- 1A. Theatre Square
- 4A. Watermelon
- 7D. Palindrome Degree
- 9C. Hexadecimal's Numbers
- 12A. Super Agent
- 12B. Correct Solution?
- 14C. Four Segments
- 17A. Noldbach problem
- 20C. Dijkstra?
- 21A. Jabber ID
- 21B. Intersection
- 22A. Second Order Statistics
- 23A. You're Given a String...
- 25A. IQ test
- 25B. Phone numbers
- 25C. Roads in Berland
- 26A. Almost Prime
- 27A. Next Test
- 32B. Borze
- 33B. String Problem
- 34A. Reconnaissance 2
- 35A. Shell Game
- 35C. Fire Again
- 35D. Animals
- 41A. Translation
- 43A. Football
- 45A. Codecraft III
- 47A. Triangular numbers
- 49A. Sleuth
- 50A. Domino piling
- 52C. Circular RMQ
- 54C. First Digit Law
- 56A. Bar
- 56D. Changing a String
- 58A. Chat room
- 59A. Word
- 61A. Ultra-Fast Mathematician
- 61E. Enemy is weak
- 65C. Harry Potter and the Golden Snitch
- 68A. Irrational problem
- 69A. Young Physicist
- 69C. Game
- 69E. Subsegments
- 69D. Dot
- 71A. Way Too Long Words
- 73C. LionAge II
- 75A. Life Without Zeros
- 75D. Big Maximum Sum
- 80A. Panoramix's Prediction
- 81A. Plug-in
- 84D. Doctor
- 94D. End of Exams
- 96A. Football
- 96B. Lucky Numbers (easy)
- 105A. Transmigration
- 106A. Card Game
- 108A. Palindromic Times
- 110A. Nearly Lucky Number
- 110C. Lucky Sum of Digits
- 110E. Lucky Tree
- 112A. Petya and Strings
- 114A. Cifera
- 115A. Party
- 116A. Tram
- 118A. String Task
- 118D. Caesar's Legions
- 118E. Bertown roads
- 122A. Lucky Division
- 122C. Lucky Sum
- 124B. Permutations
- 133A. HQ9+
- 133E. Logo Turtle
- 136A. Presents
- 136E. Zero-One
- 141A. Amusing Joke
- 143A. Help Vasilisa the Wise 2
- 143B. Help Kingdom of Far Far Away 2
- 143C. Help Farmer
- 144A. Arrival of the General
- 148A. Insomnia cure
- 151A. Soft Drinking
- 151B. Phone Numbers
- 151C. Win or Freeze
- 151D. Quantity of Strings
- 152A. Marks
- 152C. Pocket Book
- 158A. Next Round
- 158B. Taxi
- 160A. Twins
- 165A. Supercentral Point
- 168D. Wizards and Huge Prize
- 174C. Range Increments
- 182D. Common Divisors
- 186A. Comparing Strings
- 186C. Plant
- 189A. Cut Ribbon
- 189D. AlgoRace
- 190D. Non-Secret Cypher
- 192A. Funky Numbers
- 192B. Walking in the Rain
- 193A. Cutting Figure
- 194A. Exams
- 200B. Drinks
- 205B. Little Elephant and Sorting
- 208A. Dubstep
- 208D. Prizes, Prizes, more Prizes
- 214A. System of Equations
- 218C. Ice Skating
- 222D. Olympiad
- 224A. Parallelepiped
- 224C. Bracket Sequence
- 227A. Where do I Turn?
