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Introducing TorchGAN

Author - Aniket Das

Try this tutorial on colab

This tutorial introduces you to the basics of TorchGAN to define, train and evaluate Generative Adversarial Networks easily in PyTorch. This tutorial mainly explores the library's core features, the predefined losses and the models. TorchGAN is designed to be highly and very easily extendable and at the end of the tutorial, we see how seamlessly you can integrate your own custom losses and models into the API's training loop

This tutorial assumes that your system has PyTorch and TorchGan installed properly. If not, head over to the installation instructions on the official documentation website.


# General Imports
import os
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import HTML
# Pytorch and Torchvision Imports
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision
from torch.optim import Adam
import torch.nn as nn
import as data
import torchvision.datasets as dsets
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import torchvision.utils as vutils
# Torchgan Imports
import torchgan
from torchgan.models import *
from torchgan.losses import *
from torchgan.trainer import Trainer
# Set random seed for reproducibility
manualSeed = 999
print("Random Seed: ", manualSeed)
Random Seed:  999

Data Loading and Preprocessing

This tutorial uses the MNIST dataset for illustration purposes and convergence time issues. We apply the following transformations to the raw dataset to speed up training 1. MNIST digits have a size of 28 \times 28 by default. The default models present in TorchGAN assume that the image dimensions are a perfect power of 2 (though this behavior can be very easily overriden). For the purposes of this tutorial where we use the default models out of the box, we rescale the images to 32 \times 32 2. The images are normalized with a mean and standard deviation of 0.5 for each channel. This has been observed to enable easier training (one can also choose to normalize with the per channel mean and standard deviation)

We then wrap the dataset in a DataLoader. This is done because TorchGAN Trainer , which shall be explored in later sections requires said DataLoader to be passed as a parameter while training

dataset = dsets.MNIST(root='./mnist', train=True,
                      transform=transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((32, 32)),
                                                    transforms.Normalize(mean = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), std = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))]),
dataloader = data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64, shuffle=True)

Network Architecture : DCGAN

This tutorial uses the highly popular Deep Convolutional GAN or DCGAN architecture. TorchGAN provides a generalised implementation of DCGAN out of the box.

Generator Network

The DCGAN Generator receives an input noise vector of size batch\ size \times encoding\ dims. It outputs a tensor of batch\ size \times 1 \times 32 \times 32 corresponding to a batch of generated image samples. The generator transforms the noise vector into images in the following manner 1. Channel Dimension: encoding\ dims \rightarrow d \rightarrow \frac{d}{2} \rightarrow \frac{d}{4} \rightarrow 1. 2. Image size: (1 \times 1) \rightarrow (4 \times 4) \rightarrow (8 \times 8) \rightarrow (16 \times 16) \rightarrow (32 \times 32).

The intermediate layers use the Leaky ReLU activation function as ReLU tends to kill gradients and critically slow down convergence. One can also use activation functions such as ELU or any other activation of choice that ensures good gradient flow. The last layer uses a $ tanh $ activation in order to constrain the pixel values in the range (-1 \to 1) . One can easily change the nonlinearity of the intermediate and the last layers as per their preference by passing them as parameters during initialization of the Generator object.

Discriminator Network

The DCGAN discriminator has an architecture symmetric to the generator. It maps the image to a confidence score in order to classify whether the image is real (i.e. comes from the dataset) or fake (i. e. sampled by the generator)

For reasons same as above we use a Leaky ReLU activation. The conversion of the image tensor to the confidence scores are as follows:

  1. Channel Dimension: 1 \rightarrow d \rightarrow 2 \times d \rightarrow 4 \times d \rightarrow 1.
  2. Image size: (32 \times 32) \rightarrow (16 \times 16) \rightarrow (8 \times 8) \rightarrow (4 \times 4) \rightarrow (1 \times 1).

