Exercises done by me from the ebook "Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition" by: Marijn Haverbeke.
- 1.1 No Exercises in this chapter
- 2.1 Looping a Triangle
- 2.2 FizzBuzz
- 2.3 Chessboard
- 3.1 Minimum
- 3.2 Recursion
- 3.3 Bean Counting
- 4.1 The Sum of a Range
- 4.2 Reversing an Array
- 4.3 A List
- 4.4 Deep Comparison
- 5.1 Flattening
- 5.2 Your Own Loop
- 5.3 Everything
- 5.4 Dominant Writing Direction
- 6.1 A Vector Type
- 6.2 Groups
- 6.3 Iterable Groups
- 6.4 Borrowing a Method
- 7.1 Measuring a Robot
- 7.2 Robot Efficiency
- 7.3 Persistent Group
- 8.1 Retry
- 8.2 The Locked Box
- 9.1 Regexp Golf
- 9.2 Quoting Style
- 9.3 Numbers Again
- 10.2 Roads Module
- 11.1 Tracking the Scalpel
- 11.2 Building Promise.all
- 12.1 Arrays
- 12.4 Fixing Scope
- 13.1 No Exercises in this chapter
- 14.1 Build a Table
- 14.2 Elements by Tag Name
- 14.3 The Cat's Hat
- 15.1 Balloon
- 15.2 Mouse Trail
- 15.3 Tabs
- 16.1 Game Over
- 16.2 Pausing the Game
- 16.3 A Monster
- 17.1 Shapes
- 17.2 The Pie Chart
- 17.3 A Bouncing Ball
- 17.4 Precomputed Mirroring