BuckleScript build system has built in support for NPM packages, please checkout the section about the bsb for NPM support.
This section covers some basics of how NPM is supported internally, normal users are safe to skip this section. |
BuckleScript extends the OCaml compiler options with several flags to provide a better experience for NPM users.
In general, you are expected to see two kinds of build artifacts, the generated JS files and metadata which your OCaml dependencies rely on.
Since CommonJS has no namespaces, to allow JS files to live in different directories, we have a flag
bsc.exe -bs-package-name $npm_package_name -bs-package-output modulesystem:path/to/your/js/dir -c a.ml
By passing this flag, bsc.exe
will store your package_name
relative path to package.json
in .cmj
files. It will also generate
JS files in the directory you specified. You can, and are encouraged
to, store JavaScript files in a hierarchical directory.
For the binary artifacts (Note that this is not necessary if you only
want your libraries to be consumed by JS developers, and it has
benefit since end users don’t need these binary data any more), the
convention is to store all *.cm
data in a single directory
and Javascript files in a hierachical directory like package.json/lib/js
If you follow the layout convention above, using an OCaml package is pretty straightforward:
bsc.exe -I path/to/ocaml/package/installed -c a.ml
Your command line would be like this:
bsc.exe -I path/to/ocaml/package1/installed -I path/to/ocaml/package2/installed -bs-package-name $npm_package_name -bs-package-output commonjs:path/to/lib/js/ -c a.ml
Please visit https://github.com/bucklescript/bucklescript-addons for more examples.