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Docker example

This folder contains all that is needed to build an environment with a publisher, broker (mosquitto) and subscriber using docker (ideally docker-compose). While it provides an end-to-end example its primary purpose is to act as a starting point for producing reproducible examples (when logging an issue with the library).

Because the publisher (pub), broker (mosquitto) and subscriber (sub) run in separate containers this setup closely simulates a real deployment. One thing to bear in mind is that the network between the containers is very fast and reliable (but there are some techniques that can be used to simulate failures etc).


Ensure that you have docker and docker-compose installed.

To start everything up change into the cmd/docker folder and run:

docker-compose up --build --detach

This will start everything up in the background. You can see what is happening by running:

docker-compose logs --follow

This will display a lot of information (mosquitto is running with debug level logging). To see the subscriber logs:

docker-compose logs --follow sub

Note: Messages received by the subscriber will be written to shared/receivedMessages (you may want to delete the contents of this file from time to time!).

To stop everything run:

docker-compose down

Feel free to copy the folder and modify the publisher/subscriber to work as you want them to!

Note: The pub and sub containers connect to mosquitto via the internal network (test-net) but mosquitto should also be available on the host port 8883 if you wish to connect to it. This will not work if you have mosquitto installed locally (edit the docker-compose.yml and change the published port).

Simulating Network Connection Loss

You can simulate the loss of network connectivity by disconnecting the network adapter within a container. e.g.

docker network disconnect lostpackets_test-net lostpackets_pub_1
docker network connect lostpackets_test-net lostpackets_pub_1