README 1. Objective comprehend the concept of ROS Node, Topic, Message see how tf works learn how to use them in code by a simple turtlesim example 2. Task leader turtle is controlled by keyboard inputs and the other turtle is programmed to follow it. complete by group. 3. utils 3.1 How to compile your workspace # init own workspace as manual-Appendix A.4 $ cd catkin_(yourID) $ catkin_make 3.2 How to source your workspace (before open a new terminal ) $ cd catkin_(yourID) $ source devel/setup.bash 3.3 How to make your script executable $ cd catkin_(yourID)/src/lab2pkg_turtle/scripts $ chmod +x $ chmod +x $ chmod +x 3.4 How to run your code # run demo $ roslaunch lab2pkg_turtle turtle_tf2_demo.launch # run turtle_chase $ roslaunch lab2pkg_turtle turtle_chase.launch example