- New CVE JSON schema that adds support for CPE applicability objects is available: https://github.com/CVEProject/cve-schema/tree/v5.1.1-rc2
- Targeting one sprint to implement support for it in CVE Services: Oct 21 - Nov 1
- Targeting release into the CVE Services Testing environment Nov 4; community review before deployment the week of Nov 18
- CVE website search is available for review/testing through Nov 15: https://test.cve.org
- Submit feedback via form linked on website (https://forms.office.com/g/qmmTaYnr5y)
- Issue #133: finalize CNA information fields that should be shared
- Next week: user story prioritization
- 32 items in the "Needs Triage" column on the board
- By next week, pick your top 5 (should be triaged) and bottom 3 (should be closed) priority issues and at next week we triage the top 10-scored issues.
- Initial feedback for cve.org search functionality includes note about missing support for internationalized characters
- More discussion around which fields are needed to be published in a supported ADP/CNA list
- None
- Jay Jacobs: add use cases for publishing CNA/ADP metadata to issue #133
- All AWG members: send to AWG list your top 5 and bottom 3 issues from "Needs Triage" list so we can prepare an ordered list of issues to go over at next meeting
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