class: center, middle
Hongbo Zhang@Bloomberg
May 19, 2016
- You are here probably you already know the great parts of OCaml
JS is the only language of the browser
JS is everywhere (Electron for Desktop App, NodeJS on server side, huge potential on IoT)
JS is where people are (npm: largest package manager 2 years ago)
For JS developers :
- Type safety
- Higher (both compile-time and runtime) performance
- Smaller
For OCaml developers (Today's topic)
- Seamless integration with existing JS ecosystem
let test () =
let m = ref IntMap.empty in
let count = 1000000 in
for i = 0 to count do
m := IntMap.add i i !m
for j = 0 to count do
ignore (IntMap.find j !m )
"use strict";
var Int_map=require("./int_map.js");
function test() {
var m = /* Empty */0;
for(var i = 0; i <= 1000000; ++i){
m = add(i, i, m);
for(var j = 0; j <= 1000000; ++j){
find(j, m);
return /* () */0;
test(/* () */0);
// Immutable map from Facebook immutable library
'use strict';
var Immutable = require('immutable');
var Map = Immutable.Map;
var m = new Map();
function test(){
var count = 1000000
for(var i = 0; i < count; ++i){
m = m.set(i, i );
for(var j = 0; j < count ; ++j){
} }
test ()
Runtime performance of identical functionality:
Technology | Time(s) | Code Size |
OCaml with Javascript Backend | 1186ms (Google Closure bundler: simple mode) | 1 KB |
Handwritten Facebook Javascript | 3415ms | 55.3 KBytes |
Call BuckleScript from Javascript code (no extra work to do)
Call BuckleScript from Typescript: BuckleScript emits
files for TypeScript compiler (experimental) -
Call Javascript from BuckleScript (type declarations like TypeScript)
external array_map : 'a array -> ('a -> 'b [@uncurry]) -> 'b array =
"" [ ]
let v = array_map [|1,2,3|] (fun%uncurry x -> x+ 3 )
var v =
(function(x){return x + 3}))
(** [] *)
let port = 3000
let hostname = ""
let create_server http =
let server = http##createServer (fun %uncurry (req, resp) ->
resp##statusCode__set 200; (* setter always ends with [__end] *)
resp##setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
resp##end__ "Hello world\n" (* end is a key word in OCaml *)
server##listen(port, hostname, fun %uncurry () ->
Js.log ("Server running at http://"^ hostname ^ ":" ^ string_of_int port ^ "/")
var hostname = "";
function create_server(http) {
var server = http.createServer(function (_, resp) {
resp.statusCode = 200;
resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
return resp.end("Hello world\n");
return server.listen(3000, hostname, function () {
console.log("Server running at http://" + (hostname + (":" + (3000 + "/"))));
return /* () */0;
(** Bindings for NodeJS [] *)
type req
type resp = <
statusCode__set : int -> unit [@uncurry] ;
setHeader : string * string -> unit [@uncurry] ;
end__ : string -> unit [@uncurry]
> Js.t
type server = <
listen : int * string * (unit -> unit [@uncurry]) -> unit [@uncurry];
> Js.t
type http = <
createServer : (req * resp -> unit [@uncurry] ) -> server [@uncurry]
> Js.t
external http : http = "http" [@@bs.val_of_module ]
Pure types, no Code generated, like tsd, but it is just plain OCaml program.
(** []*)
let () =
Http_lib.create_server Http_binding.http
var Http_lib = require('./http_lib');
var http = require('http');
OCaml is like a formal Javascript
Both OCaml and Javascript have similar concepts which make compiling OCaml to Javascript posible:
OCaml has a similar module system to Javascript 2015, it supports both Javascript like structural typing and ML style type inference.
ML is used in some of the foundational work of Javascript:
- ES4 (abandoned standard) reference implementation
- The first prototype of Facebook's ReactJS implementation
- Official reference implementation of WebAssembly
Leverage the (high-level, strongly typed) OCaml language tool-chain to generate optimized JS
- Dev mode:
- No name mangling, easy to debug
- Separate and blazing fast compilation
- Easy integration with existing JS libraries
- Dead code elimination and Purity analysis
- Local and cross module optimization
- Production mode:
- Link time optimization (combination with Google Closure Compiler)
- Remove unused functions further in the library level
- Result:
- Faster, Smaller, and Safer!
Source code
| parsing and preprocessing
Parsetree (untyped AST)
| type inference and checking
Typedtree (type-annotated AST)
| pattern-matching compilation
| elimination of modules and classes
Lambda ------------------------(our work)----------+
/ \ \
/ \ closure conversion, inlining, uncurrying, \
v \ data representation strategy \
Bytecode \ |
| +-----+ |
| Cmm IR
|ocamlrun | |
| | code generation | code generation
| | assembly & linking |
v v v
Interpreted Compiled Javacript(and meta data for optimizations)
Readable output code, great editor
Compile time slow
A micro benchmark:
Two files: one file define 500 fib functions, one file call those 500 fib functions
BS: 0m0.063s TS: 0m1.427s
BuckleScript will be even faster in the future with flambda enabled.
Unsound type system, limited type inference (all arguments have to be annotated)
Only Javascript backend
No code optimizations
More tests (currently around 1400 tests)
Bindings to existing JS library (using typescript compiler API)
Toolings and help get people started
Catching up with the latest compiler (currently work with 4.02.3)
Our own bundler for purely OCaml part