_ [ {json|false|json}])
    -> (_ [ {json|"你好"|json}])
    -> (_ [ {json| ["你好",1,2,3] |json}])
    -> (_ [ {json| [{ "arr" : ["你好",1,2,3], "encoding" : "utf8"}] |json}])
    -> (_ [ {json| [{ "arr" : ["你好",1,2,3], "encoding" : "utf8"}] |json}])
    -> (_ [ "xxx"])
    -> ([`a|`b|`c] [])
    -> (_ [ "yyy"])
    -> ([`a|`b|`c] [@bs.string])
    -> int array
    -> unit
    "xx" [@@bs.send.pipe: t] [@@bs.splice]

let _ = x |> on_exit_slice5 __LINE__ `a `b [|1;2;3;4;5|]
x.xx(114, 3, true, false, ("你好"), ( ["你好",1,2,3] ), ( [{ "arr" : ["你好",1,2,3], "encoding" : "utf8"}] ), ( [{ "arr" : ["你好",1,2,3], "encoding" : "utf8"}] ), "xxx", 0, "yyy", "b", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Binding to NodeJS special variables: bs.node

NodeJS has several file local variables: dirname, filename, _module, and require. Their semantics are more like macros instead of functions.

BuckleScript provides built-in macro support for these variables:

let dirname : string option = [%bs.node __dirname]
let filename : string option = [%bs.node __filename]
let _module : Node.node_module option = [%bs.node _module]
let require : Node.node_require option = [%bs.node require]

Binding to callbacks (higher-order function)

Higher order functions are functions where the callback can be another function. For example, suppose JS has a map function as below:

function map (a, b, f){
  var i = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
  var c = new Array(i);
  for(var j = 0; j < i; ++j){
    c[j] = f(a[i],b[i])
  return c ;

A naive external type declaration would be as below:

external map : 'a array -> 'b array -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c array = "" [@@bs.val]

Unfortunately, this is not completely correct. The issue is by reading the type 'a → 'b → 'c, it can be in several cases:

let f x y = x + y
let g x = let z = x + 1 in fun y -> x + z

In OCaml they all have the same type; however, f and g may be compiled into functions with different arities.

A naive compilation will compile f as below:

let f = fun x -> fun y -> x + y
function f(x){
  return function (y){
    return x + y;
function g(x){
  var z = x + 1 ;
  return function (y){
    return x + z ;

Its arity will be consistent but is 1 (returning another function); however, we expect its arity to be 2.

Bucklescript uses a more complex compilation strategy, compiling f as

function f(x,y){
  return x + y ;

No matter which strategy we use, existing typing rules cannot guarantee a function of type 'a → 'b → 'c will have arity 2.

[@bs] for explicit uncurried callback

To solve this problem introduced by OCaml’s curried calling convention, we support a special attribute [@bs] at the type level.

external map : 'a array -> 'b array -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c [@bs]) -> 'c array
= "map" [@@bs.val]

Here ('a → 'b → 'c [@bs]) will always be of arity 2, in general, 'a0 → 'a1 …​ 'aN → 'b0 [@bs] is the same as 'a0 → 'a1 …​ 'aN → 'b0 except the former’s arity is guaranteed to be N while the latter is unknown.

To produce a function of type 'a0 → .. 'aN → 'b0 [@bs], as follows:

let f : 'a0 -> 'a1 -> .. 'b0 [@bs] =
  fun [@bs] a0 a1 .. aN -> b0
let b : 'b0 = f a0 a1 a2 .. aN [@bs]

A special case for arity of 0:

let f : unit -> 'b0 [@bs] = fun [@bs] () -> b0
let b : 'b0 = f () [@bs]

Note that this extension to the OCaml language is sound. If you add an attribute in one place but miss it in other place, the type checker will complain.

Another more complex example:

type 'a return = int -> 'a [@bs]
type 'a u0 = int -> string -> 'a return [@bs] // (1)
type 'a u1 = int -> string -> int -> 'a [@bs] // (2)
type 'a u2 = int -> string -> (int -> 'a [@bs]) [@bs] // (3)
  1. u0 has arity of 2, return a function with arity 1

  2. u1 has arity of 3

  3. u2 has arity of 2, return a function with arity 1

[@bs.uncurry] for implicit uncurried callback (@since 1.5.0)

Note the [@bs] annotation already solved the problem completely, but it has a drawback that it requires users to write [@bs] both in definition site and call site.

