- Another java build tool for simple projects.
- In this occasion i want to use a configuration file.
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/AlfonsoG-dev/JavaBuildConfig
- Create the configuration file
Created-By: Author-Name
Source-Path: ./src/
Class-Path: ./bin/
Libraries: ./lib/dependency/myJar.jar;./lib/dependency2/myJar2.jar
Main-Class: App
- Execute the build script
- For now only works on windows
pwsh build.ps1
Using the CLI commands you can:
- Compile
javabuild --compile
- Run
javabuild --run
For now only executes the main class For future versions it have access to another commands
- Create JAR file
javabuild --jar
Which creates the project JAR file
- Build project
javabuild --build
Which executes compile the project & creates the JAR file.
- Create build script
javabuild -cb
For now only powershell ps1 scripts are allowed.
- Create the project folder structure
javabuild -cs
Which will create the structure:
- ./bin/
- ./docs/
- ./lib/
- ./src/
- Create the manifesto file
javabuild -cm
The configuration file must be created before.
- Help
javabuild --h
javabuild --help
- add more options to the compile: 1) -Xlint:all, 2) -g, 3) -Werror, 4) --target java-version(17)
- This projects its for educational purposes.
- Security issues are not taken into account.