- Standalone
- ng-component-standalone
- ng-bootstrap-standalone
- ng-async-validator
- m-table-flex
- Updates to support VS Code 1.40
- Routing
- ng-route
- ng-route-lazy
- ng-route-lazy-ivy
- Snippets
- ng-content
- Tests
- t-module
- t-component-sync
- Testing Snippets
- ng-template
- ng-container
- ng-container-ngfor
- ng-container-template
- ng-container-component
- Enhanced
- t-pipe
- m-drag-drop-box
- m-accordion
Testing Expect To Snippets
- e-thp (expect toHaveProperty)
- e-tse (expect toStrictEqual)
Testing Snippets
- t-directive
- t-service
- t-describe
Testing Snippets
- t-beforeEach
- t-afterEach
- t-beforeAll
- t-afterAll
Testing Expect To Snippets
- e-tb (expect toBe)
- e-ntb (expect not toBe)
- e-tm (expect toMatch)
- e-ntm (expect not toMatch)
- e-tmr (expect toMatch regex)
- e-ntmr (expect not toMatch regex)
- e-tbn (expect toBeNull)
- e-ntbn (expect not toBeNull)
- e-tbf (expect toBeFalsy)
- e-ntbf (expect not toBeFalsy)
- e-tbt (expect toBeTruthy)
- e-ntbt (expect not toBeTruthy)
- e-tbd (expect toBeDefined)
- e-ntbd (expect not toBeDefined)
- e-tbu (expect toBeUndefined)
- e-ntbu (expect not toBeUndefined)
- e-tbgt (expect toBeGreaterThan)
- e-tblt (expect toBeLessThan)
- e-tbgtoe (expect toBeGreaterThanOrEqual)
- e-tbltoe (expect toBeLessThanOrEqual)
- e-tbct (expect toBeCloseTo)
- e-thbc (expect toHaveBeenCalled)
- e-nthbc (expect not toHaveBeenCalled)
- e-thbcw (expect toHaveBeenCalledWith)
- e-atbr (expectAsync toBeResolved)
- e-thtr (expect toHaveReturnedTimes)
- e-thrw (expect toHaveReturnedWith)
- e-thnrw (expect toHaveNthReturnedWith)
- e-thlrw (expect toHaveLastReturnedWith)
- e-tbio (expect toBeInstanceOf)
- e-tmo (expect toMatchObject)
- e-tc (expect toContain)
Jest Testing
- e-tms (expect toMatchSnapshot)
- ng-model
- RxJS
- Multiple updates
- RxJS mergeMap example
- Testing Snippets
- t-describe-it
- t-it
- t-ite
- t-component-synchronous
- t-component-async
- t-pipe
- pwa-manifest
- ng-girls
- ngxs-store
- ngxs-store-import
- ngxs-state
- ngxs-state-model
- ngxs-select
- ngxs-action
- ngxs-action-payload
- cli-cheatsheet
- nx-cheatsheet
- nx-ngrx-cheatsheet
- ngrx-action-creator
- ngrx-action-creator-enum
- ng-http-interceptor
- m-checkbox-ngmodel
- m-icon
- m-icon-badge
- ngxs-
- m-divider
- m-divider-inset
- m-divider-vertical
- sw-register
- sw-register-and-check
- pwa-link-manifest
Temporary removed
- nx-cheatsheet
- cli-cheatsheet
- NgRX
- ngrx-effect
- ngrx-actions
- ngrx-action-const
- ngrx-actiontypes-enum
- ngrx-actiontype-enum
- Mateial Design 5.0 Released
- Removed all depricated md snippets
- New
- m-progress-bar
- m-progress-bar-indeterminate
- m-progress-bar-query
- m-progress-bar-buffer
Mateial Design 43 Material Snippets been updated to use mat- instead of md- for Materal 2.0.0-beta.11 . All new material snippets starts with m- and the old once have md- but will eventually be deleted.
New Material Snippets:
- m-step
- m-stepper-horizontal
- mat-input-container -> mat-form-field
- Updated mat-button-fab-mini
- m-card-full
- ng-material-module
New RxJS Snippets:
- rx-import-all
- rx-import-observable
- rx-add-operator
- rx-add-observable
Flex Layout:
- All ng-fx snippets been renamed to fx-
- Added fx-col-div snippets
- Angular
- ng-component-value-accessor
- Material
- m-expansion-panel
- m-stepper-vertical
- Angular 4.3
- ng-httpClient-get
- Angular Material
- m-chip-list
- m-chip-list-stacked
- m-chip
- m-slider-vertical
- m-button-toggle
- m-icon-fontawesome
- enhanced ng-if-else
- m-spinner
- m-spinner-indeterminate
- m-slider-thumbLabel
- m-slider-tickInterval-auto
- m-slider-tickInterval
- Router
- ng-route-guard-canactivate
- ng-route-guard-canactivatechild
- ng-route-guard-candeactivate
- ng-route-guard-canload
- ng-route-guard-resolve
- Angular Material
- m-slide-toggle
- m-slider
- m-list
- m-list-item
- m-list-ngfor
- m-tab
- m-tab-group
- m-tooltip
- m-tooltip-position
- m-tooltip-with-position
- m-table
- m-grid-list
- m-paginator
- Adding snippets for Angular Material. This is just experiental for now. Send me
feedback if you think it belongs in the same package or not.
- m-button
- m-button-fab
- m-button-fab-mini
- m-button-icon
- m-button-raised
- m-card
- m-checkbox
- m-datepicker
- m-icon
- m-icon-svg
- m-input
- m-select
- m-toolbar
- m-toolbar-multiRow
- m-toolbar-row
- m-radiobutton
- m-radiobutton-option
- Added Flex Layout Snippets
- ng-fx-layout
- ng-fx-layout-align
- ng-fx-layout-gap
- Added Snippets for Angular v4
- ng-if-else
- ng-if-then-else
- ng-pipe-titlecase
- Added BeastCode Logo
- Added Router Snippets
- ng-router-attribute
- ng-router-appmodule
- ng-router-featuremodule
- Improved Module Snippets
- Updated ng-router-appmodule
- Eastereggs for ng-conf
- Added Flex Layout Snippets
- ng-fx-import
- ng-fx-row
- ng-fx-row-reverse
- ng-fx-col
- ng-fx-col-reverse
- ng-fx-item
- ng-fx-item-align
- ng-fx-item-fill
- ng-fx-item-offset
- ng-fx-item-order
- Multiple Bug fixes
- Added ng-validator Snippet
- Adding Snippets
- Fixing Bugs
- Initial Release to the Market 1/1/2017
- Creating Snippets