For example:

external map : 'a array -> ('a -> 'b[@bs]) -> 'b array = "" [@@bs.send] // (1)
map [|1;2;3|] (fun [@bs] x -> x + 1) // (2)
  1. [@bs] annotation in definition site

  2. [@bs] annotation in call site

This is less convenient for end users, so we introduce another implicit annotation [@bs.uncurry] so that the compiler will automatically wrap the curried callback (from OCaml side) to JS uncurried callback. In this way, the [@bs.uncurry] annotation is defined only once.

external map : 'a array -> ('a -> 'b [@bs.uncurry]) -> 'b array = "" [@@bs.send] // (1)
map [|1;2;3|] (fun x -> x+ 1) // (2)
  1. [@bs.uncurry] annotation in definition site

  2. Idiomatic OCaml code


In general, bs.uncurry is recommended, and compiler will do lots of optimizations to resolve the curry to uncurry calling convention at compile time. However, there are some cases the compiler optimizer could not do it, in that case, it will be converted runtime.

This means [@bs] are completely static behavior (no any runtime cost), while [@bs.uncurry] is more convenient for end users but in some very rare cases it might be slower than [@bs]

Uncurried calling convention as an optimization


As we discussed before, we can compile any OCaml function as arity 1 to support OCaml’s curried calling convention.

This model is simple and easy to implement, but the native compilation is very slow and expensive for all functions.

let f x y z = x + y + z
let a = f 1 2 3
let b = f 1 2

can be compiled as

function f(x){
  return function (y){
    return function (z){
      return x + y + z
var a = f (1) (2) (3)
var b = f (1) (2)

But as you can see, this is highly inefficient, since the compiler already saw the source definition of f, it can be optimized as below:

function f(x,y,z) {return x + y + z}
var a = f(1,2,3)
var b = function(z){return f(1,2,z)}

BuckleScript does this optimization in the cross module level and tries to infer the arity as much as it can.

Callback optimization

However, such optimization will not work with higher-order functions, i.e, callbacks.

For example,

let app f x = f x

Since the arity of f is unknown, the compiler can not do any optimization (unless app gets inlined), so we have to generate code as below:

function app(f,x){
  return Curry._1(f,x);

Curry._1 is a function to dynamically support the curried calling convention.

Since we support the uncurried calling convention, you can write app as below

let app f x = f x [@bs]

Now the type system will infer app as type ('a →'b [@bs]) → 'a and compile app as

function app(f,x){
  return f(x)

In OCaml the compiler internally uncurries every function declared as external and guarantees that it is always fully applied. Therefore, for external first-order FFI, its outermost function does not need the [@bs] annotation.

Bindings to this based callbacks: bs.this

Many JS libraries have callbacks which rely on this (the source), for example:

x.onload = function(v){
  console.log(this.response + v )

Here, this would be the same as x (actually depends on how onload is called). It is clear that it is not correct to declare x.onload of type unit → unit [@bs]. Instead, we introduced a special attribute bs.this allowing us to type x as below:

type x
external x: x = "" [@@bs.val]
external set_onload : x -> (x -> int -> unit [@bs.this]) -> unit = "onload" [@@bs.set]
external resp : x -> int = "response" [@@bs.get]
let _ =
  set_onload x begin fun [@bs.this] o v ->
    Js.log(resp o + v )
x.onload = (function (v) {
    var o = this ; // (1)
    console.log(o.response + v | 0);
    return /* () */0;
  1. The first argument is automatically bound to this

bs.this is the same as bs : except that its first parameter is reserved for this and for arity of 0, there is no need for a redundant unit type:

let f : 'obj -> 'b [@bs.this] =
  fun [@bs.this] obj -> ....
let f1 : 'obj -> 'a0 -> 'b [@bs.this] =
  fun [@bs.this] obj a -> ...

There is no way to consume a function of type 'obj → 'a0 .. → 'aN → 'b0 [@bs.this] on the OCaml side. This is an intentional design choice, we don’t encourage people to write code in this style.

This was introduced mainly to be consumed by existing JS libraries. User can also type x as a JS class too (see later)

Binding to JS objects


All JS objects of type 'a are lifted to type 'a Js.t to avoid conflict with OCaml’s native object system (we support both OCaml’s native object system and FFI to JS’s objects), ## is used in JS’s object method dispatch and field access, while # is used in OCaml’s object method dispatch.

