An awesome list limited to the best JavaScript learning resources
This list is mainly about JavaScript – the language. Not about APIs, tooling, frameworks or other aspects of todays JavaScript ecosystem.
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- JavaScript References
- Tutorials
- Free eBooks
- Books
- Blogs
- Videos
- Interactive learning
- ES6 and above
- DOM related
- Node.js
- MDN - Simply the best language reference.
- DevDocs - Search MDN comfortably. Even offline.
- Simplified JavaScript Jargon – Glossary which explains all the buzzwords from the JavaScript eco system.
- Functional Programming Jargon - Explains terms used in functional programming in the JavaScript context.
- Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet – Helps developers with basic knowledge to get familiar with modern codebases.
- ECMAScript® Language Specification - The standard JavaScript is based on. Only for very advanced learners.
- A re-introduction to JavaScript - Compact introduction covering types, variables, operators, control structures, functions and closures. *
- - A modern tutorial from the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations.
- Glossary of Modern JavaScript Concepts: Part 1 - Learn the fundamentals of functional programming, reactive programming, and functional reactive programming in JavaScript.
- Glossary of Modern JavaScript Concepts: Part 2 - Explains concepts like scope and closures, data flow, change detection, components, compilation, tree shaking.
- JavaScript Closures Demystified – Covering closures. From basics to use cases. Has useful comments.
- Robust Client-Side JavaScript - Guide focused on writing robust code by describing possible failures and explaining how to prevent them.
- Promises - Learning promises step by step.
- Array operations - Covering the usefulness of Array’s map, reduce, and filter methods.
- Async functions - Shows how to use async functions to make promises friendly.
- Chrome DevTools - Everything you need to know about the debugging tools built into Google Chrome.
- Pure functions - Answers the question »What is a Pure Function?« epicly.
* MDN offers a lot of other guides for every level of knowledge to dig deeper.
- Eloquent JavaScript – Covering the language and runtime specifics.
- You Don't Know JS (book series) – Series of books diving deep into language.
- Speaking JavaScript - In-depth guide beginning with the basics.
- JavaScript Design Patterns - Classical and JavaScript specific design patterns.
Thin books which you can get through in a few days.
- JavaScript: The Good Parts – Classic material which still has relevance.
- The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript – Comprehensible, especially interesting for people with a class based OOP background.
- JavaScript Enlightenment - Will solidify your understanding of the language.
- ②ality - Language features and APIs well explained by author and trainer Dr. Axel Rauschmayer.
- Pony Foo - Detailed and high quality posts from Nicolás Bevacqua all related to JavaScript.
- == ? === ??? ...#@^% - Basic talk about type coercion and strict type comparison.
- FunFunFunction - Educational plus entertaining YouTube show covering language features as well as architectural topics amongst others.
- What the heck is the event loop anyway? - Awesome talk about the way JavaScript works.
- Become a Javascript Console Power-User – Introduction to the browsers JavaScript console.
- Debugging The Web - Learn state of the art in debugging using Chrome dev tools.
- JavaScript 30 - 30 video tutorials to build neat little things with just plain JavaScript.
- Promises Are So Passé - Talk that shows where async goes next, why it matters, and what you need to do to put it into practice today.
- Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript - Talk containing the best explanation of map/reduce.
- Codeacademy - Fundamentals of JavaScript.
- Udacity JavaScript Basics - They also offer more advanced courses.
- Code School - From Basics to Best Practices. Different courses related to JavaScript.
- Functional programming - Learn basic principles of functional programming in an interactive way by using map, filter, concatAll, reduce and zip.
- Exploring ES6 – Good introduction with in-depth chapters.
- Exploring ES2016 and ES2017 - Follow up of »Exploring ES6«.
- Setting up ES6 - Explains how to set up ES6 projects that are transpiled to ES5.
- ES6 Overview - Bullet point overview including in-depth articles.
- ES6 Katas - Learn ES6 by solving unit test online.
- Practical ES6 - eBook with practical examples and advices.
- 30 seconds of code - Useful ES6 snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
- DOM Enlightenment - A whole book about how to access an manipulate the DOM without a library.
- You Might Not Need jQuery - Get plain JavaScript code snippets (and see their jQuery equivalents).
- The Art of Node - Introductory tutorial covering the basics.
- NodeSchool - Interactive self guided workshops you can also do on your own.
- Node Patterns - Short books about code and networking patterns related to Node.js.
- Learn Node - A premium training course to learn to build apps with Node.js, Express, MongoDB.
To the extent possible under law, Michael Kühnel has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.