- 227B. Effective Approach
- 227C. Flying Saucer Segments
- 227D. Naughty Stone Piles
- 230A. Dragons
- 230B. T-primes
- 231A. Team
- 233A. Perfect Permutation
- 234C. Weather
- 236A. Boy or Girl
- 237C. Primes on Interval
- 239A. Two Bags of Potatoes
- 239D. Boring Partition
- 242D. Dispute
- 255A. Greg's Workout
- 257A. Sockets
- 257C. View Angle
- 262A. Roma and Lucky Numbers
- 263A. Beautiful Matrix
- 263D. Cycle in Graph
- 265D. Good Sequences
- 266A. Stones on the Table
- 266B. Queue at the School
- 268A. Games
- 268C. Beautiful Sets of Points
- 271A. Beautiful Year
- 275A. Lights Out
- 275C. k-Multiple Free Set
- 276A. Lunch Rush
- 279A. Point on Spiral
- 279B. Books
- 281A. Word Capitalization
- 282A. Bit++
- 285B. Find Marble
- 296A. Yaroslav and Permutations
- 298A. Snow Footprints
- 298D. Fish Weight
- 300A. Array
- 302A. Eugeny and Array
- 304A. Pythagorean Theorem II
- 313A. Ilya and Bank Account
- 313B. Ilya and Queries
- 313D. Ilya and Roads
- 330A. Cakeminator
- 331C1. The Great Julya Calendar
- 337A. Puzzles
- 339A. Helpful Maths
- 339C. Xenia and Weights
- 339D. Xenia and Bit Operations
- 340D. Bubble Sort Graph
- 347C. Alice and Bob
- 349B. Color the Fenc
- 350A. TL
- 350C. Bombs
- 353A. Domino
- 355A. Vasya and Digital Root
- 358A. Dima and Continuous Line
- 359A. Table
- 359D. Pair of Numbers
- 361A. Levko and Table
- 363A. Soroban
- 363B. Fence
- 363C. Fixing Typos
- 368A. Sereja and Coat Rack
- 368B. Sereja and Suffixes
- 370A. Rook, Bishop and King
- 373A. Collecting Beats is Fun
- 376A. Lever
- 378A. Playing with Dice
- 382C. Arithmetic Progression
- 385A. Bear and Raspberry
- 389A. Fox and Number Game
- 389C. Fox and Box Accumulation
- 393A. Nineteen
- 394A. Counting Sticks
- 401C. Team
- 404A. Valera and X
- 405A. Gravity Flip
- 408A. Line to Cashier
- 416A. Guess a number!
- 417D. Cunning Gena
- 421A. Pasha and Hamsters
- 427C. Checkposts
- 431A - Black Square
- 431C. k-Tree
- 431D. Random Task
- 432A. Choosing Teams
- 433B. Kuriyama Mirai's Stones
- 437A. The Child and Homework
- 439A. Devu, the Singer and Churu, the Joker
- 441A. Valera and Antique Items
- 441C. Valera and Tubes
- 443A. Anton and Letters
- 443D. Andrey and Problem
- 445A. DZY Loves Chessboard
- 448A. Rewards
- 448D. Multiplication Table
- 449B. Jzzhu and Cities
- 451A. Game With Sticks
- 452A. Eevee
- 454A. Little Pony and Crystal Mine
- 454C. Little Pony and Expected Maximum
- 456A. Laptops
- 456C. Boredom
- 459A. Pashmak and Garden
- 459C. Pashmak and Buses
- 460C. Present
- 462A. Appleman and Easy Task
- 463C. Gargari and Bishops
- 466A. Cheap Travel
- 466C. Number of Ways
- 467B. Fedor and New Game
- 467D. Fedor and Essay
- 469A. I Wanna Be the Guy
- 469D. Two Sets
- 472A. Design Tutorial: Learn from Math
- 474b. Worms
- 474D. Flowers
- 476A. Dreamoon and Stairs
- 476B. Dreamoon and WiFi
- 476D. Dreamoon and Sets
- 478C. Table Decorations
- 478D. Red-Green Towers
- 479A. Expression
- 479C. Exams
- 480C. Riding in a Lift
- 483A. Counterexample
- 486A. Calculating Function
- 486C. Palindrome Transformation
- 488A. Giga Tower
- 489C. Given Length and Sum of Digits...
- 490A. Team Olympiad
- 490D. Chocolate
- 493D. Vasya and Chess
- 496A. Minimum Difficulty
- 496D. Tennis Game
- 499A. Watching a movie
- 499B. Lecture
- 501A. Contest
- 510A. Fox And Snake
- 510C. Fox And Names
- 514B. Han Solo and Lazer Gun
- 514C. Watto and Mechanism
- 514D. R2D2 and Droid Army
- 520A. Pangram
- 520B. Two Buttons
- 525E. Anya and Cubes
- 540A. Combination Lock
- 545A. Toy Cars
- 545C. Woodcutters
- 545D. Queue
- 546A. Soldier and Bananas
- 546C - Soldier and Cards
- 550B. Preparing Olympiad
- 550C. Divisibility by Eight
- 551B. ZgukistringZ
- 552C. Vanya and Scales
- 552D. Vanya and Triangles
- 557C. Arthur and Table
- 560C. Gerald's Hexagon
- 567C. Geometric Progression
- 573A. Bear and Poker
- 577A. Multiplication Table
- 577B. Modulo Sum
- 580A. Kefa and First Steps
- 580B. Kefa and Company
- 580C. Kefa and Park
- 580D. Kefa and Dishes
- 591B. Rebranding
- 595E. Edo and Magnets
- 599A. Patrick and Shopping
- 600B. Queries about less or equal elements
- 602B. Approximating a Constant Range
- 604A. Uncowed Forces
- 604B. More Cowbell
- 604C. Alternative Thinking
- 608C. Chain Reaction
- 609A. USB Flash Drives
- 616D. Longest k-Good Segment
- 626D. Jerry's Protest
- 629A. Far Relative’s Birthday Cake
- 629C. Famil Door and Brackets
- 630A. Again Twenty Five!