Typing JavaScript objects:

OCaml supports object oriented style natively and provides structural type system. OCaml’s object system has different runtime semantics from JS object, but they share the same type system, all JS objects of type 'a are typed as 'a Js.t

OCaml provides two kinds of syntaxes to model structural typing: < p1 : t1 > style and class type style. They are mostly the same except that the latter is more feature rich (supporting inheritance) but more verbose.

Simple object type

Suppose we have a JS file demo.js which exports two properties: height and width:

exports.height = 3
exports.width  = 3

There are different ways to writing binding to module demo, here we use OCaml objects to model module demo

external demo : < height : int ; width : int > Js.t = "" [@@bs.module]

There are two kinds of types on the method name:

  • normal type

    < label : int >
    < label : int -> int >
    < label : int -> int [@bs]>
    < label : int -> int [@bs.this]>
  • method

    < label : int -> int [@bs.meth] >

The difference is that for method, the type system will force users to fulfill its arguments all at the same time, since its semantics depends on this in JavaScript.

For example:

let test f =
  f##hi 1 // (1)
let test2 f =
  let u = f##hi in
  u 1
let test3 f =
  let u = f##hi in
  u 1 [@bs]
  1. ## is JS object property/method dispatch

The compiler would infer types differently

val test : < hi : int -> 'a [@bs.meth]; .. > -> 'a // (1)
val test2 : < hi : int -> 'a ; .. > -> 'a
val test3 : < hi : int -> 'a [@bs]; .. >
  1. .. is a row variable, which means the object can contain more methods.

Complex object type

Below is an example:

class type _rect = object
  method height : int [@@bs.set]
  method width : int [@@bs.set]
  method draw : unit -> unit
end [@bs] // (1)
type rect = _rect Js.t
  1. class type annotated with [@bs] is treated as a JS class type, it needs to be lifted to Js.t too.

For JS classes, methods with arrow types are treated as real methods (automatically annotated with [@bs.meth]) while methods with non-arrow types are treated as properties. Adding [@@bs.set] to those methods will make them mutable, which enables you to set them using #= later. Dropping the [@@bs.set] attribute makes the method/property immutable.

So the type rect is the same as below:

type rect = < height : int ; width : int ; draw : unit -> unit [@bs.meth] > Js.t

How to consume JS property and methods

As we said: ## is used in both object method dispatch and field access.

f##property // (1)
f##property #= v
f##js_method args0 args1 args2 (2)
  1. property get should not come with any argument as we discussed above, which will be checked by the compiler.

  2. Here method is of arity 3.


All JS method application is uncurried, JS’s method is not a function, this invariant can be guaranteed by OCaml’s type checker, a classic example shown below:

var log = console.log;
log('fine') // (1)
  1. May cause exception, implementation dependent, console.log may depend on this

In BuckleScript

let fn = f0##f in
let a = fn 1 2
(* f##field a b would think `field` as a method *)

is different from

let b = f1##f 1 2

The compiler will infer as below:

val f0 : < f : int -> int -> int > Js.t
val f1 : < f : int -> int -> int [@bs.meth] > Js.t

If we type console properly in OCaml, user could only write

console##log "fine"
let u = console##log
let () = u "fine" // (1)
  1. OCaml compiler will complain


If a user were to make such a mistake, the type checker would complain by saying it expected Js.method but saw a function instead, so it is still sound and type safe.

getter/setter annotation to JS properties (simplified @since 1.9.2)

Since OCaml’s object system does not have getters/setters, we introduced two attributes bs.get and bs.set to help inform BuckleScript to compile them as property getters/setters.

type y = <
  height : int [@bs.set no_get] // (1)
> Js.t
type y0 = <
  height : int [@bs.set] [@bs.get null] // (2)
> Js.t
type y1 = <
  height : int [@bs.set] [@bs.get undefined] // (3)
> Js.t
type y2 = <
  height : int [@bs.set] [@bs.get nullable ] // (4)
> Js.t
type y3 = <
  height : int [@bs.get nullable] // (5)
> Js.t
  1. height is setter only