Note: The last layer of the discriminator in most standard implementations of DCGAN have a Sigmoid layer that causes the confidence scores to lie in the interval :math:`(0 to 1)` and allows the easy interpretation of the confidence score as the probability of the image being real. However, this interpretation is only restricted to the Minimax Loss proposed in the original GAN paper and losses such as the Wasserstein Loss do not require such an interpretation. If required, however, one can easily set the activation of the last layer to Sigmoid by passing it as a parameter during initialization time

Optimizers and Hyperparameters

The models, their corresponding optimizers and other hyperparameters like the nonlinearities to be used in the intermediate layers are bundled in the form of a dictionary and provided to the trainer for instantiation. The dictionary specifies the models that are to be trained, the optimizers associated with said models and learning rate schedulers, if any

  1. "name": The class name for the model. Generally a subclass of the torchgan.models.Generator or torchgan.models.Discriminator
  2. "args": Arguments fed into the class during instantiation, into its constructor
  3. "optimizer": A dictionary containing the following key-value pairs defining the optimizer associated with the model
    • "name" : The class name of the optimizer. Generally an optimizer from the torch.optim package
    • "args" : Arguments to be fed to the optimizer during its instantiation, into its constructor
    • "var": Variable name for the optimizer. This is an optional argument. If this is not provided, we assign the optimizer the name optimizer_{} where {} refers to the variable name of the model.
    • "scheduler": Optional scheduler associated with the optimizer. Again this is a dictionary with the following keys
      • "name" : Class name of the scheduler
      • "args" : Arguments to be provided to the scheduler during instantiation, into its constructor

This tutorial shows the example for a DCGAN optimized by the Adam optimizer. Head over to the documentation of DCGANGenerator , DCGANDiscriminator or the torch.optim.Adam classes for more details about what each of the args mean (NB: The args are basically parameters to the constructor of each class declared in "name" , as discussed before ). Also try tinkering with the various hyperparameters like "encoding_dims", "step_channels", "nonlinearity" and "last_nonlinearity"

dcgan_network = {
    "generator": {
        "name": DCGANGenerator,
        "args": {
            "encoding_dims": 100,
            "out_channels": 1,
            "step_channels": 32,
            "nonlinearity": nn.LeakyReLU(0.2),
            "last_nonlinearity": nn.Tanh()
        "optimizer": {
            "name": Adam,
            "args": {
                "lr": 0.0001,
                "betas": (0.5, 0.999)
    "discriminator": {
        "name": DCGANDiscriminator,
        "args": {
            "in_channels": 1,
            "step_channels": 32,
            "nonlinearity": nn.LeakyReLU(0.2),
            "last_nonlinearity": nn.LeakyReLU(0.2)
        "optimizer": {
            "name": Adam,
            "args": {
                "lr": 0.0003,
                "betas": (0.5, 0.999)

Loss Functions

TorchGAN provides a wide variety of GAN losses and penalties off the shelf. One can also easily implement custom losses and integrate it with the highly robust training pipeline

  1. Minimax Loss
  2. Wasserstein GAN with Gradient Penalty
  3. Least Squares GAN or LSGAN

The loss objects to be used by the trainer are added in a list as shown

minimax_losses = [MinimaxGeneratorLoss(), MinimaxDiscriminatorLoss()]
wgangp_losses = [WassersteinGeneratorLoss(), WassersteinDiscriminatorLoss(), WassersteinGradientPenalty()]
lsgan_losses = [LeastSquaresGeneratorLoss(), LeastSquaresDiscriminatorLoss()]

Visualize the Training Data

# Plot some of the training images
real_batch = next(iter(dataloader))
plt.title("Training Images")
plt.imshow(np.transpose(vutils.make_grid(real_batch[0][:64], padding=2, normalize=True).cpu(),(1,2,0)))


Training the Network

NB: Training the models are quite expensive. Hence we will train the models for **40* epochs if a GPU is available, else we will be training for only 5 epochs. We recommend using the GPU runtime in Colab. The images will not look even close to realistic in 5 epochs but shall be enough to show that it is learning to generate good quality images. *