- 630B. Moore's Law
- 630C. Lucky Numbers
- 630Q. Pyramids
- 630R. Game
- 651A. Joysticks
- 651C. Watchmen
- 655D. Robot Rapping Results Report
- 664A. Complicated GCD
- 670D1. Magic Powder - 1
- 670D2. Magic Powder - 2
- 672A. Summer Camp
- 672B. Different is Good
- 673A. Bear and Game
- 675A. Infinite Sequence
- 678E. Another Sith Tournament
- 697A. Pineapple Incident
- 698A. Vacations
- 690D1. The Wall (easy)
- 691D. Swaps in Permutation
- 701A. Cards
- 702A. Maximum Increase
- 702B. Powers of Two
- 705A. Hulk
- 705C. Thor
- 706A. Beru-taxi
- 706B. Interesting drink
- 706C. Hard problem
- 706D. Vasiliy's Multiset
- 707A. Brain's Photos
- 709B. Checkpoints
- 709C. Letters Cyclic Shift
- 711A. Bus to Udayland
- 711B. Chris and Magic Square
- 711C. Coloring Trees
- 711D. Directed Roads
- 719A. Vitya in the Countryside
- 721A. One-dimensional Japanese Crossword
- 721C. Journey
- 722A. Broken Clock
- 723A. The New Year - Meeting Friends
- 723B. Text Document Analysis
- 724A. Checking the Calendar
- 724B. Batch Sort
- 725A. Jumping Ball
- 727A. Transformation: from A to B
- 727B. Bill Total Value
- 729A. Interview with Oleg
- 731A. Night at the Museum
- 731B. Coupons and Discounts
- 731C. Socks
- 732A. Buy a Shovel
- 732B. Cormen — The Best Friend Of a Man
- 732C. Sanatorium
- 733A - Grasshopper And the String
- 733B. Parade
- 734A - Anton and Danik
- 734B - Anton and Digits
- 734D. Anton and Chess
- 735A. Ostap and Grasshopper
- 735B. Urbanization
- 742A. Arpa’s hard exam and Mehrdad’s naive chea
- 746A. Compote
- 746B. Decoding
- 747B. Mammoth's Genome Decoding
- 749A. Bachgold Problem
- 750A. New Year and Hurry
- 750B. New Year and North Pole
- 752A. Santa Claus and a Place in a Class
- 754B. Ilya and tic-tac-toe game
- 757A. Gotta Catch Em' All!