  2. getter return int Js.null

  3. getter return int Js.undefined

  4. getter return int Js.nullable

  5. getter only, return int Js.nullable

Getter/Setter also applies to class type label

Create JS objects using bs.obj

Not only can we create bindings to JS objects, but also we can create JS objects in a type safe way on the OCaml side:

let u = [%bs.obj { x = { y = { z = 3}}} ] // (1)
  1. bs.obj extension is used to mark {} as JS objects

var u = { x : { y : { z : 3 }}}}

The compiler would infer u as type:

val u : < x : < y : < z : int > Js.t > Js.t > Js.t

To make it more symmetric, extension bs.obj can also be applied into the type level, so you can write:

val u : [%bs.obj: < x : < y : < z : int > > > ]

Users can also write expression and types together as below:

let u = [%bs.obj ( { x = { y = { z = 3 }}} : < x : < y : < z : int > > > ]

Objects in a collection also works:

let xs = [%bs.obj [| { x = 3 } ; { x = 3 } |] : < x : int > array ]
let ys = [%bs.obj [| { x = 3 } ; { x = 4 } |] ]
var xs = [ { x : 3 } , { x : 3 } ]
var ys = [ { x : 3 } , { x : 4 } ]

Create JS objects using external

bs.obj can also be used as an attribute in external declarations, as below:

external make_config : hi:int -> lo:int -> unit -> t = "" [@@bs.obj]
let v = make_config ~hi:2 ~lo:3
var v = { hi : 2 , lo : 3 }

Option argument is also supported:

external make_config : hi:int -> ?lo:int -> unit -> t = "" [@@bs.obj] // (1)
let u = make_config ~hi:3 ()
let v = make_config ~lo:2 ~hi:3 ()
  1. In OCaml, the order of label does not matter, and the evaluation order of arguments is undefined. Since the order does not matter, to make sure the compiler realize all the arguments are fulfilled (including optional arguments), it is common to have a unit type before the result.

var u = {hi : 3}
var v = {hi : 3 , lo: 2}

Now, we can write JS style code in OCaml too (in a type safe way):

let u = [%bs.obj {
  x = { y = { z = 3 } };
  fn = fun [@bs] u v -> u + v // (1)
  } ]
let h = u##x##y##z
let a = u##fn
let b = a 1 2 [@bs]
  1. fn property is not method, it does not rely on this. We will show how to create JS method in OCaml later.

var u = { x : { y : { z : 3 } }, fn : function (u, v) {return u + v}}
var h = u.x.y.z
var a = u.fn
var b = a(1,2)

When the field is an uncurried function, a short-hand syntax #@ is available:

let b x y h = h#@fn x y
function b (x,y,h){
  return h.fn(x,y)

The compiler will infer the type of b as

val b : 'a -> 'b -> < fn : 'a -> 'b -> 'c [@bs] > Js.t -> 'c

Create JS objects with this semantics

The objects created above can not use this in the method, this is supported in BuckleScript too.

let v2 =
  let x = 3. in
  object (self) // (1)
    method hi x y = self##say x +. y
    method say x = x *. self##x ()
    method x () = x
  end [@bs] // (2)
  1. self is bound to this in generated JS code

  2. [@bs] marks object .. end as a JS object

var v2 = {
  hi: function (x, y) {
    var self = this ;
    return self.say(x) + y;
  say: function (x) {
    var self = this ;
    return x * self.x();
  x: function () {
    return 3;

Compiler infers the type of v2 as below:

val v2 : <
  hi : float -> float -> float [@bs.meth];
  say : float -> float [@bs.meth];
  x : unit -> float [@bs.meth]
> [@bs]

Below is another example to consume a JS object :

let f (u : rect) =
  (* the type annotation is un-necessary,
     but it gives better error message
   Js.log u##height;
   Js.log u##width;
   u##width #= 30;
   u##height #= 30;
   u##draw ()
function f(u){
  u.width = 30;
  u.height = 30;
  return u.draw()
Method chaining
##(meth0 ())
##(meth1 a)
##(meth2 a b)

Object label translation convention

There are two cases, where we might want to do name mangling for a JS object method name.

First, in OCaml, some names are keywords, so we want to add an underscore to avoid a syntax error.

Key-word method:

Second, it is common to have several types for a single method. To model this ad-hoc polymorphism, we introduced a small convention when translating object labels, which is occasionally useful as below

Ad-hoc polymorphism
f##draw__cat (x,y)
f##draw__dog (x,y)
f.draw(x,y) // f.draw in JS can accept different types
  1. If __[rest] appears in the label, index from the right to left.