The trainer is initialized by passing the network descriptors and the losses, and then calling the trainer on the dataset. The sample_size parameter decides how many images to sample for visualization at the end of every epoch, and the epochs parameter decides the number of epochs. We illustrate the training process by training an LSGAN. Simply change the losses list passed from lsgan_losses to wgangp_losses to train a Wasserstein GAN with Gradient Penalty, or to minimax_losses to train a Minimax GAN

Important information for visualizing the performance of the GAN is printed to the console. We also provide a Visualizer API for visualizing the various losses, gradient flow and generated images. Setting up the Visualizer using either a TensorboardX or Vizdom backend is the recommended approach for visualizing the training process.

if torch.cuda.is_available():
    device = torch.device("cuda:0")
    # Use deterministic cudnn algorithms
    torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
    epochs = 40
    device = torch.device("cpu")
    epochs = 5

print("Device: {}".format(device))
print("Epochs: {}".format(epochs))
Device: cuda:0
Epochs: 40
trainer = Trainer(dcgan_network, lsgan_losses, sample_size=64, epochs=epochs, device=device)
Saving Model at './model/gan0.model'
Epoch 1 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 3.3601897621992705
discriminator Mean Gradients : 12.766687169466184
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.031985868796158126
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5773591010301098
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch1_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan1.model'
Epoch 2 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 1.871107902676975
discriminator Mean Gradients : 9.4076550166002
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.01971807123669711
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5551951952707539
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch2_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan2.model'
Epoch 3 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 1.2931722159886285
discriminator Mean Gradients : 8.156814747416435
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.014949400106872887
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.543896336301727
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch3_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan3.model'
Epoch 4 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 0.989492404738369
discriminator Mean Gradients : 7.404026172291571
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.012354827420758718
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5377227021083395
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch4_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan4.model'
Epoch 5 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 0.8113258096916265
discriminator Mean Gradients : 6.968548609093946
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.010800301655791879
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5340571434703717
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch5_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan0.model'
Epoch 6 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 0.6939287251648949
discriminator Mean Gradients : 6.916873545018266
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.01005528816748437
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5316294223101917
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch6_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan1.model'
Epoch 7 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 0.8438198651007175
discriminator Mean Gradients : 10.193058347935482
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.014311864309791877
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5250494302231439
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch7_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan2.model'
Epoch 8 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 1.0894166825089557
discriminator Mean Gradients : 11.113694709476995
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.015416002067648418
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5207196538215444
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch8_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan3.model'
Epoch 9 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 1.3858154403670682
discriminator Mean Gradients : 11.335656136087621
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.015638350666809745
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5183545941408848
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch9_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan4.model'
Epoch 10 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 1.6442126975049174
discriminator Mean Gradients : 11.3057502214912
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.015519619032220324
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5169296721691516
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch10_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan0.model'
Epoch 11 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 1.8553281750891084
discriminator Mean Gradients : 11.391180433567362
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.015575504728206973
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5157191250094161
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch11_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan1.model'
Epoch 12 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 2.064539237595944
discriminator Mean Gradients : 11.17662853537689
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.01522397245011953
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5148798804485266
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch12_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan2.model'
Epoch 13 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 2.233709755689889
discriminator Mean Gradients : 11.02748042057442
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.01501067319203016
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5141561355179688
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch13_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan3.model'
Epoch 14 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 2.399089187152185
discriminator Mean Gradients : 11.004506427541662
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.014991896495789272
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5136049601600877
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch14_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan4.model'
Epoch 15 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 2.5529934227724405
discriminator Mean Gradients : 10.718491946990284
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.014592011164153668
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5132594303927611
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch15_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan0.model'
Epoch 16 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 2.693718411103624
discriminator Mean Gradients : 10.69288836988882
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.014707148345524265
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5127709837035159
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch16_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan1.model'
Epoch 17 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 2.8756513261472807
discriminator Mean Gradients : 10.407277860331039
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.0143284321887301
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5125339864204765
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch17_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan2.model'
Epoch 18 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 3.05139135843602
discriminator Mean Gradients : 10.319190081476648
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.014166142048993068
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.512161289417648
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch18_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan3.model'
Epoch 19 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 3.2299213279117334
discriminator Mean Gradients : 10.09887299179014
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.013862602699826221
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5120059227991663