- 762A. k-th divisor
- 766A. Mahmoud and Longest Uncommon Subsequence
- 766D. Mahmoud and a Dictionary
- 767D. Cartons of milk
- 779A. Pupils Redistribution
- 779B. Weird Rounding
- 779C. Dishonest Sellers
- 779D. String Game
- 780A. Andryusha and Socks
- 785A. Anton and Polyhedrons
- 785B. Anton and Classes
- 785C. Anton and Fairy Tale
- 787A. The Monster
- 787B. Not Afraid
- 792A. New Bus Route
- 792B. Counting-out Rhyme
- 792C. Divide by Three
- 793A. Oleg and shares
- 793B. Igor and his way to work
- 797A. k-Factorization
- 797B. Odd sum
- 798A. Mike and palindrome
- 798B. Mike and strings
- 803A. Maximal Binary Matrix
- 803B. Distances to Zero
- 803D. Magazine Ad
- 803E. Roma and Poker
- 805A. Fake NP
- 805B. 3-palindrome
- 805C. Find Amir
- 812C. Sagheer and Nubian Market
- 813A. The Contest
- 813B. The Golden Age
- 817C. Really Big Numbers
- 825A. Binary Protocol
- 825B. Five-In-a-Row
- 825C. Multi-judge Solving
- 825D. Suitable Replacement
- 825E. Minimal Labels
- 832A. Sasha and Sticks
- 832B. Petya and Exam
- 834A. The Useless Toy
- 834B. The Festive Evening
- 835A. Key races
- 835B. The number on the board
- 837A. Text Volume
- 837B. Flag of Berland
- 837C. Two Seals
- 839C. Journey
- 842A. Kirill And The Game
- 842B. Gleb And Pizza
- 845A. Chess Tourney
- 845B. Luba And The Ticket
- 846D. Monitor
- 851A. Arpa and a research in Mexican wave
- 851B. Arpa and an exam about geometry
- 852G. Bathroom terminal
- 862A. Mahmoud and Ehab and the MEX
- 862B. Mahmoud and Ehab and the bipartiteness
- 863A. Quasi-palindrome
- 863B. Kayaking
- 863C. 1-2-3
- 863D. Yet Another Array Queries Problem
- 863E. Turn Off The TV
- 864A. Fair Game
- 864B. Polycarp and Letters
- 864C. Bus
- 888E. Maximum Subsequence
- 890A. ACM ICPC
- 890B. Vlad and Cafes
- 892A. Greed
- 892B. Wrath
- 892C. Pride
- 892D. Gluttony
- 898A. Rounding
- 898B. Proper Nutrition
- 898C. Phone Numbers
- 898E. Squares and not squares
- 902A. Visiting a Friend
- 902B. Coloring a Tree
- 902C. Hashing Trees
- 908A. New Year and Counting Cards
- 908B. New Year and Buggy Bot
- 909D. Colorful Points
- 911G. Mass Change Queries
- 913A - Modular Exponentiation
- 913B. Christmas Spruce
- 915A. Garden
- 918A. Eleven
- 918B. Radio Station
- 920A. Water The Garden
- 920B. Tea Queue
- 920C. Swap Adjacent Elements
- 931A. Friends Meeting
- 931B. World Cup
- 931C. Laboratory Work
- 931D. Peculiar apple-tree
- 934A. A Compatible Pair
- 934B. A Prosperous Lot
- 935A. Fafa and his Company
- 935B. Fafa and the Gates
- 935C. Fifa and Fafa
- 937A. Olympiad
- 937B. Vile Grasshoppers
- 938A. Word Correction
- 938B. Run For Your Prize
- 938D. Buy a Ticket
- 939A. Love Triangle
- 939B. Hamster Farm
- 939C. Convenient For Everybody
- 939D. Love Rescue
- 940A. Points on the line
- 940B. Our Tanya is Crying Out Loud
- 940C. Phone Numbers
- 940D. Alena And The Heater
- 946A. Partition
- 946B. Weird Subtraction Process
- 946C. String Transformation
- 946D. Timetable
- 954A. Diagonal Walking
- 954B. String Typing
- 954C. Matrix Walk
- 954D. Fight Against Traffic
- 954E. Water Taps
- 957B. Mystical Mosaic
- 957C. Three-level Laser
- 959A. Mahmoud and Ehab and the even-odd game
- 959B. Mahmoud and Ehab and the message
- 959C. Mahmoud and Ehab and the wrong algorithm
- 961A. Tetris
- 961B. Lecture Sleep
- 961C. Chessboard
- 961D. Pair Of Lines
- 961E. Tufurama
- 962A. Equator
- 962B. Students in Railway Carriage
- 962C. Make a Square
- 962D. Merge Equals
- 964A. Splits
- 964B. Messages
- 976A. Minimum Binary Number
- 976B. Lara Croft and the New Game
- 976C. Nested Segments
- 977A. Wrong Subtraction
- 977B. Two-gram
- 977C. Less or Equal
- 977D. Divide by three, multiply by two
- 977E. Cyclic Components
- 977F. Consecutive Subsequence
- 978A. Remove Duplicates
- 978B. File Name
- 978C. Letters
- 978D. Almost Arithmetic Progression
- 978E. Bus Video System
- 978F. Mentors
- 979A. Pizza, Pizza, Pizza!!!
- 979B. Treasure Hunt
- 979C. Kuro and Walking Route
- 981A. Antipalindrome
- 981B. Businessmen Problems
- 981C. Useful Decomposition
- 982A. Row
- 982B. Bus of Characters
- 982C. Cut 'em all!
