192 | 192 | * [pandas_flavor](https://github.com/Zsailer/pandas_flavor) - A package which allow to write your own flavor of Pandas easily.
193 | 193 | * [pandas-log](https://github.com/eyaltrabelsi/pandas-log) - A package which allow to provide feedback about basic pandas operations and find both buisness logic and performance issues.
194 | 194 | * [vaex](https://github.com/vaexio/vaex) - Out-of-Core DataFrames for Python, ML, visualize and explore big tabular data at a billion rows per second.
| 195 | +* [xarray](https://github.com/pydata/xarray) - Xarray combines the best features of NumPy and pandas for multidimensional data selection by supplementing numerical axis labels with named dimensions for more intuitive, concise, and less error-prone indexing routines. |
195 | 196 | * [sk-transformer](https://github.com/chrislemke/sk-transformers) - A collection of various pandas & scikit-learn compatible transformers for all kinds of preprocessing and feature engineering steps <img height="20" src="img/pandas_big.png" alt="pandas compatible">
196 | 197 |
| 198 | + |
197 | 199 | ### Pipelines
198 | 200 | * [pdpipe](https://github.com/shaypal5/pdpipe) - Sasy pipelines for pandas DataFrames.
199 | 201 | * [SSPipe](https://sspipe.github.io/) - Python pipe (|) operator with support for DataFrames and Numpy and Pytorch.
205 | 207 | * [meza](https://github.com/reubano/meza) - A Python toolkit for processing tabular data.
206 | 208 | * [Prodmodel](https://github.com/prodmodel/prodmodel) - Build system for data science pipelines.
207 | 209 | * [dopanda](https://github.com/dovpanda-dev/dovpanda) - Hints and tips for using pandas in an analysis environment. <img height="20" src="img/pandas_big.png" alt="pandas compatible">
| 210 | +* [Hamilton](https://github.com/stitchfix/hamilton) - A microframework for dataframe generation that applies Directed Acyclic Graphs specified by a flow of lazily evaluated Python functions. |
208 | 211 |
209 | 212 | ### Data-centric AI
210 | 213 | * [cleanlab](https://github.com/cleanlab/cleanlab) - The standard data-centric AI package for data quality and machine learning with messy, real-world data and labels.
357 | 360 | * [POT](https://github.com/rflamary/POT) - Python Optimal Transport library.
358 | 361 | * [Talos](https://github.com/autonomio/talos) - Hyperparameter Optimization for Keras Models.
359 | 362 | * [nlopt](https://github.com/stevengj/nlopt) - Library for nonlinear optimization (global and local, constrained or unconstrained).
| 363 | +* [OR-Tools](https://developers.google.com/optimization) - An open source software suite for optimization by Google; provides a unified programming interface to a half dozen solvers: SCIP, GLPK, GLOP, CP-SAT, CPLEX, and Gurobi. |
360 | 364 |
361 | 365 | ## Time Series
362 | 366 | * [sktime](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/sktime) - A unified framework for machine learning with time series. <img height="20" src="img/sklearn_big.png" alt="sklearn">
449 | 453 | * [numdifftools](https://github.com/pbrod/numdifftools) - Solve automatic numerical differentiation problems in one or more variables.
450 | 454 | * [quaternion](https://github.com/moble/quaternion) - Add built-in support for quaternions to numpy.
451 | 455 | * [adaptive](https://github.com/python-adaptive/adaptive) - Tools for adaptive and parallel samping of mathematical functions.
| 456 | +* [NumExpr](https://github.com/pydata/numexpr) - A fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy that comes with an integrated computing virtual machine to speed calculations up by avoiding memory allocation for intermediate results. |
452 | 457 |
453 | 458 | ## Spatial Analysis
454 | 459 | * [GeoPandas](https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas) - Python tools for geographic data. <img height="20" src="img/pandas_big.png" alt="pandas compatible">
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