    • If index = 0, nothing mangled

    • If index > 0, __[rest] is dropped

  2. Else if _ is the first char

    • If the following char is not 'a' .. 'z', drop the first '_'

    • Else if the rest happens to be a keyword, drop the first '_'

    • Else, nothing mangled

Return value checking (@since 1.5.1)

In general, the FFI code is error prone, and potentially will leak in undefined or null values.

So we introduced auto coercion for return values to gain two benefits:

  1. More safety for FFI code without performance cost (explained later).

  2. More idiomatic OCaml code for users to consume the FFI.

Below is a contrived core example:

type element
type dom
external getElementById : string -> element option = ""
[@@bs.send.pipe:dom] [@@bs.return nullable] // (1)

let test dom =
    let elem = dom |> getElementById "haha" in
    match elem with
    | None -> 1
    | Some ui -> Js.log ui ; 2
  1. nullable attribute will automatically convert null and undefined to option

function test(dom) {
  var elem = dom.getElementById("haha");
  if (elem == null) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 2;

Currently 4 directives are supported: null_to_opt, undefined_to_opt, nullable(introduced in @1.9.0) and identity. null_undefined_to_opt works the same as nullable, but it is deprecated, nullable is encouraged


null_to_opt, undefined_to_opt and nullable will semantically convert a nullable value to option which is a boxed value, but the compiler will do smart optimizations to remove such boxing overhead when the returned value is destructed in the same routine.

The three directives above require users to write literally _ option. It is in theory not necessary, but it is required to reduce user errors.

When the return type is unit: the compiler will append its return value with an OCaml unit literal to make sure it does return unit. Its main purpose is to make the user consume FFI in idiomatic OCaml code, the cost is very very small and the compiler will do smart optimizations to remove it when the returned value is not used (mostly likely).

When the return type is bool, the compiler will coerce its return value from JS boolean to OCaml boolean. The cost is also very small and compiler will remove such coercion when it is not needed. Note even if your external FFI does return OCaml bool or unit, such implicit coercion will cause no harm.

identity will make sure that compiler will do nothing about the returned value. It is rarely used, but introduced here for debugging purpose.

Mapping between JS values and OCaml values (@since 2.1.0)

BuckleScript already maps basic OCaml primitive types into JS primitive types, however, there are some cases where such direct mapping is technically challenging, we automate such process by providing a function to convert back and forth between idiomatic JS values and idiomatic OCaml values, the generated code is optimized for both performance and code size.

Mapping JS Int enums to OCaml enums (@since 2.1.0)

type t =
   | A0
   | A1
   | A2
   | A3
   | A4
[@@bs.deriving jsConverter]

This will derive two functions

val tToJs : t -> int
val tFromJs : int -> t option

Note here by default Ai is mapped into i, but we can customie it as follows:

type t =
   | A0
   | A1  [ 3]
   | A2
   | A3  [ 7]
   | A4
[@@bs.deriving jsConverter]

In this case, A0 is 0, A1 is 3, A2 is 4, A3 is 7, A4 is 8.

Note the above derived js type is transparent: int, if we want to provide more type safety, we can annotate it as below:

type t =
   | A0
   | A1
   | A2
   | A3
   | A4
[@@bs.deriving {jsConverter = newType} ]

In this case, it would generate two functions of such type, note newType means a new type declaration (by default to be abstract) is created:

val tToJs : t -> abs_t
val tFromJs : abs_t -> t

Note the derived type is slightly different, since abs_t is abstrac type, we assume it is well structured value, so it should always return value of type t instead of t option.

The bs.deriving also applies to the signature file, so that users don’t have to write generate functions manually

Mapping JS string enums to OCaml enums (@since 2.1.0)

type t = [
   | `A0
   | `A1
   | `A2
   | `A3
   | `A4
[@@bs.deriving jsConverter]

This will derive two functions

val tToJs : t -> string
val tFromJs : string -> t option

Note here by default Ai is mapped into "Ai", but we can customie it as follows:

type t = [
   | `A0
   | `A1  [ "c"]
   | `A2
   | `A3  [ "d"]
   | `A4
[@@bs.deriving jsConverter]

Note the above derived js type is transparent: string, if we want to provide more type safety, we can annotate it as below:

type t = [
   | `A0
   | `A1
   | `A2
   | `A3
   | `A4
[@@bs.deriving {jsConverter = newType} ]

In this case, it would generate two functions of such type:

val tToJs : t -> abs_t
val tFromJs : abs_t -> t

Note the derived type is slightly different, since abs_t is abstrac type, we assume it is well structured value, so it should always return value of type t instead of type t option.

The bs.deriving also applies to the signature file, so that users don’t have to write generate functions manually

Mapping JS objects to OCaml records (@since 2.1.0)

type t =
    x : int ;
    y : int
[@@bs.deriving jsConverter]

This will derive two functions:

val tToJs : t -> <x : int ; y : int > Js.t
val tFromJs : < x; int ; y : int ; .. > Js.t -> t

Note that the input of tFromJs is open type so that it is more permissive.

Note the above derived js type is transparent, if we want to provide more type safety, we can annotate it as below:

type t =
    x : int ;
    y : int
[@@bs.deriving {jsConverter= newType}]

This will derive two functions:

val tToJs : t -> abs_t
val tFromJs : abs_t -> t

Embedding untyped Javascript code


This is not encouraged. The user should minimize and localize use cases of embedding raw JavaScript code, however, sometimes it’s necessary to get the job done.

Detect global variable existence bs.external (@since 1.5.1)

Before we dive into embedding arbitrary JS code, a quite common use case of embedding untyped JS code is detect a global variable (feature detection), Bucklescript provides a relatively type safe approach for such use case: bs.external (or external), [%bs.external a_single_identifier] is a value of _ option type, see examples below

let test () =
  match [%external __DEV__] with
  | Some _ -> Js.log "dev mode"
  | None -> Js.log "production mode"
function test() {
  var match = typeof (__DEV__) === "undefined" ? undefined : (__DEV__);
  if (match !== undefined) {
    console.log("dev mode");
    return /* () */0;
  else {
    console.log("production mode");
    return /* () */0;
let test2 () =
  match [%external __filename] with
  | Some f -> Js.log f
  | None -> Js.log "non node environment"
function test2() {
  var match = typeof (__filename) === "undefined" ? undefined : (__filename);
  if (match !== undefined) {
    return /* () */0;
  else {
    console.log("non node environment");
    return /* () */0;

Embedding arbitrary JS code as an expression

let keys : t -> string array [@bs] = [%bs.raw "Object.keys" ]
let unsafe_lt : 'a -> 'a -> Js.boolean [@bs] = [%bs.raw{|function(x,y){return x < y}|}]

We highly recommend writing type annotations for such unsafe code. It is unsafe to refer to external OCaml symbols in raw JS code.

Embedding raw JS code as statements

  console.log ("hey");

Other examples:

let x : string = [%bs.raw{|"\x01\x02"|}]

It will be compiled into:

var x = "\x01\x02"

Polyfill of Math.imul

   // Math.imul polyfill
   if (!Math.imul){
       Math.imul = function (..) {..}
  • So far we don’t perform any sanity checks in the quoted text (syntax checking is a long-term goal).

  • Users should not refer to symbols in OCaml code. It is not guaranteed that the order is correct.

Debugger support

We introduced the extension bs.debugger, for example:

  let f x y =
    x + y

which will be compiled into:

  function f (x,y) {
     debugger; // JavaScript developer tools will set an breakpoint and stop here
     x + y;

Regex support

We introduced for Javascript regex expressions:

let f = [ "/b/g"]

The compiler will infer f has type Js.Re.t and generate code as below:

var f = /b/g
Js.Re.t can be accessed and manipulated using the functions available in the Js.Re module.


Below is a simple example for the mocha library. For more examples, please visit

A simple example: binding to mocha unit test library

This is an example showing how to provide bindings to the mochajs unit test framework.

external describe : string -> (unit -> unit [@bs]) -> unit = "" [@@bs.val]
external it : string -> (unit -> unit [@bs]) -> unit = "" [@@bs.val]

Since, mochajs is a test framework, we also need some assertion tests. We can also describe the bindings to assert.deepEqual from the nodejs assert library:

external eq : 'a -> 'a -> unit = "deepEqual" [@@bs.module "assert"]

On top of this we can write normal OCaml functions, for example:

let assert_equal = eq
let from_suites name suite =
    describe name (fun [@bs] () ->
         List.iter (fun (name, code) -> it name code) suite

The compiler would generate code as below:

 var Assert = require("assert");
 var List = require("bs-platform/lib/js/list");

function assert_equal(prim, prim$1) {
 return Assert.deepEqual(prim, prim$1);

function from_suites(name, suite) {
 return describe(name, function () {
   return List.iter(function (param) {
    return it(param[0], param[1]);
      }, suite);