- 984A. Game
- 984B. Minesweeper
- 984D. XOR-pyramid
- 985A. Chess Placing
- 985B. Switches and Lamps
- 985C. Liebig's Barrels
- 988A. Diverse Team
- 988B. Substrings Sort
- 988C. Equal Sums
- 988D. Points and Powers of Two
- 988E. Divisibility by 25
- 1003A. Polycarp's Pockets
- 1003B. Binary String Constructing
- 1003C. Intense Heat.cpp
- 1003D. Coins and Queries
- 1003E. Tree Constructing
- 1005A. Tanya and Stairways
- 1005B. Delete from the Left
- 1005C. Summarize to the Power of Two
- 1005D. Polycarp and Div 3
- 1005E1. Median on Segments (Permutations Edition)
- 1006A. Adjacent Replacements
- 1006B. Polycarp's Practice
- 1006C. Three Parts of the Array
- 1006D. Two Strings Swaps
- 1006E. Military Problem
- 1006F. Xor-Paths
- 1009A. Game Shopping
- 1009B. Minimum Ternary String
- 1009D. Relatively Prime Graph
- 1011A. Stages
- 1011B. Planning The Expedition
- 1011C. Fly
- 1011D. Rocket
- 1013A. Piles With Stones
- 1013B. And
- 1013C. Photo of The Sky
- 1013D. Chemical table
- 1013E. Hills
- 1015A. Points in Segments
- 1015B. Obtaining the String
- 1015C. Songs Compression
- 1015D. Walking Between Houses
- 1015E1. Stars Drawing (Easy Edition)
- 1015E2. Stars Drawing (Hard Edition)
- 1016A. Death Note
- 1016B. Segment Occurrences
- 1016C. Vasya And The Mushrooms
- 1016D. Vasya And The Matrix
- 1017D. The Wu
- 1020A. New Building for SIS
- 1020B. Badge
- 1020C. Elections
- 1023A. Single Wildcard Pattern Matching
- 1023B. Pair of Toys
- 1023C. Bracket Subsequence
- 1023D. Array Restoration
- 1025A. Doggo Recoloring
- 1025B. Weakened Common Divisor
- 1025C. Plasticine zebra
- 1027A. Palindromic Twist
- 1027B. Numbers on the Chessboard
- 1027C. Minimum Value Rectangle
- 1027D. Mouse Hunt
- 1029A. Many Equal Substrings
- 1029B. Creating the Contest
- 1029C. Maximal Intersection
- 1029D. Concatenated Multiples
- 1043A. Elections
- 1043B. Lost Array
- 1043C. Smallest Word
- 1043D. Mysterious Crime
- 1077A. Frog Jumping
- 1077B. Disturbed People
- 1077C. Good Array
- 1077D. Cutting Out
- 1077E. Thematic Contests
- 1077F1. Pictures with Kittens (easy version)
- 1079A. Kitchen Utensils
- 1079B. Personalized Cup
- 1079C. Playing Piano
- 1079D. Barcelonian Distance
- 1079E. The Unbearable Lightness of Weights
- 1080A. Petya and Origami
- 1080B. Margarite and the best present
- 1080C. Masha and two friends
- 1154A. Restoring Three Numbers
- 1154B. Make Them Equal
- 1154C. Gourmet Cat
- 1154D. Walking Robot
- 1154E. Two Teams
- 1157A. Reachable Numbers
- 1157B. Long Number
- 1157C1. Increasing Subsequence (easy version)
- 1157C2. Increasing Subsequence (hard version)
- 1157D. N Problems During K Days
- 1157E. Minimum Array
- 1213A. Chips Moving
- 1213B. Bad Prices
- 1213C. Book Reading
- 1213D1. Equalizing by Division (easy version)
- 1213D2. Equalizing by Division (hard version)
- 1213E. Two Small Strings
- 1216A. Prefixes
- 1216B. Shooting
- 1216C. White Sheet
- 1216D. Swords
- 1216E1. Numerical Sequence (easy version)
- 1216E2. Numerical Sequence (hard version)
- 1234A. Equalize Prices Again
- 1234B1. Social Network (easy version)
- 1234B2. Social Network (hard version)
- 1234C. Pipes
- 1234D. Distinct Characters Queries
Folders and files
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