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch19_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan4.model'
Epoch 20 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 3.3326090853525794
discriminator Mean Gradients : 10.102911071754528
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.014081393241906402
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5113356564112052
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch20_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan0.model'
Epoch 21 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 3.5130536767707263
discriminator Mean Gradients : 9.896455922675765
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.013801553764081516
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5111949793407303
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch21_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan1.model'
Epoch 22 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 3.6555131152068263
discriminator Mean Gradients : 9.806205806019365
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.013712399061614448
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5110338649674683
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch22_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan2.model'
Epoch 23 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 3.845864021451806
discriminator Mean Gradients : 9.579013562129788
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.013415113893878712
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5109651009071281
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch23_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan3.model'
Epoch 24 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 4.031086185724254
discriminator Mean Gradients : 9.491585583472196
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.013347032811905472
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5107098342056086
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch24_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan4.model'
Epoch 25 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 4.2290436729562275
discriminator Mean Gradients : 9.280771374178894
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.013074980875956757
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5106589406251765
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch25_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan0.model'
Epoch 26 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 4.40425153647997
discriminator Mean Gradients : 9.145349116771083
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.012892470017651753
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5105351375480306
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch26_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan1.model'
Epoch 27 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 4.562106448117225
discriminator Mean Gradients : 8.97019330497467
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.012661413394070545
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.510528468252313
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch27_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan2.model'
Epoch 28 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 4.739258266410048
discriminator Mean Gradients : 8.811054023248357
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.012455247870950027
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5105678001314812
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch28_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan3.model'
Epoch 29 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 4.949363204803922
discriminator Mean Gradients : 8.65874190859608
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.012257400993503413
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5105137241549673
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch29_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan4.model'
Epoch 30 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 5.150129330552704
discriminator Mean Gradients : 8.501187168971812
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.012055337049176485
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5105158279388123
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch30_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan0.model'
Epoch 31 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 5.321422732662991
discriminator Mean Gradients : 8.440935175191386
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.012013999668901987
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5104016264568687
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch31_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan1.model'
Epoch 32 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 5.543003393040218
discriminator Mean Gradients : 8.271391507214041
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.011796674377778033
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.51037453438222
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch32_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan2.model'
Epoch 33 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 5.752754687527665
discriminator Mean Gradients : 8.166877184244143
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.01169487480819994
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5103033286736699
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch33_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan3.model'
Epoch 34 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 5.956012717119942
discriminator Mean Gradients : 8.01573628544496
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.011502920406985515
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5103248366335259
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch34_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan4.model'
Epoch 35 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 6.177518774303693
discriminator Mean Gradients : 7.86347227169731
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.011310511394508836
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.510339517090549
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch35_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan0.model'
Epoch 36 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 6.325567148604931
discriminator Mean Gradients : 7.771911753497502
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.011255356305359869
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5102412674904633
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch36_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan1.model'
Epoch 37 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 6.604124304232403
discriminator Mean Gradients : 7.622926872837106
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.011066863097805054
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.5102153279641916
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch37_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan2.model'
Epoch 38 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 6.789163971114836
discriminator Mean Gradients : 7.544867471787008
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.010972205589846991
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.510169131443319
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch38_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan3.model'
Epoch 39 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 6.989957956376268
discriminator Mean Gradients : 7.398658909705483
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.010783616384185962
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.510175311709591
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch39_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan4.model'
Epoch 40 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 7.295733944970816
discriminator Mean Gradients : 7.315790923442543
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.010708426024989044
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.510141129090837
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch40_generator.png

Training of the Model is Complete

Visualizing the Samples

Once training is complete, one can easily visualize the loss curves, gradient flow and sampled images per epoch on either the TensorboardX or Vizdom backends. For the purposes of this tutorial, we plot some of the sampled images here itself.

NB: It is highly recommended to view the results on TensorboardX or Vizdom if you are running this tutorial locally

# Grab a batch of real images from the dataloader
real_batch = next(iter(dataloader))

# Plot the real images
plt.title("Real Images")
plt.imshow(np.transpose(vutils.make_grid(real_batch[0].to(device)[:64], padding=5, normalize=True).cpu(),(1,2,0)))

# Plot the fake images from the last epoch
plt.title("Fake Images")
plt.imshow(plt.imread("{}/epoch{}_generator.png".format(trainer.recon, trainer.epochs)))


Training Conditional GAN Models

TorchGAN supports semi-supervised learning off the shelf through its Conditional GAN and Auxiliary Classifier GAN models and losses, that condition on the labels. Note that it is mandatory for the dataset to have labels for semi-supervised learning. We illustrate this by training a Conditional DCGAN on MNIST, conditioning the model on the identity of the digit

Generator and Discriminator architecture remain the same as that in DCGAN except the number of class labels has to be passed as an additional parameter in the dictionary defining the model.We reuse all the hyperparameters from the previous section

cgan_network = {
    "generator": {
        "name": ConditionalGANGenerator,
        "args": {
            "encoding_dims": 100,
            "num_classes": 10, # MNIST digits range from 0 to 9
            "out_channels": 1,
            "step_channels": 32,
            "nonlinearity": nn.LeakyReLU(0.2),
            "last_nonlinearity": nn.Tanh()
        "optimizer": {
            "name": Adam,
            "args": {
                "lr": 0.0001,
                "betas": (0.5, 0.999)
    "discriminator": {
        "name": ConditionalGANDiscriminator,
        "args": {
            "num_classes": 10,
            "in_channels": 1,
            "step_channels": 32,
            "nonlinearity": nn.LeakyReLU(0.2),
            "last_nonlinearity": nn.Tanh()
        "optimizer": {
            "name": Adam,
            "args": {
                "lr": 0.0003,
                "betas": (0.5, 0.999)

Loss Functions

We reuse the Least Squares loss used to train the DCGAN in the previous section

trainer_cgan = Trainer(cgan_network, lsgan_losses, sample_size=64, epochs=epochs, device=device)
Saving Model at './model/gan0.model'
Epoch 1 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 4.368147828282366
discriminator Mean Gradients : 19.74233446673385
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.11738198800985493
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.3841419988421044
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch1_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan1.model'
Epoch 2 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 3.8525348579278
discriminator Mean Gradients : 18.946872481907587
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.12453533794039856
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.3606796365728709
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch2_generator.png

Saving Model at './model/gan2.model'
Epoch 3 Summary
generator Mean Gradients : 4.161350921163297
discriminator Mean Gradients : 17.77558904480712
Mean Running Discriminator Loss : 0.11827323570656878
Mean Running Generator Loss : 0.36795843914369625
Generating and Saving Images to ./images/epoch3_generator.png

Visualizing the Samples

# Grab a batch of real images from the dataloader
real_batch = next(iter(dataloader))

# Plot the real images
plt.title("Real Images")
plt.imshow(np.transpose(vutils.make_grid(real_batch[0].to(device)[:64], padding=5, normalize=True).cpu(),(1,2,0)))

# Plot the fake images from the last epoch
plt.title("Fake Images")
plt.imshow(plt.imread("{}/epoch{}_generator.png".format(trainer.recon, trainer.